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Acton Unwind is a weekly roundtable discussion of news and current events through the Acton Institute's lens on the world: promoting a free and virtuous society and connecting good intentions with sound economics. Host Eric Kohn is joined by Acton Institute experts for an exploration of news, politics, religion, and culture.
As we look out into the world around us, we see misery growing to an unbearable degree. We see suffering of all kinds through the man-made sin-caused disease epidemics and pandemics. We see nothing but death and destruction caused by wars that the world’s leaders say will bring peace. We see the use of weapons that are so devastating that they will soon cause the light of the sun and moon to be darkened and all hope of life to be gone. In the midst of all this misery, death and destruction, a single light shines. The House Of Yahweh is still flourishing and thriving, preaching the Message of The Kingdom to all the world, as instructed by scripture. Through these sermons, you will learn more and more why and how the world got in the shape it is in today. You will learn the details of the Laws that will be used to bring the earth back to full production. You will learn exactly what you and your family can do to be a part of the great Work of Yahweh now and part of the Kingdom of Yahweh throughout eternity.
I am just a country girl with a Bible trying to warn folks that are being deceived and led away from the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I talk about news headlines that you won’t hear about in the mainstream media from a West Texan’s biblical point of view. Telling people about the good news of what Jesus has done for me and what He can do for you! Today is the day of salvation! Repent and accept Christ as your Lord and Savior today! Please don’t wait, you may not have tomorrow my friend. Jesus loves you! Discussing current events as they relate to Bible prophecy.
سعی بر این است که در این محل سخنرانیهای حجت الاسلام قنبریان قرار داده شود. برای راهنمایی هر دسته سخنرانی در قالب یک فصل ارائه میشود. جهت راهنمایی و کسب اطلاع که هر فصل مرتبط با کدام سخنرانی میباشد، فهرست زیر ترتیب داده شده است.
فصل 1: سخنرانی مهارت امیدبانی
فصل2: سلسله بحث گفتارهای نهج البلاغه
فصل 3: فاطیمه اول 1401 - فاطمه(س) در نهضت و نظام محمدی
فصل 4: سیره امیرالمومنین(ع) در اعتراض و اغتشاش
فصل 5: فاطمیه دوّم 1401
فصل 6: سلسله جلسات با علی(ع) در انقلاب محمد(ص)
فصل 7: گزیده درسهایی از چهل حدیث امام خمینی رحمه الله علیه
فصل 8: دیگر سخنرانیهای بهمن ماه 1401
فصل 9: سخنرانیهای اسفند ماه 1401
فصل 10: جرعه ای از رشحات المعارف آیت الله شاه آبادی
فصل 11: ماه رمضان 1402 شامل: برنامه علامت [فصل دوّم]، خداشناسی در قرآن
فصل 12: سلسله درسهای نهج البلاغه سال 1402
فصل 13: بهار 1402
فصل 14: تابستان 1402 (شامل ماه محرم)
فصل 15: سخنرانی سیر و سفر آخرت
فصل 16: پائیز 1402
فصل 17: زمستان 1402
فصل 18: ماه رمضان 1403 ش
فصل 19: بهار 1403
فصل 20: تابستان 1403 -
Invested with Purpose is a groundbreaking podcast that celebrates the power of Biblical Principles and Stewardship in the lives of Christians from all walks of life.
Our show features an awe-inspiring lineup of guests, including Ministry leadership, Christian business entrepreneurs, musicians, authors, athletes, and other influential personalities in the Christian community. Each episode is bound to be an inspiring and uplifting experience, showcasing personal testimonies of overcoming challenges and living out Biblical Principles in the modern world.
Whether you're looking for ways to strengthen your faith, gain valuable insights into Christian entrepreneurship, or simply looking for some encouragement, Invested with Purpose has got you covered. Join us as we explore new perspectives and share our journeys of faith with the world. We can't wait to see what God has in store and we can assure you that you don't want to miss a single episode. Stay tuned for the highly anticipated premiere of Invested with Purpose!
Hosted by the Dynamic team of Brian Mumbert, Nathan Parrott and Cara Creech!
I started The Trent Kotlarz Podcast to explore different perspectives on politics, philosophy, psychology, spirituality and religion, as well as to create a platform to discuss anything else under the sun that interests me. My conversation are unscripted and meant to be as fluid and genuine as possible.
Ukraine War Daily Briefing with Denys Davydov is a daily report from the Ukraine. Denys lives in the Ukraine and provides a daily detailed briefing about the current military activity and ongoing operations.
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As-salamu alaykum loves! Welcome to e-Muslimah. An empowering podcast for Muslim women aspiring to be the best version of themselves whilst navigating the depth of self-love, self-growth, spirituality, relationships + more whilst strengthening their love for Islam. A podcast that will speak unfiltered truths about issues young Muslims face in today's society and how to overcome these issues through the evolving love of Islam. This podcast will delve deeper into meaningful and insightful topics that relate to Muslimahs around the world whilst strengthening the bond within the sisterhood.
Uncut real conversations let's figure it out together. Open mindsets are welcomed the host & Owner Jana’ K Randolph (AKA) Alexandria August is and published author former journalist also writer etc. Our mission is to inspire all to reach a higher level of self-awareness, self-growth, and self-love. Giving my perspective on topics sharing experiences. Understanding that preservation of self plays apart in all aspects of our lives. I want to hear from you and also below is ways to support the show Don’t forget to leave a tip
Cash app $kimyrandolph
These sermons are not just sermons, but the operation of a gift of God through an earthly vessel.
May this be a blessing on your heavenly walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
If any sermon is missing, please let me know. I will try to upload it as well.
No Ads enabled by me! Raw sermons, unedited. -
Do you want to change and improve your life? Listen to this podcast every day.
Successful is dedicated to providing access to personal empowerment tools to create the beautiful life you desire!
We strongly dedicate ourselves to sharing the appreciation of life, acknowledging the abundance of love, prosperity and happiness.
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A podcast hosted by Zakeeya Ali for Muslim women to find tranquility in wifehood, motherhood and how to be a real lady. Support this podcast: