
  • Join me for episode 68 where my client, Dr. Alia Paquette asks her pressing questions about the MAP Method and how it works. Having had 20 MAP sessions herself over the last 2 years, she is well acquainted with the method.

    To hear her story about how MAP Method sessions have helped her through tough times, including a battle with pancreatic cancer, please listen to my conversation with her in the previous episode.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - How we set up each MAP session and what happens in the introductory session.
    - The experience of the practitioner during a MAP session.
    - How the MAP Practitioner uses muscle-checking to guide the session.
    - The science behind the MAP Method and resources for learning more.
    - How did you know that MAP was something you wanted to learn? What was your personal experience with MAP?
    - How has working with the MAP Method impacted your spiritual beliefs?
    - The principle of oneness and how it represents a coming together of science and spirituality and religion.

    If you enjoy this episode, don’t miss Episode 67: MAP for Serious Illness to hear Alia’s story about MAP for multiple traumas including cancer, and how she incorporates MAP sessions into her self-care routine.

    To learn more about the MAP Method, please visit for our free courses.

    To schedule an Introductory MAP session please book online at

  • Join me for episode 67 where we talk with my client, Dr. Alia Paquette, about her experience with the MAP Method and how MAP supported her through a harrowing 1 ½ year journey with pancreatic cancer, from diagnosis to surgery, ensuing complications, and painful recovery.

    Hear how she incorporates MAP sessions as a part of her self-care routine, along with acupuncture, and why she calls it “EMDR on steroids.”.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - Dr. Alia’s interest, as a primary care physician, and in helping her patients find the resources that will work for them.
    - How Western medicine’s mental health support options, which include antidepressants, talk therapy, and EMDR, are often not enough.
    - How she heard about the MAP Method and immediately signed up her partner for sessions, based on his significant trauma history.
    - The impact of his first session and why she decided to try MAP herself., even though she did not have a trauma history.
    - The sequence of traumas that befell her in the next 2-3 years, including the pandemic, wildfires, house fire, loss of pets, and a serious and prolonged health crisis, and how MAP has helped her cope.
    - How she regards MAP sessions as ongoing self-care, similar to acupuncture or physical therapy.
    - Why we have as a culture separated mind from body and why that has to change.
    - Why she understands the brain to be “the foundation of health.”
    - How painful emotional experiences of any kind, even if they seem minor, can register in the brain as trauma.
    - How she utilized MAP sessions to cope with every step of her pancreatic cancer journey, from the traumatic experiences around diagnosis, pre and post surgery, hospital experiences, life-threatening complications, extreme weight loss, additional procedures, and chronic gut and pain symptoms.
    - Why she uses MAP sessions instead of talk therapy due to its efficiency and why she says MAP is so dramatically effective, so quickly.
    - How loving yourself and prioritizing yourself is the way that you support your body and your health.

    If you enjoy this episode, don’t miss Episode 35: MAP for Optimal Health and Fertility to hear Kristen’s story about MAP for hormonal imbalances, relationship stress, and sensitivities and her understanding of how MAP works.

    To learn more about the MAP Method, please visit for our free courses. To schedule an Introductory MAP session please book online at

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  • Join me for episode 66 where we talk with my client, Josie, about her experience with the MAP Method and what she has learned about how working with the mind impacts emotional, mental, and physical health.
    Hear how the benefits she experienced have even extended to her relationships, and her role as a parent, and how she used the MAP for Sensitivities Program for food and mold sensitivities.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - How MAP compares to talk therapy and the benefits of working directly with the subconscious mind.
    - Why her “mind was blown” by her first MAP session and what it felt like to have a traumatic memory neutralized.
    - The immediate effects of a MAP session: more clarity, lightness, empowerment. Longer term effects include feeling more peaceful and like you’ve reorganized things in your brain.
    - MAP for big T and little t traumas and how we can change the meaning of those events in a MAP session.
    - How MAP sessions have improved her relationships and helped her be more intentional in parenting.
    - Physical effects she has noted: resolution of stomach symptoms, elimination of food and mold sensitivities, less severe skin issues and improved sleep.
    -How the Sensitivities program works with fears and the shift from a fear-based mindset to a more secure empowered mindset.
    - The benefits of two years of MAP sessions in uncovering her authentic self, changing her personality in positive ways, and contributing to physical health.

