
  • "Do I HAVE to forgive" is usually asked when there has been a lot of pain and suffering in one's life.

    We often either hang onto "I will never forgive them" and keep going with that as our new armour or we quickly say "I forgive them", but deep down we hold resentment, bitterness and pain.

    Forgiveness is not just a word or a feeling. If we take our focus off forgiveness itself and off the past, the pain, the resentment and instead catch the awareness of our inner thinking/feeling loop when we go to repeat a negative cycle, we can allow ourselves to create a new neural pathway to presence.

    Our focus is now not on that person or situation that causes us rage, anger, bitterness or sadness or grief. We allow ourselves to be with that experience in that moment and even empower ourselves to create a new conscious choice of thought and feeling.

    Once we allow everything to be as it is without derailing us or letting it take us offline into spirals of further darkness, we start to focus more on presence. That presence might not feel like much in that very moment, but over time, we start to see in hindsight that we are now in more love, authenticity, wholeness and forgiveness naturally. It's like that frequency magically found us. It just appears rather than us trying to manufacture it in our head, words or actions.

    Our words, thoughts and actions now naturally ooze love, authenticity, wholeness and forgiveness. It's our way of being.

    Now our inside and outside world becomes one. We no longer "see", feel or sense the past as our old version of us did through the physical world/matter only. We allow the unseen energetic world to create the frequency that we get to now live, breathe and experience in the physical world.

    Come and experience forgiveness in a whole new way. Let's set a new intention to allow forgiveness to find you and then let the magic unfold exactly as it's meant to. I bet you will be surprised at how powerful you are as a creator of your world.

    Your energy matters. You matter.

    Value your energetic field and come play with the focus of presence. The distractions will be strong, so your intention and attention is everything right now - you've got this...

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • The thick fog this morning made a fabulous story to describe how it can feel in unknown times, uncertain times, during challenges or when we feel like we're being stretched.

    The morning fog was there as I headed into a 30 minute practice of Silent Stillness and the fog was still there when I opened my eyes at the end. I loved how this best describes the practice of silent stillness, how we're not trying to "make" the uncertainty "go away". Just like we can't control the fog on the outside, we can focus on the inside light instead.

    The greatest gift that starts to appear when we focus on the inside is the warmth and light that builds strength within. Our inner light goes with us everywhere we go such as a busy hustling city such as NYC or inside a hospital, a school classroom, a football stadium, party or our home. We can be alone, in a small group or a large number of people. Our presence is what goes with us as we're parachuted into interactions, connections and situations in our everyday life. Silent Stillness becomes a practice that starts to activate innately within us everywhere we go in any situation.

    In hindsight, we can often start to see how we are different and responding in new ways to similar situations or the outside environment. The only difference is that we created a new environment within.

    If you would like to join the next upcoming silent stillness experience, please come along and join at www.Memento.Love to book your place. I would love to share in silent stillness with you. A practice of not doing...a practice of being.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


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  • Today we went gold fossicking using a gold metal detector. I love to just call it the beep beep as the beep sound detects all sorts of treasures from deep below the surface.

    The Gold Metal Detector is using the finest of frequencies to detect gold. I love this so much as it is just like our human body. For gold to be found, the finer the sensitivity of the detector is needed.

    Our human body is just the same...walking around like a gold metal detector as a frequency that is getting more and more sensitive. Sometimes it detects other types of treasures and sometimes gold. The gold represents the frequency of love within our heart. This type of frequency requires us to attune more deeply to ourselves, so that we can connect with others.

    Eventually, we'll be able to feel and sense others like we do ourselves. For that to happen, the old structures built on control and force will have to crumble. That's why pain, suffering and chaos appears on the outside. It is bringing us into the sensitivity within each and every one of us.

    Life is about the very small connection moments. We might not even realise the finest of sensitivities we have to giving a smile to a stranger or helping that friend in need which is the very purpose of why we are here.

    We start to value others and open our hearts to a frequency of gold. We can start to see our life purpose isn't about what we are achieving or building or focusing on the outside.

    Our work and creations might go on to help many people, however it's the daily, almost seen as "insignificant" moments that we can start to become more finely attuned too. When we start to focus less on outcomes, measures and structures on the outside and more on those very sensitive and subtle exchanges, interactions and experiences with others, we can open our hearts and remember the true meaning of love.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • Life is a series of ego death and rebirth experiences.

    In today's episode, we found a random Cherry Blossom Tree. It was so unique to witness in the Australian bushland and certainly a shock after seeing it bare and barren for 6 months to now starting to flower with stunning delicate pink flowers full of beauty. The tree was a physical representation of the death and rebirth cycle and how we can be bare, barren and beautiful all at once no matter what cycle we are in.

    To activate and awaken our inner wisdom, we experience life through mirror reflections of our perceptions of the world, limiting beliefs and fears. This is what makes us feel bare at times yet the process is full of beauty just like the cycle of the tree.

    The experiences come towards us so that we can bring it into our conscious awareness and connect the puzzle piece within that we felt might instead be in that outer experience such as a partner, a new job, more money or desire.

    When we truly start to see that we are constantly awakening the wisdom within, we start to live from our state of wholeness as our new way of being. That essence of wholeness then goes everywhere with us as we co-create in the physical world.

    Don't underestimate the power of planting a seed within yourself. Sometimes things sound "woo woo" and non specific or even confusing to our mind, but trust that through our life experiences, the inner flame is innately growing when we continue to trust the path back home to our heart.

    It might feel like the long way home or that you are doing it the hard way, but know that the mind will throw anything at us to keep us from following the path that embraces both our inner fears and the light equally.

    We didn't come here to know and accumulate things in our mind, work harder and force or control. Let's stay alert to what life is reflecting back to us about our inner world and emotional state of being and stay open to the times we are called to die within, so that we truly experience the beauty of living in all expressive ways, inside and out.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • Can we trust the full expression of our body truth using our feelings as a guide in a moment of a disagreement or trigger? Even if it looks and feels messy?

    We so often bury the true emotion and speak our "mind truth" or totally shut down altogether. It ends up as a war of words and most likely not about the present moment at all.

    In that moment, the past pain and patterns are resurfacing to be felt and expressed, yet we unconsciously choose to ignore the body and go back to our mind.

    We used the bumper car ride as an analogy for our body and feelings. If the bumper car is our body, sometimes our emotions feel like they steer our car to bump against other cars, the edges of the ride, sometimes we feel blind sighted when others bump into us, and sometimes we get stuck in pile ups.

    When we start to express from our body, just like the bumper car, it can sometimes spin or feel out of control. If we can trust our authentic expression of our body, articulating and sharing what is happening for us in real time, we start to see that the actual trigger isn't often the cause at all.

    Our expression of our body's truth guided by our feelings rather than our thoughts allows the body to release what it is holding onto. It's our body that keeps score. We can't hide forever from the truth of our body. It'll eventually result in pain and sickness to get our attention if it needs too.

    Use your life experiences such as disagreements to help show you the body pain within. It's not often visible until a partner or someone close triggers or activates that wound. Remember that our feelings aren't telling THE truth, they are the guide to allow us to open our heart and express our truth for us in that moment.

    The other party has an opportunity to also express their body truth and through that messiness, the bumpiness or roughness, the diamond appears. In that exact moment that might feel overwhelming, anxious, sad, angry and allowing the body to release and express our experience in that moment (safely), we come out the other side in a deeper connection and opportunity for reconciliation and forgiveness with love and compassion.

    Deeper connections are the side effect or outcome of true authentic expression. The more we express from our body, the more easy it feels and the less bumpy it becomes. The fight or disagreement turns in the moment or shortly after into a place of neutrality rather than an imbalance, rumination, overthinking, or resentment, guilt or shame.

    It's not the disagreement that's the challenge, it's our holding in or burying our feelings that creates an inner challenge that eventually implodes, explodes or our body takes the load or hefty toll.

    Authentic experience and expression can feel hard at first, but remember that's exactly how the diamond is formed. Authentic relationships are created by authentic expression.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • Enjoy this 13 minute sound healing.

    (There is no speaking in this recording. If you would like to hear about these frequencies, please listen to Episode #60).

    Lay or sit in your most comfortable position.

    Close your eyes, wear your headphones and allow the frequencies to do their coherence work.

    Incoherences in our field will be matched to the coherent frequency.

    Observe your thoughts and feelings throughout.

    Allow anything to come to the surface that is ready to be seen, felt or experienced.

    This recording was created with an intention of offering a harmonious, balanced and coherent energy field full of love at its most purest form.

    Each frequency is played 7 times with the last tune continued until the sound faded. On the long tune, release all that is not aligned and prepare for the next frequency. You'll hear the sound getting higher in frequency by the 8th pure tone.

    Pure tones include:

    1) 256Hz

    2) 288Hz

    3) 320Hz

    4) 341.3Hz

    5) 384Hz

    6) 426.7Hz

    7) 480Hz

    8) 512Hz

    I hope you enjoy listening. Feel free to share your experience.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind,

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • Today's theme was how being a human is perfect...perfectly imperfect. Being imperfect in all ways is the greatest gift of being a human.

    Imagine holding your shoulder against a door trying with all your strength to not to let an intruder in. We keep ourselves trapped inside believing it's keeping us safe. We create routines, distractions, and control this "protected" environment. We are constantly focused on making sure nothing can come in and hurt us again or make us feel uncomfortable or create suffering. We seek pleasures in this space and avoid all pain. We receive dopamine hits from our false sense of control and become unconsciously addicted (and distracted) to our pain and suffering.

    So who is on the other side of the door trying to get in?

    Ourselves. Our own shadow. Our own darkness.

    Our thoughts, our emotions, our thinking-feeling loop, our beliefs, our fears. We spend so much time running, hiding or fighting our thoughts and emotions that it dysregulates us. It creates an incoherent frequency in our field.

    What if we stop locking the door and instead open the door to those very fears, shadows, those thoughts, those emotions to allow them to be there. At first it might appear worse, louder, more distracting before it gets better, peaceful and calm, but energy is neither created or just changes form. So let's sit with those uncomfortable feelings and thoughts, so that they become our new comfortable. The energy can now change from incoherence to are a powerful creator that can change it's form. Even our intention alone changes our vibrational field.

    We are a human tuning fork walking around interacting and penetrating the field of consciousness in our environment and other people. Everything is constantly moving and changing.

    We played the different tuning fork frequencies today one by one to see what our body, our thoughts, our environment around us did. How did those frequencies interact with you today? Feel free to share your experience.

    We introduced the tuning forks in a fun way in Episode #60 and in Episode #61, I will upload the vibrations for you without any speaking. Feel free to listen once or multiple times to help rebalance and recalibrate your field to pure tone coherence.

    I hope you enjoyed the human tuning fork experience.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • Hold, Hold, Hold...You've got this. What are we holding?

    FAITH, VISION, TRUST ... especially in the unknown.

    This week was a LOT of change for many people. Big changes in and big changes out. The messages received this week were around agitation. This agitation is the very celebration point we need even though it doesn't feel like it.

    Agitation leads to an inner initiation into your inner guidance, like coming back onto your authentic path. You got to this place of initiation from that place of agitation. It was imperfectly perfect.

    After this experience and acceptance as your wholeness, you then pop into awakening, expansion and greater frequencies of love AND then... we start the cycle again.

    What comes next after that intuitive spark??? You guessed it, the resistance appears.

    That resistance fuels the creative spark into your bonfire. Keep going. You are exactly where you need to be.

    It is not the point of something or someone being "wrong". It is here we get to see that both the lightness and darkness are one and our wholeness starts to expand into greater and greater depths like never before.

    You are the artist painting live. There is no final canvas or end point. Take your focus off your canvas trying to control the image you see with your physical eyes. Start to experience how you are the energy, the artist who picks up the paintbrush and is creating with the colours and brushstrokes of energy BEFORE any painting appears. It's through you, by you...don't look at the physical world painting itself...

    Once you start to experience this as your new way of being, you can glide through both lightness and darkness knowing with full TRUST, FAITH and VISION that everything is exactly as it is meant to be.

    Remember who you are. And when you ever forget, it's ok, we get to remember again. It's ok, life is a series of've got this and you are not alone.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • Following on from Episode #57, which introduced us to total silence and stillness, today we unpacked why silence and stillness is so important to us.

    When we receive our intuitive or creative spark, it's like we lit a flame. A tiny flame that we can't just make bigger with "more flame"...we learn that to fuel this tiny flame into a bonfire, we need to nurture our tiny flame and fuel it with RESISTANCE!! That's right! Resistance!

    Often when we have our creative or intuitive spark, we snuff it out by going to our egoic will rather than being patient, nurturing our tiny spark and waiting for the next intuitive step from our divine will. Between those intuitive sparks are...can you guess??? That's right...RESISTANCE!

    How funny is that?

    We often think that when the resistance comes, we "made a mistake" or our "idea wasn't any good" or our lack or limitations start to arise. Basically, anything within the field that isn't aligned with that creative spark will show up in our lives through our fears. It's then that we often stop or we ignore, or we give up or we start to get angry and resentful...BUT...that IS the gift! That resistance is the fuel for our fire.

    So, let's be with that resistance, however it may present in our lives. It will come to us through strangers, our children, our partner, family members or external events or signs. Start to listen to what that resistance is showing us exactly at that moment. Watch as that resistance is the exact fuel for your tiny spark to nurture it into the bonfire.

    We now start to look and hear and feel and sense between the words. The silences reveal what we couldn't see when we were attached to the noise, the drama and the chaos. It's like we are taking our focus off the material world and allowing the wholeness to be our new way of being and doing.

    We'll feel the agitation within. We'll feel the anxiety, tiredness and pull of the material world desires - that's the resistance. So instead of reacting to it, allow it to be there, feel the emotions and stay focused in your stillness and silence.

    What comes after that resistance when we sit with it, allow it, even love it (if we can!!)...the next intuitive spark... and around we go again! Surely we can smile at that?!? The universe is so cleverly designed even when it feels really hard with overwhelming emotions.

    Life will bring intuitive, creative, expansive ideas, people, events and then we'll be met with resistance. That is our path of growth and expansion and it leads, paradoxically, into greater and more through our path of inner truth.

    It is the exact path back to our heart. Our heart is where our home is. If you feel called to come home to your heart, let's love and trust the whole process of remembering who we are.

    Learning to love resistance is like building a muscle on the inside louder than the outer noise. If we can be with our resistance, knowing full well it's fuelling our bon fire within, then we can smile as it holds hands with our creative intuitive sparks.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • If this is the first time you are listening to this recording, please click on the audio #57 which explains what this meditation is about, why we are doing it and the expected flow within our bodies when embracing a totally silent and still meditation.

    I highly recommend listening to that introduction episode first and following the important steps explained within.

    To summarise here again:

    1) Attend to any needs first before you sit down - bathroom, drink, food

    2) Find a place to sit up - either seated on a cushion or on a chair

    3) Find a place you won't be disturbed for at least 20 minutes

    4) Make yourself comfortable

    5) Play the recording, so we are actively being still in silence together

    6) Try not to move, scratch, or adjust your position throughout even if things start to hurt or itch or distract you

    7) Close your eyes

    8) Don't leave or give up despite what your mind starts to do

    9) stay in the same position, still and silent until the end

    10) Focus on focusing...

    - Stay focused on a finger print spot that move along the surface of your body

    - or focus on your heart/breathing (keep breathing exactly as it is)

    - or focus on your third eye

    11) Do not visualise anything or react to any sights, sounds, colours

    12) Do not name things, label things or speak to yourself

    13) Stay alert and awake

    14) If you catch your mind wandering off, bring it back to the spot on your body and keep focusing on focusing

    15) Release all expectations and goals

    16) Don't alter anything like your breathing, body - there's nothing to fix or change or control. Allow all to be as is

    17) YOU'VE GOT THIS!

    Updated version - Please note: A bell will signal the end of the 20 minutes.

    Feel free to share your inner experience.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind...stay still and silent ;)

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • Stillness and silence is the access to softness within. By softening our heart, we get to meet the deeper aspects of our authentic way of being. We get to truly remember who we are. That is our soul purpose...our true calling to remember in this lifetime.

