
  • In 1972 a film was released which is generally regarded asone of Peter Sellers' weakest films - Where Does It Hurt - and joining Tyler to kick it around for an hour or so are Jeremy Limb & Paul Litchfield.

    Sellers plays administrator Albert T. Hopfnagel at Vista Vue Hospital, described by Sellers' biographer Roger Lewis as being like “every over-the-top insurance salesman and fraudulent television evangelist you pray you’ll never meet…. He’s a streak of brown lightning… he appears happy and comprehensively spurious as a minor Richard III, bribing and threatening.”

    From the outset the film adopts a cynical framing of the US medical system.

    When laid-off construction worker Lester Hammond arrives at Vista Vue seeking a routine check-up he gets more than he bargained for – Hopfnagel runs the hospital like a racketeer, where the age-old medical maxim“First do no harm” has been downgraded to “First bleed them for every dime they’ve got”.

    As well as comprehensively trashing the film the chaps turn to other matters of import, such as My Mother The Car, Derren Nesbitt, Doctor Who, the Carry On films and Dick Emery.


  • The British sitcom film of the seventies - doesn't the very mention of the genre make your heart sing?

    Sure, there were some stinkers, but this week we're talking about one which we consider to be a fairly successful adaptation: Man About The House from 1974.

    Why is this being covered on Goon Pod? Two reasons. Firstly, Spike Milligan is in it, playing himself. Secondly, it's Tyler's podcast and he likes MATH, so there.

    Joining him to talk about the film and wander down countless conversational backstreets are three chums: Gary Rodger & Tilt Araiza from The Sitcom Club and Jaffa Cakes For Proust podcasts and Andrew Hickey from A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs.

    Among other things they consider John Inman's career down under, speculate as to what exactly happened on George & Mildred's honeymoon and ponder the possibility of Harry Nilsson recording the theme tune to Porridge!

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  • “Something’s been worrying me. You’re a Frenchpolice officer and yet you’ve got a Scottish accent.”

    -“Aye. It worries me too.”

    Before Daniel Craig was even a twinkle in his father's eye (give it a couple of months) there was the 1967 original big screen version of Casino Royale, a far-from-subtle James Bond spoof based extremely loosely on Ian Fleming's first novel, which would go on to become the bedrock for all subsequent Austin Powers movies!

    How to best describe Casino Royale? Baffling, bloated, self-indulgent, messy - yes, all these apply. However, it's a fascinating celluloid confection and there are plenty of interesting aspects to the film, plus a handful of chuckles along the way.

    Famously suffering from temperamental stars (step forward Mr Sellers) and multiple directors, and shot through with the psychedelic sentiment of the time, Casino Royale is worth watching for the cast alone: along with the aforementioned Peter Sellers we have Orson Welles, David Niven, Woody Allen, Deborah Kerr, Ursula Andress, John Huston, Bernard Cribbens, Ronnie Corbett, Anna Quayle, John Bluthal, John Wells, Geoffrey Bayldon, Peter O'Toole and even Derek Nimmo!

    This week Tyler is joined by Martin Holmes, the host of Vision On Sound - - to try and make sense of it all!

  • In 1954 Spike Milligan and Eric Sykes, along with Ray Galton, Alan Simpson and Frankie Howerd, formed Associated London Scripts, envisaged as a comedy scriptwriters' cooperative, situated above a greengrocers in Shepherd's Bush.

    Soon it would swell in number, with the likes of Johnny Speight, John Antrobus, Terry Nation, Brad Ashton and Dick Vosburgh coming on board, with the mighty Beryl Vertue acting as sort of de facto agent for them all.

    Between them they were responsible for much of the comedy coming out of Britain in the late fifties and sixties, including The Goon Show, Hancock's Half Hour, The Army Game, Till Death Us Do Part, Steptoe & Son, Sykes And A..., The Arthur Haynes Show and many more, while Terry Nation wrote for Tony Hancock and then came up with the idea for some pepperpot-shaped Timelord-botherers and never looked back.

    The story of ALS is too big a topic to condense down to ninety minutes, but Tyler and guest Mike Haskins try their best - Mike was involved in a Radio 4 documentary about ALS some twenty years ago and had access to the likes of Antrobus and Galton & Simpson and has some fascinating tales to share!

  • In 1990 the airwaves were set alight with the arrival of Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel to BBC radio.

