In was April, 2008. A small group of tired, homesick campaign staffers are quickly trying to put together a small Passover Seder. And who walks in...then-Senator Barack Obama. And thus began a meaningful journey to the first Seder ever held in the White House, by the first African American President of the United States, organized by one of those original campaign staffers, Eric Lesser.
This remarkable story is re-told in the just released children's book, Next Year in the White House by Richard Michelson and this week Rabbi Pont got to catch up with Richard and Eric for a fascinating conversation. A perfect pre-Passover listen!
By all accounts, Dr. Alex Kor’s life has been a miracle. The son of two Holocaust survivors who narrowly escaped death, Alex has traveled from Terre Haute, Indiana, to Auschwitz and many places in between on his journey to share the story of his parents, Eva Moses Kor and Mickey Kor, with anyone and everyone who will listen. After a recent trip to lecture at Marlboro Jewish Center, Rabbi Pont caught up with Alex to learn more about his life, the survival stories that both of his parents endured, and his recent book, A Blessing, Not a Burden.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It's Valentine's Day and even though it is not a Jewish holiday, love is most definitely in the air! This week, Rabbi Pont talks to Alla Fine, President & CEO of Alla Fine Coaching and developer of the brand new dating app, AppatMe which matches AI and psychology to the love finding process. If you are looking for love or just want to hear about how to keep your love story going, don't miss this week's episode just in time for Valentine's Day.
When you download and activate the app at between February 13-15, you’ll unlock the opportunity to explore and experience a world designed for meaningful connections. We hope you enjoy the journey—and who knows? Your perfect match may be just a click away.
There are few Holocaust survivor stories like that of the family of Dan Grunfeld, who joins Rabbi Pont this week. The son of Olympic gold medalist, NBA veteran and 30-year NBA executive Ernie Grunfeld, Dan is the author of By the Grace of the Game, the remarkable story of his family's perserverance and strength interwoven with the discovery of a game that unknowingly held the power to heal wounds, build bridges, and tie together a fractured Jewish family. As we approach International Holocaust Rememberance Day, this is an episode not to be missed.
Happy Hanukkah! As we celebrate over the next eight nights, Rabbi Pont has a quick message about the meaning of Hanukkah and the many blessings it provides.
2024 has been a challenging year for Jews around the world. Acts of violence against Jews have brought out fears that another Kristallnacht could happen again in our lifetimes. With the rise of antisemitism around the world there has never been a more important time to learn the stories as told by survivors of Kristallnacht and the Holocaust.
This week Rabbi Pont speaks to one such survivor. Esther Adler, z"l, shares her story as told to her friend Lexi Sherman, who met Esther during her participation in The Joseph Gringlas Stories that Live Program, a unique fellowship that connects college students with Holocaust survivors to create meaningful relationships. Sadly, Esther passed away just days before Rosh Hashana this year but in her memory we will make sure her stories lives on. -
A few months ago Marlboro Jewish Center added to its team of fearless Jewish leaders with the hiring of its Director of Congregational Learning, Leo Fuhrman. Leo comes to MJC with a variety of educational, leadership and life experiences all of which he is ready to use to help our youth find their Jewish identities and be proud. How is he going to do that? By helping our community make Jewish memories one experience at a time. Don't miss this fascinating conversation between Rabbi Pont and Leo to learn more about how Leo is going to transform education in our community.
This week Rabbi Pont is joined by Sara Polon (a.k.a. Soupergirl) and Marilyn Polon (a.k.a. Soupermom), the mother/daughter team behind the delicious, kosher, vegan, and responsibly sourced soup brand, Soupergirl. Listen in to hear how a budding stand-up comedian turned her passion for fixing our broken food system into a soup company with the help of her worried Jewish mother. The story is fanscinating and the soup is delicious. Find out where you can get a bowl at
This is a Holocaust survivor story you haven't heard. It is the story of Cantor David Wisnia, a man whose vocal talent saved him from certain death at Auschwitz. Featured in the new award-winning documentary, How Saba Kept Singing, David's story from a child in the Warsaw Ghetto to a survivor who shares his voice at the 75th anniversary celebration of the Liberation is one not to be missed. This week, Rabbi Pont speaks with David's grandson, singer/songwriter Avi Wisnia, about the truly remarkable man who was his Saba.
