
  • One of the most infuriating things moms go through is trying to problem solve without knowing what the actual problem is or what to work on.

    This is even more challenging and frustrating when there's an internal issue that you're unaware of and so it feels like nothing you do works.

    In today's podcast episode I talk a little about my own experience before I made some significant changes and how homeschooling, though it was an answer to God's call for our family, didn't magically solve my problems.

    I explain what I learned over years of trial and error that I now each my clients how to do faster with life coaching tools so that you can work on the areas you need to work on and implement solutions that are right for you...not just what worked for me.

    In today's episode I'll walk you through the top three areas to work on to drastically improve your homeschool experience and share with you the eight essentials I teach my clients to help them have the biggest transformations with the fastest results.

    Results like feeling calmer, connecting more, not absorbing other people's emotions, and stewarding the precious time God gives them, better.

    All of which help you have more awareness of what's going on and problem solve at a higher level, to serve God better, through your family.

    Grab your earbuds and listen to dive into: What to Work on to Drastically Improve Your Homeschool Experience.

    And because I believe so deeply that these eight essentials tools, concepts, and skills can help you, too, I put my best teachings into a brand new digital course to help you get started with the work I do, in this struggling economy.

    And to celebrate the launch of this new course, Catholic Homeschool Essentials is $100 OFF for this week only!

    Which means that until June 2, 2024 you can learn these essential life coaching tools for only $97!!

    Find all the details for Catholic Homeschool Essential HERE!

  • Want a chance to win a FREE ticket to this year's Catholic Homeschool Conference?!

    All you need to do is share the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast with your friends, family, on social media, wherever you feel good to do so!

    You can also leave a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any of your favorite listening platforms.

    This does not have to be a glowing review, just an honest one, please! If you love it, though, please throw in as many stars you believe the podcast deserves as this helps others find and be served by the podcast a little easier!

    THEN, please shoot me an email to [email protected] to tell me all the ways you shared or where you left reviews and I will enter your name into the drawing for each of the ways you supported the podcast!

    This is entirely on the honor system and is just my way of saying THANK YOU for being an incredible listening community and get a chance to serve more Catholic homeschool mamas at this year's incredible event!

    I will draw the winner THIS FRIDAY, May 24, 2024 at 9pm PDT and I will email the winners shortly thereafter.

    Speaking of which, today's episode is such a treat! This week I welcome back Maureen Wittmann, one of the co-founders of Homeschool Connections, who also founded and continues to run the Catholic Homeschool Conference!

    As always, we had such a delightful conversation about being Catholic homeschoolers and how the work she does for both platforms got started and how they continue to meet the needs of thousands of Catholic homeschoolers every single year!

    If you're looking for excellent resources, make sure you check them out.

    If you'd like to guarantee you have a ticket to the conference and want a discount, please use the code HSC10OFF at checkout to receive $10 off your ticket price. And then you share your free ticket with a friend if you're a raffle winner!

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  • Are you tired of policing your kid's work, checking on them over and over to make sure they've finished it?

    Are you tired of struggling with a kiddo who doesn't WANT to do the work you've assigned and seems to be entirely unmotivated?

    Or do you have a teen who doesn't seem to care about what they do or don't do and you're not even sure they'll graduate?

    If you answered yes to any of those questions, then today's podcast episode is for you!

    Today I'm going to walk you through four different scenarios of times when your child's goals will save YOU a tremendous amount of effort and heartache.

    And if your child doesn't have goals yet, I'll walk you through how to help them make their own (which is the secret sauce for those goals actually being acheived)!

    Grab your earbuds and let's talk about Helping Your Child or Teen Create Their Own Goals AND Reach Them!

    Check out all the details for the Happy, Holy Mama Membership on my beautiful new website here!

    Grab your Homeschool Blueprint here!

  • Whether you are a veteran homeschool, brand new to homeschooling, or considering homeschooling in the near future, today's episode is for you!

    I have taken my BEST advice for Catholic homeschoolers and put it all into one powerful episode that will serve even the most seasoned mamas with love, support, and a little Catholic truth.

    Grab my new FREE planning resource for Catholic Homeschool Mamas here: Download The Happy, Holy Homeschool Blueprint!

    Grab your ticket for the Catholic Homeschool Conference HERE.

