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What's the craic? Welcome to The Visual Div, your unfiltered gateway to all things Webflow, straight from the Emerald Isle. No fluff, just two devs from Ireland dissecting the latest features, community buzz, and tech developments in the world of Webflow. Picture it like this: two mates, endless digital chatter, and maybe a pint or two. It's like your typical Friday night pub talk, but with way more CSS and API calls. So grab your headphones and let's get this party started!
The Visual Div is 100% powered by you, our lovely listeners. If you enjoy the craic and reckon you’d buy us a Guinness if we bumped into you at the local, then here's your digital barman! Buy the lads a pint:
We’re never going to lock up the podcast behind a paywall; we want everyone to have a listen and enjoy. By buying the lads a pint, you're not just showing your support—you’re making sure we can keep the lights on so everyone can enjoy the dad banter for free. It’s a model built on pure soundness and a bit of Irish generosity. Sláinte! -
Nerding med Netlife er en podkast hvor vi i Netlife gjør det vi gjør best: Nerder om det meste innenfor brukeropplevelse og digitale tjenester. Her får du komme tett på de uformelle samtalene om fag med alt det innebærer av aha-øyeblikk, litt fjas og smarte triks til hvordan du kan jobbe bedre med digitale løsninger! Podkasten spilles inn ca en gang i måneden, som en oppfølger til fagpraten vi arrangerer her på Youngstorget. Velkommen til en nerdete reise inn i design, innhold og teknologi med oss!
It's easier than ever to launch and produce a podcast. But it's never been harder to grow one.
On this show, we break down and explore what the data says about what it takes to market and grow a podcast in 2025 to help you make smarter decisions about your show, grow faster, and earn more.
Together, cohosts—and longtime podcasters, creators, and marketers—Jeremy Enns (Podcast Marketing Academy) and Justin Jackson ( explore topics like:
How do you define success for your podcast?
What are the most effective marketing strategies, tactics, and growth channels for podcasts?
What does the data say about how to structure your show and episodes?
Which social media channels should you focus on as a podcaster?
How do you stack up to other shows?
Using the data uncovered by the annual Podcast Marketing Trends Report, our goal is to make sense of the numbers and turn them into actionable insights that you can use to create a better show and market it more effectively.
You can find the latest report at -
Velkommen til podkastserien «Teknologi og mennesker» laget av Oslo Business Forum og Atea. Vi har samlet de beste eksemplene i Norge på teknologi og digitalisering. Hvordan fikk de det til og hva kan vi lære av dem?
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Her møter vi ledere, gründere og fagfolk som gir interessante perspektiver på dagens og fremtidens næringsliv.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Oslo Business Forum presents Norway's best podcast for leaders - Future Forecast with Isabelle Ringnes.
Future Forecast discusses leadership, technology, and sustainability with some of the most influential leaders and entrepreneurs from around the world.
We explore their insights into the most exciting trends and topics of our time and learn from their personal experiences.
Who do you want to hear from? What challenges do you want solved? Let us know: [email protected] -
Professorer, PHD-er, teknologer, politikere og ledere i privat og offentlig sektor er gjester som deler sin kunnskap i Digitaliseringspådden. Hver uke treffer du en ny gjest som gir deg ny kunnskap om digitalisering. Programlederne er Jens Christian Bang og Dag Rustad blander seg inn i samtalen og stiller de spørsmålene du ville stilt.Digitalseringspådden produseres av utviklingsselskapet Already On og distribueres av Computerworld Norge.
Oslo Business Forum presents Norway's best podcast for leaders - Future Forecast with Isabelle Ringnes.
Future Forecast discusses leadership, technology, and sustainability with some of the most influential leaders and entrepreneurs from around the world.
We explore their insights into the most exciting trends and topics of our time and learn from their personal experiences.
Who do you want to hear from? What challenges do you want solved? Let us know: [email protected] -
Med mål om å gjøre deg litt klokere innen bl.a. digital markedsføring, kommunikasjon og sosiale medier for hver episode som kommer ut.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vi bak podcasten er Cicero Consulting, et ekspertmiljø på finansbransjen, og del av Itera. Vi er lidenskapelig opptatt av fremtidens finansbransje, og i "Under lupen" går vi i dybden på sentrale trender og de største nyhetene. Med et glimt i øyet gir vi deg spiselige perspektiver og innsikt du rekker å fordøye på veien til eller fra jobb.
Teknologitrender er podkasten som tar et entusiastisk, men også et kritisk blikk på hvordan teknologi og digitalisering endrer og påvirker våre liv og næringsliv.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Talking Industrial Automation Podcast is a show to help you get to know the people who make modern manufacturing and processing possible. Along the way you'll hear about integration technology, trends and challenges. If you are a manufacturer, end user/client, supplier or system integrator interested in industrial automation, you will enjoy the insights in this podcast.
Bossbabe is one of the world's largest communities of ambitious women, with over 4.2 million followers and the top online membership for women entrepreneurs. We're passionate about helping you build a Freedom-Based Business™ to make more money + live a lifestyle you love. Every week, the bossbabe podcast brings you the real behind-the-scenes of building a wildly successful, profitable + reliable business, plus tools and strategies to make sales on repeat, grow an audience on social media, + create the life you truly want.
You have a dream for your business. We have the tools to get you there. The Building Your Business with doTERRA podcast dials in on how to develop your customer base, find business builders, and make residual income so you can experience freedom and live the life of your dreams.
Betalingspodden er podcasten for deg som søker ny innsikt og nye perspektiver knyttet til betalinger og betalingsteknologi. Her tar vi opp temaer der banktjenester og teknologi møtes. Vi vil invitere eksperter fra Nordea og andre spennende gjester.
Verter er Joakim Hines Bredahl og Magnus Forsnes Krogstad. Kontakt oss på [email protected].
Podcasten er levert av Nordea Norge -
Energi og teknologi er en podkast fra Agder Energi. Vi inviterer kunnskapsrike gjester til å snakke om et bredt spekter av temaer knyttet til energi, teknologi og innovasjon, og hva som skjer når disse feltene møtes.
Eksperter fra næringsliv, forskning, politikk og samfunn deler sin kunnskap i denne podkasten. God lytting!
For henvendelser: [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How do you get good at strategy? Whether you’re into brand strategy, advertising strategy, digital strategy, social media strategy, or you just love doing strategy but you get frustrated at how people use the word, Sweathead will help you delve into the practices and minds of some of the world’s most wonderful strategists. We're in our sixth year and have surpassed 1,500,000 listens! Hit SUBSCRIBE, tell your friends, and leave a kind rating. Real-time action is @markpollard and @sweathead.
You can find strategy classes and "Strategy Is Your Words" here: