
  • “Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic; they are ideally set up to understand stories.” - Roger C. Schank. I use stories in my sales conversations with prospects and when teaching. Years later, people approached me and said, “Do you remember when you taught us XYZ? I still think about that and remember how to use that concept with my clients.”

    That defines success for me. Years later, the employee remembers the story but, more importantly, the concept and how to use it in real-life client and prospect conversations! So, how important are stories in sales? Without getting lost in our story and keeping it grounded and relevant to the client or prospect in front of us…VERY!


    About Mike Bosworth: Mike is known throughout the business sales world as a thought leader, speaker, sales philosopher, entrepreneur, and the author of best-selling sales books Solution Selling and co-author of CustomerCentric Selling. Mike began studying the power of story as a framework for building emotional connection in 2008 and published What Great Salespeople Do: The Science of Selling Through Emotional Connection and the Power of Story in January 2012.

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  • “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill. Boy, this quote hit home for me. I know I have failed many times in my life. We see quotes like this when we are in a crisis or facing failure and think, BS, I failed, I’m not good enough, or I don’t deserve the success. And there lies the issue—our minds! The negative record player that is on repeat, saying we aren’t good enough for X, Y, or Z. What I have learned is that in the face of failure, I try not to let failure, whether for reasons under my control or not, kill my drive to keep going and move forward.


    About Steven Pemberton: Steven is a husband, father, speaker, and business owner. He speaks transparently about overcoming business failure, losing everything, spending five and a half years in corporate, and co-founding two different e-commerce companies that grew to 1 million in top-line sales individually. He is the co-founder and CEO of Hollowco. A company that specializes in virtual events, marketing, and e-commerce consulting. He has been featured in numerous publications, podcasts, and summits.

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  • “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” — Nelson Mandela. I love this quote. If we didn’t continue to rise after we fail or fall, we wouldn’t have innovation, growth, new opportunities, and potentially a better life. Most people think it’s only about having the ability to achieve X, Y, or Z. The reality is resilience, and the choice to keep getting up and moving forward is very powerful. Especially in sales and business growth.


    About Akeem Shannon: Hailing from St. Louis, Akeem is the creative mind behind Flipstik. This gravity-defying phone accessory not only earned him a spot on Shark Tank but also caught the attention of the legendary Snoop Dogg.

    Akeem's journey is a fascinating tale of resilience, innovation, and navigating the dynamic world of sales. Let's delve into the unique experiences and insights of this dynamic individual.

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  • “If you don’t have a defined process that moves your people forward so they can achieve greater results, then what is it you are managing? You’re managing the status quo.” – Keith Rosen. I often see managers managing numbers or metrics versus coaching someone to grow and build new and improved skills. Those who know me have heard me often say, “We can’t coach a number or metric to gain market share or grow sales results. We need to coach our teams based on their personal skill growth needed to develop to generate new and more profitable businesses. In other words, behaviors drive numbers, not vice versa.”

    During today's show, we will discuss how to buy back tons of time by training and preparing sales reps to do the job.


    About Stephen Rhyne: Stephen is the CEO of Stephen is a CUTCO Hall of Fame sales rep, and now, it helps companies recruit, onboard, train, and retain more reps.

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  • “Great things are done by a series of small things done together.” – Vincent van Gogh.

    After COVID, I was forced to pivot and create an entire digital library of training and new business outreach. Understanding this new world of online automation, branding, and client outreach required a huge learning curve.

    So what did I do? I buckled down, took many online classes, hired several coaches who had played in this space for over a decade, and hired people to help me create emailing sequences.

    Fast-forward: The value of being digitized was life-changing for me and my business, from growing my client base to creating tremendous flexibility to working and teaching from wherever I wished.

    About Adam Rosen:

    Adam is a world-traveling entrepreneur who sold his first tech startup in 2019. He now leads, which helps startups get sales through cold email, and, which supports entrepreneurs who want to explore the world.

    This episode gives a peek into how to grow a business and live an adventurous life simultaneously.

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  • “A bad habit appearing at many companies is to put reps in the unenviable position of trying to hit their quota by feverishly working through as many opportunities as they can. But this isn’t necessarily the ideal solution. Data-driven sales teams are finding that it is usually more effective to spend more time on qualification earlier in a sales cycle in an effort to only deliver the best opportunities to highly paid account executives.” – Fergal Glynn.

    People often lump sales and marketing together and say, “You’re good at marketing and sales.” I immediately correct them and say I am good at teaching how to improve sales processes and improve client and prospect conversations to close more sales, not the marketing, copy, and behind-the-scenes that generate cold leads.

    There is a difference in the skills needed to have effective marketing results versus profitable sales results.


