
  • The Hearing Architecture podcast, proudly sponsored by Brickworks, presents Again and Again and Again, a mini-series hosted by Hilary Duff.

    Each week, we will bring you interviews and conversations as we seek better ways to understand, harness and deploy the expertise and knowledge of professionals currently within the design community, at home and abroad. Our guests are all experts on circularity within the building industry and share the aim to display that waste is not an accident but the consequence of decisions made at the design stage. Here is our opportunity. We, as designers, have an opportunity to do better.

    In this episode, we listen to a thought-provoking discussion with Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, a visionary architect and explorer of new narratives in the built environment.

    Arnhildur operates from two architectural offices in Rekjavik Iceland. SAP – a small research and practice-based design studio. and the newly created Lendager Iceland, a local branch to the revolutionary Danish sustainable practice.

    In a world where climate change looms large and the responsibility of architects weighs heavy, Arnhildur challenges us to question the status quo and envision new possibilities beyond existing systems. With a studio ethos grounded in both childlike curiosity and scientific rigor, Arnhildur has spent the last four years pushing the boundaries of what's possible in architecture.

    Arnhildur's quest began at a point of despair over climate change, coupled with a deep fascination for science, technology, and geological exploration. Her studio's research is driven by a desire to connect disparate industries and technologies, seeking innovative solutions to pressing global challenges. Among other things, our conversation queries the fundamental materials of modern construction—concrete, steel, and wood—and confront the stark reality of their carbon footprint. Here Arnhildur prompts us to consider a radical shift: What if our buildings could emerge from geological layers, fashioned from locally-sourced materials in harmony with the natural environment?

    In Iceland, she has raised the potential of lava as a building material. One that in the last few months, has appeared through eruptions at a frequency beyond forecasts or expectations.

    Identifying the significant quantities of lava continually produced by the Earth itself, Arnhildur poses a question: Can we harness this abundant resource to build the cities of tomorrow, free from the constraints of traditional materials and their environmental impact?

    When we look at the carbon footprint of our usual materials – cement, steel and wood, and consider these in terms of how much we as humans are forecast to build in the coming years, the goals of the UN to maintain global temperatures below 1.5 degree, feels improbable.

    So Arnhildur suggests that perhaps hypothetical thinking and the magical power of architecture to imagine a new world and new ways to build cities outside the current system; is what is required.

    This has been Again&Again&Again, a mini-series of Hearing Architecture, proudly sponsored by Brickworks, made possible with the support of the Alastair Swayn Foundation. This episode was recorded during a period of residency with the SIM Icelandic Arts Association in Reykavik. Thank you so much for listening and thank you to our international guest Arnhildur of SAP and Lendager Iceland. Thank you for demonstrating that speculative projects are important way to open the way for a new debate about architecture and climate change. We look forward to speaking with you again in the future.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The miniseries Again&Again&Again is proudly supported by the Alstair Swayne Foundation. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore and Hilary Duff. Music by Blue Dot Sessions released under Creative Commons Licencing.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • The Hearing Architecture podcast proudly sponsored by Brickworks, presents Again and Again and Again, a mini-series hosted by Hilary Duff.

    Each week, we will bring you interviews and conversations as we seek better ways to understand, harness and deploy the expertise and knowledge of professionals currently within the design community, at home and abroad. Our guests are all experts on circularity within the building industry and share the aim to display that waste is not an accident but the consequence of decisions made at the design stage. Here is our opportunity. We, as designers, have an opportunity to do better.

    In this episode, we speak with Lasse Lind of GXN, an independent, design-driven research studio that pioneers strategic sustainability within the construction industry.

    Founded in 2007 by parent architectural office 3XN, GXN and now features over 20 researchers and consultants promoting a circular future by challenging the way we use and reuse resources in the building industry.

    At GXN, the architecture itself is not in focus, but rather the process behind the ideation and implementation of circularity in architectural projects.

    In our discussion Lasse and I explore how these important research consultancies tackle the role in asking questions that there is often not time or space to ask within the architectural process. Lasse explains GXN’s aim to provide insights into the preconditions that inform circularity on the construction site.

    We touch on the new types of conversations being had with developers, where the sustainability performance of a building is deemed as much a risk as the financial feasibility of the project. He talks of design teams upskilling, knowledge sharing and about knowing where we need to go, and the need to be much more aggressive in what we need to do, but how we are at the very beginning at understating what this means for design.

    Among other things, we spoke about the impressive Quay Quarter Tower, a collaborative project by the Danish office built a little closer to my regular home.

    The Syndey project set an ambitious goal: to build new, whilst reusing as much of the existing building as possible and to set a lofty new standard for what is possible for adaptive reuse in architecture.

    This has been Again&Again&Again, a mini-series of Hearing Architecture, proudly sponsored by Brickworks, and made possible with the support of the Alastair Swayn Foundation.

    Thank you so much for listening and thank you to our international guest Lasse Lind for your discussion. Thank you for sharing your stories and we are excited to envision a future where our industry enables us to make buildings as part of the climate solution and not the problem.

    Let’s watch this space and we look forward to speaking with you again.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The miniseries Again&Again&Again is proudly supported by the Alstair Swayne Foundation. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore and Hilary Duff. Music by Blue Dot Sessions released under Creative Commons Licencing.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

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  • The Hearing Architecture podcast proudly sponsored by Brickworks, presents Again and Again and Again, a mini-series hosted by Hilary Duff.

    Each week, we will bring you interviews and conversations as we seek better ways to understand, harness and deploy the expertise and knowledge of professionals currently within the design community, at home and abroad. Our guests are all experts on circularity within the building industry and share the aim to display that waste is not an accident but the consequence of decisions made at the design stage. Here is our opportunity. We, as designers, have an opportunity to do better.

    In this episode, we hear from Andri Snær Magnason. He is not our usual podcast guest as he is not a formally trained architect, yet he has worked alongside them, written for and about them, and comes from a lineage of family involved in the environment, whether built or natural.

    I thought that my conversation with Andri would be a good starting point for the publication of my research because he deals with words and facts in a way that we as humans can relate.

    His books, projects, presentations, and advocacy all try to convince us of one thing: We need to start connecting to future in an intimate and urgent way.

    Today’s discussion focuses less on architecture, and more on our environment as a setting for our future and how and why we care about it.

    Andri is a Reykjavik-based Icelandic writer and documentary filmmaker, who navigates the realms of environmental activism, architecture, visual art, music, film, and theatre. He ran in the 2016 Icelandic presidential election, where he passionately advocated on environmental issues. His literary portfolio spans novels, poetry, essays, theatre and children's books, performed and published across more than 40 countries. His 2019 National bestseller, "On Time and Water," delves poetically into the alarming realities of environmental change, approaching the subject as if a shared tale at the dinner table.

    Time, particularly in the context of climate change, is a recurrent theme in his work, and he offers an intimate perspective that resonates amidst the overwhelming facts and figures. In our conversation, Andri emphasizes the challenge of connecting people to a future that seems beyond imagination, stressing the need for a more personal understanding of time as a dimension in the face of global changes.

    I spoke with Andri back in his office in Reykjavik in August 23, after I had just returned from a hike in the highlands of Iceland to view the now declassified OK glacier, and Andri’s commemorative plaque which we discuss in our recording.

    Our interview explores the power of language and its ability to collapse these wide expanses of time into something we can feel, touch and get close to emotionally.

    It was a joy to speak about these topics in which architecture slots itself within. Energy, resources, materials, landscape, and time.

    This has been Again&Again&Again, a mini-series of Hearing Architecture, proudly sponsored by Brickworks, and made possible with the support of the Alastair Swayn Foundation.

    Thank you so much for listening and thank you to our international guest Andri Snaer Magnason for your discussion, your stories and your myths. We join you in the goal of making the future feel intimate, relevant, and in realising the interconnectedness of individuals and loved ones across the unfolding timeline we exist in. We look forward to speaking with you again.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The miniseries Again&Again&Again is proudly supported by the Alstair Swayne Foundation. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore and Hilary Duff. Music by Blue Dot Sessions released under Creative Commons Licencing.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Katie Skillington speaks with registered architect and academic at Melbourne University, Jarrod Haberfield. Katie and Jarrod discuss the subject of Jarrod’s PhD, which focused on Art and architecture and the emergence of the art-museum typology. They discuss art’s influence on Jarrod’s architecture work, the role of criticism in art and architecture, and the realities of undertaking a PhD compared to working in an architecture firm.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guest, registered architect and academic at Melbourne University, Jarrod Haberfield. Thank you so much for sharing insights from your PhD and what goes into a massive research project like this. We can’t wait to hear more about your work in this area in the future.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Katie Skillington and Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Daniel Moore speaks with one of the guest keynote speakers at this year's Australian Architecture Conference, Executive Director, Head of Design Studio, and a founder of Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, Paul Monaghan. Paul is a registered architect in the UK, internationally acclaimed with a focus on redefining the built environment. His key projects in workplace design, arts, education, residential and masterplanning sectors have all been recognised with numerous UK and international awards, including the 2015 RIBA Stirling Prize for Burntwood School.

