the next book in our second-person module is suicide by édouard levé, which kicks off a mini-module of shorter writing that is also european as hell. after discussing a gem of a film we discovered on the criterion channel, we talk about suicide‘s up-ending afterward and the manipulation found within the text. we discuss suicide as the defining moment in anyone’s life who dies that way and why it’s hard to reflect on what happens within the book. we explore how (and why) first-person is found more in this book than in our other books this module, the wildly different alt cover, and how the extensive poetry that ends the text reads in french. we talk about wanting to learn more about translators and the act of translation. egg does a great job of articulating thoughts about this text.
reading list for season thirteen
interior chinatown by charles yu
if on a winter’s night a traveler by italo calvino
bright lights, big city by jay mcinerney
suicide by édouard levé
the malady of death by marguerite duras
how like a god by rex stout
the diver’s clothes lie empty by vendela vida
the night circus by erin morgenstern
a man asleep by georges perec
open water by caleb azumah nelson -
welcome back to the penn badgley module. today’s episode is the most “normal” book we’ve read in a while: bright lights, big city by jay mcinerney. we talk about the novel’s deadpan humor, whether it feels tied to the 1980s, and how the main character ends the book while still sort of spiraling. we explore the current irony of a plot about fact-checking and computers making life easier, the arc to cocaine as a drug in the united states, and a time where t.g.i. friday’s was a cool place to hang out. we wonder if there’s a jay mcinerney connected universe and we revisit shreds’s shared bennington literary universe. we discuss how the second-person perspective villainizes amanda, the amount that bret easton ellis seems to take from this writing, and the weird miscasting in the film adaptation. shreds champions a specific element of kevin smith’s movies.
reading list for season thirteen
interior chinatown by charles yu
if on a winter’s night a traveler by italo calvino
bright lights, big city by jay mcinerney
suicide by édouard levé
the malady of death by marguerite duras
how like a god by rex stout
the diver’s clothes lie empty by vendela vida
the night circus by erin morgenstern
a man asleep by georges perec
open water by caleb azumah nelson -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
our next second-person novel is if on a winter’s night a traveler by italo calvino, which features an all-time great first chapter. before we talk about the novel, though, we simply must talk about the season 5 trailer for “you.” we then talk about incarnations of the text’s “gimmick” in other mediums, whether this is a “horny book for dudes,” and how long a postmodern text can exist before its schtick becomes tiring. we lament a second person element lost in the english language, talk about the text’s charlie kaufman-esque elements, and admire its prescience around generative ai. shreds talks about the oulipo gathering. we ask: what do you want in a bookstore? rip david lynch.
reading list for season thirteen
interior chinatown by charles yu
if on a winter’s night a traveler by italo calvino
bright lights, big city by jay mcinerney
suicide by édouard levé
the malady of death by marguerite duras
how like a god by rex stout
the diver’s clothes lie empty by vendela vida
the night circus by erin morgenstern
a man asleep by georges perec
open water by caleb azumah nelson -
our second-person module kicks off with interior chinatown by charles yu, which gives us literary whiplash both in terms of difficulty and perspective. we talk about the type of racism that charles yu captures in the book (and the type we “expected” to find), the way he takes down hollywood in the novel (and the similar representations we’ve seen on tv), and the strengths of the novel (as well as its limitations). we briefly discuss the limited series on hulu (which was a surprise to both of us) and what “chinatown” usually signifies in stories like this. shreds makes a request to make the book longer.
reading list for season thirteen
interior chinatown by charles yu
if on a winter’s night a traveler by italo calvino
bright lights, big city by jay mcinerney
suicide by édouard levé
the malady of death by marguerite duras
how like a god by rex stout
the diver’s clothes lie empty by vendela vida
the night circus by erin morgenstern
a man asleep by georges perec
open water by caleb azumah nelson -
it’s time for another season of lottery pod, and today’s theme reveal is news to everyone, including joey. (well, not everyone. shreds knows. he made it.) we discuss the theme as structure (rather than content), the inspiration for this theme, and the only book most people know that fit this theme. we talk about our goal of aiming for something less depressing, shreds teases modules that he created but abandoned, and we wonder if this module annoy us. we discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of writing in this style.
