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Chrysalis Guild es una comunidad que promueve los vídeo juegos como estilo de vida a través de remover las barreras de entrada en vídeo juegos o experiencias que le permitan ganar dinero a nuestros miembros. Nuestro propósito: Hacer el gaming un estilo de vida sostenible económicamente brindando los recursos necesarios a los jugadores para alcanzar sus objetivos.
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Un podcast dominicano enfocado en discutir cualquier suceso, título, y personalidad relevante a los videojuegos, con los particulares puntos de vista de cada participante, para mantener la animosidad y dinámica entre bromas y noticias, quiencenal. FB: RSSVERIFY
Join Chris and Katie as these thirtysomething siblings journey through their childhood archive of cartridges, discs, and emulators to relive the cherished and challenging times of their video gaming youth and find out once and for all if the classics of the 80s and 90s game consoles hold up to a modern playthrough. From NES to PS2, Genesis to GameBoy, and even a PC game here and there, they’re reminiscing, replaying, and reviewing some of the all-time retro classics, and maybe a few all-time clunkers too.
Games don't exist in a vacuum nor do the people who make them or the people who play them. At Sidequests, games are important to us but so is how they reflect on our society and our lives. We will talk about the biggest new release and the games we’ve been enjoying but we also will not shy away from talking about how they intersect with our lives, our mental state and the news effecting all of us. So, If you are looking for a place that just talks about graphics or mechanics this is not it.