
  • Imagine presenting your business well in English without fear during international meetings.

    Sami said, "I looked at my phone to check the meeting time I have with a business owner who wants to partner with my business.

    I saw that I had two hours left before the meeting, but I was sweating a lot because I was uncomfortable.
    I was uncomfortable because I didn't want to say words or do things that wouldn't make him partner with us.

    I have presented my business many times in my native language, but I always feel uncomfortable whenever I want to present my business in English.

    My weak English skills always make me feel uncomfortable."

    Need more help?

    🔴• Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Sign up for the 6-month VIP premium English proofreading and editing of your important documents.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "proofread."

    🔴• Join the 8-month 1-on-1 VIP English coaching program to improve your English for international business.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "1-on-1."

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.

    Go to and tap on "Buy Me Coffee."


    Are you always uncomfortable because of your weak English anytime you want to present your business during international meetings or events, just like Sami?

    If you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you are tired of thinking too much about what to say every time you want to present your business in English.

    You can use the tips to learn how to present your business confidently in English during international meetings and events.

  • It has been three years, and Ibrahim still can’t sound natural when he speaks English with his international clients.

    He watched many YouTube videos to improve his English for international business.

    He listened to a lot of business English podcasts for hours.

    But despite all his hard work, when he speaks English in meetings, he still doesn’t sound natural.

    Ibrahim keeps asking himself, “Can I sound well in English during meetings?”

    He worries that he may never feel confident speaking English in front of his international clients and partners.

    At every meeting, Ibrahim hopes and prays for the day when he can speak English better during important meetings and events.

    Do you feel the same way?

    As a Middle Eastern business owner, do you wish you could walk into meetings and speak English with better confidence?

    You don’t have to keep wishing.

    If you are a Middle Eastern founder and you find it hard to sound natural when you speak English during important meetings and events.

    You can use the tips to learn how to sound better when you speak English in international meetings and events.

    Need more help?

    🔴• Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Sign up for the 6-month VIP premium English proofreading and editing of your important documents.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "proofread."

    🔴• Join the 8-month 1-on-1 VIP English coaching program to improve your English for international business.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "1-on-1."

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.

    Go to and tap on "Buy Me Coffee."


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  • Do your clients or partners have a hard time understanding you in English during meetings?

    You want to read documents or speeches in English before your clients or partners, but you are afraid to read.

    Why are you afraid?

    Just because you fear that they won't understand your words in English.

    Ali was always afraid to read documents in English because he didn't know the right ways to say many English words.

    He joined private English classes, yet he couldn't read well in English, so he avoided reading in English.

    99% of Middle Eastern founders who can't read well in English avoid reading in English, just like Ali.

    You think your clients, partners, and investors would find it hard to understand how you say English words.

    You are afraid to read in English because you don't know the right ways to say many English words.

    You don't want your clients, partners, and investors to see you as a business owner who can't read in English.

    You don't want to sound bad when you read documents or speeches in English, so you try not to read in English.

    How long do you want to be seen as a business owner who can't read well in English?

    If you are a Middle Eastern founder and you find it hard to read well in English.

    You can use the tips to learn how to read better in English.

    Need more help?

    🔴• Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Sign up for the 6-month VIP premium English proofreading and editing of your important documents.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "proofread."

    🔴• Join the 8-month 1-on-1 VIP English coaching program to improve your English for international business.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "1-on-1."

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.

    Go to and tap on "Buy Me Coffee."


  • Are you confused about writing important emails and documents in English?

    Fahad couldn't write replies well to emails in English because he didn't want to make a lot of spelling errors.

    He tried to improve how he could write documents and emails better in English but made little progress.

    Many Middle Eastern founders with weak English skills are just like Fahad.

    You signed up for 2-3 business English writing courses, but you still find it hard to reply to emails and documents in English.

    You are afraid to make spelling errors, so you don't reply to emails and documents in English.

    You don't want your foreign clients, partners, and investors to see you as a local business owner who has weak English skills.

