Freight Efficiency with NACFE‘s Mike Roeth & Friends
Australië · NACFE
- Zaken en persoonlijke financiën
- Technologie
- Management
Freight Efficiency With NACFE’s Mike Roeth & Friends is a regular podcast series that focuses on current technologies and practices that help fleets achieve the best possible freight efficiency for their given application. It also will provide insight into emerging technologies such as electric and autonomous vehicles and their potential impact on freight efficiency.
NACFE’s Executive Director, Mike Roeth, will interview executives from the trucking industry and other parties that are interested in improving the overall efficiency and sustainability of goods movement in North America, which includes currently available technologies as well as emerging technologies such as electric and autonomous vehicles.
If you would like to suggest a topic for this podcast, please contact Denise Rondini, NACFE’s communications director at [email protected]