Are we sometimes waiting and wasting our time for something God hasn't asked us to do; rushing to believe untruths we hear in our culture? Tom looks at the healing of the crippled man who'd been waiting 38 years to be healed by the pool of Bethesda before Jesus came to him; and encourages us to look to God and not to just dive right in!
Sometimes the things that appear to be against us, are in fact for us. A limb is amputated to save a life. Mike explores what Jesus meant when he said if something causes you to sin, cut it out.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Tom shares profound insight about the last house Jesus visited before he faced trial and death. Does your home and more importantly, the people in it, carry the fragrance of Christ, because they can do!
Dara reminds us to close the door on things that change the atmosphere in our lives and to put our faith in Jesus who paid a high price for our freedom.
Do you want your life to be a success? Pastor Michael explores how success looks different to different people and outlines what success looks like to God.
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By prayer we take possession of the power God's wants us to have in our lives. By prayer — Pastor Mike exhorts us — we get power to overcome that which has taken possession in our lives; because every one of us has some area of our lives which still needs surrender to the leadership and lordship of Jesus Christ.
Throughout the Bible Jesus visited people in their homes. Do you need Jesus to visit your home? Tom asks the question: Why did Jesus leave Nazareth? He was amazed at their unbelief. He moved to Capernaum and it became his second home. There people dug a hole in the roof to lower their paralysed friend. Jesus is delighted to see our faith! it moves him to perform miracles.
Are you facing a 'giant' in your life this New Year? Have you been told that you're too young; you're the wrong size, you're too inexperienced? If you know God has said "yes" to you, but people are saying "no" and you're facing opposition, Tom offers encouragement from the biblical account of a young teenage boy who stood up to a giant and said "Someone should fight Goliath!"
Mike shares great wisdom and insight into the Promises of God and the price to be paid either by us or by God himself. He encourages us that God is always faithful and that to share in his promises we must do our part.
Mike encourages us from the Genesis 18 account, where God-in-person visits Abraham at his tent and makes a promise to him that sounds so ridiculous, his wife Sarah sniggers in response. But true to his word, God fulfils his promise, and just like he said "This time next year" Sarah gave birth to a son and God turned her snigger to laughter! He can do the same for you.
If you've got problems or pain, this message is for you. Dara encourages us to Pray Until Something Happens and to seize every opportunity to do so, in the powerful Name of Jesus.
Mike looks at the Christmas story from Luke's gospel, chapter one, but from a different angle. The Christmas story of the Bible is not all tinsel and fluff; it contains a lot of serious things too, things we can learn from for our own lives.
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Mike encourages those who've grown feint of heart waiting for the long awaited promises of God; based on the life of Zechariah and Elizabeth from Luke chapter one.
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Whatever about having new clothes for Christmas; Tom encourages us to be like King David and set aside our royal robes; and humble ourselves before the Lord.
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Tom encourages us to be a friend to someone before Christmas, like Mary was to Elizabeth when she made the journey to her house. The baby in Elizabeth's womb, John the Baptist, leapt when Mary arrived. Tom suggests that becoming a friend amidst this busy season, will be life-giving and bring joy.
Mike asks, "Have you ever seen a solar eclipse?" as he takes us through Mark 9 in which Jesus brought Peter, James and John up a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured, his face and clothes becoming dazzlingly bright.
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? Mike asks "Were you born wearing them?" Looking at Mark's gospel where Jesus healed a blind man, Mike applies this to our lives today, praying "open the eyes of our hearts, Lord."
Sometimes we're told to accept the unpleasant results of something we've done --"You've made your bed, now lie in it," but Dara reminds us to wake up to God's promises -- that he won't leave you until he has finished giving you everything he as promised.
Tom encourages us to stir our faith that God is God of miracles. That every now and again, God will interrupt our lives with something wonderful; something we weren't expecting.
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