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A show full of amazing information that can be used by anyone, right now, to improve their health, fitness and nutrition knowledge. Learn how to control your body and mind to make you better in the areas you want to improve or just get confirmation that you are heading in the right direction. Come on our journey, have a few laughs and pick up real world, useful information to make your life amazing!
Hosted by Clinical nutritionist, Paul Burgess who has the goal of living a healthy life to a ripe old age. Bio hacking the body by eating right and using any other info he can find to make the body and mind work optimally is his passion (along with lifting heavy stuff every now and then) . -
PodcastDX is an interview based weekly series. Guests share experience based medical insight for our global audience.
We have found that many people are looking for a platform, a way to share their voice and the story that their health journey has created. Each one is unique since even with the same diagnosis, symptoms and the way each person will react to a diagnosis, is different. Sharing what they have experienced and overcome is a powerful way our guests can teach others with similar ailments.
Many of our guests are engaging in self-advocacy while navigating a health condition, many are complex and without a road-map to guide them along their journey they have developed their own. Sharing stories may help others avoid delays in diagnosis or treatment or just give hope to others that are listening. Sharing is empowering and has a healing quality of its own. Our podcast provides tips, hints, and support for common healthcare conditions. Our guests and our listeners are just like you- navigating the complex medical world. We hope to ease some tension we all face when confronted with a new diagnosis.
We encourage anyone wanting to share their story with our listeners to email us at [email protected]
Oncology Hour is a live podcast series that addresses common questions and topics in the cancer community such as cancer treatment options, clinical trials, overview of cancer types, and more featuring Massive Bio team members and Oncology experts. Oncology Hour is hosted by Massive Bio, whose mission is to provide all people with equal access to leading edge therapies and new-emerging clinical trials, regardless of where they live or their ability to pay. Massive Bio is a central hub that connects patients to the best treatments and clinical trials available. Massive Bio's team and technology work together to provide a space dedicated to connecting each patient with the best treatment for them.
Это авторский канал Др. Ирады Имановой Мы здесь обсуждаем духовное, физическое, психологическое состояние и развитие человека. А также мы обсуждаем: йогу, правильное питание, диету, психологию и ещё много чего , что делает нас ближе к Богу. Подписывайтесь и будьте в курсе всех новостей.
Доктор Ирада Иманова родилась в 1968 году в Баку. Она выпускница Азербайджанского медицинского университета. С 1994 до 2013 года в военных госпиталях работала на высоких должностях. Является профессиональным специалистом по «Клинической диетологии». А также продолжает работает диетологом в одном из ведущих медицинских центров страны. Помимо продолжения научной деятельности, Иманова также является заместителем председателя общественного объединения «Питание и здоровье». 2020 году изучила психосоматику различных заболеваний . С 2016 года практикует Кундалини йогу, с 2018 стала инструктором по Кундалини йоге. В 2021 был создан проект под названием «Измени свою жизнь на 360*», куда входит весь опыт накопленный практической работой ( практики по Кундалини йоге, медитации , крии, дыхательные техники, психологические консультации, трансы….)
Записаться на прием: -
Welcome to the Sound Lifestyle Medicine Podcast, hosted by Dr. Mark Stephany and Dr. Jim Kosowicz. Drs. Mark and Jim are here to help navigate elements of your lifestyle that will lead to optimal health. Through deep dives into popular health topics, they will help you discover transformative insights tailored toward well-being and guide you toward a sound and healthy lifestyle.
Over the course of their careers as board-certified internal medicine physicians, Dr. Jim and Dr. Mark expanded their medical expertise by becoming certified diplomats in the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, giving them a unique breadth of knowledge and skills, and allowing them to offer listeners a deeper and more balanced perspective on health and wellness.They've explored Lifestyle Medicine professionally and personally... more than just a field of practice, it embodies a way of life. And through this podcast, they aim to unveil its vast potential and the transformative power it can offer.
Through each episode, they aim to help you navigate the intricate maze of contradicting nutrition advice, share the latest in longevity research, and provide guidance on personalizing your health routines.
Whether it's diving into the details of a great sleep, how to start an exercise plan, or price-conscious plant-based eating, - they'll help you through it all. And most importantly provide you with practical advice that you can apply to your life – today.
You can count on Dr. Jim and Dr. Mark to answer your questions, provide insights based on solid research, and guide you toward a sound and healthy lifestyle.Thank you for listening to the Sound Lifestyle Medicine Podcast.
Learn more at: -
Ben Azadi, founder of Keto Kamp and best selling author of Keto Flex, is the host of the Metabolic Freedom Podcast. We bring on the thought leaders in this space in this space to have life-changing conversations so you can apply it and upgrade your metabolism. The topics we cover include bio-hacking, ketosis, carnivore, fasting strategies, mindset and metabolic health. Discover how to cut through all the noise in the health and nutrition space so you can finally get the results you want, and keep them; whether its fat loss, more energy, better sleep, or focusing on general health and longevity. As a former obese man, Ben took his pain of being extremely unhealthy, and turned it into a purpose by transforming his health and now he is on a mission to educate 1 billion people. Ben brings you the thought leaders in the world of health, including Dr. Eric Berg, Ben Greenfield, Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Will Cole, Mark Sisson, Dr. Ken Berry, Dr Mindy Pelz, Cynthia Thurow, Dr. Daniel Pompa, and many others. You'll discover everything you want to know about the keto diet, ketosis, paleo, fasting, intermittent fasting, block fasting, fasting mimicking diet, bulletproof fasting, dry fasting, water fasting, and everything that works (and doesn't work) to help you understand what is best for your unique body.
Join best-selling author and actress Melanie Avalon as she interviews today's leading health and wellness experts, going beyond the fads to bring you all the biohacking tips, tricks, and techniques to effortlessly upgrade your body, brain, and life. Because why not live awesome? You got this! Theme Music by Narek Mirzaei, Artwork by Barbara McGregor
What the func is Functional Medicine? How can it help you eat what your body actually needs, lose weight, and get healthy? Lower your stress level, improve your mental health, and help you thrive, mind, body, and soul? On the What the Func?! Podcast, we’re redefining HEALTHY by questioning the healthcare status quo with all the curiosity, science, and fun we can muster. Our brilliant hosts are Laura Schein, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and longtime health nut, and Clayton Farris, a former “garbage human” (his words!) who discovered this new way to heal when conventional medicine let him down. Each episode, they dig into new, trending, and sometimes controversial topics in Functional Medicine, and with the help of the doctors and changemakers who stop by to share their expertise, they discover new and better ways to be healthy, from the brain to the gut and beyond. Have a listen and join us in asking “What the Func is Functional Medicine?!”
What the Func?! is created by The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. -
Meditasyon zihni sakinleştirici etkisiyle stresi azaltır ve bağışıklığı kuvvetlendirir. Meditasyon Latince Meditatio kelimesinden türemiştir. Anlamı derin düşünme halindeyken bir süre sonra düşüncenin olmayışıdır. Bu meditasyonda nefesimize odaklanarak, sürekli dışarıda bir arayışta olan zihnimizi merkeze davet ederek sakinlik ve dinginliği araştırıyoruz. Bu son günlerde en çok ihtiyacımız olan da bu değil mi?
The Art of Emergency Medicine podcast is an effort to help and inspire trainees of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) to put their best foot forward and progress through the program. We achieve this by covering various training issues and exam topics focussed on SAQ and OSCE questions. Abrar and Kishan – FACEM and Advanced Trainee respectively, form the core of our creative team, based in Melbourne, Australia. We hope you enjoy it!
اهلاً أنا حنان الشهري مرشدة تشافي و تجسيد للنمو ، متحدثة في الوعي ومؤسسة منصة مانا باي أس، منصة تعيد الحياة لتواصلك مع نفسك وعلاقتك بها، ضمن مجتمع آمن ومن خلال البرامج المباشرة ، الرحلات والجلسات الخاصة اللي اقدمها. أؤمن أن كل ما قد نبحث عنه موجود بداخلنا وأن الحياة هي رحلة مليئة بالتجارب، تجارب تكسرنا لتعيد تشكيلنا، تجارب تُعمق من معرفتنا لأنفسنا وتوسّع من ترابطنا مع كل ما يُحيطنا في هذه الحياة. في بودكاست كلام من القلب أشارك رحلتي الخاصة مع هذه التجارب بين قصص وعبر، تحوّلات وتأملات واستضافة لاشخاص مُلهمين يشاركوا قصصهم وحكمتهم معانا، بشفافية وانفتاح، يشرفني وجودك في هاذي المساحة معايا.
لتعرف المزيد الرجاء زيارة منصة مانا باي اس
حساب انستقرام حنان الشهري
بودكاست: حنان الشهري | كلام من القلب
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Clinical research and clinical trial management form the backbone of drug and device approvals worldwide. Learn from the leading industry experts to build and advance your clinical research career.
You'll hear from sponsors, clinical research organizations, and clinical trial sites around the globe. This show is for all current and aspiring clinical research professionals including clinical research associates (CRA), clinical operations managers, study managers, biostatisticians, medical doctors, safety monitors, clinical scientists and other healthcare professionals.
To learn more, visit -
Kids Healthcast is a pediatric podcast for parents. It is recorded by Indiana University Pediatric residents at Riley Hospital for Children. It covers health topics parents may be interested in a monthly half hour mp3-format podcast. Each month includes Health News, Medical Trivia, Parenting tips, and two segments on children's health ranging from constipation to normal newborn development and lots of information in between.
Are you a Dermatology resident? Do you wish you could ask some of the top experts in our field questions like, “what do I do when I have tried everything, but a wound won’t heal?” Or, “how do I start a biologic in a patient who is pregnant, wants to get pregnant or is breastfeeding?”
Then Dermalogues is for you.
Dr Kerri Purdy puts the questions residents often ask to subject area experts from across Canada. The conversation is fun, engaging and casual but packed with helpful tips and thoughtful guidance.
And you don’t have to just listen, you can also be part of the program. Tag us on twitter @CdnDermatology with your questions or with your ideas for upcoming episodes.
This podcast is a production of the Canadian Dermatology Association.
Produced by David McGuffin, Explore Podcast Productions in Ottawa
Theme music by Lee Rosevere
Cover art by Dr Noelle Wong -
There's been a lot of confusion and frustration lately about health anxiety.
Personal success stories and outcome focused answers are hard to come by, and people are growing more and more frustrated.
Dennis Simsek (AKA The Anxiety Guy) is here to show you the truth behind the root causes of your health anxiety, and guide you towards healing.
From forums to online chat rooms, social media groups to conversations with others, health anxiety sufferers are not being provided the information and skills to eliminate their emotional and mental health struggles.
That's where the Health Anxiety Podcast Show comes in. Get ready to join the thousands of other warriors worldwide, in becoming more than anxiety starting today.
All updates and show notes for the health anxiety podcast can be found at -
Welcome to WOCTalk, a podcast courtesy of the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society. WOCTalk is your opportunity to learn more about advocacy, education, and research that support the practice and delivery of expert healthcare to individuals with wound, ostomy, and continence care needs.
Welcome to Through a Therapist’s Eyes, where we invite you to see the world through the lens of a trained mental health and substance abuse therapist. Our goal is to foster emotional growth through feedback and discussion. We believe that emotional awareness is a powerful tool; one which should be continuously sharpened in order to operate at its full potential. We welcome you to come alongside us for the journey…