During a first of its kind meeting of Holocaust survivors in Israel Syd Mandelbaum realized that he had to change the world. What followed is a lifetime dedicated to ridding the world of hunger. Enter Rock and Wrap it Up, an organization that takes food from concerts, stadiums, schools and feeds thousands of hungry people every year. Don't miss this episode about someone who has truly set out to make the world a better place.
The fourth season of For the Love of Judaism kicks off with a special episode in honor of the 23rd anniversary of September 11th, 2001. In this episode, Rabbi Pont interviews retired New York City firefighter Dave Smentkowski whose experiences on 9/11 and in the days and years that followed will give chills to all of us as we remember tha fateful day.
It has been an amazing third season of For the Love of Judaism. To send us off into the summer Rabbi Pont shares two recent sermons, one about his trip to the Nova Festival Exhibit in New York and the other about Father's Day and the many ways fathers impact our lives. Two very different sermons but both with inspiration to carry us through to September.
Lots of kids are into sports but few get to live out their dreams as an NFL beat reporter for ESPN. This week's guest, New York Giants beat reporter Jordan Raanan, is one of those lucky few. Don't miss this far reaching conversation about what it is like to travel the country with an NFL team, the importance of relationships in the pursuit of your dreams, and what Jordan thinks is coming down the road for NFL fandom.
Last month Rabbi Pont's daughter Emma graduated from the University of Michigan School of Nursing. As was reported across many news outlets, U of M's graduation ceremony was one of many that was disrupted by protestors.
A replay of a recent sermon, this episode features Rabbi Pont as he shares his experience in Ann Arbor from the perspective of a proud father and a proud Zionist. -
On this Yom HaShoah, the Day of Remembrance, we recall the six million who died at the hands of the Nazis. Among them was Greta Grunberg, a mother of two young boys who befriended a young German girl named Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Greta lived in the same building, had breakfast together nearly every day and lit Shabbat candles, even after it was made illegal by the Nazis.
Some 82 years after Greta was deported from Germany, Elizabeth Umlandt, now 88 years old, remembers her friend and still holds on to the picture of Greta and her husband in hopes that their descendants will come and claim the picture the way Greta wanted. -
What happens when a working single mom from D.C. has the opportunity to live out her dream in the midst of a pandemic? She buys a farm in rural North Carolina!
That's the story of Wendy Rhein, owner of Chutzpah Hollow, a self-made homesteader who is part of a growing movement of Jewish farmers. This week Wendy took some time to chat with Rabbi Pont about how she came to move her family from the life they knew to the life she'd dreamed of in 2021, when the whole world was changing around her.
Don't miss this fascinating conversation. -
On Yom Kippur 2023 Rabbi Pont delivered a sermon commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. In late September, it was widely viewed as one of the worst wars that Israel has had to fight in its 75 year history. We had no idea that the Jewish world was about to be changed forever.
This week you can listen to this same sermon, knowing now what would come to be just two weeks after Yom Kippur. -
Ever wonder how the Conservative movement came to allow driving to Synagogue on Shabbat? Or whether it feels differently about driving electric cars on Shabbat? Or how it was decided that a livestreamed minyan was OK during the COVID-19 pandemic?
This week Rabbi Pont talks to Rabbi David Fine of Ridgewood, New Jersey who sits on the Halacha Committee for the Rabbinical Assembly and has been a part of many of the recent decisions that shape our movement.
Don't miss this fascinating conversation about the intricate process for deciding was is and is not acceptable in the ever-changing world of Conservative Judaism. -
In the early morning hours of October 7th, Hamas stormed Kibbutz Holit, a small kibbutz in southern Israel. As the terrorists went house to house, Adi Kaploun Vital hid with her two small children while her father hid two houses away. Adi’s actions on that fateful morning saved the lives of her father and her children, Sadly, Adi was murdered by Hamas in her shelter. In the aftermath, Adi's parents, Jacqui and Yaron Vital are on a mission to tell their daughter’s story and raise awareness to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.
On February 25th, the Marlboro Jewish Center community had the opportunity to hear Adi's story. This episode is a replay of that heart wrenching yet inspiring event.
To contribute to the Adi Kaploun-Vital Memorial Fund visit: -
Part of becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah at Marlboro Jewish Center is doing an act of chesed, or kindness, for those less fortunate than you are. Every year, our 7th graders find new and exciting projects that are special to them and use those projects to give back to their community.
This week Rabbi Pont gave our 7th graders the chance to tell you, the For the Love of Judaism audience, about their projects. - Laat meer zien