
  • ONE THOUSAND CORPSES PER HOUSEJ 9/10M 7/10For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!Check out other podcasts, coffee and pins at !THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesutaOn October 30, 1977, amateur criminals Killer Karl and Richard Wick attempt an armed robbery at a gas station/horror museum, but are killed by the owner, Captain Spaulding, and his assistant, Ravelli. Later that night, Jerry Goldsmith, Bill Hudley, Mary Knowles, and Denise Willis are on the road in hopes of writing a book on offbeat roadside attractions. When the four meet Spaulding, who is also the owner of "The Museum of Monsters & Madmen", they learn of the local legend of Dr. Satan. As they take off in search of the tree from which Dr. Satan was hanged, they pick up a young free-spirited hitchhiker named Baby, who claims to live only a few miles away. Shortly after, a mysterious figure appears hidden in some overgrowth and shoots out their vehicle's tire with a shotgun. The group thinks it is just a blown out tire and so Baby takes Bill to her family's house to get a tow truck. Moments later, Baby's half-brother, Rufus, picks up the stranded passengers and takes them to the family home.There, they meet Baby's family: her adopted brother Otis Driftwood, her deformed giant half-brother Tiny, Mother Firefly, and Grandpa Hugo. While being treated to dinner, Mother Firefly explains that her ex-husband, Earl, had previously tried to burn Tiny alive, along with the Firefly house after he suffered a psychotic breakdown. After dinner, the family puts on a Halloween show for their guests and Baby offends Mary by flirting with Bill. After Mary threatens Baby, Rufus tells them their car is repaired. As the couples leave, Otis and Tiny, disguised as scarecrows, attack them in the driveway and take them captive. The next day, Otis kills Bill and mutilates his body for art. Mary is tied up in a room and tormented by Otis, Denise is tied to a bed dressed up as a doll for Halloween, and Jerry is partially scalped for failing to guess Baby's favorite movie star.When Denise doesn't come home, her father Don calls the police to report her missing. Two deputies, George Wydell and Steve Naish, find the couples' abandoned car in a field with a dead, mutilated cheerleader in the trunk (one of five cheerleaders who went missing over a week ago, as explained in a news broadcast; an earlier scene established that the cheerleaders were being tortured, raped and killed by the Firefly family). Don, a former policeman, is called to the scene to help the deputies search. They arrive at the Firefly house and Wydell questions Mother Firefly about the missing teens. Mother Firefly shoots Wydell in the head and kills him; Don and Steve are then killed by Otis when they find more bodies of missing cheerleaders in the barn, along with a barely conscious Mary.Later that night, the three remaining teenagers are dressed as rabbits and taken out to an abandoned well. Otis torments Denise using the skin of her dead father's face as a mask. Mary attempts to run away, but is tracked down and stabbed to death by Baby moments later. Otis and the family burn the bodies on a pyre.

  • Sorry we watched hell fest.
    J 4/10
    M 2/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    At Hell Fest, a traveling horror theme park, a masked man known as "The Other" kills a woman and hangs her corpse in the maze so it blends in with the props.

    On Halloween night, Natalie goes to the theme park with her best friend Brooke, Brooke's boyfriend Quinn, Brooke's roommate Taylor and her boyfriend Asher, and Brooke's friend Gavin, who likes Natalie. Natalie and Brooke's friendship has been strained due to living far apart and Natalie's distaste for Taylor. On arriving at the festival, the girls run into a terrified woman trying to hide from the Other. Natalie, thinking this is part of the park experience, points out her hiding place. The Other kills the woman in front of Natalie. Natalie thinks the murder seemed too real to be a normal attraction. The group dismisses her fears until Brooke catches the Other stealing Natalie and Gavin's pictures from a photo booth.

    While the others are gone, The Other kills Gavin first, crushing his skull with a mallet. Natalie goes on a ride alone while the rest of her friends pair up. The ride breaks down, and she is approached by a man who appears to be the Other. This is part of the ride, however, and the group discovers that park employees wear a mask similar to the Other's.

    The group splits up and The Other finds Natalie but she escapes. Asher is killed when the Other stabs him in the eye. The friends regroup, but the Other traps Natalie in the bathroom stall. She escapes and tries to warn park security but they dismiss the attack as part of the park experience.

    Natalie, Brooke and Quinn find Taylor has volunteered to take part in an attraction where she will be beheaded by a guillotine in front of a live audience. Park security prevents Natalie from stopping the show when she recognizes the Other's boots on the executioner. The stage curtains close and the Other approaches Taylor who, assuming he's an employee, asks to be let out. As she becomes increasingly alarmed, the Other straps her in tighter and raises the guillotine. After pausing to silently stare at her, he releases the guillotine, only for it to be revealed that the drop was done to a dummy, as would be originally intended for the show. Immediately afterwards, the Other sets the blade up for real and cuts off Taylor's head. However, Taylor escapes when the blade fails to fully cut through. Freeing her hands, she escapes, and begins running through the festival screaming for help. The Other catches up with her and slashes her face while surrounded by festivalgoers. Quinn, hearing her screams, runs towards the two. Just as he reaches them, the Other fatally stabs Taylor in the stomach. Before Quinn can react, the Other turns around and fatally stabs him as well.

    As panic ensues in the park, The Other traps Natalie and Brooke in a maze. The girls are separated, and the Other corners Brooke. Natalie stabs the Other in the gut before he can kill Brooke. Police barge into the maze to save them and capture the killer. The Other, however, has escaped, and drives to his suburban home. He places his mask and the pictures of Natalie and Gavin that he stole into a cabinet with other masks and trophies from his previous kills. The Other's young daughter wakes up to greet her father, and he gives her a stuffed animal from the park.

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    J 8/10
    M 8/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

  • HEY if you don't like movies that suck you wont like this one. This week we did shutter from 2008.