    Based on material from a series of the same name broadcast on American radio in the early thirties, these modern adaptations benefited hugely from great production, excellent scripts and a highly talented cast, particularly the two lead performers Michael Roberts and Frank Lazarus, both of whom totally captured the energy and spirit of Groucho & Chico Marx, retaining their timeless character while giving them a contemporary tweak. The then up-and-coming BBC radio wunderkind Dirk Maggs (who later gained audio industry national treasure status via his collaborations with the likes of Neil Gaiman) directed the show and it ran for three series on BBC Radio 4, attracting huge listening figures and much popular acclaim.

    One of its biggest champions was a man who by this point in his life was critical about what he considered the state of modern comedy: Spike Milligan. Confessing to having been delighted and enchanted by the series – and coming from a huge Marx Brothers fan from whom he had drawn much inspiration this was high praise indeed – Spike was invited onto the show. The former Goon ended up appearing twice, and despite nerves seemed to relish every moment of it.

    This week Goon Pod has the rare honour of playing host to Dirk, Michael and Frank, who look back at the series and recall how it came about, sharing favourite moments and behind-the-scenes gossip and remembering the rather challenging circumstances in which they welcomed Spike onto the show.

    News of the remake was huge at the time and received international television coverage from the likes of CNN. We hear some rare clips and Frank talks about appearing on the Dick Cavett Show in an earlier iteration of Chico,while Michael explains about how ad-libbing was positively encouraged. There is also tribute paid to Mark Brisenden, the man behind the scripts, and the supporting cast including Lorelei King and Graham Hoadly, not to mention the great Dick Vosburgh, the accomplished comedy writer who did so much to revive the Marx Brothers in the seventies and eighties and who acted as consultant on FS&F.

    A must-listen for fans of the Marx Brothers, the Goons or great comedy in general!

  • It is June 1970. Ted Heath is days away from becoming British Prime Minister. Mungo Jerry are riding high at the top of the charts. And popular television personality Simon Dee's career is just about to collapse in a spectacular fashion.

    How ironic then that Dee should co-star in the film we're discussing this week, playing a popular television personality!

    Doctor In Trouble was the last of the Doctor film series, which by 1970 had fully committed to aping the Carry Ons. As well as Dee, Harry Secombe is one of the principle cast, and the star is Leslie Phillips playing Dr Tony Burke, who somehow manages to stow away on a luxury cruise liner and spends much of the voyage trying to evade the clutches of Master-At Arms-Freddie Jones!

    Oh, and Robert Morley's in it too.

    Secombe is brilliant, as you would expect, and Dee (although not given a huge amount to do) puts in a fairly creditable performance. Leslie Phillips is, well, Leslie Phillips and how did we forget to mention that the peerless Irene Handl pops up too?

    Joining Tyler this week is writer, director and actor John Hewer. John has been behind some tributes to and revivals of classic British comedy performers and shows, including The Bed Sitting Room, Tommy Cooper and Steptoe & Son.

    They talk about the history of the Doctor series, the sad decline of James Robertson-Justice, the rise and fall of Simon Dee, problematic gay stereotypes from around this period, seventies posh nosh and consider the prospect of a nude Welshman on the film set!

    You'll really dig it!

  • "All trams have been melted down and made intomelted-down trams."

    In 1952 London's last tram rolled into the depot. Two years later the Goons decided to mark the occasion with a show - better late than never!

    At the London Pleasure Transport Board, Redundant Tram Department, Inspector Ned Seagoon receives a phone call informing him that there’s still a tram at large on the Highgate-Kingsway route, and, indeed, the tram map still has one flag pin stuck in it, for a number 33.

    Driver Henry Crun refuses to move the tram unless he is afforded a proper last tram ceremony. Seagoon has to negotiate with the corrupt Chairman of the Country & Town Planning Society who agrees to the ceremony, but on the cheap.

    Writing was credited to Spike Milligan & Eric Sykes but it seems fairly certain Eric took the lion's share of work that week.

    The Last Tram (from Clapham) is a real gem of a Goon Show - well structured, well-paced, with some interesting one-off characters, a nice pay-off and the odd unusual choice of sound effect (such as the otherworldly harp).

    Joining Tyler to talk about it is our Welsh-language correspondent from Down Under, Andy Bell!

