It's okay to kill monsters... Isn't it? Hoi there Chummers, and welcome to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast.This is a 4th edition shadowrun actual play GM'd by myself, Paul, and played by Veronika as Cecile, aka College Girl, Kat as Diendre, Val as Ali aka Boxer, and Beth as Grace aka Nightingale. This is episode 11 of season 2 and it features an existential crisis for Grace, a dubious solution to that crisis proposed by Diendre, Cecile rolls dice to water plants, more secrets are revealed to the team, a meeting with the mysterious fixer Prokop and a cliff hanger finale.
Welcome back to another episode of the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast Chummers.This is a 4th edition shadowrun actual play GM'd by myself, Paul, and played by Veronika as Cecile, aka College Girl, Kat as Diendre, Val as Ali aka Boxer, and Beth as Grace aka Nightingale. This is episode 10 of season 2 and it features mayhem and carnage, new old twists are discovered. We find out that Grace has a motorcycle helmet made just for her, she engages in astral combat, defeats her opponent and mourns their passing. Diendre rides like the wind, evades certain destruction and the mean GM takes her sidecar. Boxer lives up to her resume and blows up a car, and leaps on to a semi trailer mid crash. Cecile confronts Kaylee Lorraine about her parents and discovers new dark secrets. When will she ever learn?
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Welcome back to another episode of the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast Chummers.This is a 4th edition shadowrun actual play GM'd by myself, Paul, and driven forward rather noncommittally by Veronika as Cecile, aka College Girl, Kat as Diendre, Val as Ali aka Boxer, and Beth as Grace aka Nightingale. This is episode 9 of season 2 and it takes place in possibly my favorite location and situation of this game. I'm speaking of course of good old "Olga's Tearoom" in Tacoma, and Diendres fan club. In this episode the team settles in at the tea room to make sense of their discoveries and plan their next moves, but are distracted by the fan club. Olga herself makes an appearance. If you want to read more about the tea room check out the Seattle 2072 source book or join us on our discord where I am going to post some of the canon lore.
One more thing that is happening. I'm falling in line with some of the other wiz shows out there and trying my hand at creating an intro song with AI. I've put one at the end of the show if you feel like listening to it. Let me know on our discord if you like it and check out some other versions there as well.
Welcome back to another episode of the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast Chummers.This is a 4th edition shadowrun actual play GM'd by myself, Paul, and driven forward rather noncommittally by Veronika as Cecile, aka College Girl, Kat as Diendre, Val as Ali aka Boxer, and Beth as Grace aka Nightingale. This is episode 8 of season 2. In this episode the team continues to infiltrate Warehouse Alliance under the guise of a security audit. Diendre takes the job almost too seriously, Grace intimidates a guard and makes some horrific discoveries and well...their cover might have been blown.
Welcome back Omaes to another episode of the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast. For those of you who have been following us for a while, I apologize for the delay in getting this episode out to the matrix. The last half of 2024 brought some of the less pleasant experiences that we all have to go through to my life and for a while I was absorbed by them and lacked the mental and emotional bandwidth to work on the show. Back to the intro, This is a 4th edition shadowrun actual play GM'd by myself, Paul, and driven forward rather noncommittally by Veronika as Cecile, aka College Girl, Kat as Diendre, Val as Ali aka Boxer, and Beth as Grace aka Nightingale. This is episode 7 of season 2. The team has been given a job through the mysterious fixer known as Prokop Skilful to once again infiltrate Warehouse Alliance to secure evidence, the more damning the better, of the corps illegal activities. To aid them they have been provided passcodes to the facility and a work order for a security audit. Another run against Warehouse Alliance Puyallup commences, Diendre carries Grace, some disturbing discoveries are made, and a whole lot of paydata is accumulated. Now whatever will the team do with it?
Thank you for joining us, and I hope you enjoy the show. Reach out to us on our discord if you have any comments or want to point out my errors in ruleskeeping.
Welcome back Omaes to another episode of the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast. A 4th edition shadowrun actual play GM'd by myself, Paul, and driven forward rather noncommittally by Veronika as Cecile, aka College Girl, Kat as Diendre, Val as Ali aka Boxer, and Beth as Grace aka Nightingale. This is episode 6 of season 2. The team has been given a job through the mysterious fixer known as Prokop Skilful to once again infiltrate Warehouse Alliance to secure evidence, the more damning the better, of the corps illegal activities. To aid them they have been provided passcodes to the facility and a work order for a security audit. College Girl turned the job down, but in this episode as the rest of the team starts planning and doing legwork she finds herself drawn back in to provide some matrix support. Text messages galore, Grace explores the fascinating "glamour" that causes Diendre to appear differently when viewed through natural eyes or a device, Ali serves real food, and Diendre and Cecile lay the groundwork for the run.