    Check out all teh deatils for how we can work together in the Happy, Holy Mama Membership HERE!

  • Talking about our bodies is a fairly uncomfortable conversation for most people, but when it comes to talking about what's menstrual cycles and even charting with our daughters, sometimes mamas feel a bit lost. Christina Valenzuela felt similarly unprepared with her own children and that's when God placed on her heart to create Pearl and Thistle, cycle prep courses for Catholic families rooted in St. John Paul II writings on the Theology of the Body. Christina wanted her courses to be something that would bring parents and daughters together. Her courses provide a foundation for families to have a better understanding of the purpose and goodness of our human bodies. And, through our conversation, we revealed that many women find healing of their own early cycle years as they learn alongside their daughters. Please check out Christina's website, make sure you use the coupon code below, and check out her newly released book! @pearlandthistle on IG @pearlandthistle on FB 10% off coupon on CYCLE PREP for your listeners! Use coupon HAPPYHOLY10 at checkout to get 10% off an individual copy of CYCLE PREP: First Period Course for Girls New book, published through Our Sunday Visitor, The Language of Your Body: Embracing God's Design for Your Cycle, release is April 2024 Quick write up: What good can we find in our cycles, especially when we ponder the fact that both men and women are equally made in the image and likeness of God? The Language of Your Body delves deep into this and other groundbreaking questions, using the wisdom of saints like Hildegard von Bingen, Pope John Paul II and Thomas Aquinas to explore this unique, fundamental aspect of God's design for female bodies.

    Despite menstruation being labeled sometimes as a "woman's curse," the Catholic Church invites us to claim our cycles for good. This book is a beacon to all women searching for positive ways to integrate our menstrual cycles into our sense of self, our relationships, and our prayer.

  • Have you ever wondered what curriculum writers think about when they are creating the curriculum you use?

    Ever wanted to get some coffee and pick their brain about how they use it in their own family and apply it to real life?

    Well, if so, I have a treat for you today. I am joined by Olivia Spears, creator and founder of Into the Deep Catholic catechesis curriculum.

    Her heart and mission is to help evangelize the next generation through truth, goodness, and beauty.

    She lives and breathes this Catholic homeschooling lifestyle right alongside all of us and is such a breath of fresh air for your research-frazzled heart.

    And Olivia is an absolute delight to talk to!

    Check out Into the Deep here and use the promo code FIAT10 for 10% off her stunning curriculum!

  • Are you ever afraid to say what you'd really prefer to, because you're worried the other person will be mad at you?

    Maybe it's how you'd prefer to follow through with your kids when they don't finish their work or chores.

    Maybe it's what you wish you could say to your husband about how he parents the children.

    Maybe it's what you wish you could say to friends, but don't want to drive them away with your hot-messiness.

    Listen, this is a NORMAL human reaction and it's all based in fear.

    Fear that keeps you stuck and keeps your family from living into the potential of what God is dreaming for each of your lives.

    In today's podcast I'm going to share how this has been coming up in coaching lately and what you need to do to get unstuck from the fear...

    ...and start feeling more authentically you.

    The you whom God created exactly the way He meant to, for a reason, for a purpose in this world.

    So please grab your earbuds and something cozy and let's talk about when you're afraid of someone else's reactions...especially if you're afraid of them being mad at you.

    P.S. Do you desire an authentic Catholic community of homeschooling mamas who GET you?

    Who GET your life and what you're going through? Who will never question your commitment to homeschooling or suggest you 'just send your kids to school,' when you're having a hard day?

    If so, please join the BEST place on the internet to be an authentically Catholic homeschooling mother and not feel alone on the journey again: the Happy, Holy Mama Membership. If you have questions before you join, just hit reply to this, or any, email I send you and I'll get back to you shortly. You are not alone mama. Don't stay stuck! All you have to do is reach out.

  • If you're a Catholic homeschooling mama you ARE, factually, very busy!

    However, if you are FEELING busy, but not feeling PRODUCTIVE, I can help.

    Last weekend I recorded a free public masterclass called: How to Get More Time Back in Your Day and it was SO lifegiving, affirming, and USEFUL for those who came, I decided to put the audio of the class so that it can serve you, too!

    In the class I shared my story of what my life was like when I felt like I had no space or time for myself, being buried under babies, toddlers, and tantrums.

    I shared insight about our to-do lists as moms and what might be going on, if we feel like there isn't enough time to do everything there is to do in a given day.

    I also gave the over 120 women who signed up for the class my #1 process to create space interally so they could get more time and LIFE back in their day.

    I'd be honored to share this class with you now, so please grab your earbuds to take my masterclass: How to Get More Time Back in Your Day!

    Get the details for the Happy, Holy Mama Membership here!

    Subscribe to Fiat Life Coaching email list here!

    Grab your ticket for the Catholic Homeschool Conference here!

  • It’s the most infuriating experience to want to do better yourself, but feel like your own behavior is contingent on what someone else does. Especially if that someone else is your own child and should know better.

    And then you end up feeling like a bad mom because you can’t seem to get yourself under control.

    Guilt is almost always followed by shame and that one-two punch just makes you want to run and hide from your kids…which of course doesn’t teach them how to change their own behavior, either.

    In today’s episode I’m going to give you my one simple strategy to come back from a mistake. And when you are willing to do this one thing, then you begin to lead by example.

    You become the adult you want them to be someday, even after a mess up.

    They learn the best things from you, which was the whole point behind homeschooling in the first place.

    Sign up for my new live masterclass THIS FRIDAY NIGHT here: How to Get More Time Back in Your Day!

    Details for the Happy, Holy Mama Membership are here.

  • Have you ever noticed what you spend your time on while you wait for something?
    A doctor's appointment, a child to go to the bathroom, a pot of water to boil?

    What about what you're choosing to do while you wait for your children to grow up, wait for them to grasp a new concept, or learn a new skill?

    What you focus on in the moments of waiting matters because it directly influences how you react or respond to those around you.

    And right now, during Holy Week, what you focus on while you wait for the resurrection of Jesus will directly impact the way you and your family experience the Easter weekend, and beyond.

    This week I have a short and sweet podcast episode for you that will help you refocus your attention during this time of waiting so that it becomes more productive.

    Not just for your homeschooling efforts, but for the kingdom of God.

    Grab your earbuds and let's talk about making the time that you spend waiting more productive.

    Sign up for my new live masterclass on April 5, 2024: How to Get More Time Back in Your Day here!

    Does Time feel like it steals your peace? Or does your children's behavior feel like it steals your peace? These are the two things that most moms lose their peace over every single day. In Happy, Holy Mama we coach on Time, Behavior, Curriculum, and SO much more each week in group coaching. Click here to get the details for the program, including how to join today to have support and Catholic community while you learn how to have more peace and feel more capable and confident in your home and homeschool.

    Do you have questions you'd like me to answer before you join? Please book a free Consult Call to chat with me face to face!

  • It's way too easy to go about your day feeling frustrated about the kids, homeschooling, and the house and then take it out on your hubby the next time you interact with him.

    That could be in an angry text you send him, or throwing a screaming toddler at him when he gets done with work, or even treating him like he's done something wrong to contribute to your own bad day.

    Today's episode will help you Improve Your Relationships and put your life in Right Order, starting with your marriage.

    Because when your marriage is feeling stuck and even a bit painful, then everything else feels stuck and painful, too. Including your relationships with your kids and your homeschooling.

    So today let's start digging into this vital relationship that can help your whole life feel more life-giving when you intentionally support it today.

    Grab your earbuds and let's talk about how to: Have a Lifegiving Marriage

    Join the free Podcast Facebook Group.

    Join the Happy, Holy Mama Membership to support your marriage!

  • Homeschooling (and Time Management are 80% mindset and 20% strategy.

    You’re probably just trying to do it the other way around, which is why it can feel so frustrating, even infuriating, to want to manage your time better and feel like you just can’t.

    Or like all the pieces of your life are actively working against your best efforts to accomplish all the things on your to-do list, including homeschooling!

    It can feel like a losing battle, unless you understand what’s going on in your brain.

    In this week’s podcast episode, I am going into the brain science, the mindset, behind great time management skills. I’ll give you some powerful insight into why it feels so hard to do what you really want to do and end up doing the things you’d prefer not to.

    And I'll give you a few reflection questions to take this deeper with the Lord and what He is calling you to focus on right now.

    Join the Happy, Holy Mama Membership and get access to our Deep Dive Workshop (and replay!) this Thursday, March 14th!

  • Managing time isn’t as hard or mysterious as you’re making it out to be.

    There isn’t some magic formula for managing it ‘right.’

    And there isn’t a one-size fits all way to organize your day that would solve all your stress, that you just can’t figure out.

    It's not true that you can't create a schedule or routine that works for your day, you're likely just thinking about it in an unproductive way and just don't know where to start.

    Here's what it all boils down to:

    Your mindset about Time itself Three essential skills that will help make managing the time God gives you better.

    In today’s podcast I am diving into all of it so grab your earbuds and listen to: Manage Your Time Better.

    Join the Happy, Holy Mama Membership to participate in our next Monthly Homeschool Strategy Workshop on Time Management!

    Subscribe to Fiat Life Coaching weekly life coaching tips in your inbox!

    Book a Consult Call.

  • In my life coaching work we practice thinking about what you hope your kids will say about you as their mother and homeschooler, in the future. And then taking action now to help create that outcome.

    We dream about what our children’s futures will look like, and sometimes it keeps us up at night.

    If you ever worry about your kid’s futures and what they will say about their experience in your homeschool, then today’s podcast episode will help you take a big deep, calming breath and rest into what God is inviting you into today.

    I am joined today by former homeschooled student, now adult and published author, Maddie Dobrowski.

    Maddie and I had one of the most life-giving conversations on the podcast. We talked not just about her book, The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism (which is amazing and you should get your copy right now!), but we actually primarily discussed her experience as a homeschooled student and how it has played an integral role in forming her into the successful adult (and practicing Catholic for everyone keeping score) she is today.

    She has the most incredible insight from the student’s perspective, shares vulnerably about how her life hasn’t necessarily turned out the way she expected, but how beautifully it is turning out to be. And she attributes so much of it to the examples she had growing up in a big, Catholic, homeschooling family environment.

    Especially her mother’s influence.

    I walked away from this conversation feeling like I had just been on retreat and I think you will, too!

    I’d like to invite you to listen in on this delightful and inspiring conversation: You’re Doing Better Than You Think You Are with Maddie Dobrowski.

    Subscribe to Fiat Life Coaching weekly life coaching emails.

    Join the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast Free Facebook Group

    Get The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism by Maddie Dobrowski

    Follow Maddie on IG

    Join Maddie's Substack

  • Do you go into Lent thinking maybe this will be the year you'll finally kick some bad habits and make big changes (and maybe lose some weight in the process)?

    Do you have half a dozen ideas for what to give up, but never get around to clarifying what you're actually going to focus on? (This was me for forever.)

    Or are you the kind of penitent who starts out peaceful and self-controlled, with a clear goal in mind?

    Whatever you're M.O. is, I'm willing to bet that at some point, either during Lent or on just your normal homeschool day, you're tempted to give up.

    To quit.

    To throw in the towel and go down an easier, more familiar path.

    I want to help you have more success with Lent this year than you've had in the past, which will set you up for more success in life as well.

    That's why during today's episode of the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast, I am going to shed some light as to the inner workings of your human brain and why it resists change so much.

    I am also going to teach you how to catch yourself before you quit (or in the act of quitting) and how to come back to focus so you can keep moving forward toward your goals, during Lent and beyond.

    Grab your earbuds and let's dive into today's episode: Give Up Giving Up For Lent.

    Click here to get the details for the Happy, Holy Mama Membership to Quit Quitting for Good with support and community!

    Have questions first? Click here to book a free Consult Call to ask me all your questions before joining.

  • This week is not just Ash Wednesday, it's not just Valentine's Day, it's also the100th episode of the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast, AND February 14th is also the 20th anniversary of the passing of my first husband, Joey.

    It is a FULL week!

    So as I was reflecting what I should talk about on the podcast this week, it seemed super obvious to me to share more of my love story with the Lord.

    And like most love stories, it's not all lovely. It's not all roses. It's not all happiness.

    There is pain and loss and suffering on the journey, probably not unlike your own story.

    But there is also tremendous joy and growth through it all.

    So this week I am inviting you to join me as I reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God that can be found through pain and loss when you learn how to unite your will with His Holy Will.

    What better way to head into Lent? Especially if you've struggled with this season in the past.

    As always I end the podcast with questions to help you reflect on how to engage more with God's Holy Will for yourself, to go deeper with the Lord, and make significant shifts in your own life, especially in regards to areas of your past that need some healing love.

    My fervent prayer today is that you walk away from this episode feeling more capable of offering a heartfelt, "Blessed Be God" in the midst of pain and adversity.

    Which, lets face it, might be what homeschooling feels like on this Monday morning in February.

    I'd be honored if you joined me in my love story with the Lord in today's episode: Blessed Be God: A Reflection on Loss and My Love Story with God's Holy Will.

    ******** Links mentioned in the episode:

    Are you taking a break from social media this Lent and want to stay in touch with me? Join my mailing list HERE.

    Not giving up social and want to connect with me on Facebook? Join the brand new Happy, Holy Mama Podcast Facebook Group HERE!

    Get the details for the Happy, Holy Mama Membership HERE.

    Book a free Consult Call to disucss joining the Membership HERE!

  • If you were a teacher in a brick-and-mortar school or professor in college you would have designated time when you would prep your day, prepare the rest of your week, do research, grade papers, and receive students questions either via email or in person.

    However, as homescholers we have the added obstacles of toddlers and babies underfoot, laundry that needs to be changed over, meals that need to be made, and children delivered around town for various activities.

    So how do you get it all done?

    I'm sharing a couple of my favorite strategies for fitting the most important things into your day and have the added benefit of helping your children build skills of meeting deadlines and thinking about their own time in new ways...all because you start doing it first!

    Grab your earbuds and let's dive into today's podcast episode that might just change how you experience your day: Mom's Office Hours

    Ready to join the Happy, Holy Mama Membership right now and don't want to wait? Book a free Consult Call with me HERE to talk with me about what's holding you back from doing what you want to do during your day, what's keeping you from enjoying your homeschooling lifestyle, and how working together in the Membership is going to help you make those shifts right now for more connection and more productivity.

    Are you just finding me and want to do go deeper with my work before joining the program? Sign up here to take my hit free masterclass: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting and I'll send you the replay to watch instantly!

  • How often do you confess not making enough time for prayer?

    Or lose your cool around the state of your home?

    Not look up when your kids are talking to you or rush them through something so you can get back to what you'd prefer to be doing?

    In today's episode I'm going to share my own personal experience with each of these areas and how I found peace and healing through learning how to turn them into a Holy Hour.

    I'm going to share with you some deep mindset shifts to start making right now and reflection quesitons to help you begin immediately.

    Grab your earbuds and let's talk about how to Turn Cleaning into a Holy Hour!

    Want help navigating any obstacles you can forsee coming up as you want to implement this work and making it a permanent change? Book a free Consult Call with me here to talk about how to get started creating these significant and powerful changes in your own life.

  • How often do you feel embarassed by, ashamed, or resentful of by your past?

    Have you ever noticed how your behavior changes here and now when your thoughts turn to things that have happened in the past?

    Have you ever noticed the impact of being focused on the past is having on your life here and now? Especially in sneaky ways, like how it's hard to receive compliments or believe your husband when he says you're beautiful.

    That's what I'm diving into in today's podcast episode! How the past influences and impacts our current experiences and how, too often, it keeps you stuck.

    I'm going to give you some loving advice and coaching as someone who used to be STUCK in repeating past mistakes and I'm going to share what I've learned as I reflect on my 40th birthday.

    Of course you'll walk away with a few questions to ask yourself as you begin your own reflections and hopefully start making changes today to how you allow your past to influence your present.

    Grab your earbuds and let's dive into: How to Stop Getting Stuck in the Past

    Book a Consult Call HERE to talk with me about how coaching can help you let go of your own past and start living into the present moment more fully!

  • Ever wonder why you have a hard time letting something go?

    For example you have at thought like: I can't get anything done!

    And then suddenly you see half finished or not-started projects everywhere?

    Which, of course, leads to further hamster wheel thoughts like:

    I can't follow through.

    I can't do what I want to do.

    We're not where we should be.

    This is how you get stuck in a loop of negative thinking, finding proof everywhere you look of how things aren't how they should be.

    There is an actual biological reason for this!

    In today's episode I'm going to explain what's going on in your brain and how to get off the hamster wheel of negative, unintentional thoughts, and start thinking on purpose.