    As well as chatting about the show they discuss Britain's Rudest Man, the length of Alan Ladd, the Telegoons version of the show, Spike in Australia, the history of London's tram network and... Menace Strain Bullshine?

    Andy can be found on Twitter/X: @obelloz

  • "In ye year of Grace, Mary and Uncle Fred, 1190, WallaceGreenslade, an itinerant announcer, was bounde for Nottingham when ye coach was stoppd inne Sherwood Forest by Robin Hood who did persuade himme to join hysbande as second sackbuttist and part-time dustman. Greenslade did don Lincoln Green and did assiste ye outlaws in their recklesse adventures."

    (Radio Times listing for 'Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest', December 1954)

    This week Tyler and guest Chas Early look at the Robin Hood-themed episodes of The Goon Show - Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest from Series 5 and the special from 1956, Robin Hood, as well as some brief chat about the earlier Christmas Pantomime of Robin Hood from Series 3 which only exists now in script form.

    All three shows share some similar dialogues and scenes and each featured special guests: Charlotte Mitchell in Ye Bandit; Dennis Price and Valentine Dyall in the 1956 Robin Hood; and Dick Emery & Carole Carr back in 1952.

    There's a lot to unpick so splug yourself on a gillikin spike and tune in!

  • "One small brown pot containing... another small brown pot."

    With its memorable cover, photographed by Angus McBean and voted Number 25 in the NME's list of Genuinely Disturbing Record Sleeves, Milligan Preserved was released in late 1961 and featured a series of songs and sketches written and performed by Spike Milligan, with assistance from the likes of Valentine Dyall and Graham Stark.

    It was produced by George Martin and as such our guest this week is Jason Kruppa, host of Producing The Beatles podcast. Jason is a big fan of the record and shares a lot of interesting background information.

    The LP includes three tunes which were originally featured in Goon Show episodes – interestingly, all were shows from Series 8 and all were broadcast between January & February 1958.

    There's also some joyful flights of nonsense such as Another Lot, Word Power and Underneath It All (coming to you live from a nudist colony) and aside from the occasional jarring note (we're looking at YOU, Hit Parade!) the album stands the test of time.

    All together now! "Sideways, through the sewers of the Strand..."

  • This week's guest is a man more used to asking the questions - the writer and broadcaster Clive Anderson.

    A former barrister, Clive turned to comedy and wrote for the likes of Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones before gaining radio & television fame as the host of top improvisational comedy series Whose Line Is It Anyway?

    He then went on to present a series of chat shows and interviewed some of the biggest stars on the planet, including Spike Milligan, and it's this that we take as our starting point.

    Clive talks about his career and many of the shows and people he's been involved with, including WLIIA, Loose Ends, If I Ruled The World, Peter Cook, Tony Slattery, John Sessions, Graeme Garden and Keith Allen.

    He also talks about his reaction to the Brass Eye segment claiming he'd been shot dead by Noel Edmonds, remembers seeing Harry Secombe miming on stage and shudders as he recalls *that* interview with the Bee Gees.

  • "Excuse me, what is the price of sliced ham per portion?"

    And so this enigmatic enquiry opens the first episode of Series 7 of The Goon Show - and to launch the new series of Goon Pod Graeme Lindsay-Foot returns to talk about it!

    Broadcast in October 1956 as the situation in Suez was worsening, it was a busy period for the Goons - The Ying Tong Song was riding high in the Hit Parade, Son Of Fred was showing on ITV and Harry had a song in the charts. Producer Pat Dixon was too busy to helm the first couple of episodes of the new series so former producer Peter Eton agreed to briefly return. There were also tensions between co-writer Larry Stephens and the BBC.

    As well as discussing this and the show itself, Graeme & Tyler touch on Morecambe & Wise, Bob Dylan, Little & Large, George Harrison, Anita West and others!

    Plus: Goons in rehearsal, Bentine vs Dawson and the best Goons theme tune!

  • Comedian Rory McGrath is this week's guest and he freely admits that it was the Goons that got him into comedy.

    The conversation ranges hither and yon and among other topics we talk about:

    The creation of Chelmsford 123

    Peter Cook

    The genius of Phil Pope

    Rory's falling out and eventual reconciliation with Jimmy Mulville

    Who Dares Wins and Tony Robinson letting it all hang out

    Barry Cryer - aka 'Lord Crap'

    They Think It's All Over and Lee Hurst's departure

    Three Men In A Boat with a reluctant Griff Rhys Jones

    Frankie Howerd being inappropriate

    Clive Anderson in a kilt

    ... plus much more!

