
  • In this deeply introspective and enlightening episode of Boomer Banter, host Wendy Green delves into the essence of True Wealth, exploring the four pillars that constitute a meaningful and fulfilling life: finance, health, joy, and love. With personal anecdotes and practical advice, Wendy sheds light on how these components interweave to create a life of substance beyond material success. Get ready to be inspired, as we reflect on what it truly means to age well and live a purpose-driven life.

    Episode Highlights:

    Introduction to the Four Pillars: Wendy Green opens the episode by introducing the idea that True Wealth is not just about money, but a holistic blend of financial security, health, joy, and love.

    Personal Reflection: Wendy shares a profound excerpt from her father’s unpublished book, revealing his realization that material success does not equate to true wealth. This heartfelt story drives home the episode’s central message that wealth is defined by much more than financial prosperity.

    Financial Security: Emphasizing the importance of financial planning, Wendy offers insights into securing one's financial future. She discusses factors such as lifestyle, debts, pensions, longevity, and health that influence financial stability. Wendy advises seeking professional help from financial planners and preparing for potential emergencies to ensure financial peace of mind.

    Health Wealth: Wendy underscores the significance of maintaining both physical and mental health. She talks about the benefits of regular physical activity, a nutritious diet, proper hydration, and strong social connections. Wendy also touches on mental well-being, emphasizing the power of a positive mindset, gratitude, and strong social bonds.

    Joy and Contentment: Exploring the concept of joy as a state of being, Wendy differentiates it from temporary happiness. She discusses the importance of nurturing joy through achievable challenges, practicing gratitude, disconnecting from technology, and finding a purpose. The story of the Chinese farmer serves as a reminder to maintain a nonjudgmental and accepting attitude for lasting contentment.

    The Power of Love: Wendy articulates the crucial role love plays in true wealth. She explores how love of self and others, self-care, and meaningful social connections enrich our lives. Wendy highlights that love brings deeper meaning to financial security, health, and joy, making it an indispensable pillar of true wealth.

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    Join the Boomer Believers and meet monthly with one of our amazing guests. Get your questions answered directly as you build a sense of community with other members.

    Catch up on episodes: Boomer Banter is taking a 3 week break in July. There are 192 episodes for your to peruse.

    Share this episode with your friends. Rate and Review. So appreciated.

    See you for our next episode on July 22.

  • This episode of Boomer Banter dives deep into the alarming rise of financial fraud targeting older adults. Join host Wendy Green and fraud expert Kathy Stokes from the AARP Fraud Watch Network as they unpack the sophisticated tactics scammers use, the emotional toll on victims, and essential steps for securing personal information.

    Wendy Green begins the episode by sharing her own near-miss with a copyright infringement scam, underscoring the importance of being vigilant. Kathy Stokes delves into common scams such as tech support fraud, where scammers pose as legitimate tech support to gain access to financial information. The conversation highlights the use of heightened emotional states by scammers to manipulate victims, urging everyone to pause and assess suspicious messages logically.

    Takeaways:Use strong passwords and two factor authentication to access online accounts. Try a password manager to create and store your unique passwords.Let calls from unknown callers go to voicemail. Criminals do not tend to leave messages.Avoid using open Wi-Fi networks without a VPN and refrain from plugging into public USB portsIf you suspect you've been a victim of fraud, report it to the police and use AARP's helpline for support (877) 908-3360We are not helpless! What we know inoculates us. What we share inoculates others.

    Follow the AARP Fraud Watch Network on Facebook

    Connect with the AARP Victim Support Network

    Register for the Virtual Fraud Prevention Summer Series - July 8: 10:00-12:00ET

    Tell your friends to subscribe to Boomer Banter. Click on “Connect With Us” after you follow the link. You will get access to our weekly newsletter that will keep you up-to-date on all things happening in our community.

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  • As we live longer, the need to make our money last becomes increasingly important.

    In this insightful episode of Boomer Banter, host Wendy Green is joined by the esteemed Richard Eisenberg, an unretired freelance writer and former managing editor of Next Avenue, to tackle the intricate world of longevity planning.

    We share practical advice for securing financial stability, and emphasize the need for "longevity literacy." Whether you’re nearing retirement, supporting adult children, or considering annuities and long-term care, this episode is packed with actionable insights and strategies for making your golden years financially secure.

    Takeaways:Importance of Preparation: Richard underscores the necessity of being well-prepared and informed about retirement planning. He advocates using retirement calculators or consulting financial advisors.Supporting Family Financially: Wendy and Richard discuss the balance parents must strike when financially aiding their children for education, housing, and other expenses, while also securing their own financial future.Long-Term Care Insurance: Richard recommends the purchase of this insurance in one’s fifties or early sixties to avoid Medicare coverage gaps. In later years, you might explore hybrid long-term care insurance policies.Balancing Enjoyment and Security: The conversation touches on balancing spending on enjoyable experiences, like vacations, with financial planning and longevity considerations, stressing the need for mindful spending and saving practices.

    Find Richard on his podcast, Friends Talk Money, or follow his columns in Money Watch, Fortune and Next Avenue.

    Subscribe to Boomer Banter. Click on “Connect With Us” after you follow the link.

    Follow the podcast, and please rate and review. This helps others find us

    Sign up for the Great Global Giveaway on the Road Scholar site, and check out all their amazing trips.

  • In this episode of Boomer Banter, host Wendy Green and certified financial planner Justin Smith delve into the intricate process of selling your parent's home. This is an emotionally charged, multi-faceted issue that can significantly impact your family's financial future. From tax implications to long-term care planning and probate avoidance, they cover many aspects you need to consider for a seamless and equitable transition. If you're a Boomer looking to make informed decisions about your parent's property, this episode is a treasure trove of wisdom and practical advice.

    Takeaways:Complexity and Emotional Considerations: The complex and emotionally charged nature of selling a parent's property. Importance of understanding your parent's wishes and resources.Family Dynamics and Communication: The importance of open communication and reaching a consensus among siblings to avoid conflicts regarding care expenses and inheritance.Tax Implications: Learn about primary homeowner capital gain exclusion, cost basis step-up, and strategies to minimize tax burdens.Learn about assessing your parent's resources and needs, so you and they can make informed decisions about using home equity for care or investing in assisted living.

    Connect with Justin Smith for more valuable insights and estate planning guidance.

    Find him on LInkedIn.

    Subscribe to Boomer Banter. Click on "Connect With Us" after you follow the link.

    Follow the podcast, and please rate and review. This helps others find us

    Sign up for the Great Global Giveaway on the Road Scholar site, and check out all their amazing trips.

  • Season 7, Episode 188

    In this episode, host Wendy Green announces the transition from Hey, Boomer to Boomer Banter, a podcast focused on real talk about aging well. She shares the motivations behind the rebrand and the evolution of the podcast's mission. The mission still includes embracing a purpose and realizing we are not done yet. It is expanding to include ideas about how to live a long life with health, happiness and satisfaction.

    Episode TakeawaysDiscussion on change versus transition. Wendy's internal journey towards transition and the decision to rebrand as Boomer Banter.The importance of aging with purpose, health, and fulfillment.

    Visit to connect with the podcast and subscribe to the newsletter for valuable information on aging well.

    Support the Walk to End Alzheimer's team led by Wendy Green to help reach their fundraising goal.

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  • Season 7: Episode 187

    In our latest episode, host Wendy Green dives deep into the vital topic of stroke awareness, treatment, and prevention with our esteemed guest, Dr. Chris Favilla, a leading stroke neurologist.

    Here's why you should tune in:

    🔹 **Recognize Stroke Symptoms with "BE FAST":**

    - **B**alance issues, **E**yesight changes, **F**acial droop, **A**rm weakness, **S**peech difficulties, and **T**ime to call 911.

    - Early recognition and immediate action can save lives.

    🔹 **Manage Silent Risk Factors:**

    - High blood pressure and high cholesterol are major risk factors for stroke.

    - Diet, exercise, and medications can significantly lower these risks.

    - Sleep apnea, common in aging individuals, is another important factor to consider for stroke prevention.

    🔹 **The Importance of Rapid Response:**

    - Time-sensitive stroke treatments like clot-busting medications are critical for better outcomes.

    - EMS providers play a vital role in the quick evaluation and transport of stroke patients to hospitals.

    Explore Resources: Learn more about stroke awareness and prevention by visiting the American Heart Association at and

    Join the Community: Subscribe to the Hey, Boomer newsletter for the latest updates and exciting announcements, including a big reveal in the next episode.

    Spread Awareness: Share this episode with family and friends to raise awareness about stroke prevention and the importance of immediate medical intervention.

    Check out Carelink360: See how you can get piece of mind and stay connected to loved ones who are far away.

  • Season 7, Episode 186

    Join us as we dive deep into the world of Lyme disease, exploring its symptoms, controversies in treatment, and the crucial preventive measures to stay safe while enjoying the great outdoors. My guest, Dorothy Leland and I, shared personal stories to highlight the challenging journey of diagnosis and the resilience needed to manage this disease.

    This episode sheds light on the complexities of Lyme disease. Our discussion aims to arm our listeners, particularly active agers, with the knowledge to protect themselves and enjoy their passions without fear.

    Episode Highlights

    **Understanding Lyme Disease**: Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that can cause a spectrum of symptoms, from flu-like symptoms to more severe health complications if untreated. It's essential for everyone, especially those who enjoy outdoor activities, to be aware of how to protect themselves.

    **Personal Stories**: Wendy shares the harrowing journey of her husband's initial misdiagnosis, and how they came to find the correct diagnosis of Lyme disease. Dorothy discusses her daughter's battle with Lyme disease, which left her wheelchair-bound for three years.

    **Preventative Measures**: The importance of protective clothing treated with permethrin, proper tick removal techniques using tweezers, and the advisability against old methods like smothering ticks with Vaseline or using heat.

    **Symptom Checklist**: Dorothy Leland elaborates on the importance of's symptom checklist, which can be a critical tool for discussing potential Lyme disease with healthcare providers.


    **Stay Protected**: As you plan your next adventure outdoors, remember to dress appropriately, use insect repellent, and conduct thorough tick checks upon returning indoors. Visit for more resources and a symptom checklist.

    Protective clothing can be found at: Insect Shield, look for clothing treated with permethrin.

    Insect repellents recommended include Lemon Eucalyptus Oil or Picaridin

    **Subscribe and Join the Community**: Don’t miss our next episode on stroke awareness. Subscribe to our newsletter at and stay tuned for more enriching discussions that help redefine aging.

    **Support our Sponsor**: Plan your next trip with You will be glad you did!

  • Season 7: Episode 185

    Episode Overview:

    Today we delve into matters of the heart and the harsh realities of dementia as we discuss "Love, Loss, and Lewy Body Dementia." Our host Wendy Green is joined by guest Mary Lou Falcone, who shares her deeply personal journey of caregiving for her husband, Nicky Zann, through his battle with Lewy Body Dementia.

    Mary Lou opens up about the challenges they faced, from Nicky's initial symptoms and diagnosis to the daily realities of managing this complex disease. Today's talk highlights not only the emotional toll but also the strength and resilience required to navigate the shifting dynamics of love and health. This episode is not just a story of love and loss but also of caregiving and resilience in the face of life's unpredictability's. Stay tuned as we explore these poignant themes and offer insights that will touch everyone who listens.

    Episode Takeaways:Gain insights into the 2nd most common, progressive dementia; Lewy Body DementiaReceive personal coping mechanisms for caregivers managing a loved one's decline while maintaining their dignity and independence.Recognize the importance of proper diagnosis, access to specific resources, and community support to manage Lewy Body Dementia.

    - **Educate Yourself and Others:** Listeners are encouraged to visit the Lewy Body Dementia Resource Center website and Mary Lou Falcone’s personal website to learn more about dementia.

    - **Support and Participate:** Wendy encourages donations and participation in the annual Walk to End Alzheimer's to support Alzheimer's and dementia research and aid families impacted by these diseases.

    - **Subscribe to stay connected:** Subscribe to the weekly newsletter to learn from articles, what is coming up and reflections of our host, Wendy Green. Go to the website and click on Connect with Us.

    - **Read and Reflect:** Mary Lou’s book, "I Didn't See It Coming,” is recommended for those seeking a deeper understanding of love, loss, and coping with dementia, enriched with personal anecdotes and illustrations by Nicky Zann.

  • Season 7: Episode 184

    In The Power of Perspective: Attitudes about Aging we're shifting the narrative around getting older. Gone are the days of viewing aging as a decline; instead, we embrace it as a rich opportunity for growth, connection, and discovering new passions. We'll explore how cultivating gratitude, resilience, and positive perceptions can profoundly impact our physical and mental well-being. Join us as we challenge ageist stereotypes and discuss how each of us can reimagine the later years of our life as a vibrant chapter filled with possibilities.

    Episode Overview:

    In this solo episode, I share personal stories and lessons learned through my journey of aging, touching on themes of resilience, the importance of relationships, and staying connected with one’s passions. The episode also challenges societal perceptions of aging, discusses the detrimental effects of ageism, and highlights how adopting a positive mindset can significantly enhance both mental and physical health as we age.

    Episode Takeaways:

    1. Gratitude as a Tool for Transformation: Learn how daily gratitude practices can shift perspectives and improve overall well-being.

    2. Confronting and Overcoming Ageism: Insights into how internal and external age stereotypes affect us and ways to combat them.

    3. Power of Resilience and Relationships: Explore the importance of resilience and maintaining strong relationships in fostering a fulfilling life at any age.

    4. Importance of Embracing Aging: Discover how shifting perceptions can transform aging into an opportunity for growth and new experiences.


    Connect with Road Scholar for future travel plans.

    Check out CareLink 360 and use the term boomer for 5% off your purchase.

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    If today’s episode sparked something in you, share this episode with a friend and help spread the word that we all can age well throughout every decade!

  • Season 7: Episode 183

    Episode Overview:

    Today, we're diving into the "SoberFit" life with an exceptional guest, Maureen Benkovich, aka the "Sober Fit Chick." Maureen, a certified gray area drinking coach, trades in the term "sober" for "alcohol free," and has fully embraced a fitness lifestyle that celebrates her vibrant personality sans the spirits. She believes in a holistic approach to being alcohol free – one that nurtures mental, spiritual, and physical fitness, going beyond just abstaining from alcohol.

    In today's conversation, we'll be peeling back the layers on the concept of "gray area drinking," which lies between social drinking and alcohol use disorder. Maureen will share her personal journey, how she overcame alcohol-induced depression, and how she now helps others retrain their brains to live without relying on the bottle. Get ready to learn about the impact of alcohol on aging, the importance of supporting our neurotransmitters, and practical techniques to navigate social pressures.

    Episode Takeaways:

    1. Insight into "gray area drinking" and its prevalence among Boomers.

    2. Understanding the holistic approach to sobriety that focuses on total well-being.

    3. Tips and strategies for creating resilience and maintaining an alcohol-free lifestyle.

    4. The significance of dismantling subconscious beliefs and societal pressures about alcohol.

    5. Navigating social situations with heightened confidence without relying on alcohol.

    6. Encouragement and advice for those contemplating a change in their relationship with alcohol.


    **Refer a Friend**: Encourage your friends and family members to subscribe to Hey, Boomer, so they don't miss another episode. Point them to and tell them to click on Connect With Us.

    **Connect with Road Scholar**: Enter the Great Global Giveaway contest to win one of 7 amazing trips for 2. Go to to enter and to explore all the fabulous trips that Road Scholar offers.

    **Get access to Maureen's free course**: On her website, you can sign up for her "Alcohol Free Weekend" Toolkit. You can also reach out to her for questions and support.

    **Follow Maureen on Instagram**: for daily inspiration and support on your journey to alcohol freedom:

    If today’s episode sparked something in you, share this episode with a friend and help spread the word that we all can age well throughout every decade!

    And leave a comment to let us know what you thought.

  • Season 7: Episode 182

    Episode Overview:

    Diagnosed with MS and paralyzed by Guillain Barre syndrome, she didn't just recover; she became a European weightlifting champ.

    Today we chatted with Kim Rahir, a 60-year-old powerhouse who turned her health battles into victories. Now, she's coaching women to unlock their inner strength through resilience, muscle reactivation, and smart nutrition. Remember, it’s never too late to transform your health and mindset.

    Episode Takeaways:

    **Embrace Routines**: Routines are a skill learned through small, consistent habits. Start small to make big changes.

    **Strength Training**: It's crucial for bone health, muscle mass, and mental clarity, especially as we age. Modify and adapt exercises to suit any limitations.

    **Nutrition without Restrictions**: A balanced approach to eating with flexibility allows for sustainable, healthful living without the rigidity of diets.

    **Resilience in Action**: Kim's journey underscores the power of pushing through challenges and taking control of one's health narrative.


    **Join the Conversation**: Become part of the Hey, Boomer community groups, Boomer Banter and Boomer Believers for enriching discussions and personal connections. Go to to join.

    **Connect with Carelink 360**: Use our discount code boomer at checkout to stay connected with aging relatives while managing their and your health. Go to https://mycarelink360/ref/boomer

    **Visit**: Take a free health and strength assessment and learn more about Kim's coaching for inspiration and motivation.

    If today’s episode sparked something in you, share this episode with a friend and help spread the word that we all can age well throughout every decade!

    And leave a comment to let us know what you thought.

  • Season 7 - Episode 181

    Episode Overview:

    In this episode, we dive deep into Boomer Wellness and thriving in every decade. Join us as fitness and mindset coach Heike Yates shares invaluable wisdom on how to make health and happiness your top priorities. Discover why it's never too late to start exercising, how to transcend the fear of the gym, and why personal joy in your workout is key.

    Heike emphasizes the extraordinary benefits of Pilates for spine alignment and core strength, and reminds us to embrace fitness regimens that light up our lives. Don't let the noise of the fitness industry overwhelm you—find the simple spark that ignites your path to wellness.

    Episode Takeaways to Thrive:Let go over concern about what others think. Their opinion is their opinion. It is not about you.Commit to starting small – one change that you can stick with dailyConsistency is the key to compounding positive results in your health journey.
    Call to Actions:

    Ready to embark on a journey to better health and embrace the vitality of every decade? Take your first step and connect with our expert guest, Heike Yates. She's ready to guide and inspire you with her knowledge and experience. You can find her on:

    - Follow Heike on Instagram:

    - Check out Heike's Website for resources and fitness guidance:

    - LinkedIn:

    Join the Boomer Believers by going to

    Support Road Scholar when planning your next trip.

    Remember to commit to making a change from the wisdom shared today. Thank you for joining Wendy and Heike on this life-changing episode of "Hey, Boomer!"

    If today's episode sparked something in you, share this episode with a friend and help spread the word that we all can thrive throughout every decade!

    And leave a comment to let us know how you are thriving.

  • Season 7: Episode 180

    Episode Overview:

    In this insightful episode of Hey, Boomer!, host Wendy Green takes us on a profound journey through the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz's transformative book "The Four Agreements." As Baby Boomers navigate the waters of aging, Wendy emphasizes how the four agreements can serve as a beacon to transform our inner dialogue and inspire a life of authenticity and fulfillment. Throughout the episode, she dissects each agreement and its applicability to the various aspects of living as a member of the Boomer generation.

    Episode Highlights:

    **Be Impeccable With Your Word:** Wendy starts with a deep dive into the first agreement, exploring how the words we choose form the foundation of our self-expression and the importance of speaking with integrity, both to ourselves and others.

    **Don’t Take Anything Personally:** The discussion then shifts to the second agreement, where Wendy shares anecdotes and offers wisdom on liberating ourselves from the burden of others' opinions.

    **Don’t Make Assumptions:** The conversation around the third agreement shines a light on the misunderstandings that can arise from assumptions and how seeking clarity in communication can lead to better relationships and inner peace.

    **Always Do Your Best:** In addressing the fourth agreement, Wendy stresses on doing our best without self-judgment or regret, focusing on progress and self-compassion.

    Episode Takeaways:Words carry the power to shape our reality, so it is crucial to be mindful of our self-talk and the dialogue we share with others, especially in matters related to aging and life transitions.Reframing “I need to” into “I want to” can profoundly change our perspective and motivate us to action.Our beliefs become our thoughts. Our thoughts become our words. Our words become our actions. Our actions become our habits. Our habits become our values. Our values become our destiny

    Join the Boomer Banter or Boomer Believers by going to

    Be sure to leave a comment, like, and subscribe to Hey, Boomer! If you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend who might find it uplifting or insightful. Keep the conversation going by following us on our social media platforms, and don’t miss our insightful episodes each week!

    Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube

    Hey, Boomer website:

  • Season 7: Episode 179

    Episode Overview:

    Join us for a laughter-filled, and caring journey into the heart of retirement with our delightful guest, Mary Kay Fleming – a retired psychology professor turned award-winning humor writer. In this episode, aptly titled "Husband Underfoot," we plunge into the shift that happens when retirement comes knocking. Discover the lighter side of stepping into the golden years alongside someone who has done it with grace, humor, and a flair for writing that tickles the funny bone.

    Episode Highlights:

    **Embrace New Paths**: Retirement can surprise you. Be open to newfound passions and support your partner's exploration, just as Mary Kay’s husband found joy in poetry.

    **Communicate and Compromise**: Successfully navigating life with a partner underfoot means talking openly about expectations and finding a balance that works for both of you.

    **Find Your Own Joy**: Retirement is deeply personal. Like our guest Mary Kay, let this chapter be defined by self-fulfillment, purposeful engagement, and maintaining strong friendships.

