“Hey Mike, I’m 47 years old and finally have extra cash flow to start saving. Where should I start?” Discover where to save your money so you can get things in order in preparation for retirement.
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“Hey Mike, should life insurance be a part of a retirement plan?” Discover when it may make sense and when it doesn’t make sense to include life insurance in your retirement preparation and plan.
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“Hey Mike, I’m concerned about the market. Are there other places I can park my money until things settle down?” Discover the different ways you can protect assets or hedge against the stock market in or near retirement while also positioning yourself for upside potential to help keep up with inflation.
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“Hey Mike, in what situation would I need to worry about IRMAA, and what can I do to avoid those surcharges?” Discover ways to incorporate IRMAA (Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount) minimization into your tax and healthcare plan.
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“Hey Mike, are flat-fee advisors more trustworthy than advisors who take a commission?” Discover the conflicts of interest associated with different types of advisors.
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“Hey Mike, how do you include HSA plans in a retirement plan?” Discover various retirement planning strategies that can include your HSA.
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“Hey Mike, should target date funds be a part of my portfolio?” Discover the ins and outs of how target date funds work and if they are right for you or not.
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“Hey Mike, with Social Security taxes potentially going away, how does that affect Social Security optimization?” Discover how the new tax billing going through congress could cause retirees to adjust their tax minimization and Social Security optimization strategy.
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“Hey Mike, I have some stocks that are down. Should I wait for them to recover, or should I just sell them and move on? Discover the nuance found when considering if you should sell a position at a loss or not.
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“Hey Mike, when I retire, I plan to move to a more affordable city. Any tips on what to look for and how to research this?” Discover various metrics to research and consider before you sell everything and move to your retirement destination.
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“Hey Mike, what are the benefits of working with a CFP?” Discover the benefits of working with a CFP while acknowledging that each CFP may have different opinions on how to put your retirement plan together. Join Mike as he encourages people to focus on the strategy first, and then the people behind the strategy second.
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“Hey Mike, I heard the bonds are expected to do better than stocks over the next few years. How is that possible?” Discover the market risk known as the flat-market cycle and why it may make sense to diversify your assets in more than one market.
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“What’s the best withdrawal strategy in retirement?” Discover the various ways to take income in retirement and why we believe there’s one key strategy that should be implemented in tandem with your other strategies.
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“Hey Mike, how risky or aggressive can you be in retirement?” Discover how to design your portfolio to be ready for market crashes. When implemented correctly, it may allow you to take some of your assets and allocate them to something with more growth potential (and more risk).
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“Hey Mike, why do financial advisors always seem to give the same answer, ‘It depends?’” Discover the nuance found within financial planning and why you should be cautious when you get general/oversimplified advice.
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“Hey Mike, when does it make sense to work with a financial professional, and when does it make sense to manage your money on your own?” Discover the natural progression of learning how to invest on your own, learning from your mistakes, and then identifying what you may want to delegate to a financial professional.
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“Hey Mike, how do you plan around inflation risk?” Discover the importance of growth within your retirement plan and the different ways you can grow your assets while also not keeping everything at risk.
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