
  • Are you looking for simple, hands-on ways to teach your kids about Holy Week? As busy moms, we want to make Easter meaningful, but finding fun and faith-filled activities can be a challenge. That’s why I’ve gathered four easy Holy Week activities to help your family focus on Jesus from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday!

    Palm Sunday Parade – Make palm branches & shout "Hosanna!"

    ✅ The Last Supper Meal – Take communion & talk about Jesus’ sacrifice.

    ✅ The Darkness of Good Friday – A simple but powerful object lesson.

    ✅ Resurrection Rolls Activity – A visual way to explain the empty tomb!

    🎉 Bonus: Download my free Holy Week Bible Reading Plan to guide your family through Easter. Plus, sign up for my free class: "3 Steps to Prepare Your Heart for Easter!"

    More "easy-to-use" Easter resources in our Skies of the Cross & Easter Prep Bundle

    Show Notes:

    Hands-On Holy Week Activities for Your Family

    Hey everyone, Kerry Beck here with Homeschool Coffee Break, where we help you stop the overwhelm as a homeschooling mom so you can actually take a break. We’re in the middle of a series about preparing our hearts for Easter, and today, we’re talking about hands-on Holy Week activities you can do as a family.

    Let’s be honest, moms. The struggle is real. You are busy. It’s hard to find meaningful ways to teach your kids about Easter, and you don’t have to do it alone. Today, I’m sharing simple activities that will walk you through Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday. You don’t have to do them all—just pick one or two that work for your family!

    Palm Sunday Parade at Home

    Palm Sunday is when Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, showing that He is our King! You can find this in Matthew 21. Here’s a simple activity to bring it to life for your kids:

    Make palm branches out of construction paper or cut down a small branch from outside and pretend it’s a palm branch.Have a parade! Let your kids shout “Hosanna! Hosanna!” as they lay down their coats or towels, just like the people did for Jesus.Read the Bible passage together as a family and talk about what it means to worship Jesus as King.Let your kids narrate the story back to you—either verbally or by writing it down.

    One of my grandkids, when she was about 2 or 3, knew the word “Hosanna” because we talked about it every year. Even the youngest kids can learn how to worship God!

    The Last Supper Meal

    On Thursday of Holy Week, Jesus shared a special meal with His disciples before the cross. This is found in Luke 22:14-20. You can bring this moment to life in a way that fits your family:

    Go all out and have a Passover meal with traditional elements, or keep it simple with bread and grape juice.Read the words Jesus spoke at the Last Supper and talk about how communion reminds us of His sacrifice.Ask your kids: “What does it mean that Jesus gave His body and blood for us?”As a homeschool activity, have your kids write a paragraph explaining the Lord’s Supper.

    You don’t have to make it complicated. A simple meal, some discussion, and reading Scripture together can make a huge impact!

    The Darkness of Good Friday

    Good Friday is one of the most important parts of the Easter story. You can read about it in Luke 23:44-46. Here are a few ways to make it tangible for your kids:

    Turn off all the lights in your living room to represent the darkness when Jesus died.Light a candle or flashlight to slowly bring back the light, showing how Jesus is the light of the world.Read the crucifixion story together and pause for reflection.Ask your kids: “Why did Jesus have to die?” and connect it to salvation.Let your kids explain the Gospel to a sibling, friend, or grandparent.

    You could even go deeper and talk about what was happening in the sky—there was darkness, an earthquake, and a blood moon. Watching a video about these events could make it even more real for your kids.

    Resurrection Rolls Activity

    Resurrection Sunday is my favorite! Jesus didn’t stay in the tomb—He is ALIVE! You can find this in Matthew 28:5-6. One of my family’s favorite traditions is making Resurrection Rolls the night before Easter:

    Take crescent roll dough and wrap it around a marshmallow.Roll it in melted butter and cinnamon sugar.Bake it, and when it’s done, the marshmallow has disappeared, leaving an empty roll!Use this as a visual lesson on the empty tomb and the joy of Jesus’ resurrection.

    This is one of the easiest, most hands-on ways to help kids understand the meaning of Easter. Plus, it’s a delicious breakfast!

    Holy Week Is About Walking with Jesus

    You don’t have to do all of these activities—just pick one that fits your family this year. Holy Week is about walking with Jesus together, not about perfection.

    If you’d like a free Holy Week Bible Reading Plan, I’ve got one for you! It will guide your family through Scripture readings each day. Plus, I also have a free class, “3 Steps to Prepare Your Heart for Easter.” You can sign up right here.

    I hope this encourages you and gives you practical ways to focus on Jesus this Easter! If this episode was helpful, share it with a friend who wants to keep their family’s heart on Christ this season.

    See you next time!

  • Does Easter sneak up on you every year?

    Between homeschooling, daily tasks, and family activities, it’s easy to feel too busy to slow down and focus on Jesus. But Easter is the greatest day of the year—and I don’t want you to miss it!

    In today’s episode, we’ll talk about:

    ✅ Why Easter is more than bunnies and eggs—it’s about Jesus’ victory over sin.

    ✅ How busyness can steal our joy and keep us distracted from Jesus.

    ✅ How to overcome that busyness and focus on what’s most important

    ✅ 3 simple ways to prepare your heart for Easter—even when life is chaotic.

    ✨ Join me for this episode and discover how to refocus on Jesus this Easter!