    If you enjoy this episode, don’t miss episode 62: MAP for Changing Your Relationship to Illness for more on how your attitude towards your symptoms and conditions could be the first thing, and the most important thing to change.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit for our free courses.

    To schedule an Introductory MAP session please book online at

  • Join me for episode 65 where we talk with Sofie Hon, a top MAP Method™ coach in Singapore, and an instructor for the MAP Coaching Institute.

    Hear about her work with the MAP Method and how she aspires to create a ripple effect by training leaders who then improve the lives of those around them and how her work as a MAP trainer supports students who seek to certify in the MAP Method.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - How Sofie first discovered the MAP Method in a Mastermind group.
    - Her first experience of MAP and why she decided to train in it.
    - Her specialty: helping leaders succeed in business, in coaching, and in parenting.
    - Examples of clients she has helped.
    - Her role as instructor at the MAP Coaching Institute.

    If you enjoyed this episode, tune into my conversation with Colette Streicher, founder of the MAP Method in episode 29: The MAP Method Origins, Research, and Applications. You can also visit the MAP Coaching Institute’s website for more information about training as a MAP Coach.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it could work for you, try one of our free courses at To schedule an Introductory MAP session please book online at TCNeuralRetraining .com

  • Join me for episode 64, where I talk about the relationship between finding your true nature and why it is often part of the work of recovering from chronic illness. I will discuss how we use the MAP Method to address blocks and barriers you may have developed to your authentic self.

    I will talk about my own insights from working with clients as well as the those of Martha Beck as summarized in her book, Finding Your Way in a Wild New World, including her description of the type of person most often affected by chronic illness and the four essential technologies that she advocates for learning to turn things around, which are also utilized by my own work with the MAP Method.

    In this episode I’ll discuss:
    - Why burying our true nature makes us vulnerable to chronic illness.
    - How finding and reclaiming your authenticity is often part and parcel of recovering your health.
    - Martha Beck’s description of her tribe of wayfinders or menders: the highly sensitive, intuitive, mission-driven person and how it relates to the type of person I see in my practice.
    - The 4 technologies of magic, as described by Martha Beck: Wordlessness, Oneness, Imagination and Forming.
    - How I utilize these four technologies in MAP Method sessions.

    If you enjoyed this episode, don’t miss episode 61: MAP for Personality Traits that Predispose to Chronic Illness for additional background on how repressive emotional coping styles increase lifetime risk of chronic health issues.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit for our free courses.

    To schedule an Introductory MAP session please book online at

  • Join me for episode 63 where we talk with my client, Wendi, about her experience with MAP Method sessions for chronic gut and immune issues and severe headaches.

    Hear about her experience and how her physical symptoms improved along with other positive benefits including more mental clarity and focus, personal insights and a feeling of empowerment.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - How Wendi came to the conclusion that there was something subconscious that was causing her symptoms.
    - How she had tried talk therapy, nutrition, and functional medicine to address her symptoms: gut, immune and bladder function, headaches, restricted diet.
    - Why being a highly sensitive person (HSPs) can predispose us to chronic health issues and how MAP can help..
    - Why she describes the results of MAP sessions as “dramatic” and how the emotional charge around a trauma can dissipate even in one session.
    - How the MAP Method helps to get to the roots of behavioral patterns and relieves subconscious sources of stress you don’t even realize you are carrying.
    - How she describes the process of MAP sessions as mental house cleaning and how it has helped her grow into a better version of herself.
    - How she uses the MAP audio files and finds them helpful between sessions.
    - Why MAP is an important key that can help you unravel layers of subconscious stress quickly, easily and peacefully.
    - The variety of topics we can work with in a MAP session: painful memories, conditioned behaviors, compulsions, triggers for symptoms, negative repetitive thoughts, etc.
    - How lifelong patterns of behavior can be changed by working directly with the subconscious in sessions.
    - Why Wendi feels that MAP sessions would be beneficial for most everyone, especially sensitive, empathic people.

    If you enjoyed this episode, don’t miss episode 61: MAP for Personality Traits that Predispose to Chronic Illness which describes how repressive emotional coping styles increase lifetime risk of chronic health issues.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit for our free courses. To schedule an Introductory MAP session please book online at

  • In episode 62, I’m going to talk about why your relationship with illness can actually be hindering your recovery.

    This is a concept that is part of my new program, MAP for Self-Healing. I call it Changing Your Relationship to Illness, and although the stress of chronic symptoms and health issues will be the subject of this podcast episode, the same principle applies to any difficulty you face.

    In this episode I will talk about my insights from working with clients as well as the work of others, including Byron Katie and Anita Moorjani.

    We’ll discuss how your stance toward illness –either fighting it, fleeing in fear, or withdrawing and freezing– may be triggering the stress response and how advanced neural retraining may be helpful.

    In this episode I’ll discuss:
    - The stress response (fight/flight/freeze) and how negative thoughts prevent recovery by inhibiting the restorative functions of the body.
    - Why the person with chronic illness can have hundreds of stress responses each day.
    - How most people’s response to adversity and illness is fear and resistance.
    - Why fearful and fighting thoughts lead to desperation, frustration, helplessness and powerlessness.
    - A few guiding lights: Anita Moorjani, Gerald Jampolsky, MD.
    - Frank Bruni’s book, The Beauty of Dusk and what it has to teach us about the power of a positive mindset.
    - The work of Byron Katie and her exercises for turning thoughts around.
    - How MAP sessions can be a powerful way to change patterns of emotional, mental and behavioral responses.
    - Why working with the mind is complementary to traditional medicine, functional, and alternative approaches.

    If you enjoyed this episode, don’t miss episode 60: MAP for Emotional Causes of Illness where I discuss the biochemistry behind mind body medicine and the benefit of working with emotions to promote healing.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit for our free courses. To schedule an Introductory MAP session please book online at

  • In episode 61, I’m going to describe the personality traits that predispose to chronic illness. These include being a people-pleaser, caretaker, over-achiever, conflict-avoider, perfectionist, overly responsible, and other self-sacrificing and emotionally-repressive tendencies.

    I will talk about my own understanding of habitual emotional, mental and behavioral responses, which is essentially what personality traits are, as well as the work of others who have published on this topic, including Dr. Gabor Maté, Lydia Temoshok, PhD, Lawrence LeShan, Dr. John Sarno, and Garry Flint, PhD.

    In this episode I’ll discuss:

    - The connections between early life trauma, the formation of the personality, and the impact on lifetime risk of chronic illness.
    - The characteristics of the Type C personality and how it predisposes to chronic illness, including cancer, autoimmune diseases and ALS.
    - How personality traits are formed, and the relationship between memory structures and habitual emotional coping styles.
    - Why people learn to be compulsively self-sacrificing.
    - The two primary human needs.
    - The stress response (fight/flight/freeze) and how repressive emotional styles degrade our health by promoting the sympathetic dominant state.
    - How emotional repression makes us more vulnerable to chronic infections, injuries and emotional stressors.
    - How MAP can be helpful in changing patterns of emotional, mental and behavioral responses.

    If you enjoyed this episode, don’t miss episode 52: MAP for Painful Memories which explains how resolving trauma memories lays the foundation for healing.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit for our free courses. To schedule an Introductory MAP session please book online at

  • In episode 60, I’m going to describe the science, the biochemistry, behind mindbody medicine, and how working with the emotions has an impact on chronic illness. This is based on the groundbreaking work of Candace Pert, PhD as explained in her book, Molecules of Emotion.

    By the end of this episode, I’d like for you to have a better understanding about: the molecules of emotion and their function, what happens when they are blocked, how that impact disease states and the value of emotion-releasing modalities, like MAP, in restoring the healthful flow of these important molecules.

    In this episode I’ll discuss:

    - Who Dr. Candace Pert was and why her work is important for understanding mindbody interactions.
    - The role of receptors and molecules of emotion in the two-way flow of the psychosomatic network.
    - The way cellular function is driven by the molecules of emotion, including all organs, endocrines, body parts and systems including the immune system and the nervous system.
    - How Dr. Pert’s work led to the field of Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology.
    - How this system of communication has been evolutionarily conserved from primitive life forms to the most complex.
    - Definition of mind as the flow of information between brain and body.
    - Definition of health as the maintenance of homeostasis by the free flow of molecules of emotion.
    - How emotions are epigenetic factors.
    - The role of trauma in blocking the free flow of molecules of emotion.
    - How you’ve experienced the impact of emotions on physiological function.
    - The significance of personality types in predisposing us to certain diseases.
    - How viruses use the same receptors as molecules of emotion, and why your emotional state affects the likelihood of getting sick, and the severity and duration of illness.
    - Implications of Dr. Pert’s work on the AIDS virus for COVID long-haulers.
    - How emotion-releasing modalities, like the MAP Method, work with the subconscious mind to release repressed emotions.
    - The significance of early-life trauma in promoting a freeze response and how this results in a pattern of emotional repression.
    - How MAP can be helpful in changing patterns of emotional response.

    If you enjoyed this episode, don’t miss episode 56, MAP and Energy Medicine, with my client Cilla Whatcott, PhD, a classical homeopath, where we discuss her experience of the impact of MAP sessions on trauma, and the role of trauma in health.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit for our free courses. To schedule an Introductory MAP session please book online at

  • Join me for episode 59 where we talk with my client, Joseph Ng, about his experience with the MAP Method for symptoms of autoimmunity and CFS. Hear about his experience with many other methods including: DNRS, EMDR, CFS coaching, talk therapy, EFT/tapping, as well as naturopathic and conventional medicine approaches.

    Joe describes himself as a high sensitive person (HSP) with a significant trauma history and some OCD tendencies. Before he started to work with me, he had experience with the MAP Method through the MAP Coaching Institute’s programs, group sessions and individual sessions. He was even enrolled in the certification program to become a MAP Practitioner himself, but had to take a break to work on his own recovery, as you’ll hear him describe.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - His experience with the MAP Method and how he believed enough in the method to want to train as a MAP Practitioner.
    - How he hit a rough patch over the summer and spent a couple of months in bed with severe symptoms.
    - How he felt emotionally and physically before we started our sessions together: highly emotional and over reactive, fatigued, foggy, anxious/panicky, depressed, not believing in himself, with self-sabotage behaviors.
    - Comparison of MAP to EMDR
    - Attitude shifts he experienced as a result of MAP sessions for negative thought patterns, attitudes, addictions, and social anxiety.
    - His understanding that recovery is not linear, and why setbacks are to be appreciated.
    - What he’s learned from CFS coaching that helps him handle setbacks more calmly.
    - The benefits he’s seen from MAP Method sessions and why he recommends MAP to others for stress, mental health, trauma healing, and understanding your own identity.
    - All the things he has tried: psychotherapy, medications, meditation retreats, ayahuasca, acupuncture, acupressure, and more.
    - His understanding of the mindbody, which comprises the nervous system, emotions and physical body.

    If you enjoyed this episode, don’t miss episode 47, MAP for Immune Dysfunction, with my client Dawn, who discusses the benefits from MAP sessions for MCAS, histamine sensitivity, tinnitus, muscle tension, and hives.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit To schedule an Introductory MAP session please book online at

  • Join me for episode 58 where we talk with my fellow MAP Practitioner, Dr. Jenna Foster, about the MAP Method for sleep issues. Jenna has a PhD in Sociology and Social Psychology and she joins us from her office in Pahoa, on the Big Island of Hawaii.

    We discuss her background and how she became a MAP practitioner, how she works with clients and how we can use the MAP Method to resolve sleep issues including: trouble falling asleep, interrupted sleep patterns, nightmares and bad dreams, waking in fear or panic, and insomnia.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - Her background and how she discovered the MAP Method.
    - How she pursued coaching after 10 years as a scientist.
    - How she heard about the MAP Method from reading Colette Streicher’s book, Abundance on Demand.
    - Her training in various energy techniques, Soul-centered healing, and NLP.
    - How 3 years of MAP have transformed her life.
    - How she was able to stay calm through a separation and a very stressful construction project with MAP.
    - How she works with clients who are mainly health professionals, coaches and healers.
    - How she prepares for each MAP session, and what it’s like to be the practitioner.
    - The importance of sleep and good sleep hygiene.
    - The questions to consider if you are having sleep problems: what keeps you awake, when did it start, and what was happening in your life around that time that may have been stressful?
    - The importance of creating a goal.
    - Disrupted sleep or poor sleep patterns as self-sabotage behaviors.
    - The approaches and procedures we can utilize in the MAP Method to address internal and external causes.
    - The role of emotions like stress, overwhelm and anxiety on sleep patterns.
    - The importance of focusing on the goal–what does life feel like when you’re well-rested?

    To find out more about Dr. Jenna Foster and her practice, please visit:

    If you enjoyed this episode, don’t miss episode 49, MAP for Thyroid Health, with my client Melissa, who discusses the benefits from MAP sessions for thyroid function, back pain, digestion, sleep and hair shedding.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit, to find our free courses and MAP Program offerings.

    To schedule an Introductory MAP session please schedule online at

  • Join me for episode 57 where we talk with my client, Geri Destasio, about the MAP Method for chronic pain and food, chemical and environmental sensitivities. She describes her experiences with the MAP for Sensitivities Program and how working with a program differs from live sessions over Zoom.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - How she heard about the MAP Method from her functional medicine provider.
    - How live MAP sessions helped with chronic pain, anxiety, and thyroid imbalance.
    - The importance of our thought processes in keeping us stuck and contributing to chronic symptoms.
    - How sensitivities to food, chemicals, noise, and pets were running her life.
    - How the emotion of fear underlies sensitivity symptoms.
    - How she used the Program the first month pretty intensely for food sensitivities.
    - How she did additional cycles of the Program for environmental sensitivities over 2 months.
    - How her chemical sensitivities resolved on their own.
    - The big moments when she realized she was free of sensitivities: eating croissants, being able to breathe at Fleet Farm and around Easter Lilies, and not having to take medicine before visiting friends with pets.
    - The significance of negative thoughts and beliefs in sustaining sensitivity reactions.
    - How the MAP Method is a holistic healing modality that connects mind, body and spirit.

    If you enjoy this episode, don’t miss episode 38, MAP for Sensitivities, where I talk about the development of the MAP for Sensitivities Program and a case study.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit, to find our free courses and MAP Program offerings. To schedule an Introductory MAP session please schedule online at

  • Join me for episode 56 where we talk with Cilla Whatcott, my client and Classical Homeopath, about the MAP Method and her experience with MAP sessions. Hear how she describes the impact it has on trauma and the role that trauma has in health. We discuss the MAP as an energy modality and applications for anxiety, PTSD, depression, fears and phobias.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - How Cilla's baseline sense of anxiety was reduced through MAP sessions.
    - How meditation practice makes it easier to access the MAP Method.
    - How, during MAP sessions, the images from childhood and past life experiences are served up by the subconscious mind revealing trauma “bubbles” and beliefs.
    - The experience of a MAP session and how the practitioner and the client work together.
    - How it can take a few sessions to understand the flow and the benefits of MAP. Increased anxiety at first can be a sign of resistance.
    - How treating trauma memories also allows us to identify and replace negative beliefs that are holding us back.
    - How contributors can be very small things that don’t appear to others as a trauma, but it has more to do with the individual’s perception.
    - How MAP Practitioners connect with the client’s subconscious mind to identify priorities.
    - How we follow the thread of the topic throughout the session and the element of trust necessary.
    - The importance of individualized medicine and how interest in it has grown, along with Energy Modalities.
    - Why working with the mind is essential for chronic conditions.
    - The positive results in reduction of fear and anxiety around cancer.
    - How she knows that something big has happened, that traumas have been released. - How we can reframe our experience of a traumatic event.
    - How MAP is deceptively simple, yet the effects are deep. The instructions kick off a search in the subconscious mind.
    - How people are layered and the emotions are the deepest layer. As we resolve layers of painful emotions, we start to see changes on mental, behavioral and physical levels.
    - The concept of “Never well since…” as used in Homeopathy and MAP.

    Don’t miss episode 33, MAP for Complex Chronic Conditions, where functional medicine practitioner, Cathy Moore, describes her experiences with the MAP Method and why she refers patients for sessions.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit, where you’ll also find our MAP Program offerings.

    Or, if you’d like to schedule a 60-minute Introductory MAP session please schedule online at

  • Join me for episode 55 where I will discuss how we use the MAP Method of advanced neural retraining to resolve long-standing patterns of anxiety. Hear about Alex and how generalized anxiety can be associated with gut issues. Listen to Carter’s experience of acute anxiety and how early life trauma can predispose us to panic attacks. We’ll also talk about Andy and how complex factors can promote anxiety including perfectionism, empath tendencies, and anxiety about anxiety.

    In this episode we discuss:

    - How emotional issues, like anxiety, can be linked to physical issues and even impact sleep.
    - How anxiety patterns are tied to unconsciously-held fears.
    - How frozen or repressed emotional memories exacerbate stressful situations in our current life.
    - How early life trauma can predispose us to a “freeze” response to stressors.
    - How the subconscious mind starts to reveal the associations during a session, including “big T” and “little t” traumas.
    - Why emotional patterns may improve for a while and then come back, indicating that there are more roots to the pattern.
    - Negative thoughts and beliefs reinforce emotions like anxiety and depression.
    - Inner conflicts and personality traits, like perfectionism are other contributing factors.
    - Trauma experiences can create behaviors: racing mind, hypervigilance, negative self-talk, etc. MAP sessions have impact at all levels: emotional, mental/behavioral and physical.
    - Sometimes working with a painful memory in a MAP session will produce a shift in perspective that changes our relationship to the memory and our emotional response to similar situations.

    Don’t miss episode 54 where my client Lea described her experiences with the MAP Method for anxiety and obsessive thoughts.

    To learn more about the MAP Method and how it works, visit, where you’ll also find our MAP Program offerings. Or, if you’d like to schedule a 60-minute Introductory MAP session please visit

  • Join me for episode 54 where we will talk to my client, Lea Pandolfi, about her experience with MAP sessions. Hear how she learned about the MAP Method from her functional medicine practitioner, and why she decided to try it for relationship OCD, and anxiety. Listen to her comparison of the MAP Method to EMDR, tapping and talk therapy and why she recommends MAP for “anyone experiencing anything.”

    In this episode we discuss:

    - Why Dr. Balcavage, a functional medicine expert in thyroid conditions, recommended MAP for her emotional stress.
    - How Lea compares her experience with MAP sessions vs. EMDR, tapping and talk therapy.
    - Why she describes MAP sessions as gentle and not overwhelming.
    - How MAP sessions leave her feeling calm and less stressed.
    - The after effects of a MAP session and how these may be more pronounced after sleep.
    - How MAP sessions get to root causes in the subconscious mind.
    - How different types of people experience MAP sessions.
    - How the work she has done with Dr. Balcavage and MAP sessions has improved her hormonal balance.
    - How the subconscious mind finds and neutralizes the small “t” and big “T” traumas related to the topic of the session.
    - Why watching the 15-minute preparatory video before your first session is essential.
    - Her advice to anyone who is curious to try the MAP Method.

    Check out episode 36 with Dr. Kelly Halderman to hear more about the MAP Method for emotional stress. For more information about the MAP Method, applications for chronic health issues, or to schedule a your 60-minute Introductory MAP session please visit

  • Join me for episode 53 where we will talk to Frances Carney, my client from Australia. Hear how she learned about the MAP Method from her doctor, and why she decided to try it for low thyroid function, brain fog, muscle tension, and food sensitivities. Listen as she describes the emotional, mental and physical improvements she experienced even after the first session, and why she says: “Nothing else has given me similar results.”

    In this episode we discuss:

    - Why Dr. Balcavage, an expert in cellular hypothyroidism, suggested the MAP Method to her and the “dramatic” results she has noticed.
    - The very remarkable results from her first session and how they lasted for a few weeks.
    - How she’s been able to reduce her thyroid meds and feels more energetic than before after 8 sessions spread out over 6+ months.
    - How all her thyroid symptoms have improved by 50-80% as a result of our sessions.
    - The positive emotional and mental benefits from sessions: Feeling calmer and more relaxed and less reactive to negative situations, feeling more clear-headed after sessions, less brain fog.
    - How the MAP for Sensitivities online self-paced program worked to address her food sensitivities and how she’s been able to reintroduce 70% of the foods she’d previously avoided.
    - Despite the fact that she had not had any significant traumas, how working with painful memories helped. And how she now understands that unresolved emotions were a factor in her chronic symptoms.
    - How she had tried everything–diet, meds, stress reduction, meditation, yoga, supplements, other modalities–for a year and a half with a thyroid specialist and finally decided to address emotional issues.
    - How MAP is easier and quicker than talk therapy.
    - Why Frances now believes that the mind is a factor in all chronic conditions and recommends the MAP Method for emotional and physical issues.
    - Applications for MAP including anxiety, depression, trauma healing, unwanted behaviors, personality traits, attitudes, career or financial blocks and more.

    Check out the Thyroid Answers Podcast, episode 88 to hear Dr. Balcavage, Dr. Halderman and I discuss the MAP Method for cellular hypothyroidism. For more information about the MAP Method, applications for chronic health issues, or to schedule a your 60-minute Introductory MAP session please visit

  • Join me for episode 52 where I will talk about using the MAP Method of advanced neural retraining to resolve painful emotional memories. We’ll hear about Nathan who was teased and humiliated for years at school, Patricia who was threatened at gunpoint, Ava who had experienced verbal and emotional abuse through childhood, and Mindy who felt rejected by her father and step-father.

    In this episode we discuss:

    - How unprocessed trauma is a significant, but unrecognized, source of stress.
    - How painful memories, especially from childhood, shape the personality.
    - How acute and ongoing traumas can be neutralized and greatly improve our ability to cope with a difficult situation.
    - How emotional abuse in childhood can create negative self-talk patterns.
    - How clearing painful memories around rejection can alleviate social anxiety.
    - Why unresolved trauma memories continue to affect us subconsciously and impact our ability to heal.
    - How treating intense emotional memories reduces the stress load, changes our response to stress and resolves the state of sympathetic dominance to accelerate healing.

    Don’t miss episode 41 where my client Aaron describes his experiences around clearing painful emotional memories.

    For more information about the MAP Method, applications for chronic health issues, or to schedule a your 60-minute Introductory session please visit

  • Join me for episode 51 where I will talk about using the MAP Method of advanced neural retraining to resolve relationship issues.

    We’ll hear about Scott who had a complex relationship issue with his sister-in-law, Shelly who struggled with poor treatment from her mother-in-law, Hallie who had friction with her administrator at work, and Kate who was caring for an elderly parent who was verbally abusive.

    In this episode we discuss:

    - How Kristen and I spent a session working on her relationship with her brother and the amazing results she reported in episode 35.

