
  • Hey, beautiful souls! Wondering where I've been? Well, I'm spilling all the beans inside. Trust me, there's quite a tale to tell! If you hate crying- don't listen. I hate it too ;)

    From unexpected twists to moments of clarity, you won't want to miss this. But you'll have to tune in to uncover the full story.

    Lets connect here:
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    There, you'll get a glimpse into my journey and maybe even a sneak peek at what's to come.

    And if you're ready to do what I'm doing to make $500 days- head over to

    It's where the magic is happening, and I can't wait to share it with you.

    So, grab your favorite beverage, cozy up, and hit play on the latest episode.

    Trust me, it's going to be a wild ride! See you on the other side.

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  • 🌟 Get cozy and connect with your inner child in a special meditation session Stephanie! 🌟

    In this short but meaningful meditation, we'll tap into that sweet spot where your inner child resides, nurturing that sense of innocence and joy within you.

    Want to explore this connection further? Dive into Breakup with Booze Bootcamp with me! It's a space where we dig deep into healing and self-discovery, surrounded by a supportive group of women.

    Ready to give your inner child some love? Let's do it together!

    Click here for the Breakup with Booze Bootcamp

    #InnerChildMeditation #BreakupWithBooze #SobrietyJourney #SelfDiscovery #Healing #Empowerment #Meditation #Transformation

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  • Join us for a candid discussion on this week's episode of Glow Big Sober, as host Stephanie talks with her Vibe Community Member about her recent relapse after 44 days of sobriety.

    In this episode, Stephanie's friend and Vibe Community Member bravely shares her experience, discussing the circumstances that led to the relapse and the challenges she faced afterward. Together, they explore:

    Identifying relapse triggers: Understanding the factors that contribute to relapse and how recognizing these triggers is essential for recovery.The role of community support: Exploring the importance of having a supportive community during difficult times and how it can provide strength and encouragement.Practicing self-compassion: Learning how to be kind to oneself after experiencing setbacks and moving forward with resilience.

    Whether you're on your own journey to sobriety or supporting someone else through theirs, this episode offers practical insights and perspectives on navigating relapse and finding support within a community.

    Tune in as we dive into this important topic with honesty and understanding.

    Join the VIBE community now for DAILY inspo and support as well as group coaching calls!

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  • Welcome to the Glow Big Sober podcast, where sobriety meets self-discovery and community. Join your host, Stephanie, as she shares insights, inspiration, and real-life experiences on the journey to holistic sobriety and personal growth. In this episode, Stephanie delves into the importance of community and connection for women navigating sobriety and life's challenges. With heartfelt anecdotes and empowering insights, Stephanie invites listeners to embrace the power of supportive communities and discover the transformative impact of shared experiences. Tune in to Glow Big Sober for uplifting conversations, practical tips, and a dose of motivation to help you glow big in sobriety and beyond.

    🔖 #GlowBigSober #SobrietyJourney #HolisticSobriety #CommunitySupport #WomenEmpowerment #SelfDiscovery #PodcastForWomen #SupportiveCommunity #LifeTransformation #PersonalGrowth

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  • YOU SHOULD BE HERE! 🫶🏼 Hey there! I'm Stephanie, and I'm excited to have you join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment. In today's episode, I'm giving you an exclusive peek into our community meetings where we dive into motivation, inspiration, and practical tips for self-improvement.

    Expect to hear discussions on bettering yourself, engaging meditations, and the supportive camaraderie of our community. It's a space where we share ideas, uplift each other, and embrace positive transformations.

    So, grab a cozy spot and tune in. Let's dive into this empowering episode together and ignite our inner glow!

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  • Welcome to Glow Big Sober! In this episode, Michelle shares her 32-day journey, navigating social situations and embracing a happier, healthier life. Join us to explore the concept of the "pink cloud" and gain valuable insights into sobriety.

    Discover how Michelle experienced positive changes, from better sleep to improved skin and reduced blood pressure. Stephanie guides the conversation, addressing societal expectations and the importance of staying vigilant against the lure of moderation.

    Stay tuned for an empowering meditation at the end to elevate your mind, body, and spirit. Join us on "Glow Big Sober" as we embrace a life of clarity, growth, and sobriety. Glow big, live sober!