    (Caution: contains some content which some listeners may find offensive)

  • Mark Cousins, Mike Haskins & Sean Gaffney join Tyler for a very special New Years Eve bonus episode!

    Earlier this year listeners to Goon Pod were asked to nominate their favourite Peter Sellers films and they didn't disappoint - hundreds of people responded and thus a Top Twenty list emerged.

    The chaps count down the list and although most of Sellers' more notable movies appear there are a few surprises! The maddening suspense as our guests await Ghost In The Noonday Sun is palpable!

    They also consider those that just failed to make the Top 20, any notable omissions and find out which actors appeared alongside Sellers the most.

    Tune in to see if your favourite made the chart!

  • As it's Christmas this week we wanted to shake things up and try something a little different... so we decided to talk about a British comedy film which doesn't feature a Goon!

    A change is as good as a rest and anyway, the film is a cracker.

    In 1986 John Cleese starred in a Michael Frayn-scripted comic farce called Clockwise, in which he plays headmaster Brian Stimpson who needs to get to far-flung Norwich in order to deliver a speech.

    Having missed the train, Stimpson enlists the help of one of his pupils to drive him and what follows is a series of hilarious mishaps and misunderstandings with countless laws being broken along the way.

    It was the film that inspired Cleese to embark upon A Fish Called Wanda and is one of the greatest - if sometimes overlooked - British comedy films of the eighties.

    Chris Diamond of TV Cream returns for a fourth time and finally gets the key to the executive washroom. Having not seen the film since it was released he had a lot to say and props are given to the supporting cast including Stephen Moore, Joan Hickson, Tony Haygarth and Penelope Wilton. As for Stimpson: is he, as Tyler suggests, a 'less Tory' Basil Fawlty? This and many more questions are asked, and some of them are even answered!

  • This week our very special guest is John Lloyd, much admir'd comedy producer and writer, whose credits range from The News Quiz and Quote Unquote on the radio, to Not The Nine O'Clock News, Blackadder, Spitting Image and much much more.

    At the height of his career he could boast of more BAFTAs than Dame Judi Dench yet so much success took its toll and John freely admits to having suffered a form of mid-life crisis in his forties. Having spent most of the nineties directing highly-acclaimed commercials (such as the Barclaycard series with Rowan Atkinson, later reimagined as Johnny English), John bounced back to mainstream television light entertainment with a show originally conceived as 'The Homework Helper' but which hit our screens in 2003 as QI, hosted by Stephen Fry.

    John talks about his career and the few brief occasions he worked with Spike Milligan, plus the time he had a crush on Anna Ford, The Spitting Image Golden Brain hunt, writing Dr Snuggles with Douglas Adams, the problems with Blackadder, Mel Smith on Not the Nine O'Clock News, working with Genesis, an early collaboration with Barry Cryer and more!

  • Emmy-winning screenwriter, author, cartoonist and performer Andy Riley is this week's guest - and rather appropriately, given the time of year, we're talking about the classic series six Goon Show episode The International Christmas Pudding.

    In a far-ranging conversation Andy and Tyler talk about his history with the show and some of the topics this specific episode raises - such as the old-fashioned notion of British prestige abroad. It was also the show in which Peter Sellers got into very hot water with producer Peter Eton for his behaviour. What triggered it?

    They examine the moral, spiritual and physical malaise inherent in most of the Goon Show characters, especially Thynne & Moriarty - at this point in the show's history the first signs of their wretchedness become apparent. Harry Secombe's performance and aptitude for getting a laugh out of fluffs is rightly praised, while Bluebottle comes in for a bit of flak.

    Having worked in radio, Andy brings his knowledge of tricks producers would employ to avoid under-running programmes, and we hear from audio engineer and famed Goon Show restorer Ted Kendall on how he managed to piece back together a shortened version of The International Christmas Pudding to its original length.

    Oh, and what's the connection between the Goons and hit US political satire Veep? Tune in to find out!

  • In 1963 a film was released which, had its original casting remained intact, would probably be barely remembered today - The Pink Panther, directed by Blake Edwards. With Peter Ustinov as a sure-footed and dependable French police inspector on the trail of a notorious jewel thief it would doubtless have made respectable money and garnered warm reviews but would hardly have spawned a slew of spin-offs - while in fact, the follow-up film, A Shot In The Dark, came out a mere three months after The Pink Panther opened in North American theatres.

