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Myteknuserne er en skarp podcast fra Danmarks største historiemagasin – Illustreret Videnskab HISTORIE. I hvert afsnit forsøger vi at trække tæppet væk under fortidens mest udbredte myter.
I hinandens gode selskab, eller med eksperter i studiet, dykker vi i hver episode ned i nogle af fortidens myter og debatterer os frem til, hvilke myter der har hold i virkeligheden, og hvilke det er på tide at knuse. Så tag en podcast-tur tilbage i tiden og kom helt tæt på historiens største dramaer, hvor alt, du tror, du ved om verdenshistorien, måske slet ikke er sandt.
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Sannar Íslenskar Draugasögur er podcast þar sem við hjónin förum yfir aðsendar draugasögur sem hafa borist okkur frá Íslendingum. Þáttastjórnendur eru Katrín Bjarkadóttir og Stefán John Stefánsson, sem einnig halda úti hlaðvörpunum Draugasögur Podcast og Mystík Podcast.
Sannar Íslenskar Draugasögur eru núna áskriftarþættir en hér á opnum veitum finnið þið 21 opinn þátt ásamt áskriftarprufum. Hafir þú áhuga á að hlusta á fleiri sögur skaltu endilega skoða áskriftina okkar á - en þar getur þú prófað áskrift FRÍTT í 7 daga!
Við bjóðum einnig uppá áskriftarleið inná Spotify. Skrifaðu Sannar Íslenskar Draugsögur Áskrift í leitargluggann og skráðu þig þar....
Ef að þú lumar á draugasögu sem þú vilt að við tökum fyrir í komandi þáttu máttu endilega senda okkur hana á
Sannar Íslenskar Draugsögur er framleitt af Ghost Network. -
Ever since it was founded in 1683, the Ashmolean Museum has been a place where academics and researchers come to study and be inspired by the collections.
Take a closer look at the Ashmolean's hidden treasures from the viewpoint of the experts. Academics from across the University of Oxford have chosen an object that relates to their research, revealing a whole world of ideas behind a single artefact. We hope that these specially curated podcasts, created by some of the University of Oxford's greatest minds, will encourage you to seek out your own hidden treasure in our vast collection.
Visit the Ashmolean collection and look out for the purple podcast leaflet and signage in the gallery to find the associated objects.
We are enormously grateful to Professor Raymond Dwek, CBE, FRS for his generous support of this new podcast project. -
The Roman World introduces students to the society, literature and art of ancient Rome, through a study of its major historical and literary figures, such as Julius Caesar, Augustus, Nero, Virgil and Ovid. We shall look at Rome’s place in the ancient Mediterranean world, and its connections with ancient Greece and other cultures, such as Egypt and Gaul. Through almost constant warfare, Rome accumulated an enormous Mediterranean empire, and this subject will investigate how this shaped Roman culture, through such topics as the acquisition of slaves and the ability to import luxury objects. We shall also see how the civil conflicts of the first century BCE affected Rome and Roman identity, leading to Caesar, Pompey and others engaging in propaganda wars, as seen through competitive monumental building, and to some self-questioning in the literature of the period. Towards the end of the semester, we shall look at Rome’s lasting influence, and the way that we continue to represent Rome in book and film.
Trafalgar Squared is an exploration and examination of naval warfare during the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. It was a time when the British Navy reached heights of brilliance unparalleled anywhere in the world under leaders like Admiral Nelson. The two powers, Great Britain and France, engaged in a near existential struggle for dominion of the world's oceans, generating a million colourful stories of heroism, fortitude, and exertion as they grappled with that ultimate tester of the human spirit - the sea. Now, from a distance of two hundred years and more - we can enjoy these stories as parables and metaphors - tales that reveal eternal truths about the human spirit, about cruel fate and how, for some, the glittering prizes are won, but often at a cost.
Trafalgar Squared is number 2 in the list of best French Revolutionary podcasts this show
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this podcast we interview historians about new topics every week ranging from Ancient Rome to pre historic era to modern history. I myself am not an academic but I always been fascinated by history and always enjoy learning about it. I am trying to make history fun and enjoyable and hopefully you will learn smomething too. New episodes coming out every week on "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart".
This podcast is uncut, and unedited.So what you see is what you get. Which means that what you see is excactly as we recorded it when we recorded the podcast.
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instagram: @WellThatAgedWell
Twitter: @WellThatAgedWell
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.