
  • As parents, we devote at least two decades to raising our children so they can go off into the world as (hopefully) confident, kind, and capable individuals. It’s easy for our identity to get wrapped up in parenthood, but we eventually have to confront who we are once the kids are gone - and that can be intimidating. Jim welcomes author, speaker, and marriage coach Jill Savage to talk about her book Empty Nest, Full Life, and how much joy can be found in the season after kids. From dissolving codependency to reconnecting with your spouse, from reigniting old hobbies to finding new ones, from “bleacher-butt” friends to deep, lasting friendships, this conversation will encourage you to be intentional in whatever stage of parenting you are currently in.

    Jim's Takeaways for Moving Forward in the Empty Nest

    Remember that your children haven’t left your lifeReinvent the relationship with your adult children (they aren’t your major emotional support!)Work out flexible ways to stay in touchReactivate your social lifePractice healthy doses of self-care

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    Empty Nest, Full Life:

    Finding Joy in the Empty Nest:

    Doing Life with Your Adult Children:

    Order Jim’s New Book:

    A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity:

  • Studies show that Gen-Z is the loneliest generation despite the pervasiveness of technology. However, loneliness isn't new; it can be experienced by a single person, a married individual, a person in a church community - even in families. So how do we keep this experience from evolving into a lifelong condition? Jim welcomes author, speaker, and founder of Ruth Graham Ministries, Ruth Graham to discuss her book, Transforming Loneliness: Deepening our Relationships with God and Others When We Feel Alone. Having lived through many seasons of loneliness herself, Ruth shares how being honest with God and a trusted friend opens up the door for transformation - and how loneliness has a positive side if we look for it.

    Jim's Takeaways

    Replenishing Relationships

    We have to seek replenishing relationships. We all have VDPs in our lives - Very Draining People - but I want to focus on VIP’s. Do you have VIP’s in your life? People who really replenish your relationships? We need friendships primarily in two areas:Mentors - do you have someone who can coach you, and give you wisdom and wise counsel? Someone you can imitate? These mentors can also be found in books in certain seasons of our life - but they shouldn’t be your primary mentor.Peer Support - This could be one person or a small group of peers that you are honest and open with - you tell them when you’re lonely, hurting, struggling, etc. A good peer relationship will be someone who shares back, and you can walk alongside, pray with, and encourage each other - and hold you accountable.

    HomeWord Website:

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    Jim Burns Blog:

    HomeWord+ Online Courses:

    About Ruth Graham:

    Ruth Graham Ministries:

    Leave a Message for HomeWord: 949-485-3905

    Have a question you want Jim to answer? Email us! [email protected]


    Transforming Loneliness: Deepening our Relationships with God and Others When We Feel Alone:

    In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart:

    Ruth Graham Books

    Order Jim’s New Book:

    A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity:

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  • Blended families are a beautiful picture of hope after loss or pain. Two adults find themselves falling in love again and the possibilities seem endless! But - how does blending your family actually work? How do you navigate stepsiblings, former in-laws, money, and parenting? On today’s episode, Jim welcomes renowned blended-family expert Ron Deal to talk about the principles in his book, Building Love Together in Blended Families. Jim and Ron discuss the beauty and complexity of bringing two family units together - and how ‘all you need is love’ is, with all due respect to the Beatles, not going to cut it in the long run.

    HomeWord Website:

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    Jim Burns Blog:

    HomeWord+ Online Courses:

    About Ron Deal:

    Smart Stepfamilies:

    FamilyLife Blended:


    The Smart Stepfamily: Seven Steps to a Healthy Family:

    Building Love Together in Blended Families:

    Preparing to Blend:

    Ron’s Books on Amazon

    Order Jim’s New Book:

    A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity:

  • Sometimes you hear a story that plants seeds of change in your life. It challenges you, encourages you, takes root in your heart and mind - and you can sense that God wanted you to hear it at this moment. Jim’s conversation with Megan Fate Marshman; speaker, author, and teaching pastor is one that left our team profoundly impacted. With discussions on grief, trust, suffering, and humility, we believe this episode will leave its mark. And we, like Jim and Megan, trust God to work in your life as you listen.

    Megan’s new book, Relaxed: Walking with the One Who is Not Worried about a Thing, is now available at most booksellers.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    HomeWord+ Online Courses:

    About Megan Fate Marshman:

    Follow Megan on Instagram:

    Hume Lake Christian Camps:


    Relaxed: Walking with the One Who is Not Worried About a Thing:

    Meant for God: The Adventure of Trusting God and His Plans for You:

    Order Jim’s New Book:

    A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity:

  • Have you fallen into a negative thinking pattern when it comes to your marriage? Are you praising your spouse in your mind or are you focusing on the things they do “wrong”? While this is not uncommon, it is a pattern that will not change unless you catch it, address it, and alter it. Jim welcomes writer, author, and speaker Ted Lowe to discuss this concept from his book, Us in Mind: How Changing Your Thoughts Can Change Your Marriage. This episode is one to save, share, and replay whenever you need practical tips and encouragement for strengthening your marriage!

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    HomeWord+ Online Courses:

    About Ted Lowe:

    Ted Lowe Blog:


    Us In Mind: How Changing Your Thoughts Can Change Your Marriage:

    Order Jim’s New Book:

    A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity:

    Jim’s Primary Takeaway

    Does it really matter?

    It’s all too easy to make mountains out of molehills in our marriages. We’re not talking about serious issues like adultery, abuse, or addictions - we’re talking about your spouse leaving the toilet seat up, leaving dirty dishes in the sink, leaving clothes lying around - these are the little things that can lead to arguments. Ask yourself: in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter? Have calm conversations around things that really bug you, of course - but recognize when something is not worth the energy (or enmity) against your spouse.

  • “We should not be ashamed to discuss what God was not ashamed to create.” - Howard Hendricks.

    This is the third installment of our Sexual Integrity series. Today, Jim welcomes Dr. Juli Slattery; a clinical psychologist, author, speaker, and the president/co-founder of Authentic Intimacy. This episode focuses on addressing our personal views on sexual integrity. Did we grow up with the topic of sex as off-limits or dirty? Did we believe that sex was a pass/fail test? Jim and Juli discuss how to begin untangling the web of misinformation around sex and spirituality we may have as adults - so we can guide our children on their journey of biblically sound sexual integrity.

    If you missed the first two installments of this series, check out these episodes to catch up: Episode 18 - Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexual Integrity with Jim Burns

    Episode 19 - A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity with Erin Mashaw

    HomeWord Website:

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    Jim Burns Blog:

    HomeWord+ Online Courses:

    About Juli Slattery:

    Authentic Intimacy:

    Sexual Discipleship Ministry:


    A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity:

    Authentic Intimacy:

    Chasing Love:

  • This is the second installment of our Sexual Integrity series! Today, Jim is joined by the Parent Engagement Director at Northpoint Community Church and co-author Erin Mashaw to discuss their new book, A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity. By looking back at “purity culture” and the unintended ramifications of that movement, Jim and Erin explain what Sexual Integrity means for kids and teens today. Through adapted language and a strong emphasis on God’s grace as shown throughout the Bible, we can encourage our children to live a life of biblical integrity without the burden of shame.

    If you missed the first installment of this series, check out last week’s episode to catch up: Episode 18 - Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexual Integrity with Jim Burns.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    HomeWord+ Online Courses:

    Erin Mashaw at Northpoint Community Church:

    A Parent’s Guide to Conversations About Sex:


    A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity:

    Bible Verses:

    1 Thessalonians 4:3

  • Talking to your kids about sex might feel like a low priority for parents, especially when we hope they'll wait until marriage. However, research shows that positive, value-centered conversations about sex lead to less promiscuity and confusion among children. In today's episode, Jim encourages parents to teach their children about sexual integrity. When kids understand their worth comes from Christ, they can better recognize and resist the world's temptations. Join Jim and special guests over the next few weeks to discuss healthy sexuality and pre-order his new book, A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:


    PRE-ORDER A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity:

    God Made Your Body:

    Pure Foundation Series:

    Bible Verses

    1 Corinthians 6:20

    Romans 12:1 & 2

    Psalm 119:37

    Proverbs 4:23

    Genesis 1 & 2

    1 Thessalonians 4:3

    Matthew 19:4-6

    Communicating the Gospel

    The Four Principles

    Lead with LoveThis is the message of Jesus. He didn’t agree with those who were going against the morality of the day, but He did lead with love. We should too.Kindness MattersIs it possible to be kind and still hold a biblical worldview? YES, it is!Make sure that our kids understand they were made in the image of GodMake sure they understand that God created them! When God created them, He said it was “very good”!God Loves You UnconditionallyMake sure they know that He loves them completely and unconditionally!

  • Did you know that your child’s worldview is practically fully formed by age 13? As followers of Christ, we bear a tremendous responsibility to teach our children not only to know and follow Jesus but also to understand the profound reasons behind their faith. On today’s episode, Jim welcomes renowned researcher and author Dr. George Barna to discuss the vital importance of raising our children with a strong biblical worldview. This conversation is weighty and full of incredible insight into our roles as teachers and godly examples in the home.

    Jim’s Takeaways

    Lead with IntegrityIf you live with integrity, you will have kids who will feel secure because of your integrity.Lead with MarginHave enough margin in your family context so that you can avoid poor choices due to busyness. “If the devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy”.Lead with the Eternal Perspective in mind

    Be intentional about discipleship. When you’re leading from the eternal perspective, you will parent (and live) differently.

    George Barna Website:

    Cultural Research Center:

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Doing Life with Your Adult Children Online Course:

    HomeWord Voice Line: 949-485-3905

    Send HomeWord a question: [email protected]

    Books & Resources:

    Raising Spiritual Champions:

    BLOG The Seven Cornerstones of a Biblical Worldview:

    Doing Life with Your Adult Children:

    PRE-ORDER A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity:

  • On today’s episode of HomeWord, Jim welcomes renowned family coaches Barbara & Gary Rosberg to discuss their updated and re-released book, 6 Secrets to a Lasting Love (formerly Divorce-Proof Your Marriage). Barb and Gary share some vulnerable moments throughout their marriage and how God used these situations to transform them as individuals and their relationship by extension. This conversation is one of encouragement, relatability, and, ultimately, hope. It certainly blessed our team and we are excited for you to hear it.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Doing Life with Your Adult Children Online Course:

    Gary & Barb Rosberg:

    Impact Iowa’s Heroes:

    HomeWord Voice Line: 949-485-3905

    Send HomeWord a question: [email protected]

    Books & Resources:

    6 Secrets to a Lasting Love

    Doing Life With Your Adult Children

    Guard Your Heart

    Psalm 15

    Proverbs 4:23

    Romans 12:18

  • Many of our listeners will know today’s esteemed guest Dr. Gary Chapman for his life-changing book, The 5 Love Languages. He recently released a new book called 5 Traits of a Healthy Family which is a perfect fit for our mission here at HomeWord - and Jim couldn’t wait to share it with you! Listen in as Jim and Gary discuss what a “healthy” family actually means, how simple acts of service can impact the home, and why implementing these traits helps shape the trajectory for future family units.

    HomeWord Website:

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    Jim Burns Blog:

    5 Love Languages Website:

    Gary Chapman Resources:

    HomeWord Voice Line: 949-485-3905

    Send HomeWord a question: [email protected]


    The 5 Love Languages

    5 Traits of a Healthy Family

    Three Questions that Will Change Your Marriage:

    What can I do to help you?How can I make your life easier?How can I be a better husband/wife?
  • “Sex is fun. Sex is created by God. Sex is pleasurable. Sex can be complicated. Sex is deeply intimate. It’s sacred.” Buckle up, guys - we’re going there! Jim welcomes Lucille Williams back to the podcast to discuss her book, The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk About Sex & Pancakes. No matter the stage you’re at in your marriage, making time for intimacy is crucial to your relational health. And we’re not just talking about physical intimacy, either - listen in to hear how empathy, putting your arm around your spouse, and praying together can be the keys to some serious fireworks. Get ready to “not-so-subtly” share this episode with your spouse.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Lucille Williams Website:

    HomeWord Voice Line: 949-485-3905

    Send HomeWord a question: [email protected]


    The Intimacy You Crave

    Finding Joy in the Empty Nest

  • Don’t let the title fool you - we cover so much more than prayer within your marriage in today’s episode! Jim welcomes author, speaker, and friend Jodie Berndt to the show as they dive into some of the most important practices for a fun, healthy marriage: from “leaving and cleaving” to identifying communication styles, from having great sex to bringing prayer into your relationship, this conversation is brimming with valuable insight. This is the perfect show for any couple invested in strengthening their marriage, whether they’re 1 year into the journey, or 30.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Jodie Berndt Website:

    HomeWord Voice Line: 949-485-3905

    Send HomeWord a question: [email protected]


    Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage:

    Have Serious Fun:

    Doing Life with Your Adult Children:

    Closer: 52 Devotions to Draw Couples Together:

    The Meaning of Marriage:


    Malachi 3:16

  • Here at HomeWord, one of our goals is to provide you with practical, actionable tips for strengthening your marriage - which is why we ensure the guests you hear on this show are some of the top in their field. Our special guest best-selling author and professor of psychology Dr. Les Parrott is no exception, as Jim and he discuss how an awareness of yourself and others is one of the keys to a healthy marriage. Get ready to share this episode with your spouse as Jim and Les get into the benefits of relationship assessments (it’s not as scary as it sounds), what it means to have crazy good sex, and how fighting, when done well, can actually bring you closer together.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Les Parrott website:

    Better Love Assessment:

    Getting Ready for Marriage Online:


    Getting Ready for Marriage:

    Crazy Good Sex:

    The Good Fight:

  • While slammed doors and the silent treatment will probably happen in your home at some point during the teen years (it’s not personal, it’s part of your teen’s job description!), learning how to communicate with your teen is absolutely possible! Get ready to take notes as Jim welcomes fellow podcast host and licensed mental health counselor Paige Clingenpeel as they discuss how to encourage conversation between you and your teen, how important it is to apologize, and how validating their opinions creates equity for a healthy relationship as they grow. This episode is a goldmine of information for parents of pre-teens and teens and we can’t wait for you to hear it!

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Paige Clingenpeel Website:

    Embracing Your Season Podcast:

    Facebook: @Paige Clingenpeel

    Instagram: @paigeclingenpeel

    YouTube: Embracing Your Season Sponsored by HomeWord

    Books Mentioned:

    Understanding Your Teen:

    Living Life with Your Adult Children:

    Jim’s Points:

    Listen more, talk less (listening is the language of love!)Make family mealtimes conversation times (put the phones away!)Have parent-teen date/hangout times on a regular basis
  • We all want to start a marriage right. We think our love and connection with our new spouse will automatically keep us close, paving the road for a smooth marital journey. Then a few years down the line, we find ourselves distant from each other: little irritations are big bumps in the road, communication is faulty, and sex was about 250 rest stops ago. Where did we veer off course? Join Jim Burns and good friend, author, and speaker, Doug Fields as they discuss navigating the early years of marriage and how we can keep our relationship in good working order. In this episode, discover how to be intentional; cherish your spouse, be thankful for who they are, and welcome growth as a couple and as an individual.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    HomeWord Contact: [email protected]

    HomeWord Voice Line: 949-485-3905 (open 24/7)

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Doug Fields Bio:

    Getting Ready for Marriage Online Course:

    Doug Fields Resources:

    The First Few Years of Marriage:

  • Are you a Screen Enabler or a Screen Limiter? Screen management can be a topic of dissension in the home and it’s difficult to know how to approach it in a way that both parents can agree on. Jim welcomes special guest Dr. Alice Benton as they discuss methods of screen management, how humility plays a huge role in the discussion, and how it helps to think of screen management as a family problem - not just an individual one. We hope this conversation gives you the stepping stones to healthy discourse in your home and removes some of the fear surrounding this timely topic.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Dr. Alice Benton website:

    Daily Conversations for Screen Management Course:

    Digital Parenting Conversations Course:


    Understanding and Loving Your Children in a Screen-Saturated World:

  • Once your kids have officially “flown the nest”, or even if they are still living at home as young adults, your relationship with them has to change - especially if you want to keep a relationship with them! Listen in on today’s “Just Jim” episode where he breaks down his book, Doing Life with your Adult Children: Keep Your Mouth Shut and the Welcome Mat Out, for some truly sage advice on transitioning your former day-to-day parenting role to one of mentoring and friendship with your adult children.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Doing Life with Your Adult Children Online Course:


    Doing Life with Your Adult Children: Keep Your Mouth Shut and the Welcome Mat Out:

  • Dads, have you ever felt at a loss when it comes to connecting with your daughter? Have you maybe even adopted the belief that your daughter doesn’t really need you as much as she needs mom? Join Jim and special guest Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield as they dive into the importance of your role as “Girl Dad” and the numerous long-term benefits of intentional connection between you. Loaded with both scientific research and biblical examples, you’ll come away from this conversation feeling encouraged and equipped to build the relationship with your daughter that she desperately wants and needs.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield Website:

    The Abba Project:

    The Dad Whisperer:


    Dad, Here’s What I Really Need From You:

    Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters:

  • When you’re smack in the middle of this wildly beautiful and exhausting thing we call parenthood, it’s hard to imagine life after the kids are grown - but next thing you know, you’ve dropped the last one off at college
now what? Join Jim Burns and Charlotte Guest as they dive deep into life as “Empty Nesters”, and how to find joy, purpose, and maybe even rekindled romance with your spouse in this new season. Parents of young ones, don’t skip this! There’s some applicable wisdom here for you, too.

    HomeWord Website:

    HomeWord Youtube:

    Jim Burns Blog:

    Charlotte Guest website:

    Empty Nest Guests Podcast:

    Mission Quest Worksheet:


    Finding Joy in the Empty Nest: