Join me this week t o learn about China's first feminist.... a woman who wanted rights. A writer, a revolutionary, and a martyr, Qiu Jin was executed after a failed uprising against the Qing dynasty.
Never one to "submit to rules" she became a gifted orator who told her personal stories of how China failed women, and through her sacrifices propelled her cause forward.
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Join me today to hear about the women who was a leader of the American Civil Rights Movement in Selma, Alabama, a member of the "courageous eight," the first African American women to run for political office in Alabama, and crossed the Edmund Pettus Bride on "Bloody Sunday." In other words, she was the epitome of "good trouble."
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
On this week's episode, we're going to Russia at the turn of the century to learn about a woman who was a significant figure in the Russian Socialist Movement. One of the overlooked feminists in history, her story is complicated, but there are absolutely admirable qualities to be found.
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We made it to episode #100!! This month, we're celebrating Women's History Month by telling the stories of women who were "good trouble" during their lifetimes... women who shook the foundation of what was expected of women.
Olive Schreiner was a writer who (because she didn't have the money for medical school, or the stamina for nursing) chose to write about the inequalities that she saw... and how she believed those inequalities could be corrected. She was a feminist BEFORE that word existed, an advocate for the oppressed, and a pacifist during her war-torn lifetime.
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To wrap up our celebration of women athletes this month, we're going to the top of the world. Junko Tabei was the first woman to climb the highest peak on our planet, proving once again that women can do anything when they have the drive, passion, and opportunity.
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Today we are talking about the best female soccer players in history... known around the world as simply "Marta." Although watching her play is amazing, I wanted to focus this episode (released on Marta's 39th Birthday, by the way) on who Marta is and how she uses the platform that her athletic success has give her to use.
Find the podcast on Instagram @haveyoumetherpodcast
Find Marta on Instagram @martavsilva10
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Join me to hear about the first player to score in an Olympic Women's Basketball competitions AND the first (and only) woman to every be officially drafted by the NBA. She truly was the Queen of Basketball.
To find the documentary that I watched to fall in love with this amazing woman, go here:
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Since we're celebrating Girls & Women in Sports Month... I am excited to share with you what I learned about one of the quarterbacks in today's contest.
Join me this week to kick off our celebration of amazing athletes... who also just happened to be women. Cammi was a girl who LOVED HOCKEY.
This is a re-release due to audio issues... thank you for your patience!
To find Cammi's podcast, visit here:
We're going to court today!... but not just any court. In this week's episode, we're going to be visiting the Texas Supreme Court where for the ONLY TIME IN US HISTORY, a special session was held with an All-Woman Court. The case itself was pretty simple, but the representation that Special Chief Justice Hortense Sparks Ward, and Justices Hattie Leah Henenberg and Ruth Virginia Brazzil was incredibly groundbreaking.
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We're talking about the thing today... that thing that we've been told is tacky to talk about... MONEY. Going back to review women's rights in the US regarding property rights and money management, we'll tell the story about the first (three!) major financial institutions that were created to responsibly serve women.
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Happy New Year, Friends! Join me this week for a recap of all of our Season 2 Episodes. I can't believe that we now have 93 episodes on the books... and so many amazing women left to discover. I am so grateful for YOU for all the support that I've received, and I can't wait to see where we go in 2025.
Follow the podcast on Instagram @haveyoumetherpodcast
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Remember that I'm taking a two week break, but I'll see you soon when a new episode drops on January 22, 2025.
Join me to hear about this "rugged gal" who could do anything that she set her mind to. She built her own house, farmed her own land, made her own moonshine... and she also survived an attack of a rattlesnake migration.
Her moxy and grit make her a fascinating role model to independent women everywhere.
Find the podcast on instagram @haveyoumetherpodcast to see some pictures of Rattlesnake Kate.
If you'd like to hear more of the Carter Sampson song, you can find it here:
Join me this week to hear about this eccentric woman who preferred the company of dogs over people. Over her life, she rescued over 600 dogs who had been abandoned, saying that she was only "a Yorkshire lass that has the guts left to love the unwanted." Believe me when I tell you that she was so much more.
Born with a STRONG RESISTANCE to cultural norms, Valeska Gert grew into a woman who made the kind of art that made people uncomfortable. She was dramatic and wild, slightly inappropriate and 100% authentic.
Follow the podcast on Instagram @haveyoumetherpodcast to see some images of Valeska Gert in action.
Join me this week to hear about Maud, who is believed to be the first female tattoo artist in America. She was the perfect amazing woman to kick off our month of celebrating women who had just a little bit more SPICE than sugar.
Come with me to Alaska this week to learn about the amazing woman who was instrumental to the Alaska Territorial Legislature passing the Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945... the first anti-discrimination law to be passed in the United States.
She was called a "Fighter in Velvet Gloves" because she was was tough, but kind. Wicked smart, but approachable. Territorial Governor Gruening said that Elizabeth's intelligence was obvious, her composure faultless, and her plea could not have been more effective.
I hope that you love learning about her as much as I did.
Sarah Winnemucca spent most of her life advocating for her people, known now as the Northern Paiute people. She wrote letters, organized petitions and tried to learn the ways of the white settlers to find common ground. When all of those efforts still didn't bring fairness to her people, she traveled the country, telling their stories to the world.
Join me this week to learn about this amazing Lakota woman who was the grandmother of the Anti-Domestic Violence Movement. Tillie helped thousands of domestic violence survivors by opening her home (and then the first domestic violence shelter for women of color in the United States) and then she organized and worked beyond shelter doors to advocate for legislation.
If you or someone you know need help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or text the word "START" to 88788.
Outside of the US, please find resources here:
I needed a few days, but I wanted to release a mini-episode about the 2024 Presidential Election. It's important to me that there is no question about what I stand for.
It matters because we care.
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