One original poem: "Mastery"
Singer-songwriter DAIN describes his songwriting process and how he wrote "Tinman."
DAIN is a Seattle based singer-songwriter / indie pop artist with an emphasis on storytelling in his lyrics. His music can be found here:
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
"A Tribe of Genies," previously unpublished.
“Packets of cigarettes and boxes of sweets were passed round, and the bedouin women sang and danced, the night and the desert resounding with the echoes of a great feast, as though we were some tribe of genies.”
- Tayeb Salih
"Locked Inside," previously unpublished.
"He couldn’t live with not knowing. It was far more painful to him than the violation of his home by these two yahoos, the loneliness he felt daily, the heavy shame that he carried around his house from the latch to the thermostat to the kitchen window." -
"The Promise," previously unpublished.
"He wonders whether change can be intentionally sought, or rather, like a sudden crisis of faith, it can only be experienced, it can only come as a reaction. If this is the case, which he comes to suspect and indeed worry that it is, he is forced to wonder what has to happen to him in order for him to change." -
Discussion with Dale Hall and Charlie Hope-D'Anieri about the best books we read in 2024.
"The Sirens of Santa Cruz," previously unpublished.
"The eucalyptus trees were dark crimson. The smell was intoxicating. I wish I could have shot them but the flash would have ruined the color and without it, the picture would be far too dark." -
Alexandra Duprey reads two original poems.
Two original poems: "At the Poetry Reading" & "See the Stars"
"The Sound with No Name," previously unpublished.
"Just before we walk through the door to the bar, I hear a small boy scream, 'Look, they’re just walking.'" -
"The Harmonica," previously unpublished.
"I had never before thought of music as something with divisible parts. It always just seemed like the air that humans needed to breathe – the air that they breathed through me to make me speak. " -
"Penelope," originally published in CommuterLit in October of 2022.
"Beautiful he was in the braided lamplight over the drinks and the smoke and the cards, she remembers, beautiful." -
Charlie Hope-D'Anieri reads his piece, "The Soup."
"The magnificent Beauceron has not received his due!" -
An original poem.
"Ember Baby," originally published in JMWW in June of 2024.
“His father always told him that family was the one thing for which you sacrificed everything else. But he worried, with each passing day, if the love he felt for Madeline would be one of the things that he had to sacrifice in the name of family.” -
"Theseus," originally published in Visual Verse Vol. 6 - Chapter 12 in October of 2019.
"She’ll tell you about her perspective, her layers, how she composes herself. She’ll tell you that she is both a subjective object and the process that creates that object." -
"A Companion Piece" (original and unpublished)
"The city, he says, alienates the individual, makes him feel as though he will be lost to history unless someone records both the great and the terrible things he does." -
London-based writer Dale Hall reads his piece, "Robinson's Wake," originally published in The Wells Street Journal Issue 12 in the Winter of 2019.
"Because of his purpose, Calderon likes to see parallels. Rather than seeing the text scraped from the parchment and replaced by other events, as Keiller does, he likes to see the text gone over with a ballpoint pen again and again until the page is rife with thick, black figures and occasional tears." -
Three original poems: "Darth Vader Socks," "Optimism," & "1+1=1"
"Protest," originally published in The Wells Street Journal Issue 13: Disruption in the City in 2020.
“We were against Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia. We were against it all. Especially the hair.” - Laat meer zien