    Episode Takeaways:Retiring does not mean losing one's identity; it's an opportunity to redefine it.It's important to maintain individual interests and social networks in retirement.Plan your retirement on your own terms, if possible and allow space for adjustment.

    Connect with Mary Kay Fleming:

    Discover more of Mary Kay's delightful humor by visiting her author page at

    Email her at [email protected]

    Support our Sponsors: and enter boomer at checkout for 5% off

    Enter the Great Global Giveaway at

    Be sure to leave a comment, like, and subscribe to Hey, Boomer! If you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend who might find it uplifting or insightful. Keep the conversation going by following us on our social media platforms, and don't miss our insightful episodes each week!

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    Hey, Boomer website:

  • Season 7: Episode 178

    Episode Overview:

    In this episode, host Wendy Green is joined by guest Suzy Rosenstein, a master certified life coach who specializes in helping women over 50 craft meaningful lives full of purpose. Together, they delve into the rich tapestry of family traditions, exploring how these practices can provide stability, joy, and a sense of belonging, while also acknowledging the challenges and opportunities that arise as families evolve and blend new elements into their shared experiences. Whether you're holding onto treasured childhood customs, integrating new ones, or creating your own traditions from scratch, this episode promises insights into making the most of these practices in midlife and beyond.

    Episode Highlights:

    **Embrace Blended Traditions**: Learn from Suzy how creating a mix of old and new traditions, like her celebrated guacamole on nacho nights, can bring joy and connectedness to family gatherings.

    **Big Dogs and Big Decisions:** At the age of 50, Suzy was inspired to bring a large dog into her life, rekindling the warmth of her childhood memories.

    **Big reveal: Join Wendy & Suzy at the end of the month for a Boomer Believer Zoom meet. Sign up at

    Episode Takeaways:Family traditions offer stability and sentimental value, impacting resilience and personal growth.Blending traditions involves intentional thinking and planning, focusing on how we want to feel in the future.Appreciating what others bring to family traditions and honoring memories is crucial after the loss of a loved one.It's important to create and adapt traditions to keep them meaningful as family dynamics change.

    Connect with Suzy on her website: You will find links to both of her podcasts on her website.

    Grab her free giveaway at

    Support our Sponsors:

    Carelink360 and use the word boomer at checkout to get 5% off your purchase.


    Support the show and become a Boomer Believer or join the Boomer Banter community. Go to

    Check out the Hey, Boomer website at

  • Season 7: Episode 177

    Episode Overview:

    On this insightful episode of Hey, Boomer!, we delve into a topic that's gaining more attention as our demographic evolves: "Grey Divorce." Host Wendy Green warmly welcomes Dr. Elinor Robin, an expert in mediation and licensed mental health counselor, to guide us through the nuanced process of late-in-life divorce.

    As divorce rates among those 65 and older have tripled since 1990, this discussion is more relevant than ever. Dr. Robin brings her wealth of experience from and to explore the benefits of mediation, the role of a divorce coach, and the critical aspects of navigating a smooth transition into post-divorce life.

    From the financial particulars to the emotional complexities, this episode is packed with invaluable advice for those considering or going through a grey divorce. Tune in to empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to handle these significant life changes with grace and confidence.

    Episode Highlights:

    **Understanding Mediation:** Mediation gives couples the power to negotiate together, fostering control over personal decisions.

    **Knowing Your Finances:** Dr. Robin stresses the necessity of comprehensive knowledge of financial assets and debts.

    **Communication is Key:** Emphasized throughout the discussion is the importance of clear communication and trust between partners, especially during mediation.

    **Preparation for Post-Divorce:** Post-divorce logistics like wills, estates, and trusts are considered crucial for those over 50 embarking on this new life chapter.

    Episode Takeaways:Discover the advantages of mediation in reducing conflict and legal costs.Discover the advantages of mediation in reducing conflict and legal costs.Hear about the importance of consulting attorneys specializing in wills, estates, and trusts post-divorce.Recognize the value of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, their limitations, and the importance of updating them.

    Contact Dr. Elinor Robin through her websites:

    Check out our sponsors: and enter boomer at checkout for 5% off your purchase.

    Support the show and become a Boomer Believer or join the Boomer Banter community. Go to

    Check out the Hey, Boomer website at

  • Season 7: Episode 176

    Episode Overview

    In this episode, host Wendy Green is joined by Ellen Belk, a leading expert in dementia care and a seasoned long-distance caregiver herself. Together, they delve into the complexities and challenges of taking care of aging parents from afar. Ellen shares her personal journey of managing her parents' healthcare needs across state lines, the importance of building a local support system, and the critical importance of being proactive.

