
  • In this episode Stephanie speaks about the template that her soul came into this life with and how it has distorted her view before she became conscious and aware of her Higher Self.

    Everyone is pure love at the very core of their being and everyone is walking around viewing life with a filter or perspective that is formed from the experiences they have had in their life. This perspective is controlling how we move through our life, keeping us in repeating sometimes very painful cycles.

    Stephanie gives advice on how to recognize the purpose for the events that transpire in your life and how to become conscious to your pattern. The experience that you are having is intentional to help you remember who it is you truly are. In this episode Stephanie gives you steps to discover that remembrance.

    If you would like an intuitive reading, you can book with me here:

    Visit my website to order my book, Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization and more ways to connect to the higher self!

    I developed my connection to the Higher Self after having my first Beyond Quantum Healing session. I was able to access the energetic signature of the Higher Self and the process of embodiment began. I now facilitate these sessions, if you would like to go on a meditative experience to explore the quantum field with your higher self, contact me today. Much Love!

  • Candid moments of what is truly going on in my mind today. The episode is intentionally out of order (love you Susan!). I may be posting the other one next or maybe not.

    The story that came through ended up being exactly what needed to be shared today and I hope you all – or someone at least – can resonate with this experience and lesson. Much Love!

    For opportunities to work with me you can check here: :

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  • The hardest part of developing this connection is overcoming the challenges the mind projects. There will be resistance from the mind and the three ways I address in this episode are:

    Fear of Change or Fear of Being JudgedSelf-DoubtSubconscious Limitations

    In this episode I talk about how to recognize these patterns and how I handle them as they arise.

    If you would like help accessing your Highest Potential, recognizing or overcoming your subconscious limitations, transmuting fear to find courage to make the changes your Higher Self is calling you into you can book a Higher Self Guidance session with me here:

    to contact me - email: [email protected]

    Purchase a copy of Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization

  • In order to discover the Higher Self you must also become aware of the ego and how it is unconsciously motivating you. When you first begin the practice of embodiment it will be difficult to distinguish the ego because it feels like you, it is the most practiced version of you. As you build awareness by questioning why you do what you do you will begin to experience the Higher Self and it's subtleties. This connection is not one you can experience from simply listening to this material or reading a book, it must be practiced and implemented into your daily life to full gain the benefit of living in this alignment. The work is being brutally honest with yourself about everything you do and deciding if you are taking that action because you think you need to get something (feeling lack) or because you are free (your true nature) and choosing to express yourself.

    In this episode I speak on the embodiment and deliver this message from the Higher Self aspect of me. Please take note of what resonates (meaning that is your higher self saying yes) or triggers you (meaning that is when your ego is resisting something your higher self is raising your awareness to). This is how you develop the connection in real time.

    I am coming to Los Angeles, February 9-11 at the Conscious Life Expo and my book has been nominated for an award. I would love your Vote!! I forgot to mention that part in the episode. If you would like to vote for my book you can do so here:

    If you would like to purchase a copy of my book please click this link Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self Realization

  • The awakening journey is not linear, it is spiral. You may have heard that before, I had, but I didn’t really get it until I found perspective in my own experience (which is why this journey is more experiential, not to be gained by reading about it, but living it). In this episode I discuss the cyclical nature of my awakening.

    The beginning of my journey was born out of prolonged suffering and the end of this spiral feels very familiar, however, the tools I’ve learned and the connection to the Higher Self has helped me to see why this is happening and what it is meant to teach me.

    It doesn't matter how your awakening started, the purpose is for you to detach from who you are not to awaken to your true self.

    If you are experiencing a spiritual awakening, I hope this helps. My experience has taught me that I am not the ego. The ego is the identification with form; i.e. my trauma, my wounds, my victimhood, my childhood story, the beliefs I was programmed with, the behaviors and actions I was trained I should take. I am a spark of source energy, eternal and limitless. With God all things are possible and that I am the universe experiencing itself through Stephanie. The awakening is waking up to who you truly are by way of letting go of all you are not.

    The awakening is painful and confusing and very dark at times and if you are experiencing feelings of stuckness or repeating patterns that you thought you dealt with and need help, I am here to assist the collective. Please visit my website for mentorship opportunities.


    If you would like a copy of the Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self Realization book click


    My first experience with the Higher Self was through Beyond Quantum Healing. When I became certified I had a practice session where I first embodied my Higher Self. This was a life changing experience for me and the Higher Self is calling me to begin offering BQH sessions again. If you are interested in BQH you can find more information and book at **************************************************************************************************

    To receive my worksheet PIVOT Limiting Beliefs to Become Limitless click here:

  • The topic the Higher Self brought through was the need to be understood and how that manifests throughout the awakening journey. The Higher Self explained that the need to be understood is an attachment from the ego that is rooted in the loss of identity. In this episode, we redirect this attachment back to the spirit and recognize that when you can shift the need to be understood back to yourself and learn to understand you and why you have been through what you have, you will discover the answer to the question “who am I”.

    Please join me live every Tuesday at 11 am for the Higher Self Connection Podcast on YouTube!


    If you would like a copy of the Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self Realization book click here


    If you are seeking support on your journey, book a 1:1 session with me at I use the Higher Self to guide the session and help you to know what your Higher Self is guiding you towards in this now moment. From there it may be offered to do some deeper work or if you would like support on a regular basis we can discuss that as well at the end of the session. I have a few slots each week that are donation based. There is no minimum donation and the appointments are first come first serve and tend to go fast. If you don’t see any available there will be more released each week so please check back. My paid slots are still reasonable for the value you receive. I will be working with my Higher Self along with yours to deliver messages, ask questions or find answers that your higher self is guiding you to know in this now moment.


    My first experience with the Higher Self was through Beyond Quantum Healing. When I became certified I had a practice session where I first embodied my Higher Self. This was a life changing experience for me and the Higher Self is calling me to begin offering BQH sessions again. If you are interested in BQH you can find more information and book at


    Higher Self Connection Podcast is GOING LIVE!! TUESDAYS at 11 AM Pacific Time you can watch the podcast live on YouTube.


    To receive my worksheet PIVOT Limiting Beliefs to Become Limitless click here:

  • The New Moon in Leo on August 16, 2023 is calling for the rise of the divine feminine. In this episode I talk about what I have received as far as the role and traits of the Divine Feminine. As always, I ask you to carry yourself with humility and grace, this is not about being boastful or operating from the spiritual ego. Keep yourself in check as you listen and accountable for your own shadow. The divine feminine is humble and knows her power. She also trusts her internal guidance and intuition over anything others project onto her. She considers criticism and has no problem accepting when she has acted out of alignment and will take ownership when it occurs. I hope you explore what it means to be a divine feminine in your own life. How can you embody this energy?

    If you would like a copy of the Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization you can purchase it here.

    You do not need a teacher on this journey, but it can get challenging to understand why things are happening the way they do and if you need support you can find the ways I am offering guidance at this time through my website

    Follow me on TikTok, Facebook

    Join my mailing list by receiving my free worksheet, PIVOT to Become Limitless to help you overcome limiting beliefs.

  • Is it true that we have nothing to fear? A question I asked my Higher Self this morning and in this episode I discuss the answer I received. If you are following your inner guidance and know when to act and when to be still, have mastered or are mastering your emotional world, and have regulated your nervous system, the Higher Self says that you will know exactly what to do when it arrives in your present moment. This message helped me relax further into my flow state, knowing that my job is to follow the inspiration and act when it arrives and until then I am safe to watch the birds and butterflies or create some art, or do whatever makes my spirit sing.

    I help you to understand what each of these components means and how to practice on your own, so that you too can begin to trust that there truly is nothing to fear.

    If you would like a copy of the Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization you can purchase it here.

    You do not need a teacher on this journey, but it can get challenging to understand why things are happening the way they do and if you need support you can find the ways I am offering guidance at this time through my website

    Follow me on TikTok, Facebook

    Join my mailing list by receiving my free worksheet, PIVOT to Become Limitless to help you overcome limiting beliefs.

  • You’ve heard and probably experienced how volatile and unpredictable people become when it’s a full moon. The reason for that is because the moon brings out all the unconscious emotions that are hidden deep within and people have no idea how to deal with what they are feeling. In this episode, I help you to use the moon in the way it is meant to serve us. Everything that is hidden in the subconscious underworld of our psyche is what is creating our reality, driving our thoughts, actions and behavior. If you want to create your life, a life you love you need to be aware of the unconscious patterns so you can reprogram yourself to act consciously for your highest good.

    Also a channeled message from my higher self that may help you in your own journey.

    If you would like a copy of the Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization you can purchase it here.

    You do not need a teacher on this journey, but it can get challenging to understand why things are happening the way they do and if you need support you can find the ways I am offering guidance at this time through my website

    Follow me on TikTok, Facebook

    Join my mailing list by receiving my free worksheet, PIVOT to Become Limitless to help you overcome limiting beliefs.

  • We’re getting deep!

    This journey takes you through layers of yourself and you are going to want to have some tools to help you navigate those layers. In this episode, I discuss the tool that I recently started using more in my practice – inner child expression.

    I witnessed situations recently where I could tell there was something that wanted to be expressed, but I didn’t feel safe to express it so I went in to chat with my inner child and let her tell me what she has been bottling up for so many years. It was an emotional and transformative experience and I hope you try it if you feel guided. It’s important for us to give ourselves a safe space to express what is happening within. You don’t need to express it to anyone else, but yourself. And when you do you will instantly feel lighter.

    If you would like a copy of the Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization you can purchase it here.

    You do not need a teacher on this journey, but it can get challenging to understand why things are happening the way they do and if you need support you can find the ways I am offering guidance at this time through my website

    Follow me on TikTok, Facebook

    Join my mailing list by receiving my free worksheet, PIVOT to Become Limitless to help you overcome limiting beliefs.

  • I’m Back and more Authentic than ever!

    In today’s episode, I discuss the power of the isolation experience, the insights I’ve gained and the experiences I’ve detached from and the ones I have embraced. I talk about the masks of the ego and discovering what it means to be authentically you. I am all about radical self-awareness and that is an important tool if you are wanting to embody the higher self.

    We are all creators. We are creating our life experience whether we know it or not and whether we like it or not. In this episode I also touch on the power of creativity in my life and how it has helped me heal. The ego is unconsciously controlling your life and by asking yourself why it is you do what it is you do you are able to debunk the ego and naturally align to the higher self.

    As always it is my intention that this episode help you to connect to your own higher self, your own inner guidance and to trust that over everything else you hear and that it encourages you to find the courage to do what lights you up no matter who is watching!

    If you would like a copy of the Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization you can purchase it here.

    You do not need a teacher on this journey, but it can get challenging to understand why things are happening the way they do and if you need support you can find the ways I am offering guidance at this time through my website

    Follow me on TikTok, Facebook

    Join my mailing list by receiving my free worksheet, PIVOT to Become Limitless to help you overcome limiting beliefs.

  • If you woke up lately with a feeling of assertiveness, speaking your truth, that is safe to speak your truth you are likely benefitting from the current Mars transit in retrograde in the sign of Gemini! Stephanie speaks about what to expect during this time and what is coming up in the energy of the planet next.

    If you know people who are not aware of how their energy is affected by planets you will see them maybe getting frustrated, having a quick temper, underlying agitation, if you are one of these people it is time to take back your power and get in touch with your inner-experience.

    Stephanie talks about the Season of Attraction and reminds us not to chase ANYTHING energetically or physically! Allow the universe and your Higher Self to conspire together and let your manifestations come to you!

    Coming up in the next few weeks we are talking triggers, dropping labels/boxes that we put others in, and learning to say No Thank You!!!

    Plus a Bonus Channeled Message!!!

    If you need support book an Alignment Call here for free:

    To receive Stephanie's worksheet 5 Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs click here:

    To get on the list to receive the release date of Higher Self Connection - connect with her here:


    More Higher Self Connection content:





  • Women are stereotyped in many different ways and always have been. In this episode Stephanie articulates the layers she has been going through within herself in an attempt to help her listeners expand in their own lives. The Higher Self Connection has been an integral part in Stephanie's journey to embodying the Divine Feminine energy within. If you would like more information or to hear more about the aspects of the divine feminine energy, let Stephanie know by email at [email protected]

    To receive Stephanie's worksheet 5 Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs click here:

    To work with Stephanie or get on the list to receive the release date of Higher Self Connection - connect with her here:


    More Higher Self Connection content:





  • Master Psychic Healer and Medical Intuitive Beth Manning shares her journey to discovery of her gifts and talents. In this episode Beth explains how she came to understand and embrace the healer role. She shares her perspective on the connection between emotional imbalance and physical imbalance and how she began to trust the guidance she was receiving so she could step fully into her purpose in this lifetime. If you would like to connect with Beth you can find her here:

    IG: @bethmanningintuitive


    Empowered Energy Healers FB group:

    The Higher Self Connection helps you identify why it is you want what you want so that you can embody the feeling you are searching for effortlessly. By clearing the subconscious thoughts and beliefs that make up your point of attraction you create not just one thing, but a whole life around what is valuable to you and you step into magic and inner peace that will never leave you.

    To receive Stephanie's worksheet 5 Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs click here:

    To work with Stephanie or get on the list to receive the release date of Higher Self Connection - connect with her here:


    More Higher Self Connection content:




  • There are an infinite number of versions of you created that are still existing in parallel realities (Think the movie Sliding Doors with Gweneth Paltrow). In this episode I discuss how I created a future version of myself and lined up with her and what happened when she and I became one. You can intentionally line up with a higher version of yourself, you are never stuck! You have the ability to change who you are and how you show up. You can totally reinvent yourself and choose happiness and peace, it just takes intention and awareness and radical responsibility for the actions you take and the motives underlying those actions. In this episode Stephanie talks about how she has been consciously doing this and teaches through her most recent experience. We all just want to feel better and have the experiences we want to have and you are worthy of that!!!

    The Higher Self Connection helps you identify why it is you want what you want so that you can embody the feeling you are searching for effortlessly. By clearing the subconscious thoughts and beliefs that make up your point of attraction you create not just one thing, but a whole life around what is valuable to you and you step into magic and inner peace that will never leave you.

    To receive Stephanie's worksheet 5 Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs click here:

    To work with Stephanie or get on the list to receive the release date of Higher Self Connection - connect with her here:


    More Higher Self Connection content:





  • Law of Attraction teachers want you to manifest!!! Don't worry about your subconscious thoughts, feelings and beliefs, just focus positively on the thing you want and you can have it. I have found that this is an entry point to spirituality and very surface level. This only feeds the ego when thinking about all of the shiny new things we could make magically appear, when in reality Spirituality is about going within and discovering that you have everything you could possibly want already!

    The Higher Self Connection helps you identify why it is you want what you want so that you can embody the feeling you are searching for effortlessly. By clearing the subconscious thoughts and beliefs that make up your point of attraction you create not just one thing, but a whole life around what is valuable to you and you step into magic and inner peace that will never leave you.

    Government Corruption and Conspiracy Theories are another off ramp people take when on the awakening journey. This is prevalent right now in our culture because those that are in control are desperately trying to stay that way. It is important to recognize the anger and fury that is within you when you come to the awareness of what is actually happening, but do not stay there. Allow it to move through you. The whole point of the programming that is going on is to keep you in a fear state. The emotional state of anger is just as powerful for creating a negative life experience. YOUR THOUGHTS AND BELIEFS AND EMOTIONS CREATE YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCE.

    Do not fall into the trap that the people who vote one way are less than you, the right wing and the left wing are of the same bird. This is an ego trap and if you are feeling superior or inferior to anyone you are in ego and that is false. Detach from any identities by observing what is going on from a point where it has no consequence to you and you will see clearly how people get manipulated into fear, therefore in survival mode, not in intentional creating mode.

    To receive Stephanie's worksheet 5 Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs click here:

    To work with Stephanie or get on the list to receive the release date of Higher Self Connection - connect with her here:


    More Higher Self Connection content:




  • For the past year Stephanie has been in a process of letting go of what no longer serves who she is becoming. The surrendering process is incredibly difficult especially when you are being guided to let go of things that you can't see are hindering you. This process took Stephanie out of her comfort zone and felt extremely lonely and isolating, but with her connection to her Higher Self she was able to move through this chapter of her life with a lot more joy and a lot less suffering.

    To receive Stephanie's worksheet 5 Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs click here:

    To work with Stephanie or get on the list to receive the release date of Higher Self Connection - connect with her here:


    More Higher Self Connection content:




  • The Fool's Journey as depicted in Tarot is one of faith. The card shows a man about to step off the cliff into the unknown. Many of us are being faced with some choices right now and they are so uncomfortable we cannot ignore the feelings rising within. In this episode, Stephanie shares what she is receiving about this time we are in and why it is some of us are being faced to make decisions that feel so big and scary and how to move through them without suffering.

    To receive Stephanie's worksheet 5 Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs click here:

    To work with Stephanie or get on the list to receive the release date of Higher Self Connection - connect with her here:


    More Higher Self Connection content:




  • Stephanie has a conversation with Channeler and Healer Dave Cogan Holt on his spiritual journey that took him from guilt and shame to feeling Soulgasms. Dave teaches others how to connect with their Higher Self to heal what is blocking them and embrace the love and joy of their Higher Self and Source energy.

    You can Connect with Dave Cogan Holt at:

    To receive Stephanie's worksheet 5 Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs click here:

    To support Stephanie and the Higher Self Connection you can become a member at Patreon.

    To work with Stephanie or get on the list to receive the release date of Higher Self Connection - connect with her here:


    More Higher Self Connection content:




  • Stephanie talks with Cynthia Sue Larson from on choosing the timeline you want to experience and quantum jumping with a guided meditation at the end to see just how good life can get.

    To work with Cynthia Sue Larson or to sign up for her newsletter you can connect with her here:

    Also be sure to grab her books for your library:

    Reality Shifts - When Consciousness Changes the Physical World

    Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity

    Reality Shifters Guide to High Energy Money

    To receive Stephanie's worksheet 5 Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs click here:

    To support Stephanie and the Higher Self Connection you can become a member at Patreon.

    To work with Stephanie or get on the list to receive the release date of Higher Self Connection - connect with her here:


    More Higher Self Connection content:


