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The poetry podcast for people who don’t like poetry... and those who do. Host Dylan J. Kershaw is dragged kicking, screaming and making ridiculous interpretations along the way toward enjoying poetry by close friend and literature whiz Charlie Pidcock. Join them as they dive into the enlightening world of poetry, and have some laughs along the way.
Every other week three friends, coworkers, and coffee industry professionals humorously explore topics in history, culture, and business using coffee as inspiration. Then, using their professionally trained palates, they try the coffee and commit to giving no bad reviews.
Hosted by Jenni Trilik, Marcus Contaldo, and Stephanie Motenko.
Sponsored by Modest Coffee
Possibly the World's most inclusive art podcast.
Artist & Curator Gary Mansfield talks to emerging, established and world renowned artists each week in his quite unique manner.
Gary's booming Cockney voice and jovial approach, is a breath of fresh air for those within the art world and a beacon to those that thought it inaccessible.
Previous guests include: Maggi Hambling, Mark Wallinger, Gavin Turk, kennardphillipps, Mat Colishaw, Ray Richardson, Camille Walala, Rankin, Keith Brymer-Jones, PureEvil, Tanya Ling, Koestler Arts, Stuart Semple, Richard Wirson RA, Sarah Maple, Jenny Eclair, Katy Wix and Adam Buxton
Feel free to contact Gary with any queries, comments etc: email: All Social Media: @ministryofartsorg To find out more on Gary Mansfield go to:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The LitJoy Podcast is where you connect with authors, publishing experts, and prominent personalities in the book world! Together we discuss what’s hot in fiction, interview beloved authors, and dive into literary trends. Join the business owners of LitJoy Crate, Alix and Kelly, as we rave and rage about the best fictional reads and how they bond us together! Because when you reach “The End.” the conversation begins!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Have you ever been so lonely you kept a customer service representative on the phone just to have someone to talk to? Have you ever dreamed of having a pen-pal to whom you could confide your deepest secrets and most intimate thoughts? Well, you are not alone.
Dear Starbucks is the story of a woman so desperate for connection that she spends ten years befriending a global coffee conglomerate by writing them notes on their customer feedback cards. And, sometimes, Starbucks writes back. -
V čase, keď už všetky poslušné deti dávno spia, prichádzajú do éteru Tri rozkošné prasiatka. Oliver, Samuel a Láďo. Late night show ON AIR na Europa 2, v ktorej sa budeme baviť bez servítky. O živote, vzťahoch, ženách, a to aj o tej tvojej! Každú stredu večer po 22:00 sa budeš pri počúvaní červenať. Všetko, na čo sa hanbíš opýtať, všetko, čo potrebuješ vyriešiť.
A chceš vidieť celý, necenzurovaný diel, s obsahom, ktorý inde nenájdeš, klikni si na ▶ HeroHero/Triprasiatka.
Všetky informácie nájdete vždy včas na Instagrame ▶*ALERT: Ak hľadáš inteligentnú debatu či rozhovor na úrovni, ani si to nezapínaj. A taktiež, ak nemáš 18 rokov, tak umyť zuby a šup do postieľky.
Tri prasiatka
BAUER MEDIA Slovakia, k.s.,
Vrútocká 48, 821 04 Bratislava
IČO: 357 92 094
Periodicita: týždenná
EČP: EV 96/23/EPP -
Každý piatok od 13-tej bude niekomu pekelne horúco. Jeden hosť a 10 otázok pod kožu, pri ktorých sa zaručene zapotí nejeden frajer. To je show na Europe 2 - Bekimovo horúce kreslo! Daj si pozor, aby ti pri počúvaní nezabehlo. Ak nemáš ešte 18 rokov, podcast nie je pre teba celkom vhodný. Ak máš 18+, o vhodnosti počúvania tejto show sa aj tak radšej poraď so svojim lekárom alebo lekárnikom. My nie sme normálne rádio! #Europa2
TikTok: horúce kreslo
BAUER MEDIA Slovakia, k.s.,
Vrútocká 48,
821 04 Bratislava
IČO: 357 92 094
Periodicita: týždenná
EČP: EV 84/23/EPP -
Podcast o veciach každodenných trochu inak. Všetci bláznia z Vianoc? Ja nie. Silvester musí byť párty? Ja radšej sám doma. Predsavzatia? Ja nikdy, ale ak vy si dávate, pokojne mi všetok alkohol a sladkosti doneste. Lyžovačky? Radšej more. Chlap na materskej, žena živiteľka rodiny, rodina a deti? Ja ani jedno. Podobných príkladov ľudí, ktorí plávajú proti prúdu by sme našli dosť. Nie všetci o svojom životnom postoji hovoria nahlas. A tí, ktorí áno, budú hosťami našej talkshow. Teší sa na vás Michael Szatmary.