Sometimes life gets in the way. Nick was is in The U.K., Jason was busy doing whatever Jason does, so no new IHM episodes for a while. This episode is all about catching up. Sharing stories and comparing experiences. Nick tells us all about his travels overseas, and Jason talks about live performances he attended from Blood Incantation and I Am Morbid. There is more talk about A.I. and we delve into a slew of listener emails.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Watch the video version of this podcast on our YouTube Channel
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Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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- Part of the Distorted Paths Podcast Network - -
Alan Averill is best known for being the vocalist and front man for Irish Metal legends Primordial, but he is also an engaging, fascinating, intelligent, politically minded, well-read, heavily tattooed bad-ass. Alan is a singular voice in metal, an anomaly in some ways. I Hate Music considers him to be one of the best front men in metal, and his voice, and his band, to be one of the most unique and underrated. With Alan we discuss the erasure of cultures, the significance of travel, the importance of heritage, and the obsessive nerdism that comes with being a lifer in the metal scene.
We also dig into a listener email, and catch up on some current happenings.
**Note: This was recorded before the American Presidential Election in 2024.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Artificial Intelligence. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Watch the video version of this podcast on our YouTube Channel
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Buckethead has always been one of those artists that garners deep respect, and everyone knows he is a mysterious genius that prefers to lurk in the background, but until we met IHM mainstay Sebastian, we had never known anyone that would mention him when asked about favorite bands. Buckethead is a virtuoso, no doubt, and an artist that is not content to color within the lines. He is constantly pushing on boundaries and re-inventing himself. So, we decided to get a passionate Bucketbot on the podcast to share his enthusiasm and knowledge about the only guitarist who was born in a coop. Buckets up!
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz with special guest Sebastian.
"I Hate Music" theme by Sebastian. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Adam Stacey and R. Hunter.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Watch the video version of this podcast on our YouTube Channel
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is a hot topic right now, especially within the arts. This episode does not take a stance either way on the issue, rather explores it's capabilities and power. We experience online A.I tools in real time and also discuss the positives, and the negatives, of artificial intelligence in the arts.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Watch the video version of this podcast on our YouTube Channel
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
"I haven't listened to Sepultura since Roots." "I never bothered to check out any Tiamat after A Deeper Kind of Slumber." "What does Opeth sound like these days anyway?"
These are comments we've been saying to ourselves and each other for a while, and we decided to remedy it. We check out newer material from bands we used to love that we just never kept up with. We listen to some clips and discuss.
Of course there are some great listener emails this time around and we dive headlong into a FMK as well.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile and R. Hunter.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Watch the video version of this podcast on our YouTube Channel
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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Another current listening episode! We discuss the music we've been listening to, why we are listening to these artists, and the stories around why they are hitting us hard. Nine Inch Nails, Genghis Tron, Fen Walker, Lorde, MC Breed, Cold Sanctum, Blood Incantation, Coil, D.B.C., and more are discussed. We each share a song that we've been vibing with as well.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
It's been a while, so we caught up on life. Agalloch in Australia, MoonBladder mini-tour, Travellers Rest shows, Recording Academy Board meeting, concerts we've seen in the last month, and concerts we will see soon.
We also spend a mighty section of this episode on listener emails. We've been getting lots of them, with lots of questions and comments, so we decided to dive in! There has also been some push back from listeners on bands we have mentioned we don't like. We address some of these and listen to some bands that we've never listened to before because of it in a sort of "Virgin Listen" section of this episode.
We've never had an episode quite like this one, so join us, listen, then email us and complain.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
Another current listening episode. People seemed to enjoy the first one, Episode 81, so we asked Hunter Ginn to join us for another installment. We each discuss music that has been floating our boats and we each share a track that has been hitting us hard lately.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz with special guest Hunter "Salad Villain" Ginn.
"I Hate Music" theme by Sebastian Leonard. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
Hunter Ginn. Canvas Solaris, Plague Psalm, Agalloch, Dolven, Sculptured, Radical Research, Deserts of Hex.. what can this man not do? We decided to try and find out by inviting him to join us on IHM. Hunter wanted to discuss two albums that are very special to us; Primus' "Frizzle Fry" and Prong's "Beg to Differ." Both released in 1990, both helped usher in a new sound and new era for metal and alternative music. We delve into these records and related subjects.
Of corpse, we also indulge in a few segments, and a few listener emails. So, call up Mike Browning and set the time machine to 1990, and join us.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz with special guest Hunter "Snack Doctor" Ginn.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile and Adam Stacey.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
We've been getting some comments here and there over the last few months about how listeners miss the aspect of sharing music that we've been listening to that the old format had. When our friend Nick Loiacano texted me about it, I decided to do it. So, here we are, the first "Current Listening" episode! We discuss music we've been listening to, and we add it to the I Hate Music Spotify playlist. Grimes, Autopsy, 200 Stab Wounds, Lana Del Rey, Human Barbie, and much more is on the menu for today and we each play one song that has been hitting us hard. Join us for this new experiment and let us know what you think!
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
Email and listener suggestions to:
**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
What is nerd culture, and how does it apply to music? In the '80's there was little worse than having a class mate call you a nerd, now they tend to be celebrated. Are nerds cool? How do bands like Weezer fit into this discussion? Is a nerd simply someone who is passionate about a subject, or does the word connote a myopic obsession that comes with side effects such as ignorance and social awkwardness?
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile and Adam Stacey.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
Email and listener suggestions to:
**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
Gate Keeping. Why is it bad, can it be good? Can we finally get along with the jocks? Not when they threatened me every day for wearing Sepultura shirts in High School and then changed their tune when "Roots" came out.. I mean, F**k those guys... but yeah.... Do we want people wearing hockey jerseys at Suffocation shows? What ever happened to the separation of sports and music? Isn't that in the constitution? Death Metal is MY thing, not yours... you've never heard "Symphonies of Sickness?" You weren't born when it came out? That's no excuse. Poser! Lots of gray areas here and lots of nuance. Just how we like it.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
Email and listener suggestions to:
**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
"Talent" is a word that is used a lot in the arts, but does it discredit the years of hard work and dedication that people put into their craft? Does it discourage people to pursue their interests if they are not masterful immediately? It's a word that has been stuck in my throat for years, and a descriptor I have been hesitant to use for a long time. Does talent exist? Are people born naturally adept to be good at certain things? We discuss this and try to get to the bottom of our feelings on the subject.
We also have some great listener emails, we do a couple of segments, and announce our new Patreon membership program as well as announce a fun new contest! As a side note, the IHM drinking game is now official. Every time we mention Gwar, Sebastian, or a Kyle, drink up! We encourage hydration, not inebriation, so alcohol is optional.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile and Adam Stacey.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Support the podcast by becoming a Patreon member here: IHM Patreon
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
For the unfamiliar, Body Count is lead by rapper Ice T, and their debut album stirred a lot of controversy in the early '90s. Most famously, the song "Cop Killer" landed the band in the public eye and garnered the scorn of the PMRC, the Police, and parents everywhere. Body Count married hip-hop and metal in a way that had never been done before and inspired generations of musicians to become more socially aware.
We always have time for listener emails, a segment, and we also talk about Death and Death To All, a lot. So, join us in the I Hate Music drinking game, and take a sip every time we mention Gwar, or a Kyle, or Sebastian, and enjoy this episode.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
MDF! Maryland Deathfest! When Baltimore, Maryland becomes a seething mass of humanity clad in black clothes and wristbands. MDF returns after two years to host a million and a half bands over five days, and I Hate Music is there, recording on location, day by day, to give everyone the updates. We know you are dying to know which breweries we hit, what food we consumed, what bands we watched -- so secure your day pass, put those foam insoles in your shoes, and strap in cause this one is a doozy. We discuss performances by Dismember, Mayhem, Arcturus, Broken Hope, Primordial, Spirit Possession, Gorguts, Atheist and many more.
Of course we don't ignore listener emails, and we find time for one segment as well. Do it up!
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Adam Stacey.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
Email and listener suggestions to:
**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
Why would I care about The Grammys? What the hell is The Recording Academy? What do they even do? Vinyl albums are made by little magicians and wizards, right? It's pure magic and no one knows how it's done, right?
In this episode our good friend, and all around bad-ass, Amy Dragon joins us to discuss these topics and shed some light on these misunderstood subjects. We talk about attending The Grammys, how they can be important, and discuss the real-world good that The Recording Academy does outside of the awards show, helping musicians with healthcare, education, and networking. She also explains what she does for a living; vinyl pre-mastering. She gets a bit technical and explains how a record is made, from mix to final press.
Amy also joins us for some listener emails, some segments, and we don't hear from any Kyles or mention Gwar once. Join us.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz with guest Amy Dragon.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile, Adam Stacey, and Nathanael Larochette.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
Email and listener suggestions to:
**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
I Hate Music travels down south to Houston, Texas to catch a Texas-sized load of bands during Hell's Heroes Fest 2024. Each day we recorded from our hotel room, recapping the previous night's bands and events, then once back home we discuss day three and wrap up the entire festival as a whole. We discuss highlights, lowlights, what makes this festival great and the general ups-and-downs of attending music festivals. Bands and performances we ruminate on include Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus, Forbidden, Autopsy, Twin Tribes, Helstar, and many more.
Join us for all the tales of ripped shorts, spilled beers, BBQ lines, battle vests, bathroom lines, Lyft rides, cask beers, cramped planes, loud guitars, mud, sun, and heavy metal.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
From the About the Author section of Alex Stupak's "Tacos: Recipes and Provocations: A Cookbook." "Alex Stupak earned recognition as one of the world's most innovative pastry chefs while leading teams at progressive cuisine icons Clio, Alinea, and wd-50. But innovation only counts, he figured, if you push yourself out of your comfort zone, and so he left that world to cook Mexican food, a cuisine that captured his head and his heart. His restaurant Empellón Cocina earned him a James Beard nomination for Best New Restaurant in the country, and Food & Wine magazine named him a Best New Chef in 2013."Alex is also a metalhead. In this episode we speak with Alex about the parallels between food and music, and the similarities between creating both of these art forms. Alex tells us about his journey going from one of the world's most celebrated pastry chefs, to opening his first Mexican restaurant. We discuss the challenges of being a restaurateur, and the importance of pushing boundaries and pushing yourself. Of course we read some listener emails, do a couple of segments, and mention Gwar, yet again. --------------------Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz."I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile, and Adam Stacey.Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.--------------------Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music LinktreeEmail and listener suggestions to:**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production**
Eddie, Vic Rattlehead, Snaggletooth, Korgull the Exterminator, The Not Man, Sargent D. -- what is the purpose of a mascot in music? What makes a mascot good, and what makes one bad? Why does it seem like mascots only appear in metal music? In this episode we examine a few mascots in metal and try to figure out why they exist, and if they are an important part of the bands they represent.
We also dive into some listener emails and delve further into what is now being called "The Vader Epidemic," as well as reveal a major twist in the story of the multiple Kyles.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile, and Adam Stacey.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
Email and listener suggestions to:
**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** -
We are back once again, this time to reminisce about metal fests we've attended, compare notes on fests we would like to attend, and look forward to fests we will attend in the future. What are our favorite festivals, and our favorite festival experiences? What makes a good festival and what lead to the popularity of fests in America and Europe? Which festivals are run the best, which ones have access to the best food? We talk about indoor versus outdoor festivals and share stories of our festival experiences at Roadburn, Northwest Terror Fest, Wacken, Milwaukee Metal Fest, Maryland Death Fest, Migration Fest, Party San, and more.
As usual we do a couple of segments to wrap up the show, plead for listener emails, and beg for purchases on the webstore.
Hosts: Jason Walton and Nick Wusz.
"I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli. I Hate Music image by Jori Apedaile.
Segment intro music by Jori Apedaile, and Adam Stacey.
Produced by Jason Walton for Earth in Sound Productions.
Follow us on socials, donate to support the podcast, listen to our playlist on Spotify, and visit us online: I Hate Music Linktree
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**I Hate Music is an Earth in Sound Production** - Laat meer zien