
  • For decades, the roots of gender ideology were seemingly confined to esoteric areas of study in niche academic departments. Yet this radical ideology soon stealthily began taking the world by storm until it reached a social eruption over the past decade -- one that has destroyed families and threatened the very fabric of society.

    Today, the devastating havoc that transgenderism has wrought on countless children, teenagers, young adults, families, and on society at large is no longer hidden, and a reckoning is underway both at home and abroad.

    But what can be done? What can average citizens who see what’s at stake do to address this effectively? In this fourth season of "Generation Indoctrination" — which premieres September 20 — we’re focusing on those action-oriented people who decided that, although they never imagined this being a part of their lives, they must resist this destructive ideology.

    We’ll speak to those working in public policy, in red, blue, and purple states. We’ll engage those advocating for detransitioners, the victims of the mass medical experiment known as “gender-affirming care.” And we’ll talk to those who are helping shattered families and devastated moms and dads, some of whom are still forced to resist from the shadows and whose lives have been torn apart. These parents will tell you they are only now starting to be heard.

    And while there has been growing resistance and an emergence of public advocacy on these issues, it’s also worth revisiting the history. As it turns out, there were voices on the scene who foresaw and predicted the rise of this ideology before anyone was paying attention.

    And we’ll also engage what lies ahead. Are there other ideological developments presently brewing in the shadows that are related to the current morass? Is transgenderism the on-ramp to something even more bizarre and nefarious? Some say yes.

    We’ll explore all these themes and more in this season of "Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle."

  • 2024 is being called the biggest election year in history — and with good reason. Seven of the world’s ten most populous countries, including the United States, will hold national elections this year. As more people than ever before are expected to vote in 2024, what exactly does it mean to be a “Christian voter” in America today? Is it merely a Christian who votes? Or something far more nuanced?

    That’s the question at the forefront of The Christian Post podcast series and upcoming live event, "Politics In the Pews." Through conversations with a variety of Evangelical voices from across the political spectrum, "Politics In the Pews" looks at the history and influence of Evangelicalism in American politics, where churches and Christian leaders stand on the presumed Republican nominee and former president Donald Trump, and how “Christian nationalism” could sway independent voters.

    Topics will cover the rise and fall of the “Religious Right,” the “Trump factor,” Christian nationalism, the pros and cons of church ballot collection efforts, how Hispanic Evangelical leaders are engaging their congregations, and a panel of leading Christian voices on the state of religious liberty in America in 2024.

    On today's preview, "Politics In the Pews" host Ian Giatti joins Billy Hallowell to preview the podcast series, which premieres July 12. Be sure to subscribe to the show TODAY so you can start listening when the first episode releases. Listen here:

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  • Click HERE to learn more about the Master of Bioethics degree at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

    When family courts and the legal system are captured by gender ideology, moms and dads who have reservations about medicalizing their gender-confused children with experimental drugs and surgeries have almost no recourse, particularly when there is a contentious divorce and a custody dispute between the parents. This is especially the case in the “trans sanctuary state” of California.

    Ted Hudacko knows this struggle all too well. He hasn’t seen one of his sons in years after California Superior Court judge Joni Hiramoto removed this San Francisco Bay Area dad’s custody after he expressed hesitancy that his son was transgender. In violation of the court order, clinicians and activists at the University of California - San Francisco Child and Adolescent Gender Center facilitated the surgical implantation of a hormone-blocking device in his son’s arm. They also started him on a course of cross-sex hormones. As a result of these medical interventions, Hudacko’s son is now almost certainly sterile.

    Hudacko’s case is a remarkable encapsulation of several dimensions of the gender ideology issues we have explored in the third season of “Generation Indoctrination.” In this bonus episode, we speak with him about his ongoing efforts to fight back against the system along with his attorney, Tracy Henderson. Hudacko is currently taking action in family court with contempt complaints against those who harmed his son and also a federal lawsuit.

    We will also briefly hear from Dr. Sallie Baxendale, a neuropsychologist from England who has been raising the alarm about the impact of puberty-blocking drugs on brain development. Her presentation at the Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine’s conference in October 2023 can be viewed in its entirety here:

  • The Christian Post has always been unequivocal about where we, as a publication, stand on the issue of gender ideology. We believe that it is not only fundamentally at odds with historic, biblically orthodox Christian faith, but that it has also unleashed some of the worst medical atrocities and human rights violations the world has ever seen. We believe that so-called “gender-affirming care” is horrific, unmitigated child abuse, and that lying about the material reality of sex endangers vulnerable populations such as incarcerated women, who are now forced to share prison quarters with violent males as a result of such trans-friendly policies.

    It is, as CP executive editor Richard Land has said numerous times, “the epitome of self-idolatry, the ultimate attempt to become one’s own god.”

    And yet how should the church respond to those who are struggling? How do we address the nefarious, ideological push that is in nearly all of our cultural institutions, while also offering compassionate pastoral care for those suffering from gender confusion? How should churches approach these matters with uncompromised boldness, biblical wisdom, and the grace of Jesus Christ?

    Weighing in on these questions in the final episode of "Generation Indoctrination" are two theologians, a Christian counselor, and a man who works to equip the rising generation in a biblical worldview and is also the co-author (with “Generation Indoctrination” host Brandon Showalter) of the e-book “Exposing the Gender Lie: How To Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology.”

    We will grapple with these issues and much more in the finale of season 3 of "Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle."

  • More than anyone else, those who have personally experienced the experimental medical procedures involved in so-called “gender-affirming care” are keenly aware of the lies of trans ideology. The group of people called “detransitioners” have taken hormones and undergone surgeries to alter their bodies to appear more like the opposite sex have learned in the hardest way possible that no one has ever been or ever will be “born in the wrong body.”

    The regret such detrans individuals face is so profound that it has motivated some of them to testify in state legislatures in support of bills and policies prohibiting such practices of administering puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries on minors. They are also contributing to documentary films and books. Yet others have even filed medical negligence lawsuits against the doctors and medical institutions that harmed them and their cases are presently working through the courts. Advocacy on behalf of such people is emerging on several fronts as their stories are being heard more widely, in no small part due to their public testimonies before government committees and in legislative hearings.

    In this fourth episode of season 3, we engage a young detrans man and a young detrans woman who are among this group who are speaking out about how they were harmed, an attorney who has filed lawsuits on behalf of a few detrans women, and an author and filmmaker who is an expert in bioethics. The author and filmmaker has written an upcoming book featuring personal stories of both male and female detransitioners, the history behind the push to make transgenderism mainstream, and how gender ideology has eroded biomedical ethics. She is also about to release her third film on the subject.

  • The parents of children who have suddenly started identifying as “transgender” or other designations like “nonbinary” or “genderqueer” have suffered more than most people as a result of the invasion of gender ideology. This is especially the case in the medical arena as young people are now enticed down a path of experimental medicalization entailing risky procedures such as the use of cross-sex hormones and body-altering surgeries to appear more as the opposite sex. With this medicalization, parental rights are eroding as the age of consent laws for these medical practices have been lowered.

    In the third installment of season 3 of this podcast series, we’ll speak to a mom who managed to pull her daughter back from the proverbial ledge after her young daughter was swept up into the gender identity social contagion, another mom in agony whose daughter has gone as far as possible medically, and a dad who dared to push back against the medical establishment when his cancer-stricken son became convinced he was the other sex. This father was among those profiled in “Dead Name” an indie documentary film about the struggles parents face; the movie also features “Generation Indoctrination" host Brandon Showalter.

    We also speak to Andrew Bailey, the current Attorney General of Missouri who, despite not having any of his kids mired in the trans craze is himself a concerned parent and has been fighting against the gender clinics in the Show Me State after a whistleblower came forward with sworn testimony about how children were being hurt and parents undermined at a transgender clinic in St. Louis.

    The grief and suffering of these moms and dads has been neglected in the mainstream press — but their voices must be heard.