    🎁 FREE GIFT: Sign up for my free class, "3 Steps to Prepare Your Heart for Easter," and start preparing your heart today!

    Show Notes:

    Hey, everyone, Kerry, back here with homeschool coffee break where we help you stop the overwhelm. So you can actually take a coffee break and still be homeschooling. Isn't that cool, hey? We are starting a brand new series. I think it's going to be about a 4 week series. On preparing your heart and home for Easter. Easter is a little bit later this year, and I really wanted to touch base on some ideas about Easter.

    You may be the kind of person that all of a sudden Easter sneaks up on you between homeschooling and chauffeuring and activities, daily life cleaning, cooking all those things. It's so easy to get caught up in the chaos and forget to slow down and focus on Jesus. This is an important time of year. Some of you might be following Lent and doing something for Lent, which is great. But a lot of people aren't necessarily taking this time, just like Advent before Christmas. Lent is a time for us to prepare our hearts for Easter. So I'm going to start today by sharing why, Easter is the greatest day of the year.

    How busyness can still our joy, and we don't even pay attention to what's about. Turn around with Easter, and then some simple ways that you could prepare your heart even in the middle of a busy season, and if you'll stick around with me to the end, I have a free class that I want to tell you all about, so let's get started before we do. I would love it if you would subscribe to this channel wherever you're listening to this that way we can get this out to more and more people.

    Hey? Why is Easter the greatest day of the year? Why am I even talking about this. We celebrate Christmas so much. I mean, they start putting Christmas stuff up in September or October. They spread that out forever, and I know some of you put your Christmas trees up in October or November. There's so much excitement about Christmas. But what about Easter?

    Easter is the day that changed everything. Jesus didn't just come as a baby like we celebrate at Christmas. He conquered sin and death.

    You know, in one Corinthians, 15 verses 17, through 20. Paul says, if Christ was not raised from the dead, our faith is meaningless. We're just fools. If we are believing this, if He did not really raise from the dead.

    You see, Easter or Resurrection Day. Well, isn't just about bunnies and eggs. Those might be fun. It is about the greatest victory in history to conquer death and sin forever and ever.

    You know. Imagine if we treated Easter with the same buildup as we would Christmas, how would that change your heart, your kids' hearts and your homes.

    Think about it.

    I know for us. We started taking Easter seriously when I was growing up. I don't even know that we celebrated or honored, not Palm Sunday, Good Friday, I mean, we had Good Friday off as a holiday, but I don't know that we did that much about it. And hopefully we raised our kids. I think we did, because I see them raising their kids to being honored these days before Easter before Resurrection Sunday.

    But you say yes, I agree with you, Kerry. It is so important.

    But I am so busy I don't know how to slow down.

    You see, the enemy. Satan does not want us to celebrate Easter. He wants us to just sort of be ambivalent towards it. He wants us to be focusing on all these activities and not what's on what's really important. Some of you might be saying to yourself, I better want to spend time in God's word, but I'm just exhausted. I get it. It's hard to get up in the morning, if that's what you plan to do. It's hard to stay awake and read your Bible at night if you're tired.

    Maybe you're thinking you plan to do all the Bible activities with your kids. But between homeschooling and chores and life, it just gets in the way, and I don't get anything done. And then you feel guilty because all of a sudden Easter weekend is here, and you haven't done anything special to prepare for it.

    Are any of those yours? Leave something. If you're listening where you can leave a comment, leave something there and let me know. You see, God is not looking for the pinterest, perfect Easter or Easter weekend or resurrection Day.

    He wants your heart.

    He wants your heart, he wants your kid's heart, and if you're feeling overwhelmed, you're not alone. You don't have to do this on your own. Let's talk about some simple things that you could start today and to prepare 1st your heart and then your kids, hearts, you know, to spend time with God. If you're not doing that regularly. It doesn't have to be anything hard. One of the things I tell, especially young moms, is open your Bible to whatever it is you want to be reading, put it on the kitchen counter, and whenever you walk by, read that verse, and then, as you're cooking, read that verse and meditate on it whenever you're in the kitchen, I mean, usually we're all making breakfast, lunch and dinner, so we got plenty of time in the kitchen.

    You don't have to have a 1 h quiet time, and, in fact, I would encourage you to start small and be consistent from now until Easter and then beyond. Then you can build it up. I didn't. I spend a lot more time now in my quiet time than I did when the kids were here, and I spend a lot more time here at home than when I go. Take care of those grandkids honestly, when I'm taking care of the grandkids, I have to make myself get up, because I know if I don't get up, I'm not gonna have any time, because when they get up it is like this.

    Except for we integrate it with me, reading the Bible at breakfast time and those kinds of things as well. So one thing you might do is use a Bible reading plan. We have a Holy Week Bible reading plan. We will leave a link in the show notes to that, and you can get that completely free. It is from Palm Sunday to Easter, but before that you might have pick a new version, get the Holy Bible app, and use that one of those as well.

    The whole thing is to begin to focus your heart and your mind on Jesus. He says, Seek ye 1st the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you. We need to seek, and so just start with a Bible verse. Maybe another thing you might do is just memorize a Bible verse as a family every week or every 2 weeks, and practice it, and just saying that and practicing it with your kids should start to meditate, and it will sink into your soul, and I think it will sink into your kids. Soul especially you talk about whatever that verse is.

