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Do you want to harness the creative power that lives within your womb?
Do you want to proudly claim ALL of who you are and bring that essence to your relationships, parenting, and business?
Our planet is in a collective death cycle. Can you feel it? A rebirth is imminent, activating our deep feminine consciousness. This is shifting the way we relate to how we birth, how we create, how we view our bodies, how we love, how we heal, and how we treat one another.
Melissa April and Katherine Blanco, two mothers, lovers and creative entrepreneurs explore the deeper meaning of Birth, Death, Rebirth and the many Initiations we walk through as women in the world. We dive into birth in all forms from babies, to businesses, to our next level selves. We explore what needs to die as we become ALL of who we are in the world.
The Yoni Codes explore the mysteries of the divine feminine through the reclamation of Motherhood, Entrepreneurship, and Relationships.
Join us each week as we engage in powerful, paradigm shifting, soul expanding conversations. Experience the discovery of potent codes that live within as we allow our wild and raw truths come to the surface.
Once every moon cycle we will be joined by special guests who will share their unique perspectives on their own Rebirths through the lens of The Yoni Codes.
We look forward to connecting with you as we uncover the mysteries of the Divine Femine one conversation at a time. -
Wir sind Marie und Yesim und sprechen mit euch über die elementaren Dinge im Leben und decken Missstände auf. Wir sprechen über eigene Erfahrungen, das Patriarchat, Memes, Kinderkacke (wortwörtlich) und alles was uns sonst noch auf dem Herzen liegt. Denn in unserer Sendung bekommt ihr nicht nur Brot, sondern auch Rosen ;)
Navigating multiple cultures and beliefs is hard to do and not taught in traditional education. Especially true if you've been raised in a homogenous society or a town that lacks diversity. Every Monday, Janet and Brian share their insights into the dynamic between South Korean and American culture, relationships, social commentary, and other topics from an Asian-immigrant and Asian-American point of view.
The Trevor Romain podcast features true stories presented by best-selling and award-winning author, artist and keynote speaker, Trevor Romain.
Sharing hope, humor, inspiration, motivation and a cup of tea, Trevor’s intimate stories, observations, and humor are a powerful, thought-provoking and often touching experience for his podcast listeners. -
Many times parents can’t “see the trees” because the forest is overwhelming. Can I get an AMEN? Each week, Chrys and Shellie, seasoned moms and grandmas, help listeners see life lessons in the simple events that happen daily. If you could use some Godly parenting wisdom, encouragement and inspiration, along with some fun, real life stories, this podcast is for you! Rocking It Grand is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit
Named "Best of 2021" by Apple Podcasts.
A kids podcast about the things that matter, like racism, body image, and belonging. Each episode opens up the dialog we've begun in our groundbreaking A Kids Book About series. Created by folks who've been there. Honest. Important. Relevant. Start the conversation. We know you're ready. -
Намайг Онон гэдэг. Би нэвтрүүлэгч, ээж, эхнэр, эмэгтэй хүн. 10 жилийн өмнө анхны хүүгээ төрүүлчихээд, 6 сартай байхад нь сэтгэл санааны гүн хямралд орж байлаа. Тэр үед сонсдог байсан фм-ийн нэвтрүүлэг надад уужрал, ухаарал өгч, өөртөө итгэх итгэл, идэвх оролцоо бүхнийг минь, нэг ёсондоо хуучин Ононг эргүүлэн авч ирсэн. Түүнээс хойш эмэгтэйчүүд хоорондоо ярилцдаг, түүхээ хуваалцдаг, түүнээсээ эрч хүч, ухаарал авдаг нэвтрүүлэг хийхсэн гэж зорьсоор ийнхүү хийж эхэллээ, сонсооорой, бас сэтгэгдлээ хуваалцаарай!