Fran Chiorando and Carlo Piscitello are both long time members of the Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) community. Join them each week for a humorous journey around the world of OCR and beyond (Sometimes its heavy on the beyond!).
Race results? They share 'em. Upcoming races? They've got you covered. Community News? They break it. Curious how to say "Squirrel" in French? Oddly enough, that's in there too.
You'll not only get the most up to date OCR news, you'll also be subjected to whatever else flies into their little squirrel brains while the other person is talking.
So come join them on this rollercoaster of a Podcast, where literally just about anything is on topic, and they do their best to explain it all poorly.
Fran and Carlo...come for the news, stay for the laughs.