    So tell me, how can you write better in English for your business when you don't write?

    If you are a Middle Eastern founder and can't write and reply to emails and documents in English.

    You can use the tips to learn how to write important emails, documents, and contracts better in English.

    Need more help?

    🔴• Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Sign up for the 6-month VIP premium English proofreading and editing of your important documents.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "proofread."

    🔴• Join the 8-month 1-on-1 VIP English coaching program to improve your English for international business.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "1-on-1."

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.

    Go to and tap on "Buy Me Coffee."


  • Would you like to start reading important emails and documents well in English without translators?

    Ahmed got an important email from one of his clients in Australia.

    He was happy that he got the email, and he opened the email to start reading.

    Ahmed read the first line to the third line, and he got confused because he didn't know the meaning of most of the words he saw.

    He jumped to the last part of the email; maybe he would have an idea of what his client was saying, but he got more confused.

    He got tired and had to use translators to translate from English into his native language before he could understand the email.

    Do you find it hard to read emails, documents, and contracts in English without using translators, just like Ahmed?

    You try to read important emails and documents in English without translating them into your native language, but you can't.

    Not only that!

    You can't understand them when you try to read them.

    Due to this, you avoid reading anything in English during important meetings and events with your international clients and partners.

    So, if you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you can't read and understand English.

    You can use the tips to learn how to read and understand important emails, documents, and contracts in English.

    Need more help?

    🔴• Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Sign up for the 6-month VIP premium English proofreading and editing of your important documents.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "proofread."

    🔴• Join the 8-month 1-on-1 VIP English coaching program to improve your English for international business.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "1-on-1."

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.

    Go to and tap on "Buy Me Coffee."


  • Afraid of not saying English words correctly during meetings with your important clients?

    You get ready to talk confidently in English during meetings with your foreign clients, partners, and investors.

    However, when you start talking, you always say many English words wrongly during the meetings.

    You get ashamed because of how you say English words wrongly.

    You ask yourself,

    "How can I say English words correctly without making mistakes during important meetings with my international clients and partners?"

    Nawaz wished he could talk confidently in English and say English words correctly during meetings with his international clients.

    He had tried many applications to learn how to say English words correctly, but he couldn't say English words correctly.

    At one point, Nawaz thought the way he talked in his native language was the reason he couldn't say English words correctly in English.

    Also, many Middle Eastern business owners with weak English thought the way they talked in their native languages made them say English words badly.

    You want to say English words correctly and confidently during meetings, but you can't.

    You don't want your international clients, partners, and investors to see you as a Middle Eastern business owner with weak English.

    Use the tips to learn how to say English words well and confidently during important international meetings.

    Need more help?

    🔴• Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Sign up for the 6-month VIP premium English proofreading and editing of your important documents.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "proofread."

    🔴• Join the 8-month 1-on-1 VIP English coaching program to improve your English for international business.

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to send me a message now with the word "1-on-1."

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.

    Go to and tap on "Buy Me Coffee."


  • Are your weak English skills making you lose international deals?

    Your business is growing fast outside of your country, but:

    ~ You can't talk confidently in English with your international clients and partners.

    ~ You can't write emails and documents well in simple English that anyone can understand.

    ~ You can't read emails, documents, and contracts well in English without translating them into your native language.

    ~ You can't listen to the words of your international clients and partners in English and understand them.

    All these things make you lose international deals.

    All these things make it hard for you to negotiate deals in English.

    All these things make you think that you are not good enough to continue growing your business internationally.

    In the same way as you, David couldn't use his English for his business.

    `He was afraid to talk to his international clients and partners because of his weak English.

    `He wanted to give up on improving his English because he made no progress after trying for so many years, but he couldn't.
    However, if you are a Middle Eastern business owner and your weak English skills make you lose international deals every time.

    Use the tips to improve your English for business.

    Need more help?

    🔴• Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • Need help improving your English to grow your business internationally?