reading list for season thirteen
interior chinatown by charles yu
if on a winter’s night a traveler by italo calvino
bright lights, big city by jay mcinerney
suicide by édouard levé
the malady of death by marguerite duras
how like a god by rex stout
the diver’s clothes lie empty by vendela vida
the night circus by erin morgenstern
a man asleep by georges perec
open water by caleb azumah nelson -
after covering four of his novels — 300,000,000, aannex, void corporation, and — we talk to blake butler about his work. note: there are spoilers in this conversation (at least as much as you can spoil blake’s work.) we ask him about what he focuses on when he reads, his double book launch, and whether his nonfiction writing helps inform his fiction writing. we learn how miles davis inspired his editing process, the benefits of setting things in the distant future, and how much he thinks about the design on the page while writing. we explore adapting his text to other mediums (and channeling other mediums through the novel as an art form), how he aims to make his readers feel yucky, and how much he shares about his in-progress writing with other writers. blake talks about how he tries to capture america in his writing. we ask a new question in our author-driven module. we pick up some more stone cold nba locks. blake talks about all-you-can-eat buffets.
reading list for season twelve
300,000,000 by blake butler
aannex by blake butler
void corporation by blake butler by blake butler -
the final book in our blake butler module is, which may be his hardest-to-understand book we’ve covered. we talk about why we thought it would be more approachable, as well as why we should know better by now. we discuss the premise and whether it feels or reads like a film being described, the importance of font choice in the printing, and the value of the violence that blake creates in his books. we try to figure out if “chain smoking” four of blake’s books in a row the right way to read them as we also reflect on the books we covered this module. we tear down the business of star ratings. shreds explores whether reactions to body horror are universal. (stay tuned for our next episode, releasing in one week, where we talk to blake butler about all four of the novels we read this module.)
reading list for season twelve
300,000,000 by blake butler
aannex by blake butler
void corporation by blake butler by blake butler -
our blake butler module continues with a slight swerve and schedule pivot as we discuss void corporation (formerly titled alice knott). we talk about the text’s new foreword from blake, the approachability of this novel (especially in comparison to his other work), and the benefits of having read more of blake’s other novels to compare to this text. we discuss the way this novel portrays the media, the idea of things not being there (or of being removed), and the many associations tied to the name alice. like blake, we take down the golden age of tv. we ask: what does art mean? joey busts out a barcode scanner. egg and shreds talk about being physically moved by art. we wonder: does this book encourage bad behavior at museums? (our module concludes next episode with, followed by an interview with blake butler after that.)
reading list for season twelve
300,000,000 by blake butler
aannex by blake butler
void corporation by blake butler by blake butler -
our blake butler module continues with aannex, which apocalypse party describes as “a post-joycean neo-slipstream sci-fi cult dream encyclopedia composed as algorithmic code compiled in-soul.” we talk about how we viewed the novel while reading it, and we unpack what “difficult” means with regards to this specific text. shreds poses some questions: “what would happen if i skipped 10 pages? what if i started in the middle?” we talk about mike corrao’s design (and how it’s akin to driving in traffic), the found footage-y feeling of the text and how the narrative creates false digital worlds. we explore the way blake manipulates language, ask if the text supposed to be unlocked, and connect/relate aannex to 300,000,000. what would stephen king think of this novel? who’s the real monster: dr. frankenstein or the creature? we hear stories from our old pal neve about sailing around the world and encountering whales.
reading list for season twelve
300,000,000 by blake butler
aannex by blake butler by blake butler
void corporation by blake butler -
we’re kicking off our blake butler module with 300,000,000: a novel that proves there’s still room to push the medium forward. we discuss whether or not this novel qualifies as horror (especially considering the queasy nature of its violence, how much of the text should be taken as literal (and how much of the unconscious is literal), and the text’s embodiment of a meme (in the literal sense). we talk about language being used to wash over us in a way that isn’t representative of what’s real or unreal in the text and whether we understand this book (and whether or not that matters). shreds rails against bad and lazy reviews. joey may have accidentally read this book in the way that blake intended. the egg has an interesting read of the narrative. joey confesses that shreds has likely broken and re-shaped him into a new type of reader.
reading list for season twelve
300,000,000 by blake butler
aannex by blake butler by blake butler
void corporation by blake butler -
we’re dropping another surprise module on you (and on us) with a new format: a deep dive into the work of blake butler. we talk about how the module came about, why shreds has been intimidated by blake’s writing, and the idea of knowing “about” blake before reading his work. we discuss a throwback to an earlier time of creating successful and challenging art as well as why blake feels like the “right” author to do this type of module with.
reading list for season twelve
300,000,000 by blake butler
aannex by blake butler by blake butler
void corporation by blake butler -
we conclude our first great american novel module with blood meridian by cormac mccarthy and a simple question: what is this novel about? we talk about blood meridian‘s ties to an original american sin, whether or not the judge an antagonist, and mccarthy reacting to americans’ view of war. shreds sets a record in mentioning nominative determinism. we talk about why blood meridian feels like a religious text, the lack of weight applied to the violence (and what this leads to), and what makes this book “challenging” to read. we talk about adapting the novel and who would play the judge, we relate its themes to moby dick, and we open the mailbag to discuss when and how ambiguity can be satisfying. is cormac mccarthy making up a new world on just about every page? we explore what that would mean and how it thematically ties into the text.
reading list for season eleven
moby dick by herman melville
blood meridian by cormac mccarthy -
the time has come for us to cover our first great american novel, moby dick by herman melville, which by definition makes it our greatest american novel yet. we talk about the insanity of ahab’s quest, the common misunderstanding of who the protagonist is, and who’s hanging dong aboard the pequod. we wonder if other novels provide a more apt companion to this than blood meridian as well as whether or not this should be considered a comedy or satire. we talk about who should adapt this and the movies this novel most feels like. we explore outdated whale facts, the whale as god, and moby dick‘s ties to the x-files and its impact on common vernacular. we connect this book to both jaws and the raw shark texts. we talk about gay language in the text (and how much of this was intentional at the time). we land on a verdict: is moby dick a great american novel?
reading list for season eleven
moby dick by herman melville
blood meridian by cormac mccarthy -
we're adding in a brand new type of module here on lotto pod as we continue to get conceptually more difficult. welcome to the first installment of the great american novel module. what is "the great american novel"? where did that phrase come from? we try to figure that out. we talk about whether or not any of our previous books qualified for this categorization. we discuss what we're going to do at the end of each book, the specific format we're following, and how we're picking these books. we embrace our lottery spirit with a roll of the dice, and we learn that chance throws a difficult task our way. "ain't that america?"
reading list for season eleven
moby dick by herman melville
blood meridian by cormac mccarthy -
we’re closing out our vermont module with flee by evan dara along with everyone’s favorite segment: vermont facts. we talk about the proverbial canaries in the coal mine of a dying town, grappling with gentrification, and a narrative tied to a specific moment in u.s. history that also finds itself as a timeless text. we discuss evan dara’s use of italics and varied fonts, the style of the writing and its overlapping dialogue, and a weird reversal for a major character in the final pages. shreds finds joey within a character in the text. we talk about whether flee feels vermont, either specifically or more broadly.
reading list for season ten
the shame by makenna goodman
radio free vermont by bill mckibben
flee by evan dara -
our vemont module (and shreds’s maple syrup challenge) continues with radio free vermont by bill mckibben. before we talk about the book, joey quizzes shreds on famous vermonters, prompting shreds to ask: does vermont suck? we discuss whether the idea of pirate radio make the novel feel dated, the nicest (and least dramatic) way for the characters to do what they’re doing, and whether our characters lose their ethical high ground. we talk about mckibben seemingly (and strangely) underestimating the darkness of the u.s. government (as well as how to fix this). we vent about literary devices that allow for exposition dumps and discuss vermont’s blend of conservative and liberal beliefs. joey talks about his connection to rex tillerson. shreds sets the record straight on the origins of the dewey decimal system.
reading list for season ten
the shame by makenna goodman
radio free vermont by bill mckibben
flee by evan dara -
we’re kicking off the vermont module in proper with the shame by makenna goodman. does this novel feel like vermont? we discuss. first, though, we (naturally) talk about halloween and halloween costumes. then, joey shares some vermont facts (that turns into a vermont quiz). we realize that we’ve covered quite a few books about motherhood as we talk about how the shame feels akin to both a touch of jen and nightbitch (as well as the film tully). we discuss the idea of making contact with your double (in the style of the science fiction trope). we decipher the titular shame, talk how that particular feeling has evolved over time, and describe what we expected the book to be about (based on both the title and the opening passage). shreds channels fox mulder. joey assigns some new lore to the walking (nay, skateboarding) myth that is shreds.
reading list for season ten
the shame by makenna goodman
radio free vermont by bill mckibben
flee by evan dara -
we’re once again embracing our lottery and gambling spirit with the tenth season of the pod. we’ve doubled up sufjan stevens with this one. after shreds recaps what we’re doing — and draws a card — he blames joey for something he can’t control before the sound board acts up in an inopportune way. joey tries to remember an old card game on tv. shreds unveils this season’s books and shares the mysterious background of one of this module’s authors.
reading list for season ten
the shame by makenna goodman
radio free vermont by bill mckibben
flee by evan dara -
we wrap up our eco module (perhaps our most depressing module yet?) with drive your plow over the bones of the dead by olga tokarczuk. we talk about the novel’s unreliable narrator, who is revealed as such in a potentially frustrating way… except it doesn’t frustrate us. shreds talks about writing for writers vs. writing for readers, and the trick tokarczuk plays to potentially frustrate both sides of that divide. we try to make our way through a general lack of knkowledge around astrology and william blake, and we talk about language, translation, and names. shreds tells a strange story about a bird and a box. joey talks about having read the book before and forgetting the ending. we wrap up our eco module with a look back.
reading list for season nine
land of milk and honey by c. pam zhang
the overstory by richard powers
something new under the sun by alexandra kleeman
barn 8 by deb olin unferth
fever dream by samanta schweblin
square wave by mark de silva
the glacier by jeff wood
the man with the compound eyes by wu ming-yi
the deluge by stephen markley
drive your plow over the bones of the dead by olga tokarczuk -
we covered stephen markley’s novel the deluge last week, and today we’re joined by him to talk about his work. after confirming that we have a mutual friend, we learn how stephen pronounces the title of his novel and how much research went into the deluge. stephen speaks about edits made in the paperback version of the book and whether or not the text is prescient. we discuss levels of cynicism in eco literature, face characters in the novel and how to invest in the humanity of every character, and stephen’s thoughts on audiobooks vs. e-books vs. physical books. we talk about the level of optimism found in the ending and how to create compelling characters through whom you convey the novel’s trends. we discuss the idea of adapting the novel and the problems with wikipedia.
stephen’s mini-module
storms of my grandchildren by james hansen
rising: dispatches from the new american shore by elizabeth rush
the work of bill mckibben
reading list for season nine
land of milk and honey by c. pam zhang
the overstory by richard powers
something new under the sun by alexandra kleeman
barn 8 by deb olin unferth
fever dream by samanta schweblin
square wave by mark de silva
the glacier by jeff wood
the man with the compound eyes by wu ming-yi
the deluge by stephen markley
drive your plow over the bones of the dead by olga tokarczuk - Laat meer zien