  • For several reasons, the state of California is where ideological trends in the United States originate and spread, and the furtherance of transgender ideology is no exception. The largest and most populous state in the union is also home to Hollywood and Silicon Valley and thus shapes the culture in important ways. Meanwhile, the state legislature is one of the most left-wing in the country and has rubber-stamped many public policies that have advanced “gender identity” in every sphere of society.

    In episode two of the latest season of "Generation Indoctrination," The Christian Post examines the Golden State’s influence on the nation, and why resistance is necessary even in areas where the proverbial deck appears to be stacked against opponents of gender ideology. A crucial player in the California legislature is state senator Scott Weiner, a homosexual man who represents portions of San Francisco and has sponsored numerous bills advancing transgender ideology, including the bill that enabled men to transfer into women’s prisons. We scrutinize his influence and what motivates him.

    As states across the U.S. South and Midwest pass legislation banning gender medicalization of children – puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and trans surgery on minors – these California advocates insist that the battle against gender ideology must be fought and won in California, not only because those children matter, but because the state laws now enable kids from other states to come to California and be harmed.

    Among those resisting the onslaught are two lifelong yet now-disaffected Democrat women – a parent activist whose daughter became caught up in the trans craze and a longtime lesbian activist from San Francisco. Also featured in this installment are a Christian conservative activist with the California Family Council, a tenacious endocrinologist trying to get answers via FOIA requests from the federal government about controversial medical research on gender-confused children, and a formerly incarcerated woman who is now advocating for females who are forced to share prison quarters with trans-identifying males because of the California legislature’s moves in recent years.

    Tune in to Generation Indoctrination on all podcast platforms.

  • Welcome to the season 3 premiere of "Generation Indoctrination," hosted by The Christian Post's Brandon Showalter: This past year was unlike any before it in terms of visible opposition to transgender policies, particularly the experimental medicalization of gender confusion via puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and the performing of irreversible surgeries on gender-confused minors.

    Across the U.S. South and Midwest, 17 state legislatures implemented bans on gender medicalization on youth and, as of this episode's publication, a bill that would do so is sitting on the desk of the governor of Ohio, which will become the 18th state this year if the legislation if enacted into law. The state-level legislative push is perhaps the greatest indicator that public awareness has reached a point where the issue cannot be ignored nationally and it is likely to be discussed in the context of the 2024 presidential election.

    In this inaugural episode of the third season of "Generation Indoctrination," The Christian Post engages lawmakers who have been instrumental at the state level to protect children from irreversible medical harm in addition to public policy experts and leaders working to address these and related issues on the national scene, including a left-wing radical feminist activist and author who has been resisting gender identity ideology and policies for nearly a decade.

  • Is America at a tipping point when it comes to the transgender battle? The trailer for Season 3 of "Generation Indoctrination" dives into what you can expect from the powerful new episodes, premiering Dec. 29:

    With legislative battles heating up, detransitioners fighting back, and families openly sharing their heartbreaking plights, the transgender battle is entering some startling — and perhaps encouraging — new phases.

    As these changes unfold, "Generation Indoctrination" host Brandon Showalter is back with a new season of his eye-opening documentary podcast series, providing a unique lens into this diabolical issue.

    Join Showalter of The Christian Post for a no-holds-barred exploration of the transgender debate, as he masterfully takes listeners through heartbreaking stories, expert opinions, and bewildered parents' experiences as these individuals push back on the narratives being perpetuated and targeted at young hearts and minds.

  • With legislative battles heating up, detransitioners fighting back, and families openly sharing their heartbreaking plights, the transgender battle is entering some startling — and perhaps encouraging — new phases.

    As these changes unfold, "Generation Indoctrination" host Brandon Showalter is back with a new season of his eye-opening documentary podcast series, providing a unique lens into this diabolical issue.

    Season 3 of "Generation Indoctrination" premieres December 29. On today's preview episode, Showalter delves into what listeners can expect from the show — and why the issue is truly pressing.

    Join Showalter of The Christian Post for a no-holds-barred exploration of the transgender debate, as he masterfully takes listeners through heartbreaking stories, expert opinions, and bewildered parents' experiences as these individuals push back on the narratives being perpetuated and targeted at young hearts and minds.

  • Journalist Brandon Showalter and "Dead Name" filmmaker Taylor Reece explore how struggling parents of transgender-identifying kids are often voiceless and left in the dark. They also explore the medicalization issue more broadly, with Reece diving into what she learned and experienced throughout the filmmaking process.

    "This film needed to be made because there are parents suffering all over the nation and the world who need to be heard," she said.

    Listen to this powerful bonus episode – the final chapter in season two of "Generation Indoctrination."


    Transgenderism has exploded around the world. What's going on – and what's driving the social contagion? Myers and Showalter have joined forces for season two of the hit podcast "Generation Indoctrination."

    Each episode of the show this season was a different audio chapter from the duo's new e-book, "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" (FREE e-book available here). Here's just a snippet:

    "The debate over gender ideology has revealed a raging fury against the idea that human beings bear the image of God. Nowhere is this indignation more clearly seen than in the deconstruction of the very definition of male and female. Sincere and faithful Christians cannot remain on the sidelines. We must speak with biblically informed, compassionate wisdom. The philosophical and moral questions are complex. But what is at stake is whether we, as a human society, will be able to recognize truth, discern reality, and prepare the rising generation to live confidently as image-bearers of God."

    Today's bonus episode follows the conclusion of the audio chapters presented of "Exposing the Gender Lie" titled, "Transgender Ideology and the Biblical Worldview."

    Download "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" here (direct link:

  • "We have lost sight of truth." That's the theme of chapter five of "Exposing the Gender Lie."

    Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, and Brandon Showalter, journalist at The Christian Post, explore how trans ideology has captured our institutions. Listen to this powerful chapter of the e-book.


    Transgenderism has exploded around the world. What's going on – and what's driving the social contagion? Myers and Showalter have joined forces for season two of the hit podcast "Generation Indoctrination."

    Each episode of the show this season will be a different audio chapter from the duo's new e-book, "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" (FREE e-book available here). Here's just a snippet:

    "The debate over gender ideology has revealed a raging fury against the idea that human beings bear the image of God. Nowhere is this indignation more clearly seen than in the deconstruction of the very definition of male and female. Sincere and faithful Christians cannot remain on the sidelines. We must speak with biblically informed, compassionate wisdom. The philosophical and moral questions are complex. But what is at stake is whether we, as a human society, will be able to recognize truth, discern reality, and prepare the rising generation to live confidently as image-bearers of God."

    Today's episode explores chapter five of "Exposing the Gender Lie" titled, "Transgender Ideology and the Biblical Worldview."

    Download "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" here (direct link:

  • Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, and Brandon Showalter, journalist at The Christian Post, explore how trans ideology has captured our institutions. This is chapter four of the audiobook, "Exposing the Gender Lie."


    Transgenderism has exploded around the world. What's going on – and what's driving the social contagion? Myers and Showalter have joined forces for season two of the hit podcast "Generation Indoctrination."

    Each episode of the show this season will be a different audio chapter from the duo's new e-book, "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" (FREE e-book available here). Here's just a snippet:

    "The debate over gender ideology has revealed a raging fury against the idea that human beings bear the image of God. Nowhere is this indignation more clearly seen than in the deconstruction of the very definition of male and female. Sincere and faithful Christians cannot remain on the sidelines. We must speak with biblically informed, compassionate wisdom. The philosophical and moral questions are complex. But what is at stake is whether we, as a human society, will be able to recognize truth, discern reality, and prepare the rising generation to live confidently as image-bearers of God."

    Today's episode explores chapter four of "Exposing the Gender Lie" titled, "How Trans Ideology Captured Our Institutions."

    Download "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" here (direct link:

  • Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, and Brandon Showalter, journalist at The Christian Post, explore how trans ideology twists language to distort reality. This is chapter three of the audiobook, "Exposing the Gender Lie."


    Transgenderism has exploded around the world. What's going on – and what's driving the social contagion? Myers and Showalter have joined forces for season two of the hit podcast "Generation Indoctrination."

    Each episode of the show this season will be a different audio chapter from the duo's new e-book, "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" (FREE e-book available here). Here's just a snippet:

    "The debate over gender ideology has revealed a raging fury against the idea that human beings bear the image of God. Nowhere is this indignation more clearly seen than in the deconstruction of the very definition of male and female. Sincere and faithful Christians cannot remain on the sidelines. We must speak with biblically informed, compassionate wisdom. The philosophical and moral questions are complex. But what is at stake is whether we, as a human society, will be able to recognize truth, discern reality, and prepare the rising generation to live confidently as image-bearers of God."

    Today's episode explores chapter three of "Exposing the Gender Lie" titled, "How Trans Ideology Twists Language to Distort Reality."

    Download "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" here (direct link:

  • Transgenderism has exploded around the world. What's going on – and what's driving the social contagion? Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, and Brandon Showalter, journalist at The Christian Post, have joined forces for season two of "Generation Indoctrination."

    Each episode of the show this season will be a different audio chapter from the duo's new e-book, "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" (FREE e-book available here). Here's just a snippet:

    "The debate over gender ideology has revealed a raging fury against the idea that human beings bear the image of God. Nowhere is this indignation more clearly seen than in the deconstruction of the very definition of male and female. Sincere and faithful Christians cannot remain on the sidelines. We must speak with biblically informed, compassionate wisdom. The philosophical and moral questions are complex. But what is at stake is whether we, as a human society, will be able to recognize truth, discern reality, and prepare the rising generation to live confidently as image-bearers of God."

    Today's episode explores chapter two of "Exposing the Gender Lie" titled, "The History and Trajectory of Gender Ideology."

    Download "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" here (direct link:

  • Transgenderism has exploded around the world. What's going on – and what's driving the social contagion? Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, and Brandon Showalter, journalist at The Christian Post, have joined forces for season two of "Generation Indoctrination."

    Each episode of the show this season will be a different audio chapter from the duo's new e-book, "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" (FREE e-book available here). Here's just a snippet:

    "The debate over gender ideology has revealed a raging fury against the idea that human beings bear the image of God. Nowhere is this indignation more clearly seen than in the deconstruction of the very definition of male and female. Sincere and faithful Christians cannot remain on the sidelines. We must speak with biblically informed, compassionate wisdom. The philosophical and moral questions are complex. But what is at stake is whether we, as a human society, will be able to recognize truth, discern reality, and prepare the rising generation to live confidently as image-bearers of God."

    Today's episode explores chapter one of "Exposing the Gender Lie" titled, "Why Transgenderism Is a Medical and Social Scandal."

    Download "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" here (direct link:

  • Transgenderism has exploded around the world. What's going on – and what's driving the social contagion? Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, and Brandon Showalter, journalist at The Christian Post, have joined forces for season two of "Generation Indoctrination."

    Each episode of the show this season will be a different audio chapter from the duo's new e-book, "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" (FREE e-book available here). Here's just a snippet:

    "The debate over gender ideology has revealed a raging fury against the idea that human beings bear the image of God. Nowhere is this indignation more clearly seen than in the deconstruction of the very definition of male and female. Sincere and faithful Christians cannot remain on the sidelines. We must speak with biblically informed, compassionate wisdom. The philosophical and moral questions are complex. But what is at stake is whether we, as a human society, will be able to recognize truth, discern reality, and prepare the rising generation to live confidently as image-bearers of God."

    Today's episode offers an introduction to this essential issue.

    Download "Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens from the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology" here (direct link:

  • "There seems to be no area of society where this ideology has not invaded." That's host Brandon Showalter's assessment of the transgender movement's impact on various facets of contemporary culture.

    In today's bonus episode of "Generation Indoctrination," Showalter shifts gears to confront a shocking arena many know little about — the presence of biological men in women's prisons.

    This disturbing dynamic has left female inmates terrified, vulnerable, and, according to Showalter's guests, at risk of assault.

    >>>> WARNING: Adult themes and discussions are present in this episode. This is not appropriate for children. <<<<

    Join Showalter as he navigates the issues, explores the gritty details, and speaks with former inmates and advocates sounding the alarm on the unthinkable.

    "When I first learned that they were housing men in women's prions based on their own self-identification about their gender feelings it was naturally disbelief and horror," Amanda Stulman, USA director of Keep Prisons Single Sex, proclaims on the podcast. "And also: a realization that this issue had not been brought to the public for a public discussion and debate."

    Amie Ichikawa, executive director of Woman II Woman, an organization for incarcerated women, describes the "feeling of utter vulnerability" inside female prisons when biological men make their way into the general population. Amie explains how the ideology has been forced upon incarcerated females in a religious-like manner, all while leaving women in a dire situation.

  • “I feel like I lost nine years of my life.” That’s how Laura Beth Perry Smalts now sees the nine years she desperately tried to live as a transgender man.

    Smalts, a Christian who now openly shares her journey of gender confusion, explained the conundrum she once found herself in.

    “I just thought [I was a] man born in a woman's body,” Smalts said on the final chapter of the “Generational Indoctrination” podcast. “And I just needed to fix the body.”

    Smalts’ quest to transition, though, led her on a quest to desperately try to prove she was anything but her biological gender. She ended up taking hormones and having surgery to change every aspect of her body — including the removal of her reproductive system — to match her internal feelings.

    “There was all the regret too, of just the things that I've done to my body — the fact that I didn't have breasts anymore,” she explained. “And I ended up getting married and my husband didn't know if I'd ever have breasts again. I was able to get breast surgery about three months ago and get implants, but it's not the same.”

    Smalts, who became a Christian while still living as a transgender man and eventually de-transitioned, now ponders why none of the doctors caring for her mentioned the damaging nature of the medical procedures she was engaging in.

    “It's so maddening when I look back … where are the doctors that were willing to say, ‘Hey, wait a second, this is really not good for your body?’” Smalts said.

    Listen to Smalts and others discuss the perils of the transgender movement in the final chapter of "Generation Indoctrination."

  • “What a lie from the pit of hell.” That’s how Arkansas state Rep. Robin Lundstrum frames the claim from some that children won’t face long-term harm from so-called gender transition measures. She’s just one of the voices who appear in the fourth installment of “Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle.”

    At the baseline of the transgender movement is an affirmation-only model that leaves no room for questions, inquiry, rational discussion, or debate. As we’ve explored thus far, the implications of this sinister approach have impacted our schools, medical institutions, and families.

    In the fourth installment of “Generation Indoctrination,” we explore the perils of affirmation-only approaches on the legal and legislative fronts. Often driven by emotion, these policies create familial crises and threaten parental rights.

    And it’s the “feelings” part of the equation that begs to be broken down. In this episode, a therapist, who chose to speak under a pseudonym for fear of retribution, explained her belief that this handling is both tragic and dangerous, especially for kids.

    “It's solely based upon our feelings and I don't know about you, but I know my own feelings change from time to time,” she said. “And this is particularly true of young girls in middle school. Young people's feelings are all over the place.”

    This dynamic, mixed with problematic assumptions, is creating a crisis — one based on the lie that happiness and feelings are at the core of truth.

    “Happiness is always fleeting, so this is severely flawed and thinking that I can be in a constant state of happiness, but this is the construct,” Carla said, noting that another assumption is that a person is his or her feelings and such feelings much be expressed outwardly.

    Showalter takes all of these elements and begins to explore how these emotions and the associated affirmation craze become codified into law. But while the government descends into madness, states and communities across the country are fighting back.

    Parents like Florida mom January Littlejohn often find themselves locked in legal battles over their children’s identity crises, which is why the legislative and legal elements of the transgender battle must be fully comprehended.

    “This is creating a huge wedge between parents and their children. It certainly did that in my family,” she said. “It was a year and a half of a nightmare I do not wish upon anybody.”

    Littlejohn’s attorney, Vernadette Broyles, also delivered a stirring and convicting call to action for anyone deeply concerned over these matters. “We need to communicate to the school officials, ‘[Our children] belong to us. We want them more, and you cannot have them,” she said.

    Listen to these powerful stories. Subscribe on your favorite platforms here.