    So number one. Just take short snippets of time. Don't feel like you have to go find a chunk of an hour of your day to get this started. 5 min is enough.

    Next, involve your kids in some Christ-centered activities.

    You know. Faith, our faith in God should not be an add-on. Okay, we just go to church, and we're done, and then the rest of the week we live, however, we want, or we wake up, and we read the Bible at breakfast, and then the rest of the day we live. However, we want to live. It is something that should be a natural part of our everyday life, and honestly.

    I'm better at it now than I was when I was younger. But God is working with me as well. So one thing you might do is read a Bible verse each day of Holy Week for sure. And again you can get that free Bible reading plan and just talk about it right now. You might pick the book of Mark. I believe I don't know how many chapters Mark has, but you could read Mark, and start today and read one chapter every morning and finish the whole book before Easter time.

    So those are simple little things, and I will just strongly encourage you if you are not reading the real Bible to your kids. Start reading the real Bible Bible story books are good. but even a 3 and 4 year old can understand the Bible. I will give you just a quick little example. I bought a Bible devotional book for my daughter, and I had to be there for a week a couple weeks ago, and so I was in charge of the Grandkids in their, with their dinner and breakfast and meal time, and so I was going through there, and in each one of them it has a Bible reading.

    I'm reading the Bible to a 5 year old and a 3 year old, and the 3 year old. Every time you saw that devotional book, read the Bible book, Gigi read the Bible book. This is a 3 year old boy.

    Usually think boys don't want to sit now. He does like to be read, too, but and he likes to like go running crazy and throw balls and go on his scooter. So he is full boy. It's not like he just sits. I mean, he is sometimes crazy, boy. But you can build this in and make it something simple. So I would encourage you to read. If you a chapter is too long. Just read a verse and talk about that verse, maybe just pick a chapter. Maybe you want to read a chapter in John, or maybe you want to go ahead and start reading the the Easter story and just read one or 2 verses at a time and talk about what it means.

    Do some sort of hands-on craft maybe once a week, do some sort of craft like, you know, you can get my resurrection rolls recipe on our website. We'll put a link to that as well. Maybe you want to make some kind of cross craft. There are lots of different crafts. You can go on Pinterest, and find some crafts that you could do just to keep their focus when you're doing the craft. Talk about the cross, or talk about Palm Sunday, or whatever it is that the craft is related to.

    Another thing you could do is maybe Easter week or 2 weeks beforehand. Let them practice acting out the Easter story with their stuffed animals, or if you have enough kids, they can all act it out, you know, but maybe get the you know some animals and and act that out so, or let them do it.

    That would be great. You could read the Bible story, and then they acted out. So those are just some fun things it does not have to be. Fancy. It just needs to focus on Jesus and His sacrifice and His love for us, and the payment He paid for death for all of our sins. And so the 1st one is just short. Little times. Get your heart start spending 5 min a day with God, involve your kids in some simple Christ center activities and then create a space to reflect on Jesus.

    It's easy to go through Easter without stopping to reflect. We talk about this at Advent. That is what Lynn is about. It should be a time that we reflect on who we are and what God's doing. So here are just a few little practical tips, maybe a quiet morning walk to pray. This is me.

    I like to go for a walk and pray, and I still do that, and sometimes that was the only time I got to pray, but I would go for a walk outside.

    Maybe you find some worship songs that really get your mind focused. Turn them on, even when you're cleaning the house, and your kids are all helping find some some worship songs that would be good for them. Find some kids songs. There's some great kids songs that kids don't sing anymore. And so that would be it. And then, maybe right before bedtime. And I haven't ever done this before bed. I've always journal in the morning but I am starting to do my gratitude journal at night after the day's end, so that might be a way for you to like.

    Slow down your mind. Think about all the things God's done for you, and journal them. You might do that at dinnertime with your kids and let them go around the table and say one thing that they are thankful for, and that will focus them for the evening on what God's doing in their life.

    God calls us to slow down, and even with your kids, and mealtimes are a great time to go ahead and slow down and have some discussions like that, or recognize the things that we're thankful for. Psalm 46, 10 says, Be still and know that I am God. And that's what we need to do. So 3. These are just simple little things that you could do 5 just 5 min a day to spend with God involve your kids in some fun Christ-centered activities and just find a way to slow down.

    Just, and it may not. You may not have a lot of time to slow down. But maybe even just like, if you have a small little block, just go walk around the block and even that, and just think about God. I have to actually do. Back stretches every morning for 15 min where I just lay on my back, and that is sometimes where I'm either praying, or I turn on some worship music, or I am totally quiet and I'm like God. What do you want to say to me?

    Because I can't really do anything but lay there and get my back to stretch out. So I know life is full. Moms. The most important thing we can do this season is to try to slow down and focus on Easter, involve it, put it in part of your life, put it into part of your homeschool as well. Easter is all about victory, and we don't want you you to miss it. We don't want our kids to miss it.

    Now I will tell you that I am diving deep into this in a free class called 3 Steps to prepare your heart for Easter, and it starts with moms. But we move into kids and we dive deeper than what I'm doing right here on this podcast so i'm going to walk you through some, a simple plan to shift your focus and bring more meaning into your Easter season. You can. It'll be in the show notes, but you can go to how to slash Easter hyphen 3 steps

    All right, no matter how busy life feels. Jesus is waiting for you. He is always there waiting for you to meet you where you are. Let's walk on this journey together over the next few weeks as we prepare our hearts for Jesus. Hey? I'm Kerry! Back with homeschool coffee break. We'll talk to you next time.

