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Live out God’s calling in work & family life, within and beyond the uniform —Are you feeling alone as a woman of Christian faith in the military or another male-dominated environment?Are you driven to make a big impact, but wish you could be more present, and give more time to your family?Are you working to lead change, struggling to find your voice or courage as you swim against the current?Are you a high-achiever pouring yourself out for everyone else but burnt out, stressed, and struggling to find time for your own physical & mental health because there’s always so much that needs to be done?Does your harsh inner critic make you feel like no matter how much you do, it’s never enough?You know you’re called to be a leader and change-maker, but it’s hard to find others like you who also share your faith & values.Maybe you’re feeling forced to choose between.Every day is a battle, trying to give 100% in all the hats you wear.You’re performing well but your load is heavy, you’re weighed down by guilt, and exhausted from pushing through but never having a moment to rest.It’s hard to know what to say yes to, and scary considering a different course than the traditional path of success everyone is pushing you toward, or what you’ve always known.Maybe you’ve recently made the transition or are thinking about leaving the military.You don’t want your work to come at the expense of your family; they come first.Amidst it all, you just want to do God’s will.I see you sister. I’m on this journey with you.In this Podcast, you’ll find heart to heart conversations about motherhood and military life, work-life balance and leadership, all grounded in Biblical truths, my education & experience as a professionally-trained Catholic Mindset Coach, certified Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach, and lessons I’ve learned the hard way in the last 5 years of high level advocacy work fighting for mothers, families, and life in the military.I believe strongly that no one should have to choose between their family and their call to serve.That motherhood should never be the death of our dreams.That motherhood is not a limiting factor in what a woman can achieve, but lack of support can be.I started Armed to the Heart to be who I needed when I was in the trenches, overwhelmed by motherhood in the military, struggling in my mental health & postpartum recovery, drowning in my home, carrying so much guilt for the time I had to spend away from my baby, feeling so much pressure to prove myself in a combat arms unit and feeling like a failure in all of it.My family was getting the leftovers of me.I felt stifled in my faith.Trapped in the military.It felt impossible to actually live out my priorities.I felt so far from the superwoman others saw in me.As a dual military, active duty Army officer raising 2 sweet (and wild!) boys in the Catholic faith, a fierce advocate for my sisters in arms going through pregnancy & postpartum, a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser, & big dreamer with a heart to make a difference, I know the struggle that comes with wearing so many hats & trying to fulfill God’s call for us.Through so many answered prayers, the Lord has allowed me to be part of the change I want to see. To bridge the gaps I’ve experienced and seen in thousands of women’s experience in the military, through policy advocacy work, mentorship & coaching. To fight for motherhood, for life, and for freedom to live out our faith in the military.He taught me that our minds are the true spiritual battlegrounds, and that by learning to manage our mind, emotions, & time, we don’t have to be a victim to our circumstances. He showed me that by discerning His will in every season, it is possible to keep my faith and family first while making a meaningful impact.So if you’re ready to do the same, for the glory of God, this Podcast is for you!Lace up those boots sister, it’s time to jump in. We can do this together.
🎙 Je suis honoré de présenter mon nouveau podcast, Post-Partalk, qui se concentre sur le post-partum des mamans.
Dans ce podcast, nous allons discuter de la réalité de l'accouchement, partager des anecdotes inspirantes, ainsi que des conseils et des astuces pour aider les nouvelles mamans à traverser cette période difficile.
Nous allons aborder des sujets tels que la dépression post-partum, la guérison après l'accouchement, l'allaitement maternel, la réadaptation à la vie quotidienne avec un nouveau-né, ainsi que des expériences personnelles partagées par d'autres mamans.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
See what happens when a Mental Health Therapist and a Chef from a whole different part of the country marry and start a family. Each week La Toya and Jeff will discuss openly and candidly all things marriage, mental health, being parents, and whatever else comes up. Sharing a piece of their family with you every week! Please remember to like, rate, and subscribe t the podcast.
To keep up with us find La Toya on IG @latoyathetherapist and Jeff @chefjefftx -
Coming Inside OUT is a safe space where listeners can find solidarity, inspiration, and the courage to embrace their true selves. Whether you're a gay father, gay parent, a person exploring your identity, or an ally seeking to understand the experiences of the LGBTQ community, this podcast is for you. Tune in for heartfelt conversations, insight and a sense of belonging that we all crave.
Join your host Brian as he candidly shares his own journey out of the closet while navigating the joys and challenges of parenthood as an openly gay father.
Brian connects with fellow gay dads, sharing their inspiring stories, victories, and struggles while delving into the complexities of grappling with sexuality. Brian discusses his experience as a teen, husband and father aiming to foster a supportive community for those still in the closet, reassuring them that they are not alone in their journey.
Contact us at [email protected]
#gay #lgbtqpodcast #lgbtq #pride #gaymen #loveislove #gayfathers #gaydad #comingout
Keywords: LGBTQ, coming out, relationships, gay parent, gay podcast, gay men, personal growth, gay fathers, pride,
Après plus de 100 discussions sur toutes sortes de sujets avec des Darons, Fabrice FLORENT va explorer l'autre moitié de la population concernant par la parentalité, les Daronnes.
