Complaining isn't working, but advocacy will. It's time to lead... It is time to call upon the California Dept of Fish & Wildlife, and the Fish & Game Commission to refresh the 10-year old Wolf Mgmt. Plan, establish a practical and sustainable roadmap to delisting and long-term management of wolves. It is time to identify the risks that subsidized wolves present to human communities, the economy of California and all taxpayers, and to ecosystems wherever wolves live. It is time for the CDFW to present a realistic report on the health of our mule deer, elk and antelope herds in CA, and how do those herds support 3 unmanaged apex predators sustainably?
HOWL with us. HOWL as one. When we HOWL - our voices are amplified, our message is heard and we can be effective. When we HOWL we can lead dialogue and create positive outcomes that value entire ecosystems, human communities, and wildlife.
Sign on to the HOWL letter today. Take Action here -->
Sign on to the HOWL letter today. Take Action. Call upon the Commission and CDFW to proactively lead California out of this crisis.
#greywolf #wolf #wolves #california #wildlifemanagement #wildlifeconservation #conservation #ecosystems #predatorhunting #predatormanagement #elk #muledeer #tuleelk #antelope #hunting #sustainability #wildharvest #californiahunting #howlforwildlife
AB1038 brings hounds back to the bear woods in CA, and it gives the Commission and Dept the tools needed for effective black bear management, increased harvest where warranted and more effective conflict reduction.
This is a nationwide call to action - because a win in California is a win for everyone! Time to step in and help here... this will be a long campaign where we are approaching the 2nd gate, of about 7 if we are to take this all the way.
Every inch of progress is a win, and gets us closer to the next steps for improved wildlife management in California.
Take Action:
Join the HOWL Pack:
Share this BLOG about bears.
#bearhunting #blackbear #wildlifemanagement #conservation #californiahunting #blacktaildeer #muledeer #elk #rockymountainelk #bears #wildlife #wildlifeconservation #ecosystems #sustainable #wildharvest #hunting #deerhunting #elkhunting #predatormanagement #predators
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Get involved and help us WIN - let's bring back the use of HOUNDS
- for bears, support AB 1038
- for mountain lions, support SB 818
Headwaters Retreat - follow along and let me know if you want to reserve some time at the camp!
AirBnb Link:
Headwaters Retreat - Facebook
Headwaters Retreat - Instagram
Welcome to Hunting Ain't Easy... listen, share & take action here! .
The backstory on this issue is shared via Chriss Bowles (California Bowmen Hunters) and Charles & Mike (HOWL). Bottom line is that bad optics and complete lack of context has some folks at the F&G Commission thinking that coyote (nongame species) need special regulations developed for hunting. Whooaaaaa nooooo they do not. Not when we have limited resources, limited time, limited staff and there's huge pressing issues such as bear, deer, elk, bobcat and wolf management plan updates!
Mad thanks to the Bowmen Hunters in California. They're involved at the front lines right alongside HOWL for Wildlife!
Even if you're not in California you can HELP us get in front of this issue. We need to stop it, right in its tracks... there's other work to do. Take Action. Share the podcast and the Action to your community. Advocacy works, and your voice is needed.
HOWL Pack Membership
California Bowmen Hunters - check them out
HOWL Action Center
#coyote #hunting #california #predatorhunting #predatormanagement #ranching #livestock #depredation #predatorcontrol #coyotehunting #conservation #wildlifemanagement #wildlifeconservation #wildlife #advocacy #howlforwildlife #woolgrowers #cattle #sheep #californiacattle #lamb
Join HOWL for this Virtual Townhall Event: Wolves, Lessons for California
HOWL for Wildlife welcomes Justin Webb (Executive Director of the Foundation for Wildlife Management) and Jessi Johnson (Government Affairs Director, Wyoming Wildlife Federation.)
Wolves are on the cusp of exponential population growth in California. The known wolf population nearly doubled in California in 2024 and is now reaching past 70 animals, with 9 packs acknowledged and several additional "areas of wolf activity" identified. California could trend towards 300+ wolves in CA by 2027. Wolf numbers may grow faster than management practices and policies can evolve, and a wildlife and ecosystem crisis could be the result.
This Townhall will be a forum to learn from experts who know their way around wolf issues - including policy and practices of management. This is the beginning of several deep dives into one of the most contentious and complex wildlife issues we have in California, and really throughout North America.
Our goal at HOWL is to build deeper education into this topic, and broaden support for successful adaptive management which supports both wild and human ecosystems. The wolf management plans for California are nearly 10 years old and need to be updated. Wolf numbers may soon warrant a delisting from "endangered status", or at least down-listing in California. Plan updates and ESA/CESA changes will surely take 1-2 years to complete, during which time the wolf population in CA could grow 3-5x from current numbers. The time to start discussions that lead to plan updates is now.
After RSVP you'll receive an email with an link to the HOWL membership page and to the CDFW Gray Wolf information page. This is a members only event, please join HOWL for Wildlife.
We look forward to sharing this conversation with you, and look forward to working as a community for the success of wild ecosystems!
#wolves #wolf #graywolf #hunting #california #conservation #wildlife #wildlifeconservation #wildlifemanagement #livestock #ranching #elkhunting #bearhunting #muledeer #deerhunting #howl #howlpack #wolfpack #howlforwildlife #colorado #oregon #washington
Join HOWL's Jan 28th "Wolf Lessons Learned" Townhall featuring Justin Webb (Foundation for Wildlife Mgmt) and Jess Johnson (Wyoming Wildlife Federation).... MEMBERS ONLY so join today!
Wolves are here, and they're not going away. Planting flags of extreme support, or extreme opposition, only guarantees a long fight, unresolved conflict, and more work for lawyers. So... how do we bring stakeholders together to build effective, sustainable and adaptive mechanisms which can drive success for everyone?? We need to start talking, working together, finding shared goals and building towards those objectives.
Is California on the way to an ecosystem crisis, with more wolves than native and wild habitat can support?
Does the 9-10 year old Wolf Mgmt Plan need an update, before we are in crisis mode?
Listen in to this first of several discussions about the complex and too-often, too-emotional topic of wolves. John Marchwick (California Wolf Watch) and I have a productive discussion, minus the hyperbole and hysterics.
HOWL For Wildlife - JOIN
California Wolf Watch - Facebook
CDFW / California Dept of Fish & Wildlife - Wolf Mgmt.
HOWL for Wildlife - Instagram
#California #wolves #wolf #whaleback #hunting #wildlife #conservation #endangeredspeciesact #wolfrecovery #wildlifemanagement #predator #predatormanagement #wildlifeconservation #elk #muledeer #howlforwildlife
Please... Listen and Share
Malcolm Brooks is the uncle of Taylen and Wyatt Brooks, the young men who were enjoying a day of shed hunting, scouting and outdoors recreation when they were attacked by a mountain lion. Malcolm shares the story of the attack, and wildlife management policies gone wrong here in California, in a newly published New York Times Magazine article (Jan 2025).
NYT Magazine Article
Malcolm Brooks - Substack
HOWL for Wildlife - Join the Pack
#mountainlion #predators #hunting #california #wildlife #wildlifeconservation #predatorhunting #wildlifemanagement #predatormanagement #coexist #livingwithlions #mountainlionfoundation #cdfw #fishandwildlife #advocacy #malcolmbrooks #colorado #antihunting
Use these links to follow along:
- WATERFOWL Recommendations
- BIG GAME Hunt Recommendations
- Email Support and feedback by end of day 12/9:
- HOWL for Wildlife... JOIN THE PACK!
- Message me on IG for Q&A - HuntingAintEasy
Quick summary... CDFW is bringing regulations update package for Commission review and discussion (and decision!). It all adds up to more hunting opportunity, science-based wildlife mgmt decisions. Let's rally some support for this work, while we lean into the other hot topics that are coming up in 2025.
This conversation is in regards to the 6/19 Commission meeting. Join the meeting via ZOOM if you can... hunters' voices are NEEDED in this forum.
Short notice but dig in and listen if you can. The Commission is proposing "Emergency Regulations" in response to 2 detections of CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) in CA.
I want the Commission and Dept. to treat other known and pre-existing "existential threats" to deer herd success with equal response. Where is the concern for deer herds being decimated by unmanaged apex predators statewide?
And IF this is a crisis... why are we only focusing on the few zones where we know CWD exists? What about the rest of the state?
Finally, the Dept is proposing "mandatory testing" without any indication of penalty for non-compliance and without significant resources in place to support the hunter sample turn-ins. The dept is not ready to execute a good plan, and the Commission should be taking a higher level view of overall deer herd health, success and start implementing policy across the entire ecosystem.
CWD Proposal Document
Commission Meeting Agenda for 6/19 w/Zoom link
Complete set of Meeting Documents
This is an opportunity to proactively influence a management plan document that will impact bear hunting and ecosystem management for the next 10+ years! The Calif. Dept of Fish & Wildlife has provided a (draft) 2024 Black Bear Conservation Plan for public review and input.
Here at HOWL we have developed no less than 78 comments, questions and recommendations for this plan.
In this episode of @huntingainteasy I break down the core issues related to the Black Bear Conservation Plan and call upon you for fast-action to add your voice, add your HOWL so that the CDFW knows how passionate our community is about Black Bear Conservation and the use of hunting as tool which benefits bears, ungulates and humans!
Listen. Share. Take ACTION at starting Wednesday 6/12!
Resources and links:
HOWL for Wildlife website
CDFW Black Bear Conservation Plan
#california #bearhunting #blackbear #conservation #predatorhunting #predatormanagement #bearconservation #wildlifemanagement #deerhunting #elkhunting #muledeer #blacktaildeer #bear
Nearly 150 MILLION Americans live within 2 hours of an ocean... so the concept of "hunting the coastal waters" is something that we all need to be aware of and support. Just like hunting, angling opportunity is part of the basic human experience, and as a community we need to be concerned about habitat quality, access and opportunity.
Nearly 1200 pages of petitions have recently been submitted to the Calif. F&G Commission, most of them attempting to severely limit your opportunity to "hunt coastal waters" in California. Just like protecting the mtn lion hunt in Colorado, we need to become informed, and rally to support angling opportunity when it is arbitrarily threatened.
Please listen in follow the below links and and help us take action... **We need to stop these MPA expansions and closures in order to maintain angling access and opportunity in our coastal waters**
- Email the Calif. F&G Commission:
- Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Calif. - Action Item
- - online
- - Instagram
- Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Calif - IG
- HOWL for Wildlife - Action Center
#marine #angling #spearfishing #california #fishing #offshorefishing #surfing #sportfishing #surffishing #hunting #advocacy #backcountryhunters #bha #allwaters #howlforwildlife
Nearly 150 MILLION Americans live within 2 hours of an ocean... so the concept of "hunting the coastal waters" is something that we all need to be aware of and support. Just like hunting, angling opportunity is part of the basic human experience, and as a community we need to be concerned about habitat quality, access and opportunity.
Nearly 1200 pages of petitions have recently been submitted to the Calif. F&G Commission, most of them attempting to severely limit your opportunity to "hunt coastal waters" in California. Just like protecting the mtn lion hunt in Colorado, we need to become informed, and rally to support angling opportunity when it is arbitrarily threatened.
Please listen in follow the below links and and help us take action... **We need to stop these MPA expansions and closures in order to maintain angling access and opportunity in our coastal waters**
- Email the Calif. F&G Commission:
- Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Calif. - Action Item
- - online
- - Instagram
- Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Calif - IG
- HOWL for Wildlife - Action Center
#marine #angling #spearfishing #california #fishing #offshorefishing #surfing #sportfishing #surffishing #hunting #advocacy #backcountryhunters #bha #allwaters
In our first syndicated HOWLCAST Update of 2024 we focus on two of the hotspots that need nationwide attention and support from the hunting and outdoors community: Washington State and Colorado. Because the anti-hunting industry uses their nationwide fundraising, legal and political power to attack at the local and state level, it has become crystal clear that hunters, anglers and supporters of true wildlife conservation need to rally together. The threats that face WA and CO this year can and will surface in dozens of other states - either by forcing changes to predator management, methods of take, taking away trapping or removing your ability to hunt/trail/track/retrieve game with sporting dogs & hounds. HOWLCAST and HOWL For Wildlife is a resource for our community. In line with the conversation in this Feb. 2024 update, please follow and share the following online resources and social media: HOWL for Wildlife - join and take action with us. Save The Hunt Colorado - follow, share and donate today. Howl - on InstagramColoradans for Responsible Wildlife Mgmt - on Instagram **Looking for a GREAT 4-season adventure cabin in the Sierra Nevada? Check out "2 Dog Lodge" and "Camp Leland". Both of these dog-friendly cabins offer year-round access and are within minutes of some excellent deer and bear hunting habitat. Bring the family and enjoy some mountain time, or use the cabins for base-camping while you're chasing critters during the day. #Colorado #Washington #trophyhunting #wolves #mountainlion #California #hunting #elk #elkhunting #deerhunting #muledeer #bear #bearhunting #blackbear #advocacy #wildlife #conservation
"The steal our tag funds and squander them away on BS that does nothing for wildlife!!!!"
This is THE rant we hear too often... but is it true? Listen in on this episode where Mike talks with the #1 expert on big game hunting regulatory process and topics in Calif. He's a hunter and has been working as a lobbyist to represent hunters and conservation groups in Calif. for many years. Listen in and tell me what you think.
ALSO: coming up in 2024 and 2025... expect new bear and deer mgmt plans. These are going to be EPIC projects that will certainly spur some big debate, but should advance wildlife management AND balance opportunity with sustainable populations of the critters we love.
Hunting Ain't Easy - like, follow & share!
HOWL for Wildlife - join, take action and win for hunting and wildlife conservation!
CDFW - Big Game Mgmt Account
CDFW - SHARE program
California Fish & Game Commission Calendar - get involved!
Cabins in the woods... "2 Dog Lodge" and "Camp Leland"
#california #wildlife #conservation #hunting #deerhunting #bearhunting #citizenadvocacy #blackbear #muledeer #elkhunting #blacktaildeer #californiahunting #howl #howlforwildlife
Habitat matters.
Nothing else matters about wildlife populations and management if the underlying habitat isn't robust and healthy. On the bet that enhancing and restoring the forest and riparian areas of a chunk of burned land can add value and improve things for mule deer and other critters, I just bought myself a habitat project!
Listen in and follow along... as this multi-year project is just getting started!
"Plumas Headwaters Retreat" on IG
HOWL for Wildlife online
Camp Leland - Tiny Cabin for Big Adventures @ 6300'
2 Dog Lodge - Camp Connell @ 5000'
#conservation #habitat #dixiefire #timberstandimprovement #riparianhabitat #fireremediation #muledeer
The attacks from a global anti-hunting (anti-human) industry are ever present. They have incrementally shifted minds and hearts by defining words while our community was not looking. Now we must enter the arena, fight to share our stories, values and the success of hunting as a sustainable tool for wildlife success and conservation.
In this episode:
- Winning the minds of non-hunters
- Don't call them animal rights activists
- Consumptive and non-consumptive users have the same goals.
How to engage and participate as a hunter-advocate - go to HOWL for Wildlife
Looking for an amazing cabin to explore, relax and have fun in the Sierra Nevada... check out "2 Dog Lodge" and "Camp Leland".
Want to support hunting rights in Colorado in 2024... donate to Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Mgmt.
#trophyhunting #hunting #conservation #colorado #deerhunting #bearhunting #mountainlion #animalrights #wildlife #howlforwildlife
The team over at Vantage Point Archery reached out to talk shop and we went down all the rabbit holes. Listen along as we discuss the importance of advocacy, HOWL for Wildlife, archery and of course their lineup of premium American made broadheads. Are you a hand-gunner? You'll want to learn about the new compensator from Vantage Point Armory!!
Click through, comment, follow and engage!
Vantage Point Archery - IG
Vantage Point Archery - online
HOWL for Wildlife - your fast & effective hunter advocacy portal
Camp Leland - D6 Zone Adventure Cabin
2 Dog Lodge - Camp Connell, D5 Zone
Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Mgmt
#archery #vantagepoint #americanmade #hunting #bowhunting #howlforwildlife #conservation #deerhunting #bearhunting #muledeer #2A #handgun #broadheads
Calif. end of season mule deer hunting... chasing the buck after a cold and snowy fall storm, hoping to catch them on the way towards their migration routes. I talk about some of my winter gear setup, the mental break that I had and subsequent "quit" on the hunt. Some thoughts about staying in the game instead of giving myself an "out" from the grind of wind, snow and cold.
Let me know your thoughts @ Instagram "HuntingAintEasy"
#muledeer #californiahunting #backcountryhunting #nationalforest #deerhunting #muledeercountry #muledeerhunting #publiclandhunting
Camp Leland – Tiny Cabin for Big Adventure, surrounded by Stanislaus National Forest at 6300’ elevation this cabin in the woods is your perfect outpost for D6 zone hunting, scouting, hiking, fishing adventure and relaxation. Sleeps 2 to 4, plus offers garage access for vehicles, trailers and toys. For Wildlife – wildlife and conservation success are deeply intertwined with hunter rights and opportunities. As a community we must advocate for our interests. HOWL together to send messages supporting hunting and balanced wildlife management to the right stakeholders so that we can protect the lifestyle and the wildlife that we love to see on the landscape.
https://www.howlforwildlife.org2 Dog Lodge – Camp Connell @ 5000’ – Our cabin in the woods off HWY 4 is the best family-friendly and dog-functional cabin you’ll find. With sleeping arrangements for up to 8 guests (including the sofa bed), easy access, year-round plow service and a fenced yard this cabin in the woods is relaxing, fun and located close to 4-seasons full of mountain adventures. -
Apologies for the scratchy sound!!
In Part 2 I talk through hunt days 4 through 7, with a lot of focus on a doe that I watched for nearly 9 hours and then the 7+ hour spot and stalk on a mature buck high up in an alpine basin.
Everything came together in textbook style. This hunt validated so many lessons from master muley hunters, it was incredible to experience and replay - and this hunt will form the basis for many future adventures I have new levels of confidence in the skills and tactics that helped it yield success.
Please visit the sponsors below :)
Camp Leland – Tiny Cabin for Big Adventure, surrounded by Stanislaus National Forest at 6300’ elevation this cabin in the woods is your perfect outpost for D6 zone hunting, scouting, hiking, fishing adventure and relaxation. Sleeps 2 to 4, plus offers garage access for vehicles, trailers and toys. For Wildlife – wildlife and conservation success are deeply intertwined with hunter rights and opportunities. As a community we must advocate for our interests. HOWL together to send messages supporting hunting and balanced wildlife management to the right stakeholders so that we can protect the lifestyle and the wildlife that we love to see on the landscape.
https://www.howlforwildlife.org2 Dog Lodge – Camp Connell @ 5000’ – Our cabin in the woods off HWY 4 is the best family-friendly and dog-functional cabin you’ll find. With sleeping arrangements for up to 8 guests (including the sofa bed), easy access, year-round plow service and a fenced yard this cabin in the woods is relaxing, fun and located close to 4-seasons full of mountain adventures. -
We're back!!!
2022 and 2023 have been tough on the podcasting schedule, but this hunt is a perfect reboot for the podcast and will lead into several hunting stories, and advocacy topics that hunters here in CA need to stay engaged on.
In this episode I share a little background about my new "Sponsors"... (HA!) "2 Dog Lodge" and "Camp Leland". As always I also encourage you to click over to HOWL for Wildlife - and take action!
Camp Leland – Tiny Cabin for Big Adventure, surrounded by Stanislaus National Forest at 6300’ elevation this cabin in the woods is your perfect outpost for D6 zone hunting, scouting, hiking, fishing adventure and relaxation. Sleeps 2 to 4, plus offers garage access for vehicles, trailers and toys. For Wildlife – wildlife and conservation success are deeply intertwined with hunter rights and opportunities. As a community we must advocate for our interests. HOWL together to send messages supporting hunting and balanced wildlife management to the right stakeholders so that we can protect the lifestyle and the wildlife that we love to see on the landscape.
https://www.howlforwildlife.org2 Dog Lodge – Camp Connell @ 5000’ – Our cabin in the woods off HWY 4 is the best family-friendly and dog-functional cabin you’ll find. With sleeping arrangements for up to 8 guests (including the sofa bed), easy access, year-round plow service and a fenced yard this cabin in the woods is relaxing, fun and located close to 4-seasons full of mountain adventures. - Laat meer zien