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  • Are you ready to boost your homeschool art and music lessons? In this episode, we dive into fun, simple strategies to integrate music and art into your daily homeschool routine—no matter your child's age. Whether you're teaching littles, elementary, middle, or older kids, you'll find practical tips to get started without feeling intimidated.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    ✅How to stop being intimidated with music & art in your homeschool

    ✅Simple tips to weave art and music into your existing lessons

    ✅Fun activities to help your kids remember and memorize key concepts

    ✅Where to find free demonstrations that make teaching music and homeschool art a breeze

    Join us and transform your homeschool with engaging, hands-on ideas that will make your lessons come alive!


    Music & Art Homeschool Summit

    The Composer Detective

    The Artist Detective

    Justina Thurston of Jus’ Classical is the host of the Music & Art Homeschool Summit and Bundle. She is a musician, video and course creator, and songwriter. She has a degree in music therapy and has worked as an early childhood music teacher for over 20 years. At her church, she also helps with the music ministry, playing oboe in the orchestra, and teaching Sunday school to early elementary-aged children, using her Westminster Shorter Catechism songs. Justina is also a blessed wife and homeschooling mom of three.

    At Jus’ Classical, she seeks to encourage other homeschool moms and families, especially in focusing on Christ, and in enjoying classical music and great art through her courses, like The Composer Detective, a music appreciation course for families, The Artist Detective, an art appreciation course for families, Making Music with Handel, a music fundamentals and tin whistle course, and Drawing with Rembrandt, a beginning drawing course. She brings them all together for families to get both music and art in the Jus' Classical Fine Arts Membership.




    Facebook group



  • Homeschooling is more than just finishing lesson plans—it’s about shaping lifelong learners. If you’ve ever wondered, “Am I doing enough?” or “Are my kids learning what they need?” this episode is for you. You’ll discover the mindset shift that will help you finish the homeschool year with confidence and purpose.

    I’ll share three key strategies to help you let go of stress and focus on what truly matters. Plus, don’t miss the free class at the end, designed to give you the tools for homeschool success with peace and success!

    In this episode, you’ll discover

    ✅ Learn why shifting from productivity to purpose changes everything.

    ✅ Discover how real books and meaningful conversations create deeper learning.

    ✅ Find the secret to mentoring your kids, not just teaching them.

    ✅ Get access to a free class to help you finish the homeschool year strong!

    Resources Mentioned

    3 Tips for Homeschooling Moms to Finish Strong this Year {FREE Class}

  • We know our kids will continue having to eat every day of their lives, and we all want to raise independent adults. Come learn about the vast benefits your kids will experience when they learn to cook and get strategies to make it work in your busy life.

    From therapeutic creativity to the exposure bucket that banishes picky eating, from the biggest mistake parents make when bringing their kids in the kitchen to the 3-step superpower process to build skills safely, your parenting toolbox will be overflowing after this session.

    In this episode, discover

    ✅ 3 steps to building confidence in the kitchen

    ✅ Biggest mistake parents make when they bring their kids in the kitchen

    ✅ 3 steps to build safety skills in the kitchen

    ✅ How to use the exposure bucket to stop picky eating

    Discover more life skills at home to use with your kids when you join us for Life Skills Leadership Summit on February 24-28, 2024 … completely free

    Sign up for this year’s 2025 Life Skills Leadership Summit FREE Basic Pass

  • We're excited to introduce our partner, Unbound BCS, and share their inspiring work in combating human trafficking. Join Kerry as she interviews Naomi Rijpstra, director of Unbound Now BCS, for a candid conversation that shows how trust and relationships pave the way for healing and safety.

    You’ll find out different types of trafficking and the 3 keys of Unbound’s mission.

    Don't miss this opportunity to learn about upcoming classes for parents and students and discover practical tools to keep your loved ones safe. Tune in and be part of a movement that empowers our community!

    In this episode, discover

    ✅ Unbound’s Mission: Learn how Unbound Now is fighting human trafficking and supporting survivors.

    ✅ Trust & Relationships: Discover why building strong bonds is key to healing.

    ✅ Community Outreach: Get insights into their training and outreach programs.

    ✅ Upcoming Classes: Find out about special sessions designed for parents and students at the Life Skills Leadership Summit (Feb 24-28, 2025).

    The Life Skills Leadership Summit is donating 5% of their profits to Unbound Now. When you upgrade to VIP, you are helping Unbound Now fight human trafficking. Some of our speakers are also donating 5% of their commissions, which I will also match another 5%.

    Upgrading to VIP is about more than lifetime access or the bundle. You’ll also be helping Unbound stop human trafficking and journey with survivors.

