Have you ordered your Apple Vision Pro yet? In this episode Jason and Ben explore this recent entry into the "mixed reality" space, from the fit and features to the viral videos circulating of early adopters upending the normal.
Maker Minute: Independent VR Goggle Makers (you know who you are).
In this episode Jason & Ben examine a viral YT video about the alarming state of big brands in America, what it means to "Buy American", and some of the easy ways YOU can be supporting the economy...wherever you live.
Video Referenced: "A Very Troubling Trend Within the Outdoor Community"
The dreaded midlife crisis. Except, why is it dreaded? In this episode Ben & Jason explore society's (mis)