    If you feel lost or unsure of your purpose or why you are here, this is the exact moment you get to go straight to the source within. Straight to the exact remembering on the inside. We often go searching or believe it is on the outside of us and follow our mind will rather than our divine will.

    Once we experience remembering, we start to trust the connection within. Our intuition and inner silence. In the next episode, we'll unpack the resistance that immediately follows, but for now, let's practice silent stillness.

    Silence is the key to meeting our inner being. Sitting in intentional silence, without reacting to our thoughts or bodily urges, allows us to sit through resistance to see more clearly within. Silence and stillness allows us to undo and unlearn everything that isn't us. Everything we "think" we are.

    Silent stillness isn't about a goal, with any expectations, or purpose focused. It isn't visualising, reading energy, praying or "doing" of any kind. It is intentional silent stillness. An nothingness.

    Paradoxically, the nothingness of silent stillness becomes everything in the nothingness. It's an experience that if practiced and disciplined to stick with, transforms our whole world in every way far beyond what we could have ever forced through our egoic mind.

    Let's go through the intro here together and then click the 2nd link for the 20 minute silent meditation. You are not alone...we are doing this together.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind...stay silent & still ;)

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • Why is keeping it simple so complicated?

    As humans, we are always wanting to go to the other person...what are they thinking? Why did they do that? Why didn't they do that?

    We'll focus on "I just have to get to the bottom of this" or "I can't believe they think/did/say that!" rather than our own selves. Instead of going to our own inner feelings and emotions to what happened, our egoic mind keeps us "safe" by staying focused on the other person. It's all in our mind.

    If we can turn inwards and connect to our own emotions in that very moment and stay focused on our own energy field...just like a human tuning fork, then we can keep it simple. The moment will be experienced and felt in that exact present moment and then pass by. We won't complicate it by trying to work out why someone did something or rack our brains working out what they were thinking maybe hours or days, months or even years later.

    We truly start to experience in the moment that other people's reactions/actions/words are a reflection of them, while your response is a reflection of you.

    Let's not make simple complicated. Keep it simple...focus on you.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • If you want to connect with others through the mind, beliefs and words, it ends up as a mind-ship. We might say "I just have to get that off my chest or off my mind", so we go and say something to the other person or make a comment online, or make sure we state our opinion. In these cases, we stay in our belief system and ignore the knock of the energetic door.

    Today we put those types of beliefs on the table in front of us, so we can view them clearly. So we can bring them into our conscious awareness. When we allow all our beliefs to be in our conscious awareness, we can start to see what life brings to us throughout our day. Who shows up, what shows up, what are we triggered or activated by? This will start to show us our belief doors. Often we fight for these doors (even if we don't want them and they don't serve us). We get passionate and advocate for them, however can we allow a whole new perspective into our awareness that we might not have allowed before?

    When that same belief is seen, felt, triggered or activated at work, in our relationship, through our children, in public areas or on social media, can we stop and ask "who invented this door"? Did it come from you, your parents, friends, your community group, schooling, society, social media, through learning, through our mind or personal experiences?

    Most of the time that exact door is a belief that is hiding a feeling or emotion in our field. When we go to the core, the truth of that belief, it sometimes isn't even a belief of ours anymore or it stays as a belief, but we are no longer activated or triggered by opposite or opposing belief systems.

    We come to a point where we can see how perfect everything is aligned in a love or fear frequency. We get to see that those frequencies are the atoms that we are made of and everything we see and perceive in our world.

    We start to interact with the external world with acceptance and love as we see that coherent frequencies produce love experiences and incoherent frequencies are just a fear experience. That the fear experiences are just an energetic door to open the invitation into love. That the fear isn't to hurt, challenge or harm us, but to help us become aware of our vibration and to allow new doors to appear and open as we go about our daily life. We don't have to go out looking and simply brings the next door to us if we are willing to allow it to appear in our life and open the door to love when it knocks.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • One of the greatest gifts of "waiting energy", is that we get to remember that we can make a choice, a decision, an action for ourselves in that moment. Waiting energy is when we are waiting for something or someone outside of us that impacts us. For example:

    - waiting for someone to choose us in a relationship

    - waiting for a promotion or invitation

    - waiting for a text or email response

    - waiting for new friends to go out and have fun

    - waiting to be seen or heard

    - waiting to be healed or to feel better

    - waiting to be fit or healthy

    - waiting to be recognised as our skills, worth, qualifications

    - waiting for more money or to be paid

    - waiting for "better times" to feel joy

    - waiting for an apology or changed behavior

    - waiting to be selected for a job

    ...waiting and waiting and waiting. What do we get more of in this energy field? Waiting! So we stay in waiting mode. If we are in waiting mode in one area of life, we are most likely in waiting mode in all areas of life.

    These are the exact "waiting gifts" to help us remember that WE get to choose ourselves in every example of waiting. That life isn't making us wait, it is calling for us to make a choice, make a decision about what we want, to say "no" when we need to say no, and to say yes when we need to say "yes".

    As soon as we start doing this, the waiting energy will change to a vibration of inspired action, your self worth increases and you start receiving the very things that are aligned with your receiving energy that you were once waiting for.

    Sometimes these might be hard decisions such as ending a relationship, saying no to a job offer or a pay scale that isn't aligned, saying yes to meeting that new friend or going on a date. Whatever is in your life that you are waiting for is calling for you to make a decision and take action no matter how scary that sounds or feels. It is the exact process you get to move through to change from waiting at the bus stop energy to hopping onto the bus and moving/allowing change energy.

    If we ever find we are in a field of waiting, we are asking ourselves "where am I giving my decision making choice over to someone else"? Maybe it is in a job, a relationship, with friends or with our money. If we don't make a decision, then someone else will make that decision for us. When we get used to others making a decision, we no longer follow our path of alignment. We are at the mercy of someone else or something else.

    This experience over time makes us feel in lack and limitation. It lowers our self worth and we feel powerless. We slowly grow resentment, anger and frustration, which is the very reminder to ask ourselves "where can we make our own decisions about what we prefer in that moment"?

    Are we making choices that guide us on OUR path? Not the path of others. Not the path of our parents or friends or partner. Not the path of the company we work for. Are we growing and expanding on our path of consciousness? This path of growth means we are making decisions, choices and focusing on our inner energy field of love, joy, expansiveness, growth and service to others. It is in the being and giving of these very things that we receive the very same vibration of authentic love.

    Is there any waiting energy in your field? Use today's episode to feel where it is sitting in your body and how that might be ready to bring light to this moment.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • If you're sick of using words or actions to try to make things happen (or not happen, like the children fighting or disagreeing with a partner), focus on emotional attunement. Attunement to self and then others.

    Attunement creates deeper aligned connections with others not based on words or actions. We attune to the emotional need and connect instead of trying to control things in the outer world with words, conversations, reasoning, threats or actions.

    Our own bodies may speak with pain, discomfort or an emotion, so are we tuned in to attend to that inner need in that very moment? Or do we power on and ignore it, try to change it, complain about it or go to an external source for help?

    What about if it is someone close to us like our children, partner or even a stranger on the street who has an emotional need that's disguised as anger or frustration? We often just stay in our mind and use words or actions during these moments and interactions when it's a call for emotional attunement...are we deeply listening beyond our ears and eyes? Can we connect with ourselves and others to the emotion calling? It's like a knock at the door. Will we open and experience it then? Or let is knock again and again and never answer it?

    Our emotional attunement helps us experience the aliveness of life in every way. It might appear different, or crazy or "off with the fairies" to others, but once we realise the feeling being called is just an experience in that exact moment and that is doesn't have to mean anything, escalate or prolong, it allows us to bring in more light, more consciousness that then brings the next aligned steps/person/action/present moment.

    Today was an invitation to emotionally tune in to each experience and feel the aliveness of life no matter what comes our way. Feel life to live life. Everything has a story, a subtle aliveness if we chose to focus on it. If not, the mind loves to take over.

    Feeling, expressing and holding space for others to be themselves exactly who they are without judgement or trying to change them allows the magic of wholeness and authenticity to shine.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • Are you feeling stuck or down? It's time to be the Counterintuitive Intuitive!

    have you ever paused to ponder

    how ironic it is

    that being counterintuitive is the key to free your mind?

    free your mind from worry and overthinking

    free from depression or illness

    free from deep grief and the past

    that what drives us to destructive behaviors and patterns

    is actually just a spotlight

    guiding us on a new pathway in a new direction

    will we allow it to lead us?

    when our heart and intuition is shut down

    and suppressed from deep darkness

    and all faith has departed…

    open the counterintuitive door

    what door?

    the counterintuitive door

    yes, that one

    the weird one

    the damaged one

    the squeaky

    and the rustic one

    the misfit one

    this counterintuitive door organically

    and sometimes spontaneously

    opens the heart to our inner medicine

    our inner soothing

    our inner richness

    that lies beneath a weight of past emotional toil

    the more illogical

    the more irrational

    the more nonsensical and absurd the thinking

    allows freedom of the mind

    to drop into the heart

    where the toils can flow free

    when plagued by darkness, grief, pain and suffering

    where nothing feels like it is working

    and there’s no relief or hope in sight

    simply be counterintuitive

    small counterintuitive steps

    are the key to unlocking you

    from the prison of your mind

    be weird

    be wonderful

    be unapologetically counterintuitively you

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind...stay counterintuitive.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • The evening sky was pitch black. The sun had well set and darkness had set in for the night. An urge to look at the beauty in the sky came over me. I ran inside to collect my phone, turned on the camera and pointed it at the sky. I was speechless. It was miraculous. The entire sky looked as if it was lit up almost like daylight was still there and the shades of pink were a color palette of candy bliss. I took the phone away - pitch black.

    Today, we shared about the beauty in the darkness. It was a great story about how we can navigate our life journey.

    Maybe you feel like it's all hard at the moment or maybe there's suffering or resistance in your life. We spoke about how that exact darkness is what leads to the color palette of candy bliss. Maybe that beauty can be accessed right now by allowing the lens of beauty to enter our perspective even if it still looks dark with our human eyes. Just like my phone camera offered a whole new view of the dark sky. The beauty and magic is always still there.

    Maybe you are feeling great on this solstice and full moon, but haven't seen the fruits of your heart come to vision. You are trusting in the darkness, but maybe we can help ourselves with a plan or steps to allow the beauty to appear.

    Either way, we shared the message of the constant change of energy. The dance we dance with consciousness everywhere we go and with everyone we meet. Just like the poem I shared, are you dancing the Waltz? Tango? Cha cha cha or Bachata? Remember you get to dance the dance that you choose.

    Is your dance with money like the Salsa?

    Is your relationship like the Foxtrot?

    The second poem I shared was a final message to always have your back...without hesitations. The theme of relationships and connections came through for all those that connect to what is releasing and leaving their life on this first of the double Capricorn Full Moon and what is coming in either now or in the soon harvest time following the solstice reflection period.

    Use your plan or steps to focus on your heart rather than the outcome or destination in your mind. That way the Aurora that appears from the darkness can be any colour, any shape, and pattern that far exceeds our mind's expectations. We always receive more beauty when we trust and follow our heart.

    I hope you enjoyed the poetry in today's Episode and that the beauty that was calling to be seen, can be felt and experienced in your life.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • Watch Video Here:

    (YouTube Account is called The Gentle Intuitive)

    Please note - this was filmed outside and I do a lot of pointing and showing in this Episode. It might be harder to listen without the video, so I have included the video file on youtube, so you can watch along.


    We are celebrating our 1st video podcast episode at Episode #50 of the I AM soft Podcast.

    Can you guess the location? We just had to film onsite at the dirt pathway!

    Come along and have a listen, and this time, a visual representation of how those fears, sufferings, pains, repeating loops are the exact things to help us remember who we are. To remember our heart. To remember to walk forward on our pathway.

    Those exact things that feel like we are blind to our purpose, are the very things to help us see.

    Today's episode was a reminder that we are not healing to no longer suffer or escape from pains or resistance...we are just remembering our authentic self. Our joy, our love, our heart.

    We can smile and know deep within that when we forget, we get to remember again. Each time we remember, the more we stay present and focused on being in each moment no matter what faces us on our pathway.

    So instead of celebrating "healing", let's celebrate remembering that right now, in this very moment, we are being our truest self.

    I hope you enjoyed the first video Episode #50. Let me know if you prefer video over audio and I can aim to do more recording, so you can see the examples of nature around us to help us go deeper into knowing ourselves.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With and open and grateful heart,


  • We hear so much about looking for, questioning and spotting red flags on the outside, whether that's with a person, workplace, situation or event. We tend to only allow red flags and green flags to guide us, rather than trusting our own guidance system within.

    Today we introduced red flags and green flags within - on the inside. If we get to a situation where "proof" of the red flag is on the outside, then we have most likely bypassed our own inner guidance system. Our own red flags were alerting us, but we either ignored or missed them.

    We can build the muscle of focus on our own green flags within our open heart, such as our own life path journey...our own joys, excitement, presence with ourselves, creativity and imagination. If we are no longer being and doing our own green flags, then that's the first sign of our own inner red flag. Something has taken us off our alignment. Our focus has gone to the other person.

    Now when we go about the world, we don't have to look for "proof", question, or search for red flags in another person. The relationship with ourselves will tell us everything we need for clarity. Our body, our mind will be speaking to us clearly as to what is aligned for us or not. We then get to listen and obey our intuition, creativity and imagination with our mind now in the back seat.

    Let's create a life that expresses our wholeness. A life that we don't need to escape from, holiday from, seek more or constantly have to bake more cakes on the outside to experience the icing.

    That deliciousness of life is when we turn and face all of ourselves as we are that cake with the icing. We are the shiny object on our own path.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,


  • "I feel stuck", "I don't know what to do", "I don't want to hurt this person", "I don't have a choice", "I feel bad", "how do I stay friends with this person"...

    How can we be and what can we do in moments when we feel like we are at a crossroads and no longer able to repeat the same pattern or loop in a relationship? The dysregulating loop is brought to our awareness (for us), but we won't let go. Instead we try to hang on to people, jobs, places, things, relationships because our mind says "but I have to" or "I want to be nice to everyone" or "I don't want to cause problems" or "I like helping".

    Is it possible to invite ourselves to go to our higher selves in that present moment. To a greater perspective to see that if we are moving towards our heart in love that there might be people, places, jobs, things that might not be aligned with us that come into our awareness? That those exact things are helping us to become more of ourselves. More of our truth. More of our authentic way of being? If it's not there to hurt us and make us suffer, then can we open the door to allowing it to show us a new way of being...The Way, more of our true self?

    By allowing this energetic door to open, we allow more choices in situations that we feel there was previously no choice at all. We start to see more opportunities to bring us back home to remember who we really are.

    New choices can open doors to:

    - Can I accept the situation for exactly as it is? My body, mind and soul are in loving acceptance of this situation.

    - Can I say or do something? For example, set boundaries or open our heart to sharing our personal needs and feelings in that moment to keep the person in our life.

    - Can I leave the conversation or situation in that moment (when we feel triggered and reactive)? Or maybe we are leaving the friendship or relationship more permanently.

    Remember, it's just for this present moment...not next week, next month, next year. Try not to control the future. We are just being in this exact moment.

    The power of choice helps us to reframe our inner narrative (and maybe the narrative we tell others) about how we move forward on our path to remembering who we are and our purpose in life of being love.

    Love might require difficult conversations, difficult choices, people not liking us, being the villain in someone else's story, and accessing and expressing emotions that we once suppressed or ignored.

    Remember that love won't be repeating loops of self sacrificing, people pleasing, building inner resentment or bitterness, triggering and dysregulating us, overwhelming us or feeling like we are bogged down in life. Those are the exact crossroads to help us undo the layers of mind habits, survival strategies, behaviours and patterns to help us remember the truth of our inner authentic being...of love.

    Remember...our mind separates, fears, and labels. Our heart loves, accepts and sees oneness.

    Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

    With an open and grateful heart,