    About Taylor Frame:

    Taylor is the current Chief Revenue Officer at Best Practice Media, a growth firm focused on e-commerce and Digital Products. Taylor resides in Santa Cruz, California, with his family.

    He has been in the eCommerce world since 2011 when he started his career at Adobe. After being in the enterprise space for seven years, he started his first digital marketing agency and built that to 7 figures, which Best Practice Media acquired him. Now, he is building the Best Practice Media agency and enjoying the journey.

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  • "Let tech do all the heavy lifting. Let it do all the research. Let it even write all the emails. But right before you engage with the human, that’s where you have to put that human factor in.” – John Barrow. Unless you have been living under a rock, AI is everywhere. So, how do we use AI effectively without watering down our brand and, more importantly, our reputation as a trusted provider? During today's show, we will discuss the remarkable sales achievements AI is currently capable of.

    About Thomas Ryan: Tom is the CEO and founder of Bigly Sales. Tom is a visionary leader reshaping the sales landscape through innovative AI solutions. With a background in staffing and executive experience at Workbeast LLC, Thomas identified the need for streamlined sales processes in the evolving market. His journey from the staffing industry to the forefront of AI-driven sales reflects his dedication to leveraging technology, evident in Bigly Sales' cutting-edge tools for lead generation and customizable landing pages.

    Thomas's commitment to efficiency and client appreciation positions Bigly Sales as a trailblazer in the tech industry, showcasing his ongoing dedication to enhancing the sales experience through the power of artificial intelligence.

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  • “If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” - Zig Ziglar . Trust is such an interesting and important word. We think we know what it means but don’t always know how to earn it.

    Becoming a trusted partner isn’t about discounting the fees you charge; it’s about the relationship you continue to build through the years. It takes effort, honesty, care, patience, and curiosity about what happens in your clients' lives and businesses year after year.


    About Dr. Yaniv Zaid: Dr. Zaid, known to the world as "Doctor Persuasion," is an economist and attorney. Dr. Zaid is a business consultant to government departments, private firms, and public organizations.

    He holds a Ph.D. in law and utilizes his rich knowledge and experience to help others succeed. Dr. Zaid is recognized worldwide as an expert in public speaking, marketing, sales, negotiation, and persuasion. Following 20 years of international success, Dr. Zaid is the author of 11 best-seller books - including "Public Speaking," "Creative Marketing," and "Sales Bible."

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  • “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”-

    Zig Ziglar. I had a huge paper to write for one of my business classes in college. As part of my research, I read a Zig Ziglar book (yes, a real book, not online references), and my life was changed forever! His brilliant approach to business and life was all I needed to know I had chosen the right major: business. It is funny how those pivotal moments are so clear and the path forward seamless.

    I have always been curious and interested in learning about others' professional journeys and find inspiration in hearing their stories. That’s why I love hosting this show. I get to interview and learn from so many experts.


    About Jay Abdulaziz:

    Jay has over two decades of invaluable experience in the insurance and call center industry. Jay excels in call center setup as a business success consultant, optimizing existing operations for increased profitability and helping field agents thrive.

    Born to immigrant parents and attending a different school yearly, Jay had to find his own way. During his high school days, Jay worked in telemarketing from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., doing vacation sales, and transitioned into health insurance phone sales after high school.

    Since 2011, he has helped scale ten businesses and generated $120M+ in commissions and over $350M in insurance premiums. Jay and his story have been featured on NBC with one of the original sharks on Shark Tank, Kevin Harrington.

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  • “When you say ROI, do you mean return on investment or risk of inaction?” – Paul Gillin, I love this quote. Having been in sales for many decades, I know the importance of measuring ROI. However, many leaders try to measure ROI by managing their sales teams solely through numbers.

    I believe using numbers as your only metric may be dangerous. If we do not look at the behaviors that are driving those numbers, we may be missing a huge piece of improving ROI.


    About Ian Campbell: Ian is the author of Wall Street Journal Best Seller "The Value Sale" and Chief Executive Officer of Nucleus Research, where he is responsible for the company’s investigative research approach and overall corporate direction.

    He is a recognized expert on value selling and using return on investment (ROI) to assess the operational benefits of technology. Ian has written and presented extensively on various organizational topics and the importance of matching technology to business objectives.

    As an expert on technology value, he has been quoted in major business publications including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Economist.

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  • “The confidence you have going into the sales call will determine the level of profit you have coming out.” - Mark Hunter. Being in sales for many decades, I have had my share of prospecting wows. Sometimes, I didn’t feel like prospecting. Getting motivated to make cold calls, follow-up COI calls, and warm prospect calls to meet my revenue goals has not always been easy.

    During today’s show, my guest and I will unpack the challenge of Sales Call Reluctance and the emotional hesitation to prospect and promote. We’ll dive into the top 5 of the 16 types of Call reluctance and discuss the techniques to prospect confidently and consistently. After today’s show, you will be inspired to get your "ask" in gear.


