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Create the Life You Want by Changing Your Thoughts
Do you have a dream in your heart that feels totally unrealistic?
Do you find yourself thinking, there is just no way that dream ever would work?
Did someone tell you that your ideas were just too crazy, a little out there?
In this podcast, you’ll learn how to change your thoughts, focus on gratitude, start daydreaming from a place of hope instead of wishful thinking, release the shame behind following your dreams and partnering with God for all of it, because He placed those crazy dreams in your heart for a reason.
My mission is to help you create the life of your dreams by changing your thoughts. I’ll help you begin believing in yourself, so you can step into your true calling from God - even if it seems crazy on the outside! I’m here to be your hype girl, because I believe in you and what God is calling you to!
Hi, I’m Steph, a recovering people pleaser, a Jesus follower, wife and momma of three. I’m passionate about helping you figure out who you were called to be. After my ”normal” came crashing down, I knew I needed to start creating the life of my dreams - regardless of what others thought. I finally learned that if I wanted to live the life of my dreams, I needed to pick up my bible, learn who I was and surrender control to Jesus. I stopped letting fear stop me from stepping into who God called me to be.
If you’re ready to go ALL IN on your dreams, improve your mindset with daily routines - routines that grow your ability to surrender control and be led by the Spirit - and finally start loving yourself AND the life you’ve been given, this podcast is for you.
So grab a pen and notebook, a warm cup of coffee or your favorite beverage, and let’s start dreaming again by Rediscovering Normal.
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Christian Motivational Speeches! All Things Christian Related Helping Spread The Gospel.Through Mashups and mixes. TD JAKES, JOEL OSTEEN, BILLY GRAHAM AND MANY MORE.Help spread the love of Jesus with everyone you know. God Loves you no matter the circumstances doesn't matter how far you have ran. He is reaching out saying come as you are.Accept Jesus as Lord and savior. Because he can change your life if you give it to him.
Waxaa bilowday Podcast Cusub oo Aan ugu Magac bixinay Qorshaha Nolosha ..
Si,guud Ujeedada iyo Hadafka Barnaamijkaani Waxaan rabnaa inaan dhisno ,
Bulsho Fahansan Qorshaheeda Nololeed Si,aan Uga badbaadno Qorxumo Haysata dadkeena taas oo keenta Guuldarooyin waa wayn oo ku yimaada Maaraynta nolosha
iyo Habdhaqanka'
Barnaamijka waxaa daadihinaya Ustaad Ali Mohamed Jama
Ready? Set. Relax. - Your mindfulness podcast with handcurated sounds and original recordings. For any mood. And any mind.
We're a team of mindful sound aficionados bringing you better ways to focus or relax. All of our podcast episodes are carefully curated original recordings to give you an authentic experience.
Ready? Set. Relax! -
Delay and Pray® is a weekly podcast about Spiritual Fasting especially true when it comes to losing weight permanently. Beth Bubik is the The Catholic Fasting Coach and she is an expert on the subject of Spiritual Fasting: Why to do it. How to do it. And, when to do it. It's all about delaying food for a spiritual purpose--especially sugar, flour, and alcohol. She coaches Catholics how to spiritually and physically fast to utilize their weight and food struggles as a gift to explode their own prayer lives while helping the souls of others.
Every week, Beth will teach you how to literally live out St. John's scripture in every way: "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30) Lose the weight and gain faith!
Everyone is called to Spiritually Fast. Let's get going!
Find Beth's Programs and Content on her website:
Keep up with the latest posts and information on a daily basis by joining her on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @thecatholicfastingcoach -
To Every Seeker - life is filled with mysteries and not all mysteries are meant to be solved. Life is meant to be experienced and when we experience life, the Truths to these mysteries reveal themselves naturally. On this journey we'll explore mindfulness, creativity, and personal growth. Each episode is a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, practical wisdom, cosmic jokes and empowering insights, guiding you towards your true potential.
Helping people love God and their bodies. -
Have you been trying to get pregnant, but are disappointed month after month as you wonder why God put a dream to become a mother in your heart?
Have you struggled with the pain of miscarriage, only to wonder if you will ever feel like your family is complete?
Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there about hormones and fertility, wishing that you understood how your unique body actually worked?
Sister- you are so in the right place! This podcast will give you all the answers for the roadmap to healthy conception, understanding your body and how to support it naturally, and getting Godly wisdom and encouragement through this journey.
Hey, I’m Bekah. A wife, stay-at-home mom, and daughter of God. I have three children here on earth, and three babies in heaven.
Even after our third miscarriage, I left my doctor’s appointment wondering if I’d ever get answers or figure out what to do to prevent another one. I searched google like crazy to figure out cycle and hormonal health, just to be left feeling more confused.
God finally revealed to us what we were missing in this heartbreaking journey: understanding my cycle and supporting it naturally.
I’m praising God for showing me the answers and lifestyle for how to get pregnant and carry that baby to a healthy delivery. With little tweaks, changes, and disciplines, it is SO do-able to implement. And I’m ready to share it with you!
If you’re ready to leave the TTC club and be an expert on YOUR hormonal health...
Ditch Dr. Google and get legit advise for your getting pregnant...
Have a Godly woman walk with you who has been there...
This podcast is for you!
So sister...
For the love of hormones- put the pregnancy test stick down, because it’s time for a come to Jesus and hormones meeting!
Start the Fertility Framework Course:
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From friendship to sexuality and the art of making money, Whitney and Waigwa are serving up a whole spread of experiences every week.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is Institutionalized: Living After Deconstruction.
Deconstructing is hard, especially when done alone. In this raw, accepting, and sometimes hilarious space, host, Josh and his guests will ask the questions they weren't allowed to ask, challenge norms that keep us stuck in the past, and actively listen to different perspectives. This podcast is about love and living after deconstruction. -
Two old white guys, one’s a pastor who grew up in Appalachia and the other’s a former corporate intellectual, flanked by a female millennial who is a mother and school teacher. Through humility and humor, The Big Questions will prove that we can all engage in respectful conversations.
Season one will focus on answering a philosophical question that has stumped countless great minds: What is the purpose of life? -
In today’s world, a Black Woman’s journey, despite many obstacles, often goes unnoticed. What we need most is a safe space to pour into and align with one another uncovering our true selves. We are all subject to our own individual stories that produce the nourishments to grow through anything!
If you’re a black woman looking for a space of empowerment and inspiration, join Shanell Lamere, as she initiates inspiring gems, stories, and discussions on becoming mindfully aware of our thoughts and emotions. There we can authentically evolve and Bloom on the journey to self-discovery. -
Welcome to the Bigger on the Inside Podcast. On this Podcast Gibson Anduvate, senior pastor at ICC Nairobi, discusses his first book with Stephen Wangara, youth pastor at ICC Nairobi and Praise Gichuru, our host.
The book “Leading Young” was released in 2013 with its emphasis on leadership.
Pastor Gibson shares the importance of being grounded internally so external factors don’t begin to sway your leadership style. -
AIRS Bi-Weekly MONDAY @8am Educate • Stimulate • Transform Podcast for Motivation, Mental health, Self Improvement and Expansion 🧠⚡️Paving ways for future generations while cultivating platforms to vitalize change. This podcast is for motivation, mental health, self improvement and expansion. We break things down so we can break through the barriers that are placed in front of us by us, other people, and society. One day at a time. CONNECTInstagram@thebreakdowncast @leyaa_42 Support this podcast:
A mental health podcast that merges information in psychology, neuroscience, research and personal experiences to help you make informed decisions on your mental health . We’ve grown into an organization that offers mental health services that include personal therapy, counseling, group and kids therapy . Reach out to us today and get the help you need
“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:29
I am a Christian, and I do my best to think only on what is “true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy” (Phil 4:8). It’s hard to find media out there these days that adheres to these standards… and when it does, more often than not, it isn’t very good! I think this is why many of us have given up and just accepted what’s available in mainstream popular culture, attempting to overlook the increasing amount of objectionable material. We think it’s that, or nothing.
But we have power: we can vote with our dollars. Supply follows demand!
My (admittedly lofty) goal is to do my small part in encouraging our culture to accept nothing less than excellent, clean art—particularly for kids, young adults, and new adults. My blog and podcast are designed to be a resource to help young adults, and families of young adults, find entertaining and clean reads that do not compromise their standards. I also want to help great authors get the recognition they deserve!
Disclaimer: my books do occasionally use the words ‘damn’ and ‘hell.’ I don’t have a problem with this, but if you do, then they’re not for you. 😉