This is episode 5 of season 2 and it features the whole gang again for a change. Cecile and Diendre hang out together while Cecile does some matrix work for her. Neither seem to be in a great mood. Ali hangs out with Kaylee at the clinic and the two of them run into some trouble on the way to Hazel's bar. Grace has a chat with Dylan Pike of the Hermetic Order of the Auric Aurora and finds some common ground with him after his aloof and stand-offish first impression. Finally, Prokop Skillful makes an appearance and gives the gang a job, and drops some clues, both intentionally and not. Grace eats a chocolate cake, Diendre senses fire, and Cecile walks out.
This is episode 4 of season 2 and it features Cecile, aka College Girl, doing a little matrix sleuthing.
Hello and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority podcast, a 4th edition actual play...wait a minute, your not HKS?! Your the Fixer Files, a collaborative effort of a many Shadowrun podcasters all playing together in one shots! This episode, Two Days to Retirement is the first of hopefully many one shots featuring GM's and players from a bunch of Shadowrun actual plays as well as Shadowrun Celebrities and people from non-shadowrun shows. It's going to be awesome hearing voice from your favorite shows like SINless, Resting Glitch Face, Berlin: It's a Bug not a Feature, and Pride Against Prejudice all playing together. Enjoy! Also HKS will be back soon with a new episode, Prokop promises!
Hoi there Chummers! Welcome back for another episode of the Hard Knocks Sorority podcast. This is a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. Our game features a pony, a dryad, a cat woman and a college girl. The amazing cast are Beth as the pony Grace visiting the sixth world from Equestria on a mission from Celestia herself, Kat as the gruff and mysterious Dryad Diendre, Val as the mercenary with the hard outside and a soft spot for Grace, and Veronika as Cecile the college girl who has a way of getting into trouble and under everyone's skin.
This is episode 3 of season 2 and it features more downtime as Grace attempts to find a magical society to join. Cecile spends time with her friend Kirstin, Boxer hangs out in her hood and Diendre does more shopping. All things must end though, including down time.
For all of you who have continued to spend time with us and for those of you joining us for the first time, I want to tell you how much I appreciate it. I love playing with my friends and tinkering with podcasting. It's not something that I've ever done before and I'm sure it shows so it's super validating and amazing to watch the number of downloads and listeners grow. I really hope that you are enjoying the show and I heartily invite you to join our discord server and give the cast a shout. They love hearing from you.
Hoi there Omae, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. Jander on over here and take a listen to Episode 2 of Season two in which we catch up with Diendre and Cecile as they spend some relaxing downtime doing nothing. Uh huh, sure. Can you picture either of these two just doing nothing and relaxing. Nope! Diendre does some light shopping and casual kidnapping. Cecile makes a bargain with the devil, I mean Prokop Skilful, snoops on her friend Kirstin, and then prys into Diendres past. Ah downtime. As always featuring Veronika as Cecile aka College Girl and Kat as Diendre. It's really wiz that your are joining us and I hope you enjoy this episode. If you do please tell your friends and leave us a positive review. We are available on most pod cast services, Youtube, Itunes, etc. You can also find a link to our discord server in the podcast description and on the youtube channel. We would love to hear from you and we share a lot of in game paydata there as well such as maps, intros, fluff and character stories.
Hoi there Omae, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. Jander on over here and take a listen to a short teaser/filler before we launch into Season 2, which I promise is on its way. In this short interlude Ali and Grace spend some time together and explore their relationship, an arms deal is done, and someone starts a fight by whispering "Poopy Head". Featuring Beth as Grace aka Nightingale and Val as Ali aka Boxer. It's really wiz that your are joining us and I hope you enjoy this episode. If you do please tell your friends and leave us a positive review. We are available on most pod cast services, Youtube, Itunes, etc. You can also find a link to our discord server in the podcast description and on the youtube channel. We would love to hear from you and we share a lot of in game paydata there as well such as maps, intros, fluff and character stories. Please do drop us some feed back.
Thank you again Chummers. Don't forget, Watch your back, conserve your ammo, don't judge a ghoul by their well ghoulishness, and never, ever, make a deal with a dragon!
Hoi there Omae, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. Jander on over here and take a listen to Episode 31. It is finally time to collect that sweet sweet Nuyen and reunite ICE, Rigor Mortis and Prokop. Cecile seems to be in the clear, right. This is it Chummers the final act of Season one. It's beena pleasure sharing it with you. As always featuring Beth as Grace aka Nightingale and Val as Ali aka Boxer, Veronika as Cecile aka College Girl and Kat as Diendre. It's really wiz that your are joining us and I hope you enjoy this episode. If you do please tell your friends and leave us a positive review. We are available on most pod cast services, Youtube, Itunes, etc. You can also find a link to our discord server in the podcast description and on the youtube channel. We would love to hear from you and we share a lot of in game paydata there as well such as maps, intros, fluff and character stories. Please do drop us some feed back.
Thank you again Chummers. Don't forget, Watch your back, conserve your ammo, always check that credstick, and never, ever, make a deal with a dragon!
Hoi there Omae, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. Jander on over here and take a listen to Episode 30 in which the team takes a breath before heading back to collect their pay day. Diendre, ICE and Rigor Mortis finally find a hotel that without baggage, Grace and Ali go camping and contemplate Communism, and Cecile is made an offer she can't refuse. As always featuring Beth as Grace aka Nightingale and Val as Ali aka Boxer, Veronika as Cecile aka College Girl and Kat as Diendre. It's really wiz that your are joining us and I hope you enjoy this episode. If you do please tell your friends and leave us a positive review. We are available on most pod cast services, Youtube, Itunes, etc. You can also find a link to our discord server in the podcast description and on the youtube channel. We would love to hear from you and we share a lot of in game paydata there as well such as maps, intros, fluff and character stories. Please do drop us some feed back.
Hoi there Omae, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. Jander on over here and take a listen to a very special Episode, our 29th in fact. This is a solo session with Kat who is playing as the Dryad Diendre, spelled Diendre, which pronunciation I am certainly massacring. She is described as having Green-Brown skin with patterns like vines running all over her body, with hair that changes with the season usually in a long braid that rest around her shoulders. if one looked into her eyes they would imagine them a reflection off a clear pool of water at night. her typical wear is a trench coat that looks worn from long use and seems like it once had patches and badges. her other street ware is an vintage style white office shirt and a green tie with black pants and what seems to be steel toed workboats. her face shows more years than her genes will allow, and one of her ears appears to be clipped like someone tried to cut it off with a knife, but she wears her scars proudly. In this episode Diendre, ICE and Rigor Mortis attempt to find respite after the jail-break and escape through the barrens. Unfortunately they end up in Snohomish, a part of Seattle that turns out to be less than welcoming to Elves and ICE alike. The past attempts to catch up to ICE, and Diendre puts her specialized gear to good use.
Hoi there Omae, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. Jander on over here and take a listen to Episode 28 in which the team makes their get away following their extremely successful and well executed rescue mission. Getaway...oh right...that part no one planned for. It goes swimmingly. After a bit of a miscue Cecile gets a good nights sleep, Diendre, ICE and Rigor Mortis drive through the night, and Grace and Ali go camping. As always featuring Beth as Grace aka Nightingale and Val as Ali aka Boxer, Veronika as Cecile aka College Girl and Kat as Diendre. It's really wiz that your are joining us and I hope you enjoy this episode. If you do please tell your friends and leave us a positive review. We are available on most pod cast services, Youtube, Itunes, etc. You can also find a link to our discord server in the podcast description and on the youtube channel. We would love to hear from you and we share a lot of in game paydata there as well such as maps, intros, fluff and character stories.
In Episode 27 the team takes on the job of rescuing Rigor Mortis from Prokop and ICE, from the Warehouse Alliance facility in Puyallup. There is some magic, some shooting and some driving. Its all fun and games...
In Episode 26 we follow along as Grace and Ali spend some downtime together shopping for illegal goods, exploring abandoned buildings, causing bedlam and generally bonding as only a changeling cat woman and equestrian pony can.
Hello there Chummers, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. In Episode 25 we experience Shadowrunning by text message. Boxer has words with a Knight Errant Officer. Grace has fun with spirits and Diendre shops on the black market. In short your standard leg work session. As always featuring Veronika as Cecile, Beth as Grace aka Nightingale, Kat as Diendre, and Val as Ali aka Boxer. I'm really happy that you are joing us on this journey and hope you enjoy it. If you do please tell your friends and leave us a positive review. We are available on most pod cast services, Youtube, Itunes, etc. You can also find a link to our discord server in the podcast description and on the youtube channel. We would love to hear from you and we share a lot of in game paydata there as well such as maps, intros, fluff and character stories.
Hello there Chummers, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. In Episode 24 things get matrixy as Cecile attempts a virtual gets embarrassing...very embarrassing.
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