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聯繫信箱:[email protected]由影像重生的PM(PoYo)與編劇(關廟詹)所主理之Podcast節目,協同主持人為同為電影系畢業的阿志。熱愛90年代流行文化,一見面總是幹話連篇。本設定都想好好聊電影,卻總是走歪路瞎扯淡。每週五固定更新,錄音片段不定期YouTube上架。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
公共電視出品,首部二戰懸疑劇集《聽海湧》描繪昭和17年(1942), 日本從殖民地臺灣大量徵召臺籍青年前往北婆羅洲,替日軍監看戰爭中捕獲的盟軍戰俘;這些臺籍戰俘監視員們,捲入了一場冷血屠殺,被盟軍檢察官指控犯下「虐待戰俘」的罪行。有些人因此再也沒有機會回到臺灣,有些人回來了,卻不再開口提起島上發生的事。
《聽海湧》全劇共五集,由公共電視出品,高雄人和三餘創投聯合出品,看不見電影工作室與回甘映像製作,主要拍攝場景散佈在高雄、臺東及屏東等地,並實地前往馬來西亞北婆羅洲取景拍攝,該劇自8月17日起,每週六晚上9點在公視頻道、Hami Video電視館播出,晚上10點公視+、MOD與Hami Video影劇館上架。
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歴史を愛し、歴史を知りすぎてしまった歴史GEEK2人と圧倒的歴史弱者がお届けする歴史インターネットラジオです。歴史というレンズを通して「人間とは何か」「私たち現代人の抱える悩み」「世の中の流れ」を痛快に読み解いていく!?笑いあり、涙ありの新感覚・歴史キュレーションプログラム!☆Apple & Spotify Podcast 部門別ランキング1位獲得!☆ジャパンポッドキャストアワード2019 大賞&Spotify賞 ダブル受賞!※正式名称は「古典ラジオ」ではなく「コテンラジオ」ですーーーCOTEN RADIO is an entertainment radio talk program for history , published by the crazy history geeks group "COTEN" in Japan. ☆Apple & Spotify Podcast in Japan category ranking No.1 !☆Japan Podcast Awards 2019 Grand prize and Spotify prize !
Speculative fiction writer, long-term resident of Japan and Bram Stoker Award finalist Thersa Matsuura explores all that is weird from old Japan—strange superstitions, folktales, cultural oddities, and interesting language quirks. These are little treasures she digs up while doing research for her writing.
2022年9月に配信プラットホームを移転しました。主に日本の歴史のことを話すラジオ、略して“おもれき”はただの歴史好きなパーソナリティのKELLYと水無月が歴史をテーマにあれこれと雑談をするポッドキャスト番組です。お問い合わせ及びお便りはEメールでお願いします。[email protected]
Words of War was an anthology of war stories, "told by the men and women who have seen them happen." It was produced in cooperation with the Council on Books in Wartime, promising "stories of the battlefronts, of behind-the-scenes diplomacy, of underground warfare, of the home front, of action on the seas." Each show was to be "a living record of this war and things for which we fought."
"Exposed" is an interview series that focuses on prominent voices in the LGBT world from drag queens, actors, musicians, comedians, and more. It is not the traditional over the top style interview. Instead, it is more of a one-on-one style interview where guests are given the platform to talk about their career, how far they've come, struggles, successes, and more.
A young man learns of his estranged fathers death and inherits his estate. On the way to figuring out more about his father and the estate he encounters horrific creatures while coming to terms with reality and himself.
A 5 part series, Radio Show / Audio Drama(podcast) based on classic horror/suspense genre.
Written By: Kaleb Nelson
Directed by: Tonia, Assistant Directors: Julie & Kaleb
Presented by:
Post Production By: Awkward Audio Adaptations(Julie & Tonia)
Starring Tyler Johnson as Samuel
additional voices by: Kaleb Nelson, Tonia AE, Julie AE, Lance Buterbaugh, and Joe -
Rob is a Marvel Comic Book Fan of over 30 years - Will is a MCU Fan who has never read a Marvel Comic! Together they’re re-watching Marvel movies & TV shows and comparing the original comic books to the movies that become a global phenomenon!
In this podcast you’ll got lots of fun, lots of laughs, and more Marvel trivia than you’ll know what to do with! -
Since November 7, 2004 - The first, and longest running, professionally produced audio drama podcast! This family friendly new twist on "old time radio" features the adventures and exploits of the World's Most Brilliant Scientist, Dr. Floyd! Join Dr. Floyd as he tries to thwart the plans of his evil arch nemesis, Dr. Steve, all the while learning about the people and events that shaped the history of the Earth. If satirist Stan Freberg and Jay Ward, creator of Rocky & Bullwinkle, had created Mystery Science Theater 3000 mixed in a little Time Bandits and gave it an educational spin, the result would have been...The Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd! The Podcast for Gifted Children and Adults!