    - The theme of interpersonal relationships and how they contribute to symptoms and chronic health conditions as evidenced by Helen’s story (episode 40), Kathy’s story (episode 42), Derrick’s story (episode 44) and Tena’s story (episode 48).

    - Why stress from unresolved relationship conflict impacts our health.

    - How we use advanced neural retraining techniques to work with relationship issues.

    - How tangential issues can complicate relationship issues, as they did for Scott.

    - How previous experiences exacerbate current relationship issues, as they did for Shelly.

    - How fears and environmental triggers amplified the negative feelings in Hallie’s case.

    - How even long-term seemingly intractable issues can be resolved as was the case with Kate.

    Don’t miss episode 35 where my client Kristen Cornett originally described her experiences with the MAP Method for relationship stress around her brother.

    For more information about the MAP Method, applications for chronic health issues, or to schedule a your 60-minute Introductory session please visit

  • Join me for episode 50 where we will talk with Jelena Katić Ujević, a top MAP Method™ coach, and instructor from Croatia. Hear about the amazing results she has seen in “When the Body Says Yes” program participants with chronic conditions of all kinds. Hear about a few of the incredible successes from people in the program, some of whom had never done a MAP Method ™ session before. Listen until the end to learn about the program structure and options and how you can learn more about the program for yourself!

    In this episode we discuss:
    - How Jelena created the first subliminal recording at the request of a friend.
    - The results of the first two pilot groups with autoimmune conditions.
    - The benefit experienced by participants in the first two pilots.
    - How that MAP subliminal recording grew into The Body Says Yes program.
    - The resources available to program participants: group MAP sessions, MAP session videos, mini-subliminal audio files and more.
    - The option to have a custom subliminal audio file created for you.
    - The results from the first 200 participants in the Body program since its inception in November 2020.
    - Some of the incredible success stories for people with various chronic and even life-threatening illnesses.
    - How the MAP Method was created to work with the mind to resolve trauma, and how resolving trauma enables whole-body healing.
    - Why the mind is the final frontier for healing: mental, emotional and physical.

    To hear our first conversation about Jelena’s early work with this program, listen to episode 32 of the Flourish with Neural Retraining podcast.

    To join the When the Body Says Yes Facebook group:

    Learn more about the Body program options on the Official Website:

    And, Jelena is extending a special discount for listeners of the Flourish podcast. Use the coupon code on the official page to save 15% on the Premium Body Program - 15YES

  • Join me for episode 49 where we talk with my client and fellow Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Melissa Manning, who was interested in the MAP Method to address hypothyroidism, back pain, digestive function, and sleep issues.

    Hear about the benefits she experienced from 7 sessions including mental, emotional and physical shifts and the improvement of her thyroid function.

    In this episode we discuss:

    - How Melissa had tried “all the things” for her thyroid health (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) including diet changes and a functional medicine approach.
    - How subconscious stressors can impact our health.
    - Although she didn’t have significant adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), lifetime traumas can have an impact.
    - The emotional shifts during a session vs. the shifts that unfold in the weeks afterward.
    - How our work in sessions reduced negative emotional responses and behaviors.
    - The physical benefits she noted: reduction in lower back pain, improved sleep and digestion, less hair shedding, improved thyroid numbers.
    - Dr. Balcavage’s work with cellular hypothyroidism and the impact of the cell danger response.
    - The emotional benefits--handling relationships and stress better.
    - The behavioral shifts--ease in self-expression and openness.
    - Why she describes the MAP Method as not hard, not painful, but passive and soothing.
    - Why she believes anyone could benefit from MAP sessions and why she has referred others.

    To learn more about the work of Dr. Eric Balcavage in cellular hypothyroidism and the Cell Danger Response you can listen to our conversation about MAP for Emotional Fitness in episode 88 of the Thyroid Answers podcast.

    For more information about the MAP Method, applications for chronic health issues, to schedule an introductory session (60 min), or a free consultation by phone please visit