Business owners often feel overwhelmed, struggling to focus on their true passions while distractions pull them away from their goals. Breaking free from this cycle is difficult alone—and finding a skilled, supportive team can be just as challenging. So, who can help?
Join Bill and me as we welcome back Peter Beaumont to explore practical strategies for silencing the inner critic and moving forward with confidence on Episode 657 of the Winning at Selling Podcast
Our perception of a situation is shaped by past experiences, judgments, beliefs, and biases. These elements mixed, each weigh differently, to form our unique perspective. No two people see reality the same way.
But is our perception of reality true? It’s real—yes. No one can take away your reality. However, what’s real may not always be true. This is a critical question to consider as we encounter new situations.
Join Bill and me as we debate Seven Assumptions – Which Ones to Avoid and other tantalizing tidbits on Episode 656 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
A customer calls and asks you to send them a quote. Do you do it or do you ask for an appointment to find out more about their needs? If I just send over a quote, how can I be sure that it will really address their issues? But is a full blown proposal really necessary and will it help or hurt my chances to make the sale? What’s a salesperson to do!
Get ready to defend your preference, as Scott and I discuss Quote Versus Proposal and other creative concepts on Episode 655 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Peak performance isn’t luck—it’s a choice. Top sales professionals don’t just work harder; they work smarter, optimizing their mindset, habits, and energy to consistently win. Today we will discuss science-backed strategies to stay motivated, handle rejection, and operate at your highest level. You will also discover how to manage your energy, build resilience, and implement habits that drive sales success.
Don’t leave your performance to chance—level up and unlock your full potential as Bill and I interview performance expert, Scott Welle about Peak Performance for Sales Professionals on Episode 654 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
The weekly sales meeting can be an effective tool for your team or a boring waste of time. As a leader, you choose how the meeting will go and if it will have the effect you desire. But if you leave it to chance, chances are it will suck!
Grab your agendas, as Scott and I discuss The Weekly Sales Meeting and other magnificent metrics on Episode 653 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Have you ever had a misunderstanding with a prospect? They committed, signed the agreement, and you started working together—only to discover they had completely different expectations about what you’d be doing. These misunderstandings often stem from unclear conversations and clever agreements. When expectations and obligations aren’t explicitly defined, it’s easy to disappoint and fall short of delivering the desired outcome for both parties.
What are your expectations for this episode? Let’s dive into meeting them as Bill and I explore Uncovering Prospect Expectations and other critical topics on Episode 652 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Hollywood has made clear their opinion of sales professionals. From the hard driver on Glengarry Glen Ross to the dishonest philanderers of Tin Men to the spastic incompetence of Tommy Boy. People can’t help but be influenced by these depictions. But we must also recognize the part actual salespeople play in swaying opinion. Each time a salesperson acts dishonestly, he or she contributes to the negative persona of our profession.
Here’s a chance to check your integrity as Scott and I welcome sales and leadership expert, Steve Keating to discuss Ethics in Selling on Episode 651 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
We’ve all experienced the hiring process—whether as the candidate or the future supervisor. It’s a pivotal time when every piece of information and observation can significantly shape both parties' futures. Today, we’re diving into one of the most crucial elements of building a successful sales team: hiring the right salesperson.
For business owners, sales managers, and recruiters alike, finding the perfect fit can mean the difference between growth, stagnation, or even misery. So, let’s explore a step-by-step hiring process designed to set everyone up for success as Bill and I discuss The Hiring Process and other baffling beliefs on episode 650 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
So here we are again – a NEW YEAR. And that gives us a feeling of a new start. Perhaps you already joined a gym or set a goal to lose a few pounds. Although the January 1st date is an artificial opportunity, there’s nothing wrong with using it as a time to renew ourselves. As a sales professional there are plenty of good habits that you need to be successful – are you ready to get going?
So HAPPY NEW YEAR – now get to work as Scott and I discuss, 5 Ways to Jump Start the New Year and other incredible items on Episode 649 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
We create fresh starts at different times of the year. For some, it’s January 1st, for others it may be the day after Labor Day. Regardless of when, a plan and process with passion are all necessary.
Whether you're mapping out your career goals, focusing on personal growth, or chasing that fitness milestone, stay tuned as we explore common setbacks, the power of accountability, and how to stay motivated and resilient when challenged.
Get ready to take your goal-setting game to the next level as Bill and I welcome sales expert Frank Gustafson to prepare for the new year by discussing, Goal Setting - and othervenerable valuables on episode 648 of the Winning at Selling Podcast. -
If, as a salesperson, you find yourself trying to push a prospect into making a decision, you may be wasting your time. Perhaps you should consider that the person you hope to have as a customer has their own planned agenda. And if you try to force your agenda on them, you may lose the opportunity to move forward.
So prepare to get customer centric as Scott and I discuss, How to Leverage the Buyer’s Journey and other fascinating factoids on Episode 647 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
What is the goal of the first meaningful conversation with a prospect? I often ask this question and the answer I hear the most is – I need to educate them on my products, my company and myself. Really? That’s the goal? I say there are other topics more important to discuss.
Stick around, take some notes and be open minded, as Bill and I investigate - Educate Them on What? and other delectable delicacies on episode 646 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Selling and compassion. Do these two concepts really fit together? Should a sales manager be a compassionate leader and do they even have that capacity? These are interesting and difficult questions.
If you want to find the answers, stay tuned as Scott and I welcome Dr. Andrea Hollingsworth award winning author to discuss, Can Compassion Fuel Sales Success? on Episode 645 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Covey stresses to begin with the end in mind. Does that apply to sales calls with prospects? You betcha. What is your plan for the first time you meet? Did you receive the outcome you wanted? What could you have done differently? What did you learn, what would you change? What would you not say? What did you forget to say?
If you like these questions and are curious about adopting this strategy, don’t change the dial as Bill and I investigate Debriefing the Sales Call and other reliable realities on episode 644 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
We’ve all been told that people buy from people they like. So, many salespeople spend a lot of time developing a “likeable” personality. This can mean that when a customer tells them NO, they can take it as a personal rejection.
Well, put away that crying towel as Scott and I discuss What to Do When You Get a No and other quisling questions on Episode 643 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
In a post-pandemic world where people are seeking life/work balance while experiencing a "new normal," feelings of emotional labor can arise in the workplace. This can lead to symptoms of anxiety, fatigue, stress and more. If you want to learn how to reduce or eliminate these symptoms - through the power of perspective and emotional grit…
Stay tuned - as Bill and I welcome our guest, Jennifer Fernjack to discuss Ways to Address Emotional Labor in the Workplace Through Science on episode 642 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Famed psychologist William James once said, “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” And that really true isn’t it. We know that we should strive to get more accomplished but so often we find ourselves frustrated by an inability to get off our butts! Perhaps we just need some good advice.
Don’t put this off any longer, listen in as Scott and I discuss Stop Delaying and Get Going and other substantial subjects on Episode 641 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Every sale or negotiation, someone must make the first move. Some think you should never go first, if that’s the case, how do you get what you want - if you don’t ask by going first. There is a way of starting off a sales conversation and negotiation by going first.
If you want to get what you want, learn how to go first as Bill and I discuss, Who Goes First? and other tantalizing tidbits on episode 640 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
How do you react when the pressure is on? When customers or your manager demand more than you are able to give? The chaos of life can move even the best of us to react rather than respond. And in today’s world life can easily get out of control. What can you do?
Take a chill pill and listen in as Scott and I welcome trainer and keynote speaker Lena Scullard – as she discusses Chaos to Calm and other phenomenal philosophies on Episode 639 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
As the adage goes, “You don’t have a second chance to make a first impression.” Just like when you invite employees to join your team, you must onboard them the best way possible for everyone to be successful.
Let’s set the bar high as Bill and me as we discuss, Successful Onboarding and other motivating material on episode 638 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
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