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Science, Scripture, & Salvation is a podcast that we hope will encourage you in your Christian faith by showing how scientific evidence supports the Bible, particularly the Genesis account. When we see that the first and most foundational book of the Bible can be trusted in all matters—including science—it builds confidence in the rest of the inspired Word all the way to Revelation.
Government works best when citizens are directly engaged in policymaking and public service delivery. What conditions are necessary for inclusive and effective citizen engagement? Can it positively improve people's lives? This podcast provides an overview of citizen engagement, critically analyzing how it can be leveraged most effectively to achieve development results.
Your lights are on, your car runs, because industrial systems work 24/7 to keep our lives ticking. But what happens when those systems—the very pillars of modern society—are threatened?
Hosted by Nate Nelson and Andrew Ginter, The Industrial Security Podcast takes a deep-dive into the most pressing emerging issues in SCADA technologies today. But don't just take our word for it: each new episode of the show features a leading voice in the world of industrial control systems security. You'll hear from executives, engineers, researchers and more, each with their own unique take on what's wrong with how we do things today, and how to fix it.
ICS security is complicated. Here is where it all comes together. -
Digitaalisesta turvallisuudesta puhutaan paljon, mutta mitä sillä oikeastaan tarkoitetaan? Miten digitaalista turvallisuutta kehitetään? Näiden ja monien muiden kysymysten äärelle johdattaa #digiturvakompassi.
Podcastissa näistä teemoista keskustelevat tietohallintoneuvos Tuija Kuusisto valtiovarainministeriöstä ja VAHTI-pääsihteeri Kimmo Rousku Digi- ja väestötietovirastosta, jotka molemmat työkseen edistävät julkisen hallinnon digiturvallisuutta. -
Technology has become increasingly important to policy debates, but these debates won’t be productive without an understanding of how the technology in question works. AEI Visiting Fellow Shane Tews interviews tech industry experts to explain how the apps, services, and structures of today's information technology systems work, and how they shape our social and economic life.
Ever wondered how Silicon Valley and Washington, DC might work together? In a new AEI podcast, Tech Enabled, John Bailey and his guests dive into the subjects of technology, public policy, and economic opportunity to discover how data and smart federal and local policy can work hand-in-hand to promote thriving communities.
Julkishallinnon kehittämistä säätelee aimo annos erilaisia rajoittavia tekijöitä, sekä pilkahdus politiikkaa. Viime aikoina erityisesti ICT-maailman nopea kehitystahti ja vahvasti säädelty julkinen sektori ovat olleet törmäyskurssilla. Liian vilkas valtiolle -podcastissa käsitellään yhdessä sekä julkisen että yksityissektorin asiantuntijoiden kanssa sitä, miten yhteensovittaa hurjalla vauhdilla etenevä IT-ala hieman hitaammin kääntyvän julkisensektorin kanssa. Teknisen jargonin sijasta podcast pyrkii lisäämään kuulijoiden tietoisuutta ja tarjoamaan käytännön vinkkejä kehittämiseen.
You’re listening to Encounter
Encounter was launched with a mission to offer a safe space to encounter the transcendent God in the midst of the noise of our daily routines.
It is a daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day.