    "Abdul walked into the international meeting ready to talk confidently about how his company in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, is helping lives.

    He talked slowly and well in English when it was his turn to talk in front of fifty international business owners.

    Abdul had recorded himself many times to practice how he would walk, talk, sit, and move his body confidently before the meeting.
    He didn't tell himself that he wasn't good enough to talk in front of those fifty international business owners.

    He didn't tell himself that they might not understand his words in English and not take action to practice well.

    He didn't wait to have perfect English skills before he started using his English skills to grow his business."

    However, have you been using your English to grow your business internationally, just like Abdul?

    Do you tell yourself that English is hard and you don't know how to improve?

    If you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you are ready to develop strong English for your international business.

    Use the tips to learn how to develop strong English for your business.

    Need more help?

    🔴• Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • Do you find it hard to understand the words of your international clients in English? You try to listen to the words of your international clients and partners in English, but you can't understand them. At times, you don't listen at all because you may not understand 90% of their words in English. However, do you want to continue finding it hard to understand them in English? Just like you, many Middle Eastern founders with weak English don't know how to listen to their clients and partners and understand their words in English.  Sometimes ago, Amin said, I always smile so they can think I understand them, but I am not happy because I don't know how I can understand them better. So, if you are a Middle Eastern business owner and: ~ You want to know how you can listen better in English during meetings and events. ~ You want to listen to the words of your international clients and partners and understand them. You can use the tips to improve how you can listen to the words of your international clients and partners during important meetings and events.
    Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. 
    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".
    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. 

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • Want to talk well in English as a business owner during international meetings? Tariq saw one of his long-time international clients at his new office in Doha. He stood up quickly from his chair to greet her. He was surprised to see her at his new office. Tariq invited her into his office, and while she talked, he listened well so he could understand her words well in English. He didn't rush while talking to her in English because he knew he would make so many grammar errors if he rushed. Tariq and the international client talked for a long time in English, and any time he made a grammar error, he corrected himself confidently. But can you talk confidently in English with an international client who shows up at your office without telling you?

    Would you say a few words in English and keep quiet because you don't want to make many grammar errors?

    Are you going to tell yourself that you are not good enough instead of talking in English?

    Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • You can develop strong confidence in using your English for business. Habeeb got a message on WhatsApp; it was from one of his clients from another country. Habeeb got everything ready for this client who was coming, and he talked to himself about how he would talk in English with his client. His client came, but while they were talking, his client couldn't understand most of Habeeb's words. Habeeb had to repeat most of his words two to three times before his client could understand him. Every time Habeeb was told to repeat his words, he got uncomfortable because he wasn't sure if it was because of his grammar errors or the way he said some words. At one point, he was afraid to say a word in English because he was making a lot of grammar errors, and it was hard for both of them to continue talking. In the same way as Habeeb, do you find it hard to talk confidently in English with your international clients and partners? But if you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you are always afraid to talk with your international clients and partners because: ~ You always make grammar errors.~ They always find it hard to understand your words in English.~ You don't like the way you always say English words during meetings and events. Here are some tips to help you develop strong confidence in using your English for business.Want more help? I can help you.Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. Go to and tap on "free business English tips".🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.DM: PROOFREAD.Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1". Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. Go to and tap on "Support Me".THANKS ONCE AGAIN SEE YOU NEXT WEEK.

  • Need help improving your English to grow your business internationally?



    "Abdul walked into the international meeting ready to talk confidently about how his company in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, is helping lives.


    He talked slowly and well in English when it was his turn to talk in front of fifty international business owners.


    Abdul had recorded himself many times to practice how he would walk, talk, sit, and move his body confidently before the meeting.

    He didn't tell himself that he wasn't good enough to talk in front of those fifty international business owners.

    He didn't tell himself that they might not understand his words in English and not take action to practice well.

    He didn't wait to have perfect English skills before he started using his English skills to grow his business."

    However, have you been using your English to grow your business internationally, just like Abdul?