    Whether you're a current or future long-distance caregiver, this episode is packed with practical tips, heartwarming stories, and valuable resources to help you navigate the intricate path of eldercare with confidence and compassion.

    Episode Highlights

    **Ellen's Personal Story:** Ellen Belk delves into her transition into healthcare following 9/11 and her personal experience stepping into the role of a long-distance caregiver for her parents.

    **Medical Access and Challenges:** The discussion touches on the critical aspect of accessing medical records and how you need to get clearance with every doctor your parent or relative uses, so you can get the information you will need.

    **Building Local Support:** Ellen shares the struggle to build a support team in her parents' community, highlighting the lack of familial assistance and the valuable resource of Area Agencies on Aging.

    **Practical Caregiving Tips:** Ellen imparts practical advice on elder care, emphasizing the importance of home safety, seeking outside services, and managing the emotional toll of caregiving.

    Takeaways:Home Safety: Inspect your elder's living environment for hazards and take measures to ensure it is safe and accessible.Self-Care: Give yourself grace as a caregiver and be open to offloading tasks to professionals or outside services when necessary.Proactiveness: It's essential to be proactive, whether in making safety adjustments in the home or handling legal and financial affairs before a crisis strikes.Strong Support System: Having a support system is crucial - this might include professionals, community services, or understanding friends.

    Keep In Mind, Inc: Ellen's website with dementia training and resources.

    Email Ellen Belk


    Road Scholar

    All things Hey, Boomer

    Email me, Wendy Green

    **Become a Boomer Believer:** Join us each month for an intimate Zoom conversation with one of our guests. Sign up at

  • Season 7: Episode 175

    Episode Overview

    In this heartwarming and insightful episode of Hey, Boomer!, host Wendy Green is joined by Rob Schwartz, the son of Morrie Schwartz, to unpack the emotional journey of caregiving for an ailing father. This conversation takes us through the mountains of challenges and valleys of tender moments that come with caring for a family member in their final months. From discussing the practical aspects of daily care assistance to the philosophies that define our connections beyond life, Wendy and Rob delve into stories and experiences that many of us will find both relatable and inspiring.

    Listen in as Wendy Green and Rob Schwartz share their deeply personal experiences and offer hope, understanding, and advice to those walking the path of a caregiver. Join us for a conversation that is sure to resonate with many, filled with memories, warmth, and the wisdom passed down from fathers to children.

    Episode Highlights:

    **Candid Talk on Caregiving:** Rob Schwartz opens up about the balance between his full-time job overseas and the demands of caring for his father diagnosed with ALS, touching on the critical role of caretakers in managing daily tasks.

    **Spiritual Connections:** Rob shares a poignant story that captures his father's views on spirituality, which highlights the importance of feeling part of a greater whole, followed by Wendy's own symbolic connection with her father through the appearance of rainbows.

    **Life Lessons and Legacies:** As they reflect on deep conversations with their fathers, Wendy and Rob explore the impact of those moments on their understanding of life and death.

    **Dreams and Memories:** Rob sheds light on the connection he experienced with his father through vivid dreams, for the first 5-6 years after his father's death. Wendy shares how she also found connection with her father in dreams.


    1. Open-hearted Communication: The journey of caregiving is deeply enriched by open and honest conversations about life, legacy, and the realities of illness and end-of-life.

    2. Maintaining Balance: Rob discusses the necessity of balancing life responsibilities with caregiving duties, emphasizing that support systems are crucial.

    3. Embracing Spirituality: Sharing personal stories, both Rob and Wendy highlight the comfort that can be found in nurturing spiritual connections with our loved ones, even after they have passed.

    4. Living with Loss: Through the narrative of their experiences, Wendy and Rob offer insights into coping with grief and the process of moving forward without their fathers.


    **Find The Wisdom of Morrie:** Listeners are encouraged to check out Morrie Schwartz's book, "The Wisdom of Morrie." The book is available everywhere. Please leave reviews on GoodReads, Amazon or other online sellers, to share your thoughts on the life advice it offers.

    Connect with Rob at

    **Engage with Hey, Boomer!:** Email Wendy at [email protected]. Please rate and review the podcast, wherever you listen to podcasts. Check out the heyboomer website for blogs posts and upcoming shows.

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  • Season 7; Episode 174

    Episode Overview

    In this episode we're diving deep into a question that's on the minds of many: "Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old?" If we live long enough, we will all be solo agers. How we prepare for our later years can make all the difference.