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  • Welcome to the Glow Big Sober Podcast! I'm Stephanie, and I'm thrilled to have you join our global community.

    In this episode, we're exploring the world of feminine energy, a much-needed shift from our hustle era to embrace the soft girl era. Many of us have been in survival mode, but it's time to thrive, and today, I have some fantastic ideas to help you infuse more femininity into your life.

    Tune in for practical tips on mindful mornings, embracing flowers, adding a feminine touch to your fashion, and much more. Plus, discover a special community, "The Vibe," designed to inspire and empower your journey towards a more fulfilling and feminine life.

    If you're ready to make positive changes and infuse more feminine energy into your life, this episode is for you. Drop a review, share your thoughts, and join the conversation using #GlobalSoberPodcast. Thank you for being part of this empowering community!

    Join us right now inside the brand new VIBE for DAILY access to me in Telegram for inspiration, healing, practical wisdom, healing practices, and mindset shifts for your journey. In our bi-weekly Power Sessions, we'll dive deep into learning, healing, and self-love. Connect with a community of like-minded women who add value to this vibrant space and to your life!

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  • Stephanie, your friendly guide on the Glow Big Sober Podcast, welcomes you back to another eye-opening episode. Today, we're delving into the world of high-functioning alcoholism, a topic close to many hearts, including Stephanie's own journey.

    Have you ever questioned your drinking habits, wondering if that nightly unwind with a drink is a cause for concern? Stephanie relates, sharing her experience of being a high-functioning drinker herself. In this episode, we explore the subtle signs, societal perceptions, and the often-missed red flags of problematic drinking.

    Discover the not-so-obvious indicators that might signal a need for introspection. Stephanie breaks down the spectrum of alcohol use disorder, sharing insights that empower you to evaluate your relationship with alcohol without judgment.

    Stephanie also sheds light on the not-so-glamorous progression of high-functioning alcoholism, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness. But fear not – this episode is not about instigating panic; it's about taking a closer look with love and curiosity.

    As you tune in, Stephanie provides valuable homework to spark self-awareness. For a WIN (What I Need) challenge, she encourages you to break the cycle with a positive alternative – a walk, a cup of tea, or any activity that puts something good between you and that drink.

    If high-functioning alcoholism has you questioning, reflecting, or seeking change, Stephanie is here for you. For a more in-depth discussion tailored to your unique situation, book a free 15-minute discovery call at Remember, you're not alone, and positive change is possible. Tune in, reflect, and take that first step towards a liberated, alcohol-free life. Cheers to breaking free! 🌟 #GlowBigSober #HighFunctioningAlcoholism #BreakFreeWithStephanie

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  • In this captivating episode, we invite you behind the scenes of the Dry January Challenge, Week 3. Our focus turns to the profound exploration of core values, a crucial facet of the journey to sobriety. Drawing from personal experiences, we unravel the impact of alcohol on core values, often clouded and lost in the haze of addiction.

    Our journey of self-discovery takes center stage as we guide you through selecting five or six core values that resonate with your desired identity. We share a curated list while encouraging you to create your own, emphasizing the power to reinvent yourself daily. Through poignant anecdotes, we reveal the transformative potential of aligning your actions with chosen values.

    Join us in exploring the core values chosen, such as vitality, joy, love, and security, as powerful anchors in the sobriety journey. Uncover the unique perspectives shared by participants, highlighting the process of self-reinvention and the importance of holding onto chosen values during challenging moments.

    As the episode unfolds, we unveil a practical challenge: identifying and writing down your core values, revisiting them daily for 21 days. This exercise aims to reshape thought patterns, instilling a mindset aligned with your true self. Our hope is for you to witness a positive shift in your life and a deeper connection with your inner values.

    Don't miss the heartfelt chat with our challenge takers, as they share personal insights, struggles, and triumphs. This episode serves as a beacon of inspiration, guiding you through the transformative journey of sobriety. Join the conversation, embrace change, and let your inner glow radiate. 🌟✨ #GlowBigSober #Week3Challenge #CoreValuesJourney #SobrietyTransformation

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  • How to Nurture Your Inner Child

    Join us on the Glow Big Sober Podcast as we dive into the heart of the Dry January challenge. In this transformative episode from one of our challenges. Dry January, Stephanie guides you through the power of inner child work. Discover the emotional journey of acknowledging and connecting with your inner child, paving the way to a sober and fulfilling life. Learn practical exercises, including child's pose and mirror work, to nurture and heal the wounds of the past. This week is all about self-love, self-discovery, and embracing the magic that sobriety brings. Don't miss the opportunity to walk this path towards a brighter, alcohol-free future.