    Do you tell yourself that English is hard and you don't know how to improve?

    If you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you are ready to develop strong English for your international business.


    Use the tips to learn how to develop strong English for your business.


    Want more help? I can help you.

    Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. 

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. 

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • Do you want to present your business confidently in English as a business owner?



    Sami said, "I looked at my phone to check the meeting time I have with a business owner who wants to partner with my business.


    I saw that I had two hours left before the meeting, but I was sweating a lot because I was uncomfortable.

    I was uncomfortable because I didn't want to say words or do things that wouldn't make him partner with us.

    I have presented my business many times in my native language, but I always feel uncomfortable whenever I want to present my business in English.

    My weak English skills always make me feel uncomfortable."


    Are you always uncomfortable because of your weak English anytime you want to present your business during international meetings or events, just like Sami?



    If you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you are tired of thinking too much about what to say every time you want to present your business in English.


    You can use the tips to learn how to present your business confidently in English during international meetings and events.

    Want more help? I can help you.

    Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. 

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. 

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • Have you been translating emails you wrote in your native language into English because you can't write English?


    Ali was happy with the meeting he had in the morning with his international partner.

    Later in the evening, he opened his email to send a message to his new international partner.


    He wrote four lines of sentences in English, and he got sad because he had made so many spelling and grammar errors.


    Ali didn't know how he could write what he had in mind in English without making a lot of spelling and grammar errors.


    He had to write his emails in his native language before translating them into English before he could send a good email to his new international partner.


    Do you write emails and documents in your native language before translating them into English because you can't write English just like Ali?


    You want to write emails, documents, and contracts well in English, but you don't know how.


    You have used many English writing tips to learn how to write better in English, but you still can't write.


    I learned English as my fourth language. I know how you feel if you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you can't write well in English.

    You can use the tips to learn how to write emails, documents, and contracts better in English.

    Want more help? I can help you.

    Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. 

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. 

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • Here's how to negotiate international deals confidently with strong English.


    Ahmed said: "I got an email from a business owner who wanted to be one of my partners from Canada.

    I was happy to see the email because I had started growing my business internationally.

    I got on a call with this business owner in Canada to talk about the terms and conditions that were required of him to become one of my company's partners.


    When it was my turn to talk to him, my confidence disappeared. I thought he wouldn't understand my words in English. 


    I couldn't talk confidently in English with him. So I said yes to everything he said, even though I wanted to tell him to change some of his terms and conditions to help my company make more money."



    If you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you can't negotiate international deals confidently in English because:


    ~ You always make grammar errors when you negotiate deals in English.

    ~ Your international clients and partners always find it hard to understand your words in English during negotiations.


    I have some tips that can help you increase your confidence in negotiating international deals in English.

    Want more help? I can help you.

    Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. 

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. 

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • Are your weak English skills making you lose international deals?


    Your business is growing fast outside of your country, but:


    ~ You can't talk confidently in English with your international clients and partners.


    ~ You can't write emails and documents well in simple English that anyone can understand.


    ~ You can't read emails, documents, and contracts well in English without translating them into your native language. 


    ~ You can't listen to the words of your international clients and partners in English and understand them.


    All these things make you lose international deals.

    All these things make it hard for you to negotiate deals in English.

    All these things make you think that you are not good enough to continue growing your business internationally.


    In the same way as you, David couldn't use his English for his business.


    `He was afraid to talk to his international clients and partners because of his weak English.


    `He wanted to give up on improving his English because he made no progress after trying for so many years, but he couldn't.

    However, if you are a Middle Eastern business owner and your weak English skills make you lose international deals every time.

    Use the tips to improve your English for business.


    Want more help? I can help you.

    Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. 

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. 

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • Are you tired of not talking confidently in English during meetings?

    You can talk confidently in English if you take action that can help you talk confidently.

    However, are you taking the right action every day?

    In the same way, you take the right actions every day to grow your business outside of your country. You have to take the right actions every day to speak confidently in English.