    J 4/10
    M 5/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    SHUTTER 2008
    Ben Shaw and his new wife Jane leave New York for Tokyo, Japan, where Ben has a job as a photographer. While traveling, Jane hits a girl in the middle of the wilderness. Later they start to find mysterious lights in their photos. Ben begins to complain of severe shoulder pain, and his friends begin to comment he's looking bent and hunched over, though the doctor he goes to see can find no cause. Ben's assistant takes them to her ex-boyfriend, who says that the lights are spirits, manifestations of intense emotions. They then go to a psychic, Murasame, who Ben soon claims is a hack and refuses to translate what he says.

    Jane decides to visit the office building in the photo. She goes to the floor where the light has gathered in the empty office and takes photos. She encounters the girl's spirit, learns her name is Megumi and that Ben knew her. When Jane confronts Ben, he admits that he and Megumi were once in a relationship but when her father died she became very obsessive and clingy. He eventually dumped her with help from his two friends. Jane is upset with Ben and decides they need to find Megumi.

    They go to Megumi's home and find her decayed body; she had committed suicide with potassium cyanide. Elsewhere, Ben's friends Adam and Bruno are killed by Megumi. Adam's eye is torn out while shooting pictures and he dies from shock; Bruno commits suicide by jumping from his apartment. Finally, Ben is attacked by the ghost of Megumi who attempts to choke him. After nearly throwing Jane through a nearby window, Megumi stops, leaving Ben alive.

    After Megumi's funeral, Ben and Jane return to New York. Jane finds some recent photos in an envelope which still show Megumi. She finds other photos, taken by Ben, Adam, and Bruno forcing themselves on Megumi. Ben tries to explain he felt it was the only way to drive Megumi away, as nothing else was working. This was the reason Ben didn't want to translate what the psychic said earlier. Disgusted by Ben's past actions and realizing that Megumi was trying to warn her, Jane leaves him saying she will not spend the rest of her life with him.

    Angered, Ben begins photographing the apartment looking for Megumi. After throwing the camera across the room, it takes a picture of him, showing Megumi sitting astride on his shoulders. The movie pans back to the hospital where a nurse is weighing Ben, showing 275 pounds, the weight of two people. In an effort to rid himself of her, he electrocutes himself. He is rendered completely catatonic and sent to a mental institution. The last scene is a reflection of the glass from the door, showing Megumi still latched to his back.

  • This week we watched MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN which I promise isn't what you assume it is... I HOPE YOU LIKE BRADLY COOPER!

    J - 7.5/10
    m - 7/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    Midnight Meat Train 2008

    The Midnight Meat Train is a 2008 American horror film based on Clive Barker's 1984 short story of the same name, which can be found in Volume One of Barker's collection Books of Blood. The film follows a photographer who attempts to track down a serial killer dubbed the "Subway Butcher", and discovers more than he bargained for under the city streets.

    Leon is a photographer who wants to capture unique gritty shots of the city. He is crushed when, instead of giving him his big break, gallery owner Susan criticizes him for not taking enough risks. Emboldened, he heads into the city's subway system at night, where he takes pictures of an impending sexual assault before saving the woman, who kisses Leon before running to catch the subway. After she thinks she’s safe, a mysterious man comes from behind her and hits her with a weapon. The next day, Leon discovers she has gone missing. Intrigued, he investigates reports of similar disappearances. His investigation leads him to a butcher named Mahogany, whom he suspects has been killing subway passengers for the past three years.

    Leon presents his photos to the police, but Detective Hadley doesn't believe him. Leon's involvement quickly turns into a dark obsession, upsetting his girlfriend Maya, who is also disbelieving of his story. Leon follows Mahogany onto the last subway train of the night, only to witness a bloodbath. The butcher kills several passengers and hangs their bodies on meat hooks. After a brief scuffle with Mahogany, Leon passes out on the train. He awakes the next morning in a slaughterhouse with strange markings carved into his chest.

    A concerned Maya and her friend Jurgis examine Leon's photos of Mahogany, leading them to the killer's apartment. After breaking in, Jurgis is captured, though Maya escapes with timetables that record over a hundred years of murders on the subway. She goes to the police but finds Hadley still skeptical. When Hadley presses Maya to return the timetables, she demands answers. At gunpoint, Hadley directs her to take the midnight train to find Jurgis. Leon heads to a hidden subway entrance in the slaughterhouse, arming himself with several knives.

  • This week, WE DID FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS ... IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED???????? We love you matthew lillard.

    j 3/10
    m 2/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    In Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, a once-successful abandoned pizzeria, a scared night security guard attempts to flee from the building but is captured and strapped to a torture device, which kills him.

    Sometime later, mall security guard Mike Schmidt is fired for assaulting a negligent father whom he mistook for a kidnapper. Mike's career counselor, Steve Raglan, offers him a job as a night guard at the pizzeria. Though initially reluctant, Mike accepts after social services threaten to take custody of his younger sister Abby and pass her to their estranged aunt, Jane, who desires the custody's monthly payments.

    During his first night on the job, Mike falls asleep and dreams about the kidnapping of his little brother, Garrett. He meets some children who also witnessed the crime, but flee when he approaches them. The following day, Jane hires a gang of vandals, which includes Abby's babysitter Max, to vandalize the pizzeria to get Mike fired and hasten Jane's custody of Abby. At Mike's shift that night, he meets police officer Vanessa Shelly, who explains that the building closed during the 1980s after some children were murdered there. Once Mike's shift ends and he leaves, the vandals break in, but the restaurant's animatronic mascots—Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Mr. Cupcake—kill the entire group. Max's disappearance forces Mike to bring Abby along on his next shift, in which the animatronics befriend Abby and Mike discovers that they are possessed by the ghosts of the missing children, who consistently mention a "yellow rabbit".

    On the fourth night, Abby is accidentally injured when she, Mike, and Vanessa are bonding with the animatronics. The next morning, Mike reluctantly gets Jane to babysit a frustrated Abby as he goes back to the pizzeria and takes some sleeping pills. The children appear in his dream again and tell him that he can stay with Garrett forever in exchange for Abby. Mike initially accepts, but when he changes his mind, he is attacked. After being strapped to the torture device that killed the previous guard and narrowly escaping, Mike is cornered and injured by Foxy. Meanwhile, a damaged yellow Freddy animatronic,[a] possessed by the leader of the children, kills Jane and takes Abby back to the pizzeria.