    Upgrade here

    Discover more life skills at home to use with your kids when you join us for Life Skills Leadership Summit on February 24-28, 2024 … completely free

    Sign up for this year’s 2025 Life Skills Leadership Summit FREE Basic Pass

    Naomi Rijpstra, LMSW is the Director of Programs for Unbound Now in Bryan College Station (BCS). In her current role she carries out the mission and vision of Unbound Now in BCS providing leadership for staff and overseeing BCS' programs including the Brazos Valley Human trafficking Task Force. Naomi received her Masters in Social Work (MSW) from Baylor. Naomi provides specialized training both within the organization for staff and externally for partner agencies. She was born and raised in The Netherlands and has worked as a Social Worker for over 12 years with different populations in different settings both abroad and in the states. Naomi is passionate about equipping the community so that they can help identify victims and foster healing and growth to survivors as she believes relationships are the agent of change. 

    Resources Mentioned:

    Unbound BCS


    Request Training for Your Group (church, co-op, neighborhood, etc)


    Night of Hope Fund Raiser

    Kerry: Hey, everyone, Kerry Beck here with Life Skills Leadership Summit. If you've been around me, you know I love partnering with great organizations. Today, I have the privilege of talking to Naomi, the director of our local Unbound group. You may not know much about them, but you're going to learn a lot. Naomi, thanks so much for being here today.

    Naomi: Yes, thanks for having me, Kerry.

    Kerry: Well, I'm not going to sit here and just talk—I’m going to ask you all the hard questions and put you on the spot. I was going to ask you beforehand how to say your last name properly since I never got it right.

    Naomi: I know people always get uncomfortable announcing it, but my last name is Rijpstra.

    Kerry: There you go! Letting you say it is so much better than getting it wrong. I’ve known about Unbound and participated with them, even back when I was on the prayer team at church. My heart goes out to what they do—fighting against human trafficking. So, let’s get started. Naomi, tell people a little bit about yourself and Unbound, and how you connected with them.

    Naomi: Sure. First, I want to say thank you so much for being involved with Unbound. You’ve been around as long as I have, involved in so many ways, and we’re really grateful for that. I started with Unbound in 2021—so that's four years ago. I’m originally from the Netherlands, where I worked as a social worker with diverse populations. I came to the States, and that’s when I first encountered trafficking. I began working as a house parent at a ranch for girls who were trafficked. That was my introduction to understanding the trauma of human trafficking. I never thought that would be God's journey for me, but that's how it works.

    Since then, over more than ten years, I've worked in the anti-trafficking field both in the Netherlands and here in Texas. After graduating from Baylor University with my master’s in social work, I joined Unbound. I already knew about Unbound through the founder of our location—I loved their work and vision. I started as the Director of Survivor Advocacy, and last year I became the director.

    At Unbound, our mission is to support survivors of human trafficking—both sex and labor trafficking—and to provide resources to the community to combat trafficking and ignite hope. Unbound began when some brave women in a Waco church started praying. The founder, Susan Peters, felt compelled after her overseas experience to say, "Oh my gosh! This is trafficking. We need to do something." Then they realized it wasn’t just overseas—it was here in our state. So, they started with prayer, moved quickly into prevention outreach, and began working with the first survivor. Since then, we’ve expanded to six locations in Texas, two in Louisiana, and two offices overseas in Mongolia and Poland.

    Kerry: That’s incredible. So, what do you do to support survivors and resource the community?

    Naomi: We focus on three key areas. First is training and outreach. We provide community training about human trafficking—what it is, what it looks like, how it happens, and what to do. We offer this training to anyone interested, and also provide specialized training for law enforcement, social workers, counselors, hotel staff, hospital staff—basically, anyone who might interact with potential victims. We also train volunteers who go out to local businesses, distributing flyers and raising awareness. Additionally, we’re part of coalitions and a Human Trafficking Task Force here in the Brazos Valley, working with the sheriff’s office on proactive investigations and outreach.

    The second area is youth prevention. We visit juvenile detention centers regularly, spending time with both girls and boys. We build relationships and work through a curriculum that covers human trafficking, social media, safe relationships, and more—helping them recognize red flags and stay safe.

    The third area is survivor services. We have a 24/7 crisis referral line with seven trained advocates, including three bilingual ones, who respond to calls from community partners, law enforcement, and survivors. They provide immediate crisis response, often at hospitals, and then offer long-term advocacy by connecting survivors with community resources and building trust-based relationships. This ongoing support is essential, as many survivors struggle to feel safe and trust the people around them.

    Kerry: That was awesome, Naomi. I’ve heard different perspectives on what you do, and I always learn something new. I know some homeschool or Christian moms might say, “This wouldn’t happen in my city,” but as you explained, it’s happening everywhere—even here in the United States, not just overseas.

    We’re recording this right after the Super Bowl. I remember learning about human trafficking during a snowstorm in Dallas after the Super Bowl, and it really opened my eyes. Do you notice more activity during big events, like sports tournaments, when people need to be more alert?

    Naomi: It’s always a common question. I don’t have data to prove a trend, but trafficking happens regardless of events. Many people assume trafficking happens only when a kid is kidnapped, but research shows that less than 7% of cases involve kidnapping. Most of the time, it happens within relationships—someone the victim trusts, like a family member, or through online grooming. So while big events might make people more alert, trafficking is an ongoing issue that we must always be aware of.

    Kerry: That’s so important. You also mentioned that people often think trafficking only affects girls and women, but men and boys can be trafficked too. Can you talk about that a bit?

