"Let's talk about sex baby. Let's talk about you and me."
We all want to have good sex, right? But do you want to know what is perhaps one of the #1 barriers to getting in the way? Our past history!
So many of us haven’t processed our pasts. And our past influences our sex life more than we could imagine.
How you think about sex is an indication of your background. And until we (and our spouse) is aware of 1) how our past effects us, 2) confront it, and 3) find healing—we'll be unable to experience the sex we long for.
So where do we start? And how do you do it together? Press play to join the discussion :)See MORE resources @
"Let's talk about sex baby. Let's talk about you and me."
We all want good sex. But the problem is that SO much misinformation is causing bad sex.
So where is this misinformation coming from? The usual culprit, current culture! We see the messages in movies & tv shows; we read them in books and listen to them in music. We even hear bad info through family, friends, or other social influencers.
But these myths about sex are putting so much pressure on us. Can you feel it? It’s a weight causing stress, confusion, frustration, anxiety, depression and insecurity.
Here's the good news, learning the truth about God's design for sex and that He actually desires for us to have great sex in marriage, free’s us to experience the pleasure and joy God always intended for us. What could be better than that?!
And that’s what we’re going to do today - bring truth!See MORE resources @
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This idea of a man and woman being just friends is a controversial debate - everyone has their own stance. You either believe it can happen or it’s not possible.
But considering Tarah was "friend zoned" by Gordon for years, what do we think?See MORE resources @
How to Romance Your Man.
This series has been all about men and how to love them well. Because they really are more complicated than we give them credit for. Even if complicated is just another word for different. Men and Women are different and how we give and receive love will look different too.
And that's the same for the idea of loyalty. For most women when we think of disloyalty, particularly in marriage, we typically think of infidelity. I know I do. But to a man, loyalty means so much more!
In fact, to him, loyalty is the ultimate test of love.See MORE resources @
How to Romance Your Man.
That's right! This series is for all the men.
Over the last 30 years or so, culture has told men that they aren't needed or wanted and they've been pushed to the side. We think this needs to be remedied.
And one of the easiest ways - just like all things in relationships - is to understand him.
Let's talk about ego's. Let's be honest, most of us women tend to put down our men or tell them how stupid they are for the sake of their "big ego." We think we know best.
But ladies, maybe he doesn't have as big of ego as we think he does? Could it be a front? And also, don't we want him to draw close to you? To see the depth of his heart?
Then we must do one thing ever man desires — and it might surprise you. But to love him well it's critical we understand this.See MORE resources @
How to Romance Your Man.
That's right! This series is for all the men.
Ladies, as women, do you ever long to spend more time together but feel like there is not enough time or do you ever feel like he doesn't open up?
What we don't realize is that the solution to finding the time, feeling more connected, and even getting him to open up, might be simpler than we think (hurray!). And in the process, we will help our men feel incredibly loved.
So, what's the solution? Click play to find out!See MORE resources @
How to Romance Your Man.
That's right! This series is for all the men.Over the last 30 years or so, culture has told men that they aren't needed or wanted and they've been pushed to the side. We think this needs to be remedied.
And one of the easiest ways - just like all things in relationships - is to understand him.
Ladies, we hold a lot of power in our words. And although the above statement of "men not being needed or wanted" may not be true, oftentimes what we're trying to convey through words doesn’t impact our men the way we hope it will. If you want to express your feelings, thoughts, and desires in a way that motivates him and makes him feel loved, you need to use your words carefully.
So, today we'll discuss what words to say, how to say them, and when.See MORE resources @
How to Romance Your Man.
That's right! This series is for all the men.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "women brains are like a plate of spaghetti?" As women, we can be so complicated which makes men seem simple (their brains are like waffles right?). But this can and has become a problem. Could it be that we’re not taking the time to really understand our men and their needs?Over the last 30 years or so, culture has told men that they aren't needed or wanted and they've been pushed to the side. We think this needs to be remedied.
And one of the easiest ways - just like all things in relationships - is to understand him.
Today we'll discuss what love means to him, because feeling loved in his mind — is probably not what you, ladies, would expect.See MORE resources @
SERIES: Life Myth's
There are a lot of things we say that sound really good, so good in fact, that we've come to believe them!
Can you hear every teenager in North America? Well, today it's not only teens making this statement, sadly it's adults too. We've all said it at some point or another - maybe multiple times! So what's the deal? Where did this idea come from and is it legit? Join Gordon and Tarah as they discuss.
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SERIES: Life Myth's
There are a lot of things we say that sound really good, so good in fact, that we've come to believe them!
In today's episode we'll discuss if our ultimate happiness is the most important, see where this idea comes from, and look over the actual studied results for people who divorce for this reason alone.
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SERIES: Life Myth's
There are a lot of things we say that sound really good, so good in fact, that we've come to believe them!
But is the only way to get to know someone (especially someone of the opposite sex), to date them?
Today we'll discuss why jumping into dating right away could be detrimental and shed some truth on the current dating scene. Also, our thoughts on the best way to get to know someone and how it could save you friendships in the long run.
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SERIES: Life Myth's
There are a lot of things we say that sound really good, so good in fact, that we've come to believe them! But are we actually good?
Today we'll talk about where this idea came from, why it's not helpful to us, how we can re-think this idea and embrace the truth of our humanity.
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MINI SERIES: Online Dating
Online Dating used to be kind of weird, now it’s the norm. But our question is, is it working?
We wonder, What are the results? Is the experience for Men and for Women, similar? And most importantly, is there a way to go about online dating that works better or should we burn it to the ground?
In this mini-series, we’ll share interesting results that are being studied, our thoughts and options on the topic, and then some helpful tips.
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MINI SERIES: Online Dating
Online Dating used to be kind of weird, now it’s the norm. But our question is, is it working?
We wonder, What are the results? Is the experience for Men and for Women, similar? And most importantly, is there a way to go about online dating that works better or should we burn it to the ground?
In this mini-series, we’ll share interesting results that are being studied, our thoughts and options on the topic, and then some helpful tips.
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SERIES: Dating Today
Dating today can be tough. Especially when we often have different ideas about dating (how to go about it, who to date, who's serious and who's not, etc.), and not to mention the wide range of bad advice floating around out there.
We struggle with transitioning into the final stage of “seriousness” - marriage. Maybe you're unsure about how to prepare for the transition from “me” to “we," or you don’t know that you can have a great marriage right from the start.
Did you know that most people’s first year is really hard? I'm sure you've heard. But did you know that the majority of divorces occur within the first 5 years?
We don't want that for you. So let's discuss how to transition well from "me" to "we."
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SERIES: Dating Today
Dating today can be tough. Especially when we often have different ideas about dating (how to go about it, who to date, who's serious and who's not, etc.), and not to mention the wide range of bad advice floating around out there. Today's topic, moving in together, has an array of conflicting ideas.Maybe you think waiting until marriage is "old-fashioned -- you have to live together to know if you're compatible, right?" Or maybe you're one of the "traditional" ones and want to hold on to the ideals that you were raised in.
So which is it? When should you move in together? Click play to join the conversation!
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SERIES: Dating Today
Dating today can be tough. Especially when we often have different ideas about dating (how to go about it, who to date, who's serious and who's not, etc.), and not to mention the wide range of bad advice floating around out there.
Especially around pre-marital counseling. If there is one thing we are passionate about it's to intentionally prepare for your marriage. So, in today's episode we discuss things like, is pre-marital counseling worth it? What is it? What prevents us from doing it and when should you start.See MORE resources @
SERIES: Dating Today
Dating today can be tough. Especially when we often have different ideas about dating (how to go about it, who to date, who's serious and who's not, etc.), and not to mention the wide range of bad advice floating around out there.
We all have a different idea of what “serious” means. And let's be honest, sometimes we aren’t very intentional to begin with which makes this Q, when do we get serious? even more confusing, right?
We understand that we all move at different paces and sometimes a couple will "advance" sooner than another. So in this episode we talk about 4 stages of seriousness, what they mean and when to intentionally move from one to another.See MORE resources @
SERIES: Dating Today
Dating today can be tough. Especially when we often have different ideas about dating (how to go about it, who to date, who's serious and who's not, etc.), and not to mention the wide range of bad advice floating around out there.
Don't we all long to be accepted and loved despite our past choices, mistakes, and histories? Due to this, we might say, “The past doesn’t matter. It’s about who we are now.” Later we start to have problems, fights, and misunderstandings.
The irony is this: To give ourselves a future we must step into the past.
So, does the past matter? *spoiler alert* YES! But how do we talk about it? How to we share while not oversharing? And when is it too soon or too late?See MORE resources @
SERIES: Dating Today
When should I break up with someone?What should I do if someone breaks up with me?How do I heal from a breakup?When should I start dating again?
Dating today can be tough. Especially when we often have different ideas about dating (how to go about it, who to date, who's serious and who's not, etc.), and not to mention the wide range of bad advice floating around out there.
Today's topic is chalk-full of questions!All legit and important to know. So, let's discuss!
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