Deux épisodes par mois, les 2ème et 4ème mardis de chaque mois.
➡️ Abonnez-vous à Histoires de Daronnes :
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Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Le podcast des atypiques : hypersensibilité, haut potentiel, TDAH, TSA, intelligence émotionnelle, multipotentialité... tant de caractéristiques qu'on peut aussi développer positivement !
Par Elodie Crépel :ébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Kinderen grootbrengen is een uitdagende opdracht: mama of papa zijn is misschien wel de moeilijkste baan ter wereld. Deze podcast gaat over de kleine kantjes van het opvoeden. We brengen échte verhalen met een knipoog, een traan én een lach. Want wat is het een voorrecht om dat kleine mensje te zien opgroeien met het hart op de juiste plaats.
In de podcast 'Over Ons' gaat relatietherapeut Katrien Koolen langs bij Vlaamse koppels met kinderen. Ze spreekt met elke partner apart over hoe ze elkaar vonden, hoe ze zich vermenigvuldigden en hoe ze elkaar vasthouden in de spits van hun leven. Luister mee naar de uitdagingen die deze koppels ervaarde doorheen hun samenzijn en hoe ze erin slagen elkaar telkens weer terug te vinden. Elk koppel spreekt vanuit hun realiteit, hun leven met kinderen. Het resultaat is een ontroerende en inspirerende reis doorheen de tijd en de liefde. De productie en montage van deze podcast gebeurde door Tim Paternoster (aflevering 1 & 2) en Laurens Vanhulle (aflevering 3, 4, 5).
Un documentaire intime et politique qui questionne nos maternités
Dans cette série documentaire en 9 épisodes produite par le magazine féministe belge axelle (, Juliette Mogenet raconte comment son lien avec sa mère a évolué au fil de l’enquête qu’elle a menée avec Audrey Lise Mallet.
Pendant plus d’un an, entre la Belgique, le Québec et la France, les réalisatrices ont rencontré des mères, des activistes, des expertes, des femmes qui souhaitent ne pas être mères, des travailleuses du soin, pour questionner la construction de la maternité dans notre société et les violences systémiques affrontées par toutes les femmes.
Explorant plusieurs dimensions majeures de ces parcours (travail, santé, famille, espace public, etc.), Comment j’ai retrouvé ma mère est un documentaire radiophonique critique et consolatoire, qui dessine aussi des pistes des solutions pour des maternités plus joyeuses et plus épanouies.
Une série écrite et réalisée par Juliette Mogenet et Audrey Lise Mallet, produite par axelle (, en coproduction avec Brolmakers ( Accompagnement éditorial : Sabine Panet. Montage : Cassi Hennaf ( Mixage : Marius Adam. Musique : RIVE ( (Juliette Bossé et Kévin Brieuc). Illustrations : Marine Schneider ( Typographie et composition visuelle : Sophie Gransard. Avec le soutien de Alter Égales et de
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Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Get ready to receive wisdom and guidance from some of the country’s most respected Christian men on how to strengthen your marriage, be a better father, get control of your finances, heal the wounds from your past, be the spiritual leader of your family, and walk faithfully with God. Learn the things your dad should’ve taught you, but probably didn't. No judgment, no shame, just real answers for real men with real challenges seeking real change for God's glory.
Welcome to The Health & Wellness Practitioners Podcast! Dr. Danielle and other guest experts talk about everything from getting your practice started, developing your clinical skills, growing your practice YOUR way, and dealing with the real stuff life burnout and work/life balance. Whether you’ve been practicing for decades or just started your journey, you’ll find something here for you!
Take control of your personal well-being and learn how to care for yourself while juggling the demands and stress of raising a family with Dr. Claire, a clinical psychologist, and mom of four who is passionate about supporting, encouraging and teaching parents how to nurture themselves so they can nurture their family.
Outloud The Selective Mutism Podcast discusses everything related to Selective Mutism, the anxiety disorder that makes speaking extremely difficult. Hosted by a mother and daughter and our life experiences (good and bad!) with Selective Mutism. Offering support and education to kids, parents, teachers, family members, and anyone whose lives are affected by anxiety and Selective Mutism.
Mama's luisterplek, de podcast waar jij als ouder centraal staat. Ik ben Daisy Bogaerts en ik begrijp de uitdagingen waar je als ouder van een angstig kind mee te maken hebt. In deze podcast deel ik waardevolle inzichten, praktische tips en deskundige adviezen om jouw kind te ondersteunen bij het overwinnen van angsten.
Welcome to season 2 of Baby Steps, a podcast about the intersection of work and fertility health. Where we work has the power to make the pursuit of parenthood smoother, more challenging, or in some cases, possible at all. This season, we talk to HR leaders, fertility advocates, and individuals who have pursued parenthood about the myriad ways the workplace shapes employees' family-forming experiences — and how to create a better environment for everyone.