    Naomi: Absolutely. We serve both males and females. Just yesterday, I was speaking with a survivor leader who explained that he was trafficked because he identified as LGBTQ. He was rejected by his family and became vulnerable. There’s a significant stigma around male victimization, as society expects men to be protectors. This stigma makes it even harder for them to identify as victims or seek help, and there are fewer resources available for men. We need to overcome these barriers because there are many male victims too.

    Kerry: Okay, can you share a quick success story? I know some listeners might feel burdened, but it’s important to hear that many people who go through Unbound find success and healing.

    Naomi: Sure. Last year, we served 174 clients, which is a testament to the impact of our work. One story that stands out is about a youth who was referred to us—not because she was trafficked, but because there was significant concern about her situation. She ran away, and though she was initially labeled a missing child, our task force and her advocate brought together all the necessary partners. Within a few days, we found her in another state. She had been a victim of human trafficking while away from home. Now, she’s doing well, receiving ongoing services, and working through her trauma. We’re so proud of her journey toward healing and restoration.

    Kerry: That’s amazing. We want to get people out of trafficking and help them heal, and that’s exactly what Unbound and its survivor advocates are doing by building trust and long-term relationships. For those of you who might not know, this week we have two classes—one for parents and one for students—that have been eye-opening for many. Could you give us a snippet of what to expect?

    Naomi: Yes. On Wednesday, parents will meet with Laura, who will explain what trafficking looks like, how to recognize it, and what steps to take to keep students safe—practical tools, essentially. Then, on Thursday, Laura will meet with the students at an age-appropriate level to cover similar topics, including red flags and healthy relationships. We always start with parents so they’re informed, and then we encourage conversations between parents and students.

    Kerry: That's excellent. I highly recommend these classes. For anyone concerned, we suggest the content is best for 6th grade and up. And for those wanting to support Unbound financially, when you upgrade from the Free Pass to the VIP Pass, I donate 5% of our profits, and several speakers donate 5% of their commissions, which I match—sometimes making it up to 15%. For anyone wanting to donate directly, where can they find you?

    Naomi: Our website is There, you can learn about who we are, what we do, volunteer options, request training for your church or community, and even donate. Also, don’t miss our upcoming annual fundraiser, Night of Hope, on March 28th. It’s a powerful event with survivors sharing their stories and community partners coming together. Tickets are available on our website.

    Kerry: That sounds great. Thank you so much, Naomi, for sharing all of this. It’s a heavy topic, but your work is so important, and I appreciate you helping to spread the word. Hopefully, more people will understand that this issue is happening right in their backyard.

    Naomi: Thanks for letting me share, Kerry.

    Kerry: All right, I'm Kerry Beck with Life Skills Leadership Summit. We'll talk to you next time.

  • “Nice Nerds”—that is what people think of Christian homeschoolers. It’s a better reputation than the public schools, but not good enough to compete with the prep schoolers who run America, and the world.

    Leadership is the hallmark of an elite prep school education, and it shows—our last four Presidents: Bush, Obama, Trump, and now Biden, were all prep schoolers, not to mention billionaire tycoons like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk.

    In this interview, Britton LaTulippe gives real life examples in raising children for greatness. He will draw from his leadership training in prep school and the US Army Special Forces Qualification Course to show homeschoolers how to transform “nice nerds” into kingly Charlemagnes, Christian men and women who lead their teams to victory no matter the odds!

    In this episode, discover

    ✅ 8 C’s of Leadership

    ✅ How to raise kids to lead teams

    ✅ Why an elite education is imperative for our children

    Discover more about leadership for children when you join us for Life Skills Leadership Summit on February 24-28, 2024 … completely free

    Sign up for this year’s 2025 Life Skills Leadership Summit FREE Basic Pass

  • We know our kids will continue having to eat every day of their lives, and we all want to raise independent adults. Come learn about the vast benefits your kids will experience when they learn to cook and get strategies to make it work in your busy life.

    From therapeutic creativity to the exposure bucket that banishes picky eating, from the biggest mistake parents make when bringing their kids in the kitchen to the 3-step superpower process to build skills safely, your parenting toolbox will be overflowing after this session.

    In this episode, discover

    ✅ 3 steps to building confidence in the kitchen

    ✅ Biggest mistake parents make when they bring their kids in the kitchen

    ✅ 3 steps to build safety skills in the kitchen

    ✅ How to use the exposure bucket to stop picky eating


    Selling on Etsy Masterclass for Teens

    Discover more life skills at home to use with your kids when you join us for Life Skills Leadership Summit on February 24-28, 2024 … completely free

    Sign up for this year’s 2025 Life Skills Leadership Summit FREE Basic Pass

  • Thirty years ago, we wouldn’t believe our culture is talking about changing genders, but that’s where we are. How do you navigate these issues with your tweens and teens? Dannah Gresh, of True Girl, offers encouragement and practical advice you can use immediately.

    We discuss your tweens/teens identity in Christ, preparing your children for future conversations in the world, and even pronouns to use. If you have children of any age, you need Kerry’s interview with Dannah. You will walk away with tools to help your kids stand up for Truth and build their heart on God’s plan.

    In this episode, discover

    ✅ How to guide your tweens and teens to anchor their identity in Christ amidst cultural pressures

    ✅ Tools for navigating tough conversations

    ✅ How to handle pronouns with grace and truth withr a balanced approach to addressing pronouns while staying rooted in your values

    ✅ Actionable steps to prepare your kids to face future conversations with courage and clarity.