    About Connie Kadansky:

    Connie is an expert in combating Sales Call Reluctance. She provides salespeople with cutting-edge strategies to boost prospecting performance. She empowers salespeople to break through mental barriers by utilizing neuroscience and innovative apps, fostering sales success and personal fulfillment. Her insights are sought after in industry publications and have been featured in leading financial media.

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  • “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do.” – Johann Wolfgang. I love this quote because it is about taking action. Everything was analog when I started my business, so there was no internet or social media. Wow, how times have changed!

    Looking back, the learning curve for using social media, email campaigns, and other digital resources was like learning a foreign language. Since this is not my zone of genius, I stay in my lane with what I know: Sales! So, like many of you, I had to find experts to help me grow my digital presence. I love learning and using the various ways to get exposure to help more people and serve bigger. To me, it all seems like magic!


    About Jenna Warriner: Jenna is a Marketing Coach, Social Media Management agency owner, and the Shiny New Clients Podcast host. Through her program Magic Marketing Machine, she simplifies Instagram marketing. She teaches small business owners and freelancers how to create a gorgeous, sustainable online presence and turn their followers into clients.

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  • Connie's motivational quote for today is by – Andrea Mignolo, “I want to do business with a company that treats e-mailing me as a privilege, not a transaction.” When COVID hit, and many business activities stopped, the one thing that continued was email campaigns. Now that things are kind of back on track, are email campaigns still relevant?

    This is an essential question for all types of businesses to think about because our email lists are potentially our long-term lifeline for continued business. So, how do we create value-added emails so people not only open them but take action to investigate and buy?


    Guest Eric Boggs: Eric is the founder and CEO of RevBoss, a lead-generation company focused on outbound prospecting. He has spent the last 20 years of his career building SaaS companies and advising successful CEOs (Device Magic, Kevel, UserVoice, Ignite Social, and many more).

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  • Connie's motivational quote for today is by – John D. Rockefeller, “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” Good is the enemy of great, yet sales leaders hire the wrong team members or hire correctly but don’t provide long-term support.

    I have more stories than I’d like to admit here where I’ve had the worst of the worst sales leaders throughout my corporate career. Hiring the right people, developing the right people, and building a high-performing team isn’t rocket science. Yet, many organizations go through the churn and burn revolving door instead of trying the development route. Why?


    About Chet Lovegren:

    With over 11 years of sales and sales leadership experience, Chet started The Sales Doctor in 2020 to provide a ‘prescriptive’ approach to revenue problems and struggling go-to-market strategies.

    Chet has helped build sales processes and teams, leading to companies successfully raising over $100M in VC Funds. Chet follows a ‘prescriptive’ approach to solving revenue problems. He provides go-to-market professionals with practical and tactical info to stop the revenue bleeding from archaic practices and methods.

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  • Connie's motivational quote for today is by – Nick Haase, “You only have so many hours in a day; let others make the money for you!" I always felt like no one could deliver or duplicate my deliverables in my career and business. Well, our working life teaches us differently. This quote nails today’s topic.

    We can’t do it alone, and if we do it right by building a high-performing team, man, the results speak for themselves, and we get to work less and make more. Sign me up…right?


    About Kris Ward: Kris founded the Win The Hour, Win the Day philosophy.

    After losing her husband, Kris returned to her work as a marketing strategist full-time. She was relieved that her business had not only survived her absence but was growing. Now, Kris has completely changed the landscape for entrepreneurs by sharing the successful practices that allowed her absence.

    Kris has shared the stage with Jack Canfield – in Chicken Soup For The Soul, Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank, Sharon Lechter - Rich Dad Poor Dad Co-Author, and Joe Theismann - NFL All-Star and commentator, to name a few.

    Kris is an acclaimed podcaster, and you can hear her podcast, Win The Hour Win The Day, which covers various business topics, so you can get to your next win now!

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  • Connie's motivational quote for today is by – Napoleon Hill, “If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way." Okay, I am a Napoleon Hill geek and love his quotes. The one I’ve chosen for today’s show is no different.

    For the past 40 years, I have lived my personal and professional life working on or creating micro habits that I could learn, execute, master, build upon, and then rinse and repeat with the next skill I needed to grow to get me to the next level of success.

    I have found that building small things upon each other is when magic happens. Developing expertise in anything is impossible without ongoing practice and effort—a simple concept.


    About Joel Stevenson:

    Joel is the General Manager of Direct Brands at Vendasta, which acquired Yesware in 2022, where Joel was CEO. Prior to Yesware, Joel built Wayfair’s B2B business from scratch to $400MM in annual revenue. He also ran Wayfair’s UK business and oversaw the FP&A function as Wayfair transitioned into a publicly traded company.

    Before Wayfair, Joel worked as a consultant at ZS Associates and spent the early part of his career in various sales roles. Joel has an M.B.A. from the Yale School of Management and a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Illinois. He has a goal of being #1 for humor endorsements on LinkedIn.

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  • Connie's motivational quote for today is by – Bruce Lee, “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” I love talking about sales. Most of you have been following me for a while and know my motto for sales is selling through love, care, and respect. Respect is probably my most important word to live and sell through!

    We have one of the most important jobs in the world. Serving and helping people with our products and services that somehow help their lives, careers, or businesses. I want people to feel better after speaking with me than before they met me. This matters greatly! Sales and respect are two words that should be married together in your vocabulary.


    About Justine Beauregard:

    Justine has been a sales coach and trainer since 2008, helping hundreds of small businesses and entrepreneurs increase their income by up to 2,300% - and having fun doing it!

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  • Connie's motivational quote for today is by – Carlos Ghosn, “Every single time you make a merger, somebody is losing his identity. And saying something different is just rubbish." I remember that in the ‘90s, banks underwent a huge metamorphosis of banks merging. We called it “merger mania. “

    Being part of the transition team for two different mergers, I found that with open communication, even if nothing new needed to be shared, sharing that nothing new was happening played out well for the employees, fearing they would lose their jobs. They felt included and part of the changes happening around them.

    The other critical thing was to begin to share the values and culture of our organization so the employees could start to feel safe and look forward to being part of the new, bigger organization filled with new opportunities.

    So, are merging companies the right move for organizational growth? That is the topic for my guest and me to discuss today.


    About Eric Allan Eaton:

    Recently, Eric shared with me that his bank has had four organizations merge into one this past year...Yikes!

    Eric is a hardworking, honest, determined, and self-motivated individual. One of his missions in life is to leave the world in a better situation than he found it, and he enjoys seeing friends and family rewarded for hard work. He has over 15 years of branch and operational banking experience and two decades of stage and voice acting experience.

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  • Connie's motivational quote for today is by – Brian Cornell

    “Technology is going to disrupt the future of work, perhaps sooner than we thought. We are exploring everything from AI to VR, but we see no substitute for our stores and employees. We focus on building talent and personal service.”

    Since starting my career in the 80s, I have learned to go from analog tracking to digital over four decades. Things seem to change quickly since AI has hit the main street with ChatGBT, Salesforce and other CRM systems, Email Automation, and so much more.

    The question I get asked frequently by the sales teams at the organizations where I work is, will their personalized service become obsolete because AI is so readily available?


    About Ryan Staley:

    Ryan is the founder and CEO of Whale Boss, where he helps technology founders grow from $ 1 M to $ 30 M through the principles he used to achieve the same results personally. Ryan Has taught over 800 CROs, VPs, or Leaders his proprietary Enterprise Sales frameworks for startups and companies like Google, Amazon Web Services, Stripe, Salesforce, Uber, etc.

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    #DigitalTransformation #AIinBusiness #TechEvolution #SalesTech #CRMSystems #EmailAutomation #SalesLeadership #EnterpriseSales #Adaptability #TechFounder #AIandSales #FutureOfWork #SalesStrategies #TechInnovation #SalesTraining #PersonalizedService #TechGrowth #BusinessEvolution #SalesTeam #WhaleBoss #RyanStaley #DecadesInTech #Salesforce #TechLeadership

  • Connie's motivational quote for today is by – Ryunosuke Satoro, “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.’” Recently, have you read any articles about new leadership skills needed to succeed? Leadership skills like agility, empathy, respectful communication, listening to employees, and more.

    As I reflect, leaders from around the globe are waking up to what true leadership should have been all along and that we have been blindly using the model used throughout corporate cultures, at least during my 40-year career. I believe that not having a tangible and duplicatable leadership culture will cost organizations millions of dollars in lost productivity and, ultimately, lost revenue.

    So, what is a great model to follow? I’m glad you asked!

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    About Kevin Hancock:

    Kevin is the managing owner and chairman of one of America’s oldest family businesses, an award-winning author, and a nationally recognized public speaker. Hancock Lumber is a nine-time recipient of the ‘Best Places to Work in Maine’ award.

    Kevin has three books published:

    Not For Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse The Seventh Power: One CEO’s Journey into the Business of Shared Leadership 48 Whispers from Pine Ridge and the Northern Plains

    Kevin also partners with the executive coaching firm SSCA to provide senior management training programs around shared leadership, dispersed power, and deep employee engagement.

    Kevin is a frequent visitor to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota and an advocate of strengthening the voices of all individuals—within a company or a community —through listening, empowering, and shared leadership.

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