    Vanessa treats Mike's injuries and reveals that she is the daughter of William Afton, the serial killer who kidnapped and murdered Garrett and the other children. He hid their bodies in the animatronics, and now, their souls are under his control. Realizing that the animatronics plan to kill Abby and have her join them, Mike rushes to the pizzeria. The animatronics are defeated but are reactivated by Steve, who arrives wearing the "yellow rabbit" suit,[b] and reveals himself to be William. Mike tries to incapacitate William, but is easily overpowered.


    J 7/10
    M 7/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    In October 1988, twelve-year-old Bill Denbrough crafts a paper sailboat for Georgie, his six-year-old brother. Georgie sails the boat along the rainy streets of small town Derry, Maine, only to have it fall down a storm drain. As he attempts to retrieve it, Georgie sees a clown in the drain, who introduces himself as "Pennywise the Dancing Clown". Pennywise entices Georgie to come closer, then bites his arm off and drags him into the sewer.

    The following summer in June 1989, Bill and his friends Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, and Stan Uris run afoul of older bullies Henry Bowers, Belch Huggins, Patrick Hockstetter, and Victor Criss. Bill, still haunted by Georgie's disappearance, calculates that his brother's body may have washed up in a marshy wasteland called the Barrens. He recruits his friends to investigate, believing Georgie may still be alive. Ben Hanscom, one of Bill's new classmates, learns that unexplained tragedies and child disappearances have plagued the town for centuries. Targeted by Bowers' gang, Ben flees into the Barrens and meets Bill's group. They find the sneaker of a missing girl named Betty Ripsom, while Patrick is killed by Pennywise while searching the sewers for Ben.

    Beverly Marsh, a girl bullied over her rumored promiscuity, also joins the group; both Bill and Ben develop feelings for her. Later, the group befriends orphan Mike Hanlon after rescuing him from Bowers. Each member of the group has encountered terrifying manifestations of the same menacing clown who attacked Georgie: a headless undead boy (Ben), a sink that spews blood only children can see (Beverly), a diseased and rotting leper (Eddie), a disturbing painting coming alive (Stan), Mike's parents burning alive (Mike), and a frightening phantom of Georgie (Bill). Now calling themselves "The Losers Club", they realize they are all being stalked by the same entity, which they refer to as "It". They determine that It appears as their individual worst fears, awakening every 27 years to feed on the children of Derry before resuming hibernation, and moves about by using the sewer lines, which all lead to an old stone well hidden under an abandoned house on Neibolt Street. After Pennywise attacks them, the group ventures to the house to confront It, only to be separated and terrorized. As Pennywise gloats to Bill about Georgie, the Losers regroup and Beverly impales Pennywise through the head, forcing the clown to retreat. The group flees the house and begins to splinter, with only Bill and Beverly resolute in fighting It.

  • We had an audio issue with this episode, Just a heads up!

    This week we watched "killer sofa" and my god are we sorry about that.

    J 1/10
    M .5/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    The film opens with Frederico Olsen, an occultist who is obsessed with his ex-girlfriend Francesca Morton. He hires veterinarian Warren Lee to saw off his legs so that he can hide inside a reclining chair. Lee agrees to do it, but Olsen dies from shock after the procedure. The chair is then sold to Francesca, who is unaware of its dark history. She soon begins to feel a strange presence in her apartment, and her friends and loved ones start dying in mysterious ways.

    Two detectives, Bob Gravy and Roseanne Grape, are assigned to investigate the case. They are initially skeptical of the possibility that a chair could be responsible for the murders, but they eventually come to believe that it is possessed by a demon. The detectives seek the help of a disgraced rabbi, Jack, and an eccentric voodoo sorceress, Ashanti. Jack believes that the chair is possessed by a dybbuk, a malevolent spirit that can possess inanimate objects. Ashanti believes that the chair is possessed by a loa, a Haitian spirit that can be both good and evil.

    Jack and Ashanti perform a ritual to exorcise the dybbuk from the chair, but the ritual fails. The chair then escapes and goes on a rampage, killing anyone who gets in its way. Francesca eventually confronts the chair and learns that it is possessed by Frederico's spirit. Frederico is still obsessed with her and wants to be with her forever. Francesca rejects Frederico's advances, and he attacks her. Jack and Ashanti arrive just in time to save Francesca. They perform another ritual to exorcise the dybbuk from the chair, this time successfully. The chair is destroyed, and Frederico's spirit is sent to the afterlife.

    Francesca is safe, and the detectives are able to close the case. However, they are both left shaken by the experience, and they realize that there are some things in the world that cannot be explained by reason.

  • This week... we didn't clown around.
    J 6/10
    M 8/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    Kent McCoy, a real estate agent, is a loving husband and father who hosts a birthday party for his young son Jack. However, the clown hired for their party is unable to make it. Kent discovers an old clown costume in the basement of a house he is selling and puts it on. After the party, he falls asleep wearing the outfit, and the following day finds he can't take it off.

    He is forced to wear the costume to work, where he again tries to remove it. When he returns home, he complains about the situation to his wife, Meg. She is able to remove the fake nose but unintentionally wounds him in the process. The family dog, Shadow, accidentally eats the fake nose. Meg also realizes the clown's wig has become Kent's natural hair. Kent starts to exhibit strange behavior and experiences a deep sense of hunger, eating all the food in the house.

    Kent enlists the help of Herbert Karlsson, the suit's previous owner. Karlsson begs him not to touch the costume, but after learning Kent is already wearing it, insists on meeting him at the old costume warehouse. Kent learns that the outfit is the hair and skin of an ancient Icelandic demon called the "Clöyne". Karlsson drugs Kent, revealing that dismemberment is the only way to prevent the metamorphosis and possession. Kent fights back and subdues Karlsson, and while driving him to the police station to report the assault, his fingers and toes begin to grow excessively, causing him to crash the car.

    Kent decides to try to kill himself and goes to one of his properties. He shoots himself in the mouth, spattering the wall with rainbow blood, but quickly regenerates and survives. He then meets a child named Robbie who attempts to befriend him. Kent tries to behead himself with a pair of buzz saws, but a fluke accident causes the saw blades to shatter apart, killing Robbie. Kent suddenly feels the urge to eat the child after tasting his blood and does so before Meg finds him. Once at home, Kent tells Meg to chain him up in the basement, telling her not to let him out. He learns from Jack that one of his classmates, Colton, had bullied him at school. Kent finds the bully and eats him.

    Meanwhile, Meg is nearly attacked by Shadow, who has become possessed after eating the Clöyne's nose, but is rescued by Karlsson, who decapitates the dog. He tells Meg that the wearer can remove the suit only after eating five children. She also learns that Karlsson put on the costume to entertain the children at a hospital where his brother Martin worked many years ago. Martin smuggled five terminally ill children to feed the demon to free his brother. When Karlsson was released from the costume, the brothers tried and failed to destroy it.

    Kent fully succumbs to the demon and sneaks into a local Chuck E. Cheese, where he devours one child in the ball pit and another in the tube slides. Blood and a severed arm flow down the slide, causing a panic, and the play zone and restaurant are evacuated. Meg finds Kent as Karlsson attempts to decapitate him with an axe. Before Kent can kill Karlsson, Meg tries to communicate with him. Instead, the demon orders her to find and feed him one more child in return for Kent's release. She must bring the fifth child to their "special place." Otherwise, the Clöyne will find and kill Jack. However, Meg refuses.

  • This week we watched a Canadian Horror Film AFFLICTED from 2013

    J 8.5/10
    M 8/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    Childhood friends Clif Prowse and Derek Lee have decided to venture around the world to film their travel web series Ends of the Earth. The trip is Derek's last wish, as he has an AVM, which could cause his death at any moment.

    Clif and Derek stop in Barcelona to meet with old friends Edo and Zach currently on tour with their band Unalaska. After their initially uneventful stay, Derek picks up a woman by the name of Audrey after telling her about his AVM. Later that night, the three burst into Derek's hotel room as a prank, only to discover Derek bleeding and semiconscious, and no sign of Audrey. Though Derek doesn't remember anything about the attack, they assume that Audrey planned to rob him. Clif and Derek part ways with Edo and Zach as they depart for Italy.

    Upon arriving Derek passes out and sleeps for an entire day. The next afternoon the two visit the restaurant where Derek suddenly projectile vomits his meal. Later, at a vineyard, Derek has an extreme reaction to sunlight, and is forced to flee inside, covered in burns. Back at the hotel room, Clif attempts to calm Derek down, only for Derek to explosively punch clean through the corner of a stone wall with his bare hands.

    Over the next few days, Derek displays superhuman strength, speed and agility. Clif attempts to persuade Derek to stop their trip and go home, but Derek continues to insist that there is nothing wrong with him. As Derek grows sicker due to not being able to eat, he finally agrees to go to a hospital. On the way, the two are almost hit by a car. Derek fights with the angry driver and passenger, completely overpowering them both. Then he licks their blood off his hand.

    Clif correctly deduces that Derek has contracted vampirism, but researching it online proves unhelpful. Derek first tries drinking blood obtained from a butcher, and then kills and drinks the blood from someone's pet piglet, only to vomit out the blood on both occasions. Realizing that Derek needs human blood, he and Clif attempt to rob an ambulance, which proves unsuccessful, and they retreat back to the hotel. Derek enters a catatonic state, and Clif decides to cut his own arm to give Derek some human blood, but discovers that Derek has escaped. Clif attempts to find him, only to be ambushed and killed by the completely inhuman Derek. Upon regaining his senses and realizing that he has killed his friend, Derek shoots himself in the head with a shotgun. Shortly after, however, Derek's head heals with only slight scarring, and he is faced with the fact that he cannot die or be killed.

  • This week we watched the first film to be allowed to be filmed in the Paris catacombs. AS ABOVE SO BELOW!

    J 6.5/10
    M 6/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    Scarlett Marlowe is a young scholar, continuing her dead father's search for the philosopher's stone, a legendary alchemical substance discovered by the alchemist Nicolas Flamel. The reputed stone is allegedly capable of turning base metals into gold or silver and granting eternal life. Scarlett discovers the "Rose Key" artifact in a cave slated for demolition, but after she sees a vision of her father as a hanged man, the demolition begins and she narrowly escapes.

    Scarlett travels to Paris. She enlists her former lover George and her cameraman Benji. Using codes from the key, they solve a riddle on Flamel's headstone and get coordinates pointing to the Catacombs of Paris. Scarlett tries to reach the location on an official tour, but it is off-limits. A stranger tells them a guide called Papillon will help them if they find him at a nearby club. Scarlett recruits Papillon, his girlfriend Souxie and his friend Zed.

    Papillon takes the group to an off-limits entrance. George initially refuses to enter, but when a policeman confronts them, the group escapes into the caves. They encounter singing female cultists, including a woman they saw at the club (Representing condemned souls and angels of the First Vestibule of Hell). The group finds a blocked tunnel, Scarlett removes a brick unsealing the tunnel, but Papillon explains people who go through that tunnel disappear. His friend La Taupe (i.e. "The Mole") is among the missing. As the group takes an alternate route through a narrow tunnel, it collapses behind them, and they inexplicably find themselves in front of the same blocked tunnel with no choice but to break through.

    Inside, the group encounters La Taupe, a condemned ghost trapped within the purgatorial catacombs. He tells them going further down is the only way out. They eventually find a tomb with a preserved Templar Knight, a mound of treasure, and the Flamel Stone. After they take the stone, attempting to take the treasure triggers a trap and collapses the room. La Taupe seems lost under the rubble.

    Using the Flamel Stone, Scarlett is able to supernaturally heal a wound on Souxie's arm. They find a drawing of a door on the ceiling along with a Gnostic Star of David, symbolizing "As above, so below", which reveals a hidden opening in the floor. Going through, they find a tunnel marked with the phrase "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" in Greek, identical to the script on the entrance to Hell in Dante's Inferno.

    On the other side of the tunnel, the group finds an upside-down reflection of the room they just left, where somehow La Taupe is waiting. He kills Souxie and disappears. Deeper in, the cultist from the club pushes Benji to his death. Papillon is then sucked into a burning car by an apparition of a man who looks just like the stranger who told Scarlett to find Papillon. The car implodes and buries Papillon in the floor. Scarlett, George, and Zed move on and see apparitions of terrifying spirits and demons. Statues in the wall come to life, and one rips open George's throat. Scarlett tries to heal the wound with the Flamel Stone, but cannot. She realizes she had stolen a false stone, and must return it to its original place to find the real stone and heal George.

  • This week (last year) we watched Silent Hill back from 2006, ANOTHER VIDEO GAME MOVIE THATS 2 IN A ROW BABY!

    J 6.5/10
    M 7/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    Rose Da Silva and her husband Christopher are disturbed by their adopted daughter Sharon's constant sleepwalking and nightmares about Silent Hill, a town in West Virginia that was abandoned in the 1970s due to a massive coal seam fire. Desperate for a solution, Rose takes Sharon on a trip to Silent Hill to find answers. Her erratic behavior concerns police officer Cybil Bennett when they encounter her at a gas station en route. As they enter Silent Hill, a girl steps out into the road, causing Rose to crash and black out. She awakens in the fog-shrouded dimension of Silent Hill, and realizes that Sharon is missing.

    Searching the town for Sharon, Rose pursues the girl she encountered prior to the crash, who resembles Sharon. At various points, the town suddenly transitions into a nightmarish world inhabited by inhuman monsters, including the fearsome Pyramid Head. Cybil encounters and tries to arrest Rose, but while attempting to bring her to the local station, they realize they are trapped, all roads out of town ending in a mysterious cliff. Rose encounters many other inhuman creatures and learns of Alessa Gillespie, a young girl burned as a witch by the Brethren, the town's fanatical Manichean cult. Her mother Dahlia wanders the streets as an outcast, guilt-ridden over her negligence that led to Alessa's suffering. In the real world, Christopher searches the abandoned town with policeman Thomas Gucci, but they find nothing: the town appears to them simply as a dilapidated, abandoned place devoid of fog or creatures. Gucci later reveals he lived in Silent Hill and saved Alessa from the fire. He encourages Christopher to end his futile search.

    In the Silent Hill dimension, Rose encounters the girl again, revealed to be an aspect of Alessa. When the town transitions into the dark dimension, Rose, Cybil, and Anna, a Brethren member, flee to an old church, but Pyramid Head catches and flays Anna alive. Brethren members lead Rose and Cybil to a hospital, claiming the demon that has taken Sharon is in the basement. Upon noticing an image of Sharon in Rose's locket, Christabella, the high priestess of the Brethren, identifies Sharon as a likeness of Alessa. She decries the two women as witches and orders her Brethren to stop them. Cybil holds them off while Rose descends into the basement, but is quickly subdued and captured.

    Rose explores the basement but is barricaded by a group of disfigured nurses. She sneaks past them and enters Alessa's room. In a flashback, it is revealed that Alessa was stigmatized by the townspeople for being born out of wedlock. Christabella convinced Dahlia to "purify" Alessa after Alessa was raped by the school janitor. Christabella immolated Alessa during a ritual in 1974, but Dahlia alerted Gucci. The pair arrived too late, and the ritual went awry, igniting the coal seam fire. Hospitalized and in excruciating pain, Alessa's rage split her soul apart, one half manifesting as the dark entity responsible for the shifting dimensions of Silent Hill. Her remaining innocence manifested as Sharon, who was taken to the real world to be adopted. Desperate to find Sharon, Rose allows Dark Alessa's spirit into her body, allowing it access to the church. Sharon, despite being protected by Dahlia, is captured by the Brethren.


    m 6/10
    j 7/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    A team sent by Umbrella to investigate the Hive are overrun by zombies who quickly spread to the nearby Raccoon City. Umbrella reacts by quarantining the city and evacuating vital personnel from it. Angela Ashford, the daughter of Umbrella researcher Dr. Charles Ashford, goes missing after her security car is involved in a collision during the evacuation. Meanwhile, disgraced Raccoon City Police Department Special Tactics And Rescue Squad (STARS) operative Jill Valentine returns to her former precinct to encourage her fellow officers to evacuate. Alice awakens in a deserted hospital and wanders the city in search of supplies, while Umbrella uses the only bridge out of the area to evacuate civilians. At the bridge, Valentine meets with her former partner, Sgt. Payton Wells. A civilian turns into a zombie, biting and infecting Wells. In response to the virus reaching the bridge, Major Timothy Cain, leader of the Umbrella forces in Raccoon City, seals the exit and forces the residents to return to the city.

    After being abandoned by their employer following a failed attempt to rescue a civilian, Umbrella soldiers Carlos Olivera and Nicholai Ginovaef team up with the surviving STARS operatives to repel zombie attacks. Their position is overrun, and Olivera is bitten and infected. At a separate location, Valentine, Wells, and news reporter Terri Morales are about to be overrun, though are saved by Alice. Umbrella deploys a heavily mutated experimental supersoldier, Nemesis, who kills the remaining STARS members before searching for Alice. Dr. Ashford hacks into the city's CCTV system and uses it to contact Alice and the other survivors, offering to arrange their evacuation from the city in exchange for rescuing his daughter. He makes an identical offer to Olivera and Ginovaef, explaining that Umbrella intends to rid Raccoon City of the zombie infection by destroying it with a nuclear warhead.