    Stop the homeschool overwhelm when you join us for Life Skills Leadership Summit on February 24-28, 2024 … completely free

    Sign up for this year’s 2025 Life Skills Leadership Summit FREE Basic Pass

  • As we continue our Best of LSLS”, let’s talk about the foundation of good leadership, where to start raising leaders, not followers. Godly character is the foundation for academic success, as well as success in life and raising a leader for the future.

    Discover how character is learned and how to establish a plan for teaching it to your children. Kathie will give several creative ways you can encourage your children to develop in this important area. After hearing this, you will be motivated, and full of ideas to use with your own children.

    In this episode, discover

    ✅ An actionable plan to help you instill godly character in their children.

    ✅ The ripple effect of character so your children can prepare them to influence and lead others in the future.

    ✅ Motivation to take action with fresh ideas to implement character education in your homeschool.

    Stop the homeschool overwhelm when you join us for Life Skills Leadership Summit on February 24-28, 2024 … completely free

    Sign up for this year’s 2025 Life Skills Leadership Summit FREE Basic Pass

  • We often can become so focused on “covering the basics” that we forget the importance of filling our homeschool days with truth, beauty, and goodness- then we wonder why homeschooling can feel so draining! In this “Best of LSLS” episode, Julie Ross, the creator of A Gentle Feast, will explore how we can easily add more beauty in our days through nourishing routines and rhythms that will breathe life into our homes.

    Julie will show you how poetry, art, music, etc. are just as vital as any other subject in the educational feast. In fact, they are absolutely essential if our goal as homeschoolers is to develop students that are whole persons and magnanimous citizens that can bless the world with living ideas and love to learn for knowledge’s sake through the rest of their lives.

    In this episode, discover

    ✅ How you can and should go beyond the basics of academics

    ✅ The power of nourishing rhythms

    ✅ Why truth, beauty, and goodness matter and how you can easily incorporate them into your daily routine, without overwhelm

    ✅ 5 ways to add beauty easily into your daily homeschool

    Stop the homeschool overwhelm when you join us for Life Skills Leadership Summit on February 24-28, 2024 … completely free

    Sign up for this year’s 2025 Life Skills Leadership Summit FREE Basic Pass

  • In this episode, Kerry discusses the importance of raising leaders in homeschooling. Leadership encompasses more than just academics; it encompasses character, thinking skills and relationships. She outlines four key aspects of a leader: godly character and vision, a lifetime learner with both tools and love of learning, critical thinking and decision-making skills, and communication skills.

    Kerry also introduces the upcoming Life Skills Leadership Summit, a free event in February that will cover various leadership and life skills topics.

    In this episode, discover

    ✅ What leadership really is and why you should be raising leaders

    ✅ 3 steps to helping your kids become the best leaders possible

    ✅ 2 simple strategies for homeschooling kids who become lifetime learners

    Resources Mentioned:

    Life Skills Leadership Summit FREE Basic Pass

    Free Class: 3 Tips to Finish Strong in Your Homeschool

  • When we think of being good parents, we think of giving our kids a good education and growing them spiritually. But, we are also called to care for our kids’ health as well. One of those ways to care for your family’s health is with homeopathy. Today, Amanda Pelser, shares her story and how homeopathy is their solution to health concerns.

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    ✅ What is homeopathy

    ✅ How homeopathy fits well with homeschooling

    ✅ What is Biblical homeopathy

    ✅ How you can get started using homeopathy

    Mentioned Resources:

    Free quick start guide to using homeopathy


    Amanda Pelser is a wife, a homeschooling mom of four boys, and an aspiring homesteader. After finding herself bedridden with chronic pain, fatigue, and autoimmune conditions, Amanda was left hopeless by the conventional medical community. Desperate for a change, she used her background as a seminary-trained researcher to integrate her Christian faith with the practice of homeopathy and reclaim her health. With 10+ years of experience using homeopathy, now, as a certified homeopath, Amanda gives hope to Christian moms who are ready to find biblically aligned health for themselves and their families

  • Celebrate Epiphany with your family through hands-on activities that bring the story of the Wise Men to life. In this episode, we’ll explore creative crafts, thought-provoking questions, and global traditions to help your children understand the meaning of this special day.

    Learn how to incorporate the gifts of the Wise Men and act out the Nativity story together. Make Epiphany unforgettable with these fun and meaningful activities:

    ✅ Questions to ponder during the 12 days of Christmas until Epiphany

    ✅ 8 activities for families to celebrate Epiphany

    ✅ Feast of Epiphany ideas

    ✅ Create crafts like crown and star ornaments, stained glass windows, and glittery gifts

    ✅ Explore the symbolism of frankincense, myrrh, and gold with sensory activities

    ✅ Act out the Nativity story and discuss its significance with thought-provoking questions

    ✅ Discover global Epiphany traditions and bring them into your own celebration

    Mentioned Links:

    Christmas Celebrations Ebook

    Star of Bethlehem Family Bible Study Ebook

    Posts to Help with Epiphany:

    Epiphany Traditions from our Family

    Italian Feast of Epiphany

  • Before you celebrate at church today or tomorrow, let’s take a look at two of my favorite Christmas carols. Often, we sing these songs, without paying attention to their meaning. Let’s not do that this year.