    As a strong advocate for better cities, Paul is a member of the UK government’s Office for Place Advisory Board and The Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government’s steering group for the establishment of an expert design body working towards greater design quality and community involvement in planning decisions in England. Paul was a member of the advisory group for MHCLG’s Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission, which published its report in 2020. We’re thrilled that Paul will be joining us in person this year at the Australian Architecture Conference. This episode serves as an introduction to Paul's keynote lecture at the conference.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guest, UK registered architect, Executive Director, Head of Design Studio, and a founder of Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, Paul Monaghan. Thank you so much for sharing your stories about building better housing in the UK and Europe. We know there is a lot we can learn from your work here in Australia and we can't wait to hear your lecture at this year's conference.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode of Hearing Architecture, Daniel Moore is speaking with registered architects Ed Lippmann, director of Lippmann Partnership, and Peter Sarlos of Sydney East Architects and special counsel at M&A Lawyers. Daniel, Ed and Peter discuss a case study regarding moral rights in architecture in which one of Ed Lippmann’s projects was involved. Moral Rights provisions in Australia’s Copyright Act expressly recognise and protect the rights of authorship, including the right of attribution, the right against false attribution, and the right of integrity. Ed and Peter take us through the case study where another architect was engaged to undertake work that impacted one of Ed’s projects and how he and the other architect addressed his moral rights as the works were undertaken.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guests, registered architects Ed Lippmann, director of Lippmann Partnership, and Peter Sarlos of Sydney East Architects. Thank you so much for sharing your case study on moral rights with us. We look forward to hearing from you again in the future. If listeners would like to know more about the moral rights, copyright laws, and the various codes of conduct relevant to architects, please feel free to visit the Australian Institute of Architects Acumen website at to search and download all the relevant practice notes.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produce architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Daniel Moore speaks with Valentina Petrone who is not a registered architect in Australia but is the Future Ready Circular Economy Lead at WSP. Valentina has a Master’s Degree in Architecture with Hons from the Politecnico of Milano, and has been awarded the affiliate title of Adjunct Associate Professor with University of Sydney – School of Architecture, Design and Planning. She is passionate about reducing waste in the built environment, and at WSP, she implements Circular Economy principles and strategies that help minimise the construction industry’s environmental footprint.

    Valentin and I discuss Embodied Carbon literary in Australia, some of the projects WSP is working on with a robust circular economy focus, and some of the best references architects in Australia can use to begin their circular economy journey.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guest, Valentina Petrone, who is not a registered architect in Australia but is the Future Ready Circular Economy Lead at WSP. Thank you so much for sharing your stories about what WSP is doing and ways architects in Australia can help minimise their impact on the environment. We can’t wait to see what you do next.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Sally Hsu is speaking with registered architect Qianyi Lim who is a Director of Sibling Architecture, a research-based practice with studios across Naarm, Melbourne and Eora Country, Sydney. Qianyi is working across a range of civic, cultural and residential projects in NSW, including the recently completed South East Centre for Contemporary Art , Darling St adaptive reuse apartments and Dixon St Chinatown. She is also an architectural educator and critic, where she is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Sydney and a member of the NSW State Design Review Panel. In 2022, Qianyi was the recipient of the NSW Emerging Architect Prize and Wilkinson Award for architecture. Qianyi and Sally discuss how Sibling was established, how Sibling works across a variety of architecture typologies as well and exhibition design and research, and Qianyi shares some advice about navigating the architecture profession as an emerging architect.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening and thank you so much to our guest, registered architect and Director of Sibling Architecture Qianyi Lim. Thank you so much for sharing your stories about your unique career and Siblings unique work. We can’t wait to see what you and Sibling do next.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Sally Hsu and Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Daniel Moore speaks with registered architect Kate Shepherd, working at Cumulus Studio based in Hobart Tasmania. Kate has been working across practice and academics in architecture since 2011. Kate has had an extraordinary career, working in academia at the University of Canberra and in practice, where she demonstrated design excellence across various scales of practice both domestically and internationally. In 2022, Kate received the Emerging Architect Prize in the ACT before she made the move to Hobart and began working for Cumulus Studio. Kate and Daniel discuss the journey she undertook as an emerging architect, what led her to choose to move to Tasmania, and the building typologies she is most passionate about after working on after working across scales over the years.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guest, registered architect at Cumulus Studio, Kate Shepherd. Thanks for talking about your unique career path in your architecture career. We can’t wait to see what you do next.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture on your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community, please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Daniel Moore speaks with registered architect Mike Sneyd, director of EKD Architects based in Western Australia. Mike is uniquely placed in the Australian architecture profession as one of the most isolated architects in the country. Working between three offices in Kununurra, Broome and Fremantle, EKD is heavily involved in advocacy for the architecture profession with a growing reputation of design empathy and building regional capacity in North Western Australia. In this episode, Mike and I discuss his decision to work with some of the most remote communities on earth, his passion for working on projects that support First Nations people, and the realities of designing for places and people that require a different design approach than in standard urban settings. Let’s jump in!

    This has been Hearing Architecture proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guest, registered architect and director of EKD Architects, Mike Sneyd. Thanks for talking about your unique work and the realities of we can’t wait to see what you do next.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Daniel Moore speaks with Dave Bickmore and Graham Charbonneau, registered architects and directors of Studio Gram based in South Australia. Dave and Graham are two of Australia’s most successful emerging architects with one of the most impressive practice portfolios catching the eye of design experts in Australia and abroad. In 2018, Studio Gram was awarded the prestigious Emerging Interior Practice of the Year and they were also the 2022 South Australian recipient of the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architect Prize. In this episode we talk about the way they bootstrapped their firm when they first started, how they don’t follow one style or influence in their work, and how they hope the architecture profession can help in areas such as mental health, and not just talk about the issues.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guests, registered architects and directors of Studio Gram, Dave Bickmore and Graham Charbonneau. Thanks for talking about your inspiring work, we can’t wait to see what you do next.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Nicole Eadie and Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Daniel Moore speaks with Dr Waldemar Jenek, who isn’t a registered architect but is an architectural academic specialising in advanced architectural technology at the Queensland University of Technology. Dr Waldemar Jenek is an experienced researcher and educator specialising in the intersection of education, technology, and architecture. With a strong focus on computational technologies and their impact on architectural design, his research explores immersive environments, interactive computer graphics, and parametric design, connecting the digital and physical worlds. He is passionate about integrating immersive technologies into education, leveraging his expertise in software design, augmented, virtual and mixed reality.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guest, who isn’t a registered architect, but an academic expert in advanced architectural technology at the QUT, Dr Waldemar Jenek. We can’t wait to see what you do in the future.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Daniel Moore is speaking with registered architect and Director of Prevalent Architecture in New South Wales, Ben Berwick. Ben is an accomplished emerging architect who has studied and worked around the world primarily between Australia, the USA and Japan. Ben and I discuss some of his experiences working and studying in Japan, his unique approach to sustainability, how he has begun to implement this into his practice, and some of his most recent projects.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guest, registered architect, Director of Prevalent Architecture, Ben Berwick. Thank you so much for sharing your stories about your unique career overseas and sustainability. We can’t wait to see what you do next.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Nicole Eadie and Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Daniel Moore speaks with registered architect, Director of Bijl Architecture and New South Wales Architect Practice Examination Convenor, Melonie Bayl-Smith. In 2018, Melonie won the Australian Institute of Architects Paula Whitman Prize for Gender Equity for being an exemplary leader for the architecture profession in practice, education, research and policy development over a sustained period. Melonie and I discuss the ethics of architecture, working with and managing project teams including clients and builders, and architects' responsibilities when they are leading and administering projects across all the stages of design.

    This is Hearing Architecture, proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guest, registered architect, and Director of Bijl Architecture Melonie Bayl-Smith. Thank you so much for sharing your stories regarding ethics in architecture. We can’t wait to see what you do next.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Sally Hsu is speaking with Matt Davis who is a registered architect and studio director of Bates Smart in Sydney. Matt has run his own successful practice, Davis and Davis, and has also worked in a strategic advisory capacity with the NSW Government Architect and the NSW State Design Review Panel. Matt and Sally discuss Matt’s cyclical career journey in the architecture profession and what skills he developed along the way to best serve the variety of clients he has worked with over the years.

    Hearing Architecture proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thanks to Sally Hsu for interviewing and thanks to our guest, registered architect and studio director at Bates Smart, Matt Davis. It was so great to hear about your career journey, we can’t wait to see what you and the team deliver at Bates Smart. We look forward to speaking with you again in the future.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produce architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Sally Hsu and Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Daniel Moore speaks with registered architect and Associate at STH, Anna Fox, and Dr Ruby Lipson-Smith who is not a registered architect but a researcher at the MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development, at Western Sydney University, specialising in co-design for healthcare environments and services. Ruby’s research challenges how traditional healthcare environments, programs, and technologies are designed and used, and how to measure their impact on users' experience, behaviour, health, and cognition. Ruby manages the NOVELL Redesign project, a Living Lab that brings together people with lived experience of stroke, policymakers, researchers, and designers such as Anna and the team at STH to co-design stroke rehabilitation environments. Let’s jump in!

    This has been Hearing Architecture proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guests, registered architect and Associate at STH, Anna Fox, and Dr Ruby Lipson-Smith who is not a registered architect but a researcher at the MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development, Western Sydney University. We look forward to seeing the results of the research when it’s published.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Daniel Moore is speaking with the registered architect and Founder of Breathe Architecture and Nightingale Housing, Jeremy McLeod. Australia and many other countries around the world have housing affordability crises that need to be addressed. Architects can make a meaningful impact in this space when they create housing that is socially, financially and environmentally sustainable. In this episode, we discuss how Jeremy and the Nightingale team believe that homes should be built for people, not solely for profit and also the organisations Nightingale has started working with to try and narrow the gap between affordable sustainable housing for more people in Australia.

    This has been Hearing Architecture proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guest, registered architect and Founder of Breathe Architect and Nightingale Housing, Jeremy McLeod. It’s great to hear about all the initiatives your undertaking to make sustainable housing more affordable and we can’t wait to see what Breathe and Nightingale do in the future. We look forward to having you on the podcast again.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Nicole Eadie and Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Sally Hsu is speaking with Dr Damian Madigan who is a registered architect and Senior Lecturer in Architecture at UniSA among the many hats that he wears. Holding a PhD from Monash University, Damian collaborates with academics, industry, and government to create suburban infill typologies for changing demographics. As an individual and collaborator Damian's housing propositions have won design competition awards, shortlistings, and commendations from the City of Los Angeles, NSW State Government, the City of Sydney, Architecture Australia, and the Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation. Let’s jump in!

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you to our guest interviewer Sally Hsu and our guest registered architect and Senior Lecturer in Architecture at UniSA, Dr Damian Madigan. It’s always fascinating to hear about your work in urban infill projects and strategies for improving housing in Australia. We look forward to speaking with you again in the future.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Sally Hsu and Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Abigail Lee is speaking with registered architect and Director at Maytree Studios, Rebecca Caldwell. Abigail talks with Rebecca about how she designs the kind of world she wants to live in. Her design philosophy combines ethics, social and environmental responsibility with the forward-thinking sensibilities of contemporary architecture. Rebecca is genuinely invested in her clients and advocates for a 'humans first, architects second' approach to design - putting ego aside to find a creative solution to their needs within budget.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you to our guest interviewer Abigail Lee, registered architect and Director at Maytree Studios, Rebecca Caldwell. Thank you so much for talking about the work you’re doing and how you’re approaching architecture services in your own unique way. Rebecca gave a great presentation at the Australian Institute of Architects 2023 National Conference, so I’m glad we were able to have you on the podcast to expand on your professional journey. We look forward to speaking with you again in the future.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Abigail Lee and Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.

  • In this episode, Kimberley Hui is speaking with the registered architect and Director at Architecture Architecture, Nick James. Nick enjoys a hands-on approach, building a strong rapport with clients, consultants and builders alike. Socially inclusive design is a strong driver in Nick’s work, always seeking opportunities to engage with the broader community no matter the scale of the project and in this episode, Nick and Kim talk in detail about Architecture Architecture’s involvement in the Urban Coup building in Nightingale Village, which Architecture Architecture designed.

    Hearing Architecture is proudly sponsored by Brickworks. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much to our guest interviewer Kimberley Hui and our guest, registered architect and Director at Architecture Architecture, Nick James. All of the projects designed by Architecture Architecture are a delight to see, regardless of scale. I was able to visit their award winning renovation project “Sunday” last year and the thought that goes into their buildings is incredible. We look forward to speaking with you again in the future.

    Our sponsor Brickworks also produces architecture podcasts hosted by Tim Ross. You can find ‘The Art of Living’, ‘Architects Abroad, and ‘The Power of Two’, at or your favourite podcast platform.

    If you’d like to show your support please rate, review, and subscribe to Hearing Architecture in your favourite podcast app. If you want to know more about what the Australian Institute of Architects is doing to support architects and the community please visit

    This is a production by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. The Institute production team was Madelynn Jenkins, and Claudia McCarthy, and the EmAGN production team was Kimberley Hui and Daniel Moore.

    This content is brought to you by the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architects and Graduates Network, in collaboration with Open Creative Studio. This content does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. This content does not constitute legal, financial, insurance, or other types of advice. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or will become inaccurate over time.