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  • Description:
    Step into the cozy world of the Glow Big Sober podcast with Stephanie as she unfolds the beauty of her soft girl era. In this episode, she shares the unexpected side effect of sobriety—softening up and embracing a slower, more intentional life. Whether it's perimenopause or simply a call to pause, Stephanie encourages you to join her in the soft girl vibes.

    As February unfolds, Stephanie invites you to treat your soul to a big hug. Dive into self-care rituals, bubble baths, massages, and heartfelt talks with friends. Reflect on your journey, wrap your arms around yourself, and acknowledge the strength that brought you here.

    Discover Stephanie's journey into meditation and artistic expression as she unravels the layers of trauma and healing. Say goodbye to the hustle culture and welcome in the soft girl energy. Stephanie's soothing tone encourages you to craft, dance, and sip on comforting teas. It's time to create a self-love playlist and indulge in comfort food, inviting warmth and peace into your life.

    Join Stephanie in a DIY spa night, let go of seriousness with a light summer read, and write a love letter to yourself. The episode concludes with the power of random acts of kindness, creating a ripple of positivity in your life and the lives of others.

    Are you ready to join the soft girl era? Share your journey using the hashtag #SoftGirlEraVibe and connect with Stephanie on Instagram or via email. Together, let's make February a month of soft girl magic. Stay soft, stay fabulous! 💖

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  • Glowing Big: Morning Rituals for a Fabulous You

    Good morning, sunshine! Join Stephanie in the Glow Big Sober Podcast as we delve into the transformative power of morning rituals. Navigating the new year or embracing sobriety, it's all about intention and being deliberate. Stephanie shares her personal journey towards a softer era and the magic of slowing down.

    Discover simple yet impactful morning rituals that have helped Stephanie feel centered and in control. From sipping water from a beautiful jar to mindful body awareness and invigorating meditations, each practice is designed to set the tone for an amazing day.

    Stephanie's soothing and genuine tone creates a warm space as she encourages you to embrace gratitude, add a quick workout, and indulge in delightful overnight oats or chia seed pudding. These rituals, designed for those easing into a healthier, slower, soft girl era, promise to transform your mornings and positively ripple throughout your day.

    Take on Stephanie's seven-day morning ritual challenge, choose one practice, and share your experiences. Connect with Stephanie on Instagram or Facebook (@vibe_with_Stephanie) and join the community in elevating morning routines. Every morning is a gift, so let's unwrap it together and keep glowing big. Until our next meetup, stay fabulous!

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  • Stephanie dives into the world of Dry January, providing invaluable insights and tips to make this journey a breeze. From her own experience to the adorable walks with Lottie, the newest addition to her family, Stephanie's journey is both relatable and inspiring.

    Get ready for a sneak peek into Stephanie's Dry January challenge, where she breaks down the week's lessons and offers a workbook with affirmations and journal prompts. She spills the beans on the daily tips she's been sharing, from the importance of movement to immersing yourself in "Quit Literature" and the power of having replacements for those strong urges.

    In this episode, Stephanie opens up about the transformative exercise of getting clear on your why, urging listeners to envision their lives in five years both with and without alcohol. And for those strong urges and uncomfortable moments, fear not—Stephanie's got your back with tips to get through.

    As we wrap up the week, Stephanie emphasizes the significance of setting boundaries in Week 1 of Dry January. Discover the do's and don'ts, and why saying no to certain events and triggers is crucial for a successful journey.

    Whether you're on the Dry January challenge or just seeking a dose of motivation, Stephanie's energy and insights will leave you inspired and ready to conquer any challenge that comes your way. Tune in, share the podcast, and join Stephanie on this incredible journey to Glow Big Sober!

    Break Up with Booze: A MUST DO Challenge for you!