    It's not just about medical planning; it's about social engagement, maintaining robust relationships, and taking a clear-eyed look at our futures. We're here to bring some light and practical wisdom to the conversation.

    Joining the podcast today is the renowned author and expert on solo aging, caregiving, and adult living, Joy Loverde. Through her work, including her books "The Complete Elder Care Planner" and "Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old?" Joy has become a beacon of guidance for many grappling with these concerns.

    In today's episode, we're covering everything from thoughts about legal and financial planning, to building a supportive network, and even how to have those tough conversations about the future with our friends and loved ones.

    Guest Bio

    Born with an innate sense of compassion that was evident from her teenage years, Joy Loverde found her calling at the tender age of 14, when she accepted a nun's invitation from her all-girls Catholic high school to volunteer at a nursing home on Thanksgiving. The stark reality of elderly people sitting alone in the dim light of the facility struck a chord with her young mind, and this experience planted seeds of inquiry that would shape her life's work. Loverde was moved by the sight of the individuals she encountered and puzzled by the circumstances that left them isolated from their families on a holiday meant for togetherness and gratitude.

    As she grew, the questions that sprang from that day—"Who are these people? What series of events led them to this situation, and where were their families on Thanksgiving?"—continued to resonate with her. These early, poignant experiences sparked a lifelong dedication to understanding and addressing the complexities of aging and eldercare. Loverde's journey began in the shadows of a somber nursing home, but it would unfold into a career filled with light, advocacy, and a quest to improve the lives of the elderly and their families.

    Episode Takeaways

    Top 3 things to plan for:

    How are you going to finance a longer life. Many resources in Joy's book, "Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old."Where we live has everything to do with the quality of our life.Put your wishes in writing and put them into legal documents.

    Contact Joy Loverde at her website:

    She is also on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram

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    Email Wendy at [email protected]

  • Season 7 Episode 173

    In this heartfelt and informative episode of Hey, Boomer!, we dive into a topic that touches many but is often discussed in whispers: the evolving relationship dynamics and the journey of caregivers tending to loved ones with Parkinson's disease.

    Host Wendy Green welcomes the insightful Terri Pease, Ph.D., a caregiver advocate and author, who shares the intimate details of her transformative journey from a care partner to a caregiver for her husband with Parkinson's. This episode is not just a dialogue but a lifeline for those navigating the complex waters of chronic illness, laced with personal anecdotes, practical advice, and a deep understanding of the emotional and physical toll on both the caregiver and the one receiving care.

    Guest Bio

    Terri Pease's story reads like an adventurous novel with an unexpected turn. After falling in love, Terri and her partner married within a year and settled into a happy and thriving companionship. Within the first year of their marriage, they made the bold decision to relocate, journeying roughly 1000 miles to the coast of Maine.

    With dreams as wide as the sea, Terri and her spouse indulged in their shared passion for sailing by purchasing a modest sailboat. They eagerly anticipated the freedom and exploration that awaited them on the waters. However, her husband's Parkinson's Illness rapidly advanced, outpacing their plans and dreams, and they soon faced the heartbreaking realization that sailing and many other activities were no longer within their realm of possibilities.

    Through the challenges, Terri's story is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the enduring strength found in love and partnership.

    Episode Overview

    Terri Pease opens up about her own experiences in providing care for her husband with Parkinson's, clarifying the early signs and progressing responsibilities in the caregiver relationship.

    We discussed the importance of early communication and planning. Terri talked about the significance of setting realistic expectations and the impact of Parkinson's on relational dynamics.

    Terri introduced the "STEALS" acronym, addressing the various life aspects – Sleep, Thinking, Elimination, Affection, Learning, and Sex & other impulse control – that Parkinson's can affect.

    We discussed the importance of self-care for caregivers, underscoring the crucial role support groups play in maintaining caregiver well-being.

    The episode also tackled practical considerations such as legal documents, financial planning, and the potential of exercise to slow Parkinson's progression.

    Take AwaysParkinson's disease has far-reaching effects beyond the physical symptoms, impacting every facet of family life.Caregivers must be proactive in seeking information, planning for the future, and engaging in open communication to manage the journey ahead.Emotional support, specialized care, and community resources are invaluable assets for both those with Parkinson's and their caregivers.With knowledge, compassion, and support, it's possible to foster love and dignity within the caregiving experience.

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    To contact Terri Pease:

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