    All this was due to the last-minute casting of Peter Sellers as Inspector Jacques Clouseau, following Ustinov's departure from the project. Between them, Sellers and Edwards totally revised the character of the inspector, making him much more comedic, and what emerged was one of the most beloved and memorable characters in cinema history.

    Although the film was a starring vehicle for David Niven as Sir Charles Lytton AKA The Phantom – described by Clouseau as “the surest, cleverest most ingenious criminal in all the world” - and very much in the style of one of those undemanding frothy sixties romps set in glamourous international locations, Sellers went into it a supporting actor and emerged as the standout star.

    This week one half of The Sitcom Club and Jaffa Cakes For Proust Gary Rodger joins Tyler to talk about The Pink Panther. Some questions arise:

    ... How did Clouseau rise to prominence in the French Sûreté?

    ... What motive did Mme Clouseau have for marrying him in the first place?

    ... Would the film have benefitted from 100% less Wagner?

    ... What was an original Pink Panther?

    ... Who might have had a hand in the famous car chase sequence?

    ... How did the Princess change ethnicity?

    ... Who are the audience meant to root for?

    ... How is this a sex comedy if nobody gets any?

    ... Just who WERE in those gorilla suits?

    ... Why was Michael Trubshawe in this film?

    ... And wasn't Colin Gordon marvellous?

    Plus much more!

    The Sitcom Club:

  • Writer and host of Comfort Blanket podcast Joel Morris joins Tyler this week to talk about Monty Python's Life Of Brian, released in 1979 to howls of impotent rage from those who refused to accept it for what it was but considered by everyone else as just a really funny film.

    In some ways a satire on the nature of organised groups, be they politically or religiously motivated, the film centres around the character of Brian (Graham Chapman) in 33AD Judea, who although briefly seized by ideological zeal really just wants a quiet life and a girlfriend.

    With every member of the Python team at the top of their game and a memorable cameo by Spike Milligan (who just happened to be holidaying in Tunisia when filming was taking place and agreed to stick on a robe for a morning) it has lost little of its impact despite being in its fifth decade.

    As you'd expect from such a percipient observer of comedy (his book Be Funny Or Die: How Comedy Works And Why It Matters is published next year), Joel had a lot to say about Life of Brian, which he once described as 'The holy grail of Python films'.

    Be Funny Or Die details:

  • In 1973 Richard Lester's rollicking romp The Three Musketeers was released - subtitled 'The Queen's Diamonds' (The Four Musketeers was filmed at the same time and followed a year after) the movie starred Michael York as D'Artagnan, Oliver Reed as Athos, Frank Finlay as Porthos and Richard Chamberlain as Aramis.

    Perhaps most memorable was the pairing of Raquel Welch with Spike Milligan, as Monsieur and Madame Bonacieux - she the close confidante to the Queen of France and he an easily-bought informant to the villainous Cardinal Richelieu (Charlton Heston).

    The movie also featured Lester regular Roy Kinnear, the (recently) late Joss Ackland, Faye Dunaway and Christopher Lee.

    It's a joyous adaptation of the Dumas novel with a script that pops and fizzes courtesy of Flashman author George MacDonald Fraser. Featuring the stylistic flourishes that always mark out a good Richard Lester film, plus realistic depictions of early 17th Century Paris - the squalor as well as the wealth - edge-of-your-seat sword fights and shot through with bawdy humour, The Three Musketeers was a commercial and critical triumph upon release and it is the topic of this week's edition of Goon Pod. Joining Tyler once again are the hosts of Still Any Good podcast - Christopher Webb and Robert Johnson, live from a shed somewhere in the Antipodes during a noisy Guy Fawkes celebration - appropriate for discussing a film which culminates in a grand fireworks display!

    Still Any Good can be found here:

  • Comedy writer, novelist and playwright Jon Canter joins Tyler this week. He talks about Spike Milligan and some of the people he's had the pleasure of working with over the course of his career, including Miriam Margolyes, Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie, Douglas Adams, Lenny Henry, Richard Wilson, Mel Smith & Griff Rhys-Jones and John Lloyd.

    They also discuss Margaret Thatcher trying comedy and Prince Charles dancing to Hot Stuff.

    It's a packed show folks!