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  • Welcome back to another uplifting episode of the Glow Big Sober Podcast. Today, I'm bringing you something truly special—a recap of last week's magical event, "New Year, New Vibes: A Night of Positivity."

    In this episode, I'm sharing the highlights, the positive energy, and the transformative moments that made the event an unforgettable experience. From guided meditations to the creation of powerful vision boards, and a dance party- we went on a fun journey of self-discovery and intentional living.

    🌟 What You'll Hear:

    🧘‍♀️ Reflections on Guided Meditations that centered our spirits🎨 Insights into the Interactive Vision Board Activity that manifested our dreams📝 Affirmations and Intention-Setting that amplified our positive energy🤝 Community connections that uplifted and inspired

    🔗 Connect with the Vibes:
    Whether you were there with us or missed the live event, this episode is your chance to immerse yourself in the positive vibes. Listen in to catch a glimpse of the energy that continues to resonate in our community.

    🎧 Listen and Relive:
    Hit play to immerse yourself in the joy, positivity, and empowerment that filled the virtual space. It's not just a recording; it's a celebration of our collective journey towards a vibrant, intentional life.

    🌈 Stay Connected:
    Visit to stay connected and be part of upcoming events. Let's carry the momentum forward and make every day a celebration of positive living.

    🔗 Please Share this podcast

    🌟 Hashtags to Share Your Vibes:
    #GlowBigSober #NewYearVibes #PositiveRecap #VibewithStephanie #CommunityLove #sobewomenpodcast #soberpodcast #bestwomenpodcast2024

    🎙️ Sending you all the positive vibes as you listen and relive the magic of "New Year, New Vibes." Cheers to a year filled with intention, joy, and glow! ✨

    If you need a quick Canva tutorial, I did one here

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  • Sign up for the FREE NEW YEAR, NEW VIBE EVENT:

    Have you ever questioned how to survive the holiday season sober amidst the alcohol-fueled festivities? I've been there. I'll be sharing some invaluable personal insights from my own journey towards sobriety, and how to navigate the tricky waters of holiday parties, alcohol-free. Spoiler alert: it’s not just about surviving, it's about thriving! With practical tools such as setting pre-event intentions and creating delicious mocktails, I promise you, the festive season can be just as joyful without a drop of alcohol!

    This episode takes a deeper mindful approach towards holiday sobriety. Drawing from my personal experience, I'll introduce you to some mindful practices like breathing exercises, meditation, and the power of staying present to fight off the temptation. Ever thought about having a party role? It can keep you engaged and distanced from the pull of alcohol. I'll also let you in on how to handle challenging family dynamics, set boundaries, and visualize responses to triggering situations. Remember, always have an exit strategy in place. This holiday season, let's redefine what it means to party - sober, present, and full of life!

    Join us for DRY JANUARY

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  • Life is a journey filled with surprises, and I'm no exception. I've been through my fair share of trials and tribulations - from a recent car crash to battling sinew-straining health concerns and the never-ending rollercoaster of parenting. Sobriety, even as a seasoned coach, continues to be a daily battle, and the festive season only seems to up the ante. But, I believe in resilience, in fostering strength, and persisting no matter how the odds stack up against us. I'm sharing my experiences, not to paint a grim picture, but to remind you that we all have our unique battles, and sobriety is a journey, not a destination.

    Walking this tightrope we call life, it's crucial to remain vigilant of our sobriety, being mindful of the perils of relapse. Drawing from the depths of my own tryst with alcoholism, I delve into the complexities that underlie our decision to quit – the emotional, personal, and often deeply rooted reasons. Relapse isn't just a stumble on the path to recovery; it's a quake that resonates through our lives and the lives of those we love. I'll share some strategies to counter cravings and discuss the potential fallout of succumbing to temptation. And, as we turn the page to a new year, I invite you to join us for two uplifting events: "New Year, New Vibes" and "Dry January". These events are an ode to self-care and positivity, offering a community-centric experience and coaching sessions. Begin the year feeling revitalized and ready to meet life's challenges head-on.


