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Podcastmagasinet er et mediemagasin om alt inden for podcasting. Vi giver dig de vigtigste nyheder og går i dybden med baggrund og analyser på de største podcasthistorier fra ind- og udland.
Produceres og udgives af podcastbureauet Kontekst & Lyd. -
Podcasts fra FINANS. DET DER TÆLLER udkommer hver mandag, og ser frem mod ugens væsentlige begivenheder i verdensøkonomien. BUNDLINJEN udkommer hver fredag, hvor et skiftende panel debatterer aktuelle emner og historier fra erhvervslivet. FINANS WEEKEND kan høres fra klokken 05.00 hver lørdag - her møder du en af Finans-redaktionens medarbejere og kommer med bag arbejdet med erhvervsstoffet. GRØNNE PENGE er vores podcast om den grønne omstilling. Den udkommer to gange om måneden - det samme gør LEDELSE MED LOUISEN ORBESEN, Finans ledelsespodcast. VALG I USA - vores dækning af det amerikanske præsidentvalg udkommer hver torsdag morgen kl. 05.00 og vores LYN-ANALYSER og PERSPEKTIV dryppes ud på kanalen i et løbende flow.
Welcome to MIT Technology Review Narrated, the home for the very best of our journalism in audio. Each week we will share one of our most ambitious stories, from print and online, narrated for us by real voice actors. Expect big themes, thought-provoking topics, and sharp analysis, all backed by our trusted reporting.
Interviews from Bret Fisher's live show with co-host Nirmal Mehta. Topics cover container and cloud topics like Docker, Kubernetes, Swarm, Cloud Native development, DevOps, SRE, GitOps, DevSecOps, platform engineering, and the full software lifecycle. Full show notes and more info available at
Nu ude med sæson 10! Dataklubben er podcasten til dig med passion for data, analytics, digitalisering og transformation. I Dataklubben inviterer vi dig tæt på de entusiaster, som tør tale om ambitioner og dele de erfaringer, som skabte resultater – og alt det, som gjorde ondt på både sjæl og bundlinje. Glæd dig til åbne samtaler om mennesker, data og forretning. Dataklubben er drevet af data-entusiaster fra Inspari. Velkommen i Dataklubben!
The Ken McElroy Show is your weekly meet-up where real estate entrepreneur and CEO Ken McElroy shares his personal experiences and the strategies he’s implemented throughout his career, from his first job as an apartment manager to today, having successfully scaled up to over $1 billion in real estate investments. Each week, Ken and his co-host Danille delve into a wide range of topics related to real estate, including entrepreneurship, current events and their impact on investors, the investor’s mindset, and the best practices for a thriving business. Their guests have included a diverse range of authors, entrepreneurs, and investors, such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jaspreet Singh (“Minority Mindset”), and Brandon Turner (“Bigger Pockets”). Their conversations are candid, occasionally irreverent, and always informative. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode.
Thomas Hatch and Jimmy Chunga are The Hacks!
Join them every week as they talk about nerd stuff. If you’re into cybersecurity, DevSecOps, SecOps, DevOps, all the Ops, infrastructure automation, network automation, configuration management, and open source then subscribe now. This will be your new favorite podcast! Because we know you’re thinking it...NO, they don’t live in their moms’ basements...this month. -
Noget for Pengene er Sydbanks guide til privatøkonomi til alle os, der ikke nødvendigvis har den lange økonomiuddannelse fra CBS i ryggen.
Vi har renset alverdens guides til privatøkonomi for kedelig banksnak og løftede pegefingre, og vi tager udgangspunkt i os selv. For skæbnen vil, at selv bankfolk bruger dumme penge og falder over økonomiske trends på Tiktok.
Værter: Zepur Sofia Margarian og Ann Lehmann Erichsen
Tilrettelægger: Nicolai Dupont
Lyddesign: Frederik Bækgaard Ludwigs
Redaktør: Mads Møller Lauritsen
Programmet er produceret af Beam Audio Agency for Sydbank og JFM. -
A leading global cleantech podcast, exploring the stories that matter in clean energy since 2017. Every two weeks experts and industry leaders join Sylvia Leyva Martinez, solar and clean energy expert from Wood Mackenzie, for a deep dive into the technology, funding and policy that’s driving the energy transition forward.
Who’s innovating in the space? Who’s solving real world problems in clean energy and how are they doing it? Find out here.
Now You Know is a educational technology YouTube channel creating unique videos on everything from solar and electric cars to vermicomposting and banana ice cream. We use everything from drones and GoPros to our Tesla Model X to show you the world from a different perspective. Your support enables us to continue producing these high quality videos on a regular basis.