    You built your business up to this great level, so you can also develop strong English for your business.

    You are not alone, because I know how you feel when:

    ~ You can't talk confidently in English during important meetings and events.

    ~ You think so much about your words because you don't want to make grammar errors.

    ~ You smile and nod when you wish you could negotiate better in English.

    Do you want to talk confidently in English during international meetings and events?

    So, if you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you want to talk confidently in English with your clients and partners.

    You can use the tips to improve how you talk in English.

    Want more help? I can help you.

    Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. 

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, errorless business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. 

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • Do you have no confidence in using your English to grow your business internationally?Habeeb got a message on WhatsApp; it was from one of his clients from another country.Habeeb got everything ready for this client who was coming, and he talked to himself about how he would talk in English with his client. His client came, but while they were talking, his client couldn't understand most of Habeeb's words. Habeeb had to repeat most of his words two to three times before his client could understand him. Every time Habeeb was told to repeat his words, he got uncomfortable because he wasn't sure if it was because of his grammar errors or the way he said some words. At one point, he was afraid to say a word in English because he was making a lot of grammar errors, and it was hard for both of them to continue talking. If you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you are always afraid to talk with your international clients and partners because: ~ You always make grammar errors.~ They always find it hard to understand your words in English.~ You don't like the way you always say English words during meetings and events. I have some tips that can help you increase your confidence in using your English for business.Want more help? I can help you.Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. Go to and tap on "free business English tips".🔴• Need more free time, error-free business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.DM: PROOFREAD.Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1". Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. Go to and tap on "Support Me".THANKS ONCE AGAIN SEE YOU NEXT WEEK.

  • Have you been translating emails you wrote in your native language into English because you can't write English?


    Ali was happy with the meeting he had in the morning with his international partner.

    Later in the evening, he opened his email to send a message to his new international partner.


    He wrote four lines of sentences in English, and he got sad because he had made so many spelling and grammar errors.


    Ali didn't know how he could write what he had in mind in English without making a lot of spelling and grammar errors.


    He had to write his emails in his native language before translating them into English before he could send a good email to his new international partner.


    Do you write emails and documents in your native language before translating them into English because you can't write English just like Ali?


    You want to write emails, documents, and contracts well in English, but you don't know how.


    You have used many English writing tips to learn how to write better in English, but you still can't write.


    I learned English as my fourth language. I know how you feel if you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you can't write well in English.

    You can use the tips to learn how to write emails, documents, and contracts better in English.

    Want more help? I can help you.

    Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. 

    Go to and tap on "free business English tips".

    🔴• Need more free time, error-free business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?

    Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.


    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".

    🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1".

    Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".

    🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. 

    Go to and tap on "Support Me".


  • When do you want to start reading emails and documents in English without translators? Ahmed got an important email from one of his clients in Australia. He was happy that he got the email, and he opened the email to start reading. Ahmed read the first line to the third line, and he got confused because he didn't know the meaning of most of the words he saw. He jumped to the last part of the email; maybe he would have an idea of what his client was saying, but he got more confused. He got tired and had to use translators to translate from English into his native language before he could understand the email. Are you like Ahmed? Do you find it hard to read emails, documents, and contracts in English without using translators? You try to read important emails and documents in English without translating them into your native language, but you can't. Not only that! You can't understand them when you try to read them. Due to this, you avoid reading anything in English during important meetings and events with international clients and partners. So, if you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you can't read and understand English.You can use the tips to learn how to read and understand important emails, documents, and contracts in English.Want more help? I can help you.Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills. Go to and tap on "free business English tips".🔴• Need more free time, error-free business documents, business contracts & 100% privacy?Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents.DM: PROOFREAD.Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "PROOFREAD".🔴• VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM "1-on-1". Go to and tap on WhatsApp to DM "1-on-1".🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly. Go to and tap on "Support Me".THANKS ONCE AGAIN SEE YOU NEXT WEEK