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  • What would life look like if you took a break from alcohol? Imagine a world where you wake up every day with more energy, money in your pocket, and a sharpened mental clarity. In this enlightening chat, Stephanie and I muse over the fantastic perks of joining the sobriety bandwagon. We share our personal journeys, highlighting how our lives have been dramatically enriched by saying goodbye to alcohol. We chat about the health benefits, improved sleep, and the deeper connections we've fostered while sober. We also discuss the financial freedom that comes with not spending on booze, and how this decision has improved our productivity.

    Ever heard of Dry January? It's a month of sobriety and it's the perfect kickstart to your health journey. Join us as we share our experiences and discuss how we overcame the initial challenges of the first month of sobriety. We point you towards the communities at, an invaluable resource in this journey into sober living. By taking this 30-day no-alcohol challenge, you get a sneak peek into a life of enhanced health, deeper relationships, and financial freedom. Remember, inspiration shared is inspiration doubled. If this podcast resonates with you, pass it on to a friend!

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  • Think about this - what if you could shush your inner critic and treat yourself with the same kindness you’d offer a dear friend? Today's conversation revolves around transforming the way we speak to ourselves, particularly in challenging situations. We dive deep into techniques like talking to your inner child with love and understanding, and the profound growth that stems from it. Moreover, we also touch upon the significance of nurturing and caring for your inner child.

    Now, have you ever considered participating in Dry January? This episode also illuminates the myriad benefits of joining this exciting challenge. It’s not just about giving up alcohol for a month, but it’s also about uncovering self-development through self-love, meditation, yoga, and fitness. We share details about a special New Year and New Moon goal-setting event, which promises to be truly transformative. If this episode resonates with you, do spread the word and share it with your loved ones. Together, let's embark on this journey of self-love and growth!


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  • Welcome back to the Glow, Big, Sober podcast! 🌟 We have an incredibly inspiring guest on today's episode, the renowned TV personality Marci Hopkins, mastermind behind the award-winning talk show "Wake Up with Marci." Not only is she a talk show host, but Marci is also on an incredible eight-year recovery journey. She's the author of a powerful book, sharing her transformational story. Join us as we dive into Marci's incredible journey, discussing sobriety, resilience, and finding purpose.

    🎙️ Episode Highlights:

    Marci's journey from a high-functioning alcoholic to a woman in recovery.Overcoming trauma, abuse, and the impact of alcoholism in her family.The turning point that led Marci to make the life-changing decision to get sober.The role of the 12-step program in Marci's recovery and the power of self-discovery.Building healthy boundaries, practicing self-love, and the importance of forgiveness.The transition from chaos to clarity, finding purpose, and embracing a fulfilling life.

    Thank you, Marci, for sharing your incredible story of transformation and resilience! Your journey is a beacon of hope for many on the path to recovery. 🙏✨

    For Black Friday Offers head over to:

    #GlowBigSober #SobrietyJourney #RecoveryInspiration #Mindfulness #SelfLove #EmotionalIntelligence #PurposefulLiving #HealthyBoundaries #TransformationalStory #WakeUpWithMarci #PodcastInterview #ResilienceInSobriety #DailyPractices #Gratitude #SpiritualConnection #SupportNetwork #PositiveChange #Inspiration #MarciHopkins #ChaosToClarity #LifeAfterAlcohol #RecoveryIsPossible #HopefulJourney #SelfDiscovery #SobrietyCommunity #RenewedPurpose #InnerStrength #GrowthInSobriety

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  • Ready to rip off the Band-Aid and face the journey to sobriety head-on? We're here to take you through the rollercoaster ride, from making the decision to quit to dealing with the inevitable withdrawal symptoms, and beyond. It's a terrifying yet exhilarating leap into a new life, and we'll walk you through each step. The first few days are critical - you might grapple with regret, shame, and a constant internal debate. But, fear not, we've got strategies to combat triggers, tackle social pressures, and build a rock-solid support network to see you through.

    As we trudge along, we'll explore how to identify your emotions and find the motivation to keep on track, even when the going gets tough. The instinct to slip back into old habits can be potent, but remember this: once you’ve become a pickle, you can't turn back into a cucumber. If you need a helping hand, we're right here. Tune in for a wealth of resources, from coping strategies to supportive communities, all designed to make your sober journey less daunting. Remember, there's no 'right' way to quit—it's all about finding what works best for you, one step at a time. Let's embark on this journey together, shall we?

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