Otherwise intelligent people are often swayed to believe objectively false ideas. Why is this? High Science takes a balanced approach to the pseudosciences with a guest that is familiar with "alternative medicine". Can we achieve spirituality without diving headfirst into mysticism? Is it possible to change the minds of even the most adamant supporters of conspiracy theories? Can modern medicine learn anything from the practices of naturopathy? Deep stuff.
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Swole is the goal. Size is the prize. Eat ya brotein and lift heavy things. There is a lot of broscience (aka pseudoscience) surrounding fitness and nutrition so High Science attempts to cut through the bullsh*t and give you some solid tips to start your fitness journey. There is also a deep dive into organic chemistry where we break down what each macro-nutrient does for the body. The episode concludes with a discussion on the validity of cow tipping and why a belt is a good weapon to always have on your person.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
How did the universe start? How will it end? Will it expand forever or crunch back to a point? If the universe is everything, then what is it expanding into? What does bird poop and the color beige have to do with cosmology? Find out as High Science tackles the small task of discussing the entire history and future of space and time. (Featuring Jake the Astronomer!)
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Learn probability and statistics with High Science as we apply these concepts to weighing Korean babies, tricking your friends to win money, and running a sea-creature shaving facility.
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How much do different modes of thinking affect our day to day lives? More than you might think. High Science dives into psychology and discusses intuition, working memory, attention, and psychological experiments.
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Isaac Newton: one of the greatest figures to grace the scientific world. Also a closet crazy person. High Science discusses the life and times of Sir Isaac Newton, explores his most influential work, and dives into his weirder pursuits (like alchemy and the occult). We also start the episode by answering a fan question!
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It's time we explore the mysteries of the only home we've ever known: Planet Earf. We answer the important questions. How do mountains form? If we drilled through the entire planet and jumped in, how long would it take to reach the center? How do we know different layers exist if we never drilled through the crust? What even are earthquakes? High Science explores our rocky spaceship and the processes that shaped it over its 4.6 billion year lifespan.
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Guys heads up: we start this episode saying that we recorded the taxonomy episode "last week". We posted the last few episodes in a different order than we recorded them (we recorded this one a while back). In this episode, High Science explores the core ideas of electricity and magnetism. Things can have an intrinsic property known as "charge" and if the charge sits still it does some things and if it moves it does a whole bunch of other things! We explore Coulomb's Law, electric fields, magnetism, basic circuits, and more!
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High Science is celebrating its first birthday! We discuss how we started and some favorite our parts of previous episodes. We also get ripped and go on all kinds of sciencey tangents (hence the "and bullsh*t" in the title). We feel all warm and fuzzy that we got this far and we can't thank you guys enough for tuning in! Here's to the coming year.
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How close are mammals to reptiles? How much do birds and butterfly have in common? How about polar bears and orchids? High Science dives into the biological classification system known as taxonomy. We explore the history of taxonomy and it's hierarchy. We also dive deep into the plant and fungus kingdoms. We also play a game called "Is THAT a fruit?" and by the end we all question our collective reality.
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Sentient juicers... preowned sex-robots... what it means to be conscious... robot rights... High Science discusses artificial intelligence with two special guests: Jake the Astronomer and James the AI Enthusiast.
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special."
Stephen Hawking made amazing contributions to physics through his research on cosmology and black holes. However, what launched him into international fame was his ability to explain complex ideas in simple terms. He gave us all a foothold into a better understanding of our universe and through this, he inspired wonder and curiosity in the face of our mind-bending universe. High Science dives into Hawking's life, legacy, research, and ideas as a tribute to one of the greatest minds of our generation. Exploring his ideas took us from black holes and quantum physics, to philosophy and atheism.
“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet... Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.”
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High Science explores the mechanisms behind sound and music while also breaking down the properties of waves.
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A civilization's progress depends heavily on how it obtains and utilizes energy. For most of human history, we used our inefficient meat machines (some call them "bodies") to get things done. Now energy is harvested somewhere in the distance and we can do things like turn on lights or power our sweet, sweet cell phones. High Science explores society's dependence on energy as well as our current green and not-so-green energy sources.
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Energy is one of those words that is used all the time but is rarely understood. This week High Science tackles energy, work, and power. Although these words are often used interchangeably, they have distinct physical meanings. Joining us are two new guests, Fredrick and Chenz, who have little scientific knowledge. John attempts to teach a bunch of (allegedly) stoned people about energy and hilarity ensues. Tangents range from Duck Hunt to betting on the temperature of lava as High Science probes deeper into the nature of the universe. Fredrick ends the episode with a quote that we feel gets at the heart of what we are trying to do here at High Science: "That was awesome. I feel two different ways... I feel a little stupider and a little smarter all that the same time."
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Genetics is the study of heredity and how traits are passed from parent to offspring. From wrinkly peas to colorblindness, High Science explores genetics and explains why your friend's ear lobes are attached to his head while yours dangle free. We start with Gregor Mendel and classical genetics which explains things like eye color and ear wax wetness (seriously). We then discuss DNA, sex-linked traits, asexual vs sexual reproduction, and epigenetics. Ever wonder how flatworms reproduce? If so, this is the episode for you!
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Education is a beautiful thing... which is why we need to hardcore fix it. High Science explores the shortcomings of our education system and possible ways to make improvements. Ideas such as gamification and constructivism are explored and our own educational experiences are hilariously recalled. Education is stuck in the outdated paradigm of retaining and regurgitating information. We must move to help people critically process information and creatively solve the problems of tomorrow. "Educations is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire."
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Your body is made up of *trillions* of little membrane-bound blobs of goop. Those goop balls work together to make the meat machine you control every single day. High Science explores the human body and how these little biological machines we call cells work together to make you you.
High Science tackles the mind-bending idea of infinity. We go back 2500 years to Zeno's paradoxes and we zoom ahead to potential future math-less alien robots. Physics needs the concept of infinity in order to work. The area of a circle formula couldn't be found without infinity. This abstract concept is critical to our understanding of the universe and ourselves. At the very least, it shows us how good we are at confusing ourselves.
*High Science is temporarily moving to a biweekly schedule* -
Philosophy episode! High Science has an existential meltdown as they discuss the core principles of existentialism and explore the ideas of this movement's most influential thinkers.
Show Notes:
Existentialism - Best viewed as a movement and not philosophical system or a set of doctrines
“It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to go right in chains” - Thomas H. Huxley
Existential Crisis - Things that used to seem like common sense reveals itself as uncanny, up to chance, contingent, and relative
Why do we live here instead of there?
Why are we doing this job instead of that job?
Why are we with this partner?
Why are we following this set of social norms?
There are more options the we ever imagined. We are freer than we thought.
Deluding ourselves with what “had to be”
This realization tends to induce much anxiety - hence “crisis”
Tends to accompany a heightened awareness of death
A sense of urgency to reexamine life but the clock is running out
We have many choices, but we will forever be deficient on information and will never be able to make a decision with ultimate wisdom or certainty
Forced to decide but always uncertain that we have done so adequately
Plotting a course in the dark without adequate reason or insight
a sense of disorientation, confusion, or dread in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world.
So what do we do about it?
“[Existentialism] is an attitude that recognizes the unresolvable confusion of the human world, yet resists the all-too-human temptation to resolve the confusion by grasping toward whatever appears or can be made to appear firm or familiar… The existential attitude begins with a disoriented individual facing a confused world that he [or she] cannot accept.” - Robert Soloman
Despite strong differences in thinking, the existentialist thinkers share some commonalities
Note: existentialist thinkers were mostly grouped well after they completed their works
Philosophical thinking should begin with the human subject and not merely thought itself.
Humans feel, act, live, exist. This should factor into thought on our meaning and how to live a good life
Primary value seems to be authenticity
the degree to which one is true to one's own personality, desires, spirit, or character, despite external pressures
Starting point is the existential crisis
Many existentialists have also regarded traditional systematic or academic philosophies, in both style and content, as too abstract and remote from concrete human experience.
Existence precedes essence
Essentialism dominated before existentialism
Essentialism - The essence (nature) of something is more fundamental than its existence (the mere fact of its being)
Existentialism flips this, an individual’s existence comes before and preconceived categories or labels. The actual life of the individual is their true essence.
Most important consideration for individuals is that they are individuals—independently acting and responsible, conscious beings
Human beings, through their own consciousness, create their own values and determine a meaning to their life
The Absurd
There is no meaning in the world beyond what meaning we give it.
This meaninglessness also encompasses the amorality or "unfairness" of the world. This contrasts with the notion that "bad things don't happen to good people"; to the world, metaphorically speaking, there is no such thing as a good person or a bad person; what happens happens, and it may just as well happen to a "good" person as to a "bad" person.
Anything can happen to anybody, a tragic event could plummet someone into direct confrontation with the absurd.
What to do about a confrontation with the absurd varies from philosopher to philosopher
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