    On their way to Angela's location, Alice and the others are ambushed by Nemesis. Valentine kills Wells after he turns into a zombie. Alice engages Nemesis but is wounded and forced to retreat, luring Nemesis away from the rest of the group. Valentine and Morales continue, picking up stranded civilian L.J. en route. Valentine meets Olivera, and they find and rescue Angela, although Morales and Ginovaef are both killed. Angela reveals that the zombie outbreak is the result of the T-virus, created by her father to treat a terminal genetic condition she has, and must take an anti-virus serum to prevent turning into a zombie. Alice uses some of the anti-virus to cure Olivera. Dr. Ashford gives Alice the location of an extraction point where a helicopter awaits. The group makes it to the rendezvous point, but are ambushed by Umbrella forces. Major Cain kills Dr. Ashford and forces Alice, whom he reveals was given superhuman strength by the T-virus, to fight Nemesis. Alice gains the upper hand over the supersoldier, though she ceases fighting after realizing that he is Matt Addison, mutated by Umbrella's experiments.

  • THIS WEEK WE WATCHED TEETH. This is all the info you need to make an informed decision to listen to it or not.
    J 2/10
    M 4/10

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    Dawn O'Keefe (Jess Weixler) is a teenage spokesperson for a Christian abstinence group called "the Promise". She attends groups with her two friends, Alisha (Julia Garro) and Phil (Adam Wagner). At home on several occasions, she hears her stepbrother Brad (John Hensley), and his girlfriend Melanie (Nicole Swahn) arguing about Brad's refusal to engage in vaginal intercourse with her, insisting on only having anal sex.

    One afternoon, after giving a speech to her group about the purity ring worn by members of the group, Dawn is introduced to Tobey (Hale Appleman), whom she finds attractive. The four begin going out as a group. Dawn has fantasies about marrying Tobey, although after acknowledging the attraction, they agree that they cannot spend time together. However, they later give in and meet at a local swimming hole. After swimming together, they go into a cave to get warm and begin kissing. Dawn becomes uncomfortable and tries to get Tobey to go back outside, but Tobey becomes more physical and aggressive. Dawn panics and tries to push him off. Tobey shakes Dawn, smacking her head on the ground and dazing her; Tobey takes the opportunity to begin raping her. Dawn fights back and inadvertently bites off his penis with her vagina. A horrified Dawn flees the scene. After a Promise meeting, she meets her classmate Ryan (Ashley Springer) at a dance; they talk, and he drops her off at her home.

    Dawn goes back to the swimming hole and she screams in horror when she sees a freshwater crab crawling on Tobey's penis. She drops her purity ring off a cliff. She then researches "vagina dentata" and realizes that she may have it. She visits a gynecologist, Dr. Godfrey (Josh Pais), in an attempt to find out what is happening to her. When he assaults her in the guise of an examination, reaching up inside her without a glove, she panics and her vagina bites off four fingers on his right hand. While biking home, several police vehicles pass her, and she sees someone driving a car that looks like Tobey's car. She decides to go back to visit the pool to investigate. When she arrives, she sees the police bringing up Tobey's body – he presumably died of shock in the water. Meanwhile, back at home, her ill mother, Kim O'Keefe (Vivienne Benesch), collapses. Dawn comes home and finds her, while Brad and Melanie are seen in his room having sex while Dawn's mother lies on the floor. Dawn's mother is taken to the hospital.

    Dawn goes to Ryan seeking help, hysterical about her encounter with the doctor, Tobey and her mother. Ryan gives her a sedative and stimulates her with a vibrator. Though initially afraid she will hurt him, she finds that when she is relaxed and is consenting to the sexual activity taking place, her "teeth" do not engage. The following morning, they have sex again, but mid-coitus, Ryan's friend calls. Ryan smugly boasts that he and the friend had bet on whether he could score with Dawn. In her anger, her vagina bites off his penis, and she leaves him to call his mother for help.

  • This week we watched THE WEIRDEST episode of modern family another filmed classic filmed in the GTA.

    m 9.5/10
    j 8/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!
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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    After finishing a long shift as a nurse, Ana returns to her suburban neighborhood and her husband, Luis. Caught up in a scheduled date night, they unintentionally ignore an emergency news bulletin. The next morning, a neighborhood girl, Vivian, enters their bedroom and kills Luis, who immediately reanimates as a zombie and attacks Ana. She flees in her car, crashes, and passes out. Upon waking, Ana joins police sergeant Kenneth Hall, electronics salesman Michael, petty criminal Andre and his pregnant wife, Luda. They break into a nearby mall and are attacked by a zombified security guard, who scratches Luda. Three living guards — C.J., Bart, and Terry — make them surrender their weapons in exchange for refuge. They split into groups to secure the mall. On the roof, they see another survivor, Andy, who is stranded in his gun store across the zombie-infested parking lot.

    The next day, a delivery truck carrying more survivors enters the lot, pursued by zombies. C.J. and Bart wish to turn them away but are overruled and disarmed. The newcomers include Norma, Steve Marcus, Tucker, Monica, Glen, Frank and his daughter, Nicole. Another woman is too ill to walk; she is wheeled inside via wheelbarrow, only to die and reanimate. After she is killed, the group determines the disease is passed by bites. Andre leaves to see Luda, who has kept her scratch hidden from the group. They realize that Frank has been bitten and is a potential threat. After some debate, Frank elects to be isolated. When he dies and turns, Kenneth shoots him.

    Kenneth and Andy start a friendship by way of messages written on a whiteboard; romance also buds between Ana and Michael, and Nicole and Terry. When the power goes out, C.J., Bart, Michael and Kenneth go to the parking garage to activate the emergency generator; they find a friendly dog and worry about a breach. Zombies attack and kill Bart, forcing the others to douse the zombies in gas and set them ablaze. Meanwhile, Luda — tied up by Andre — gives birth and dies. She reanimates as Norma checks on the couple. When Norma kills the zombified Luda, Andre snaps; they exchange gunfire and both are killed. The others arrive to find a zombie baby, which they kill immediately. The group decides to fight their way to the local marina and travel on Steve's yacht to an island on Lake Michigan. They reinforce two shuttle buses from the parking garage for their escape.

    To rescue Andy, the group straps supplies onto the dog, Chips, and lower him into the parking lot; the zombies have no interest in him. Chips enters Andy's store safely, but a zombie follows through the dog door. Nicole, fond of Chips, crashes the delivery truck into the gun store, where she is trapped by a zombified Andy. Kenneth, Michael, Tucker, Terry, and C.J. reach the gun store via the sewers, kill Andy, and rescue Nicole. They grab ammunition and go back to the mall; along the way, Tucker breaks his legs, and C.J. shoots him out of mercy. Once inside, they are unable to lock the door, forcing an evacuation via the buses.

  • This week we watched GINGER SNAPS, A canadian horror movie filmed in the GTA about lycanthropes and what not!

    J 7.5/10
    M 7/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    In Bailey Downs, a rash of dog killings has been occurring. Brigitte and Ginger Fitzgerald are teenage sisters who harbor a fascination with death, and as children, formed a pact to move out of the suburb or die together by the age of 16. One night, while on the way to kidnap a dog owned by school bully Trina Sinclair, Ginger begins her first period. The scent of blood results in the girls being attacked by the creature responsible for the maulings. The creature bites Ginger. As the girls flee, the creature is run over by a van belonging to Sam Miller, a local drug dealer.

    Following the attack, Ginger undergoes transformations that concern Brigitte. Her wounds heal quickly, and she starts to behave aggressively, grow hair from her scars, sprout a tail, and menstruate heavily. She begins dating her classmate Jason McCardy. One night, Ginger bites Jason's neck and has unprotected sex with him, despite his insistence to use protection. Later, she furiously beats Trina in public, and kills a neighbor's dog. Brigitte seeks out Sam to obtain information on what his van struck, and they agree that Ginger was attacked by a werewolf and is transforming into one. Sam suggests infusing an extract of monkshood, also known as wolfsbane, a perennial plant often referred to in lycanthrope folklore.

    Trina accuses Ginger of kidnapping her dog. She fights with Ginger and is accidentally killed. The sisters hide the body in a freezer. Brigitte accidentally breaks off two of Trina's fingers, and the fingers are misplaced. On Halloween, Brigitte brings monkshood to Sam and he creates an extract of the herb. Brigitte is attacked by Jason (who was infected by Ginger when they had sex), and defends herself by using the monkshood syringe on him. She witnesses his immediate change in behavior, which proves it is a cure. At school, she discovers Ginger's murder of a faculty member and witnesses her killing another. Ginger discloses her intent to target Sam next at the Greenhouse Bash, a Halloween party hosted by him.

    The girls' mother finds the fingers and Trina's corpse. She drives Brigitte to the Greenhouse Bash, saying that she will protect them. Brigitte arrives to find Ginger hurting Sam for rejecting her sexual advances. Brigitte wounds Ginger's and her own palm and clasps their hands together, infecting herself with Ginger's blood. She convinces Ginger of her loyalty and willingness to help her. As the sisters leave, Brigitte decides to abandon her mother. Ginger feels her transformation approaching and Sam knocks her unconscious with a shovel. They take Ginger back to the Fitzgerald house to prepare more of the cure for her.

    Ginger transforms into a werewolf on the way home and escapes the van. Sam and Brigitte hide in the pantry as Sam makes the cure. When he goes to find Ginger, a transformed Ginger attacks him. After finding Sam, injured and bloody, Brigitte tries to save him by drinking his blood to calm Ginger, but is unable to go through with it. Ginger senses Brigitte's insincerity, and kills Sam.

    As Ginger chases Brigitte, Brigitte returns to the room where they grew up. Brigitte defends herself while holding the syringe in one hand and a knife in the other. Ginger lunges at Brigitte and into the knife, fatally wounding herself. Brigitte lays her head upon her dying sister's chest and weeps.

  • This week I forgot what days were what. That is why this feels a day or two late... BUT ISN'T. This week we watched hostel 2! ENJOY!

    J 8/10
    M 8/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!
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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    Following the events of Hostel (2005), Paxton suffers from PTSD and lives in seclusion with his girlfriend, Stephanie. After an argument where Stephanie denounces Paxton's paranoia as exaggerated and "insufferable", she wakes to find his headless corpse in their kitchen. Soon after, an unmarked box containing Paxton's severed head is delivered to the Elite Hunting Club's boss, Sasha Rassimov.

    In Rome, three American art students, Beth, Whitney, and Lorna, are convinced by Axelle, a nude model they are sketching, to join her on a luxurious spa vacation in Slovakia. The four check into a hostel, where the desk clerk surreptitiously uploads their passport photos to an auction website ran by the Elite Hunting Club. American businessman Todd and his best friend Stuart win the bids on Whitney and Beth, and excitedly travel to Slovakia.

    Later that night, at the village's harvest festival, Lorna is invited by Roman, a Slovakian local, to join him on a boat ride. After being taken to a secluded area downstream, Lorna is kidnapped, and awakens to find herself having been stripped naked, bound, gagged, and hanging upside down. Another woman enters the room, disrobes, and lies naked beneath Lorna, before using a long scythe to repeatedly slash Lorna's back, torso, and eventually her throat, all whilst reveling in her dripping blood. Meanwhile, Beth, Whitney, Axelle, and a local man, Miroslav, head to a spa to relax. Beth falls asleep, and wakes up alone and without her belongings. While looking for her friends, she is pursued by several men and flees the spa. In the woods, she is ambushed by a gang of violent gypsy street children, but is saved by Sasha and Axelle; after both ladies leave, Sasha executes one of the boys as punishment.

    Later, at Sasha's remote mansion, Beth is pursued by the men from earlier, whom she realizes are associated with Sasha and Axelle. Looking for a hiding place, she discovers a room filled with human trophy heads (one of which is Paxton's) before being captured, taken to an abandoned factory and tied up in a room. Beth is soon joined by Stuart, who is supposed to kill her, yet appears reluctant to do so.

    In another room, Todd terrorizes Whitney with a power saw, but loses his nerve after accidentally partially scalping her without killing her. Horrified, Todd tries to leave, but is informed that he must kill Whitney before leaving. Todd refuses and tries to leave anyway, but the guards release attack dogs, which tear Todd apart. The Elite Hunting Club then offers the maimed Whitney to the other clients to kill, including an elderly Italian man who is eating Miroslav alive. Stuart, after learning of Todd's death, shows Beth the pictures of the maimed Whitney to frighten her, then accepts the club's offer, leaves Beth, and beheads Whitney.


    J 4/10
    M 4/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!
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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    Stay Alive is a 2006 American supernatural horror film directed by William Brent Bell, who co-wrote it with Matthew Peterman. The film was produced by Joseph McGinty Nichol, and released on March 24, 2006 in the United States. It was the first film released by Hollywood Pictures after five years of inactivity.

    After playing a video game titled Stay Alive, Loomis Crowley, his roommate Rex, and Rex's girlfriend Sarah are killed the same way as their characters were killed in the game.

    At Loomis' funeral, his friend Hutch meets Abigail – a friend of Sarah – and receives some of Loomis' possessions, including Stay Alive. Hutch, his girlfriend October, and her brother Phineus decide to play the game as a group. They are joined by Abigail and another friend, Swink, while Hutch's boss Miller plays online from his office.

    The game is set in a derelict mansion on Gerouge Plantation, but it only starts when the six players recite "The Prayer of Elizabeth," a request for "all who resist" to perish so that their blood can keep the Countess Elizabeth Bathory young. The players fight through a cemetery of evil ghost children, heading toward a mausoleum and tower. Miller is directed by the game to pick up a rose. October, a reader of occult literature, explains that undead spirits cannot move across wild roses. Separated from the others, Miller throws the rose to dispel the spirits of undead girls. Since he is now out of roses, a woman in a red dress, the Countess, kills Miller's character. Minutes later, the Countess appears in Miller's office and kills him by stabbing him with conjoined scissor blades like the ones in the game.

    Two detectives, Thibodeaux and King, question Hutch about the homicides. Hutch realizes that Loomis and Miller played Stay Alive right before they died, and that they died the same way as their game characters did. October researches Bathory and learns she would drain young women of blood, bathing in it to maintain her youth. Her weakness was mirrors because she could not stand to see herself growing old. Phineus decides to play alone, and despite quitting the game before his character can die, he is killed in real life when he is run over by a horse-drawn carriage. The survivors agree to stop playing Stay Alive. However, Detective King ignores Swink's warning and plays until his character dies. King is then killed in his car.

    Hutch and Abigail search Loomis' house and learn of the game developer's location: the real Gerouge Plantation. October has discovered that the real Countess Bathory was locked in the tower of her estate as punishment for her gruesome acts and vowed to return one day for revenge, which she is now able to do, as The Prayer of Elizabeth has resurrected her. The Countess can only be killed by driving three nails into her body to trap her soul. October sees the Countess in real life and tries to kill her but realizes that she is a ghost. She has her throat slit by the Countess. The three survivors realize that once the game has begun, it can play by itself. Swink stays in a van and plays the game on his laptop to distract Bathory, while Hutch and Abigail search Gerouge Plantation.

  • After all the things we do for our listeners ... we are TRICKED into watching the film POSSUM. HAPPY HALLOWEEN ENJOY THE SPECIAL! SUGGEST YOUR MOVIES FOR OUR NEXT LISTENER SPECIAL.

    J 2/10
    M 1/10

    For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult

    Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club!
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    THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta

    Possum is a 2018 British psychological horror film written and directed by Matthew Holness in his feature film debut, starring Sean Harris and Alun Armstrong. It centres on a disgraced children's puppeteer who returns to his childhood home and is forced to confront trauma he suffered there.

    Philip Connell, a disgraced children's puppeteer, is forced to return to his childhood home in Norfolk, which is shared by his decrepit uncle, Maurice. The home is in disrepair due to a past fire. Philip is haunted by a horrific spider-like marionette in his possession, called "Possum", which he keeps in a leather duffel bag. Throughout his time in Norfolk, he repeatedly attempts to dispose of the puppet, but it inexplicably returns to him each time. He recovers a picture book about Possum that he wrote and illustrated as a young boy depicting Possum's origins and how it creeps upon unsuspecting, orphaned children, intent on devouring them in their beds.

    Phillip frequently approaches a closed room in the house. Each time, Maurice asks if he plans to go in, to which he always replies no. Maurice frequently mocks Phillip during their interactions, such as mentioning the disgraceful circumstances that cost him his job and sadistically requesting that Phillip recount traumatic experiences of childhood bullying. He laments Phillip's attempts to dispose of Possum, reminding him that puppetry is something that runs in their family.

    News reports begin to surface of a missing local boy, Michael, whom Phillip initially encountered on the train ride to Norfolk. Authorities indicate that a man fitting Phillip's description is a person of interest in the disappearance. He revisits his childhood school, though he is discouraged from lingering by the school's staff and treated with suspicion by the local residents. He is also plagued by strange visions and dreams of Possum creeping up on him in bed. Phillip continues trying unsuccessfully to dispose of Possum—abandoning it in the woods, throwing it off a bridge, breaking it and sinking it off a dock, and even burning it—to no avail. The search for Michael in the papers causes Maurice to remark to Phillip that there was a similar case back then of a boy being assaulted by a masked man. When Phillip breaks down in tears, Maurice comforts him. As the search for Michael continues to mount, Maurice informs Phillip that he will be spending some time away and warns Phillip to not bring attention to himself, or trouble back to the house.

    In a period of distress, Phillip enters the school and requests that he be allowed to speak to his old form teacher, Mr. Grant. He tells the secretary that Mr. Grant "knew all about what had happened" and promised to go to the police with him. The confused secretary has him wait outside, but Phillip overhears her speaking with the principal about calling the police and he flees. As he runs, he finds himself chased by Possum, until he is seemingly overwhelmed by it, and passes out. Awakening, he returns home to find Maurice gone, but now has horrifying visions of becoming Possum himself.