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    ✅ A hidden verse in a popular Christmas carol 

    ✅ The significance of phrases and words

    ✅ Beautiful descriptions of Jesus that you can share or teach to your kids.

    Mentioned Links: 

    O Come, O Come Emmanuel - 8 questions to discuss

    Free Christmas Unit Study 

  • Advent is more than the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. As believers, your advent should look different from the world’s advent of shopping, baking and lots of activities. What tips can you get from today’s episode

    ✅ What is Advent season

    ✅ How would Christians celebrate Advent as a family

    ✅ Practical tips you can prepare your heart and your kids’ hearts for Christmas

    ✅ How to use advent calendars

    Mentioned Links:

    Best Christmas Books to Read Aloud during Advent, including Jotham’s Journey, our family favorite!

    Christmas Celebrations Ebook

    Christmas Around the World Unit Study

    Star of Bethlehem Family Bible Study

    Advent Wreath & Devotional

    Christmas Nativity Finger Puppets

    Christmas Memory Match Game & Devotional

    How to Use an Advent Wreath (Free Advent Calendar Printable)

  • December is the perfect month to take a break from formal homeschooling and integrate Christmas into your kids’ learning. The place to start is by learning simple Christmas around the world traditions that you can use in your December homeschool.

    My friend, Bonnie Rose, offers some easy and simple ideas you can use this year. In fact, I suggest you choose 4 countries this year. One for each week … then choose 2 Christmas around the world traditions for that country to do one week. Use the four weeks of Advent do learn about four countries and their Christmas around the world traditions.

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    ✅ 2 very simple activities you can use to learn how others around the world celebrate Christmas

    ✅ How other countries use a Christmas tree, when they don’t have pine trees

    ✅ What type of nativity set to use with your kids

    ✅ The number one thing that ties believers around the world at Christmas

    Resources Mentioned:

    Christmas Recipes & Crafts

    Christmas Homeschool Units (50% off through 12/31/24):

    Bonnie Rose Hudson is the owner and publisher of WriteBonnieRose. She serves homeschoolers and home educators around the world by creating practical resources that are fun, affordable, and easy to use. She has written for numerous publications and educational websites and has hundreds of resources in many subject areas for preschool through high school on

  • Feeling overwhelmed this season? As homeschool and Christian moms, the holidays can bring stress, worries about finances, family tensions, or even feelings of loss. Let’s face it. The holidays are tough at times.

    God calls us to be thankful, even in the tough times, but how do you do it?

    You're stressed out from all the thingsWorried how to pay when there is more month than moneyYou keep arguing with your spouseIt’s your turn to host your in-laws are Friends "look" like they have the perfect Thanksgiving or Christmas Someone will be missing at Thanksgiving or Christmas this year A loved one (or you) have chronic illness

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    ✅ How to trade the holiday overwhelm for a heart of gratitude

    ✅ 3 steps to being thankful when the holidays are hard

    ✅ A simple daily tool that can change complaining to thankfulness in your family

  • With all the hustle & bustle of the holidays, it can be overwhelming. Thankfully, some moms have survived, like Jan Burt. Jan homeschooled her children over 30 years and is quite honest about her ups & downs during holidays. Learn from someone who has gone before you as Jan shares tips to truly survive AND enjoy the holidays

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    ✅ How to curb the temptation to do “all the things” in November & December

    ✅ How to not cave into peer pressure, even within the Church and the Christian community

    ✅ How to plan & schedule your time during the holidays, as a homeschooler

    ✅ How much should you do outside your home during the holidays

    ✅ 4 tips to use with teens during the holidays 

    Resources Mentioned:

    Homeschool Planning Made Simple

    Jan L. Burt is an author, speaker, podcaster, married to Tony for 33 years, mom to five adult children, a grandmother and most importantly, a disciple of Jesus. She served in youth ministry alongside her husband for 12 years & is the founder of the Praying Through the Storm Online Prayer Retreat & is the host of the award-winning podcast The Burt (Not Ernie) Show. Her books The Power of God's Will - 40 Days of God's Promises Devotional, The Homeschooling Mother's Bible Study, & A 60-Day Prayer Journal for Parents are available on Amazon. Her audio-based Bible study course on praying & believing the promises God makes to us via Psalm 91 can be found at her website, Stop by her website & grab your download of God's Promises in Isaiah while you're there!

    The Burt (Not Ernie) Show Podcast

    The Power of God's Will - 40 Days of God's Promises Devotional

    The Homeschooling Mothers Bible Study

    A 60-Day Prayer Journal for Parents

    Psalm 91 Bible Study Course

    God's Promises in Isaiah free download

  • Forgiveness is not about the other person. It's all for you, your healing, your freedom, your joy, your peace. And it's one of the most important lessons you can teach your children.

    Today, I'll share personal stories because I've been through the wringer the past 8 years. Lots of experience from rejection and betrayal. Then, show how forgiveness can truly heal and replace bitterness in our lives

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    ✅ Why we should always forgive

    ✅ 2 choices we have when we’ve been rejected, offended, hurt or betrayed

    ✅ What types of offenses should be forgiven

    ✅ Where to find the strength & courage to forgive

    ✅ 2 steps to healing, victory, joy and peace

    Resources Mentioned

    How to Forgive When You Don’t Feel Like It, by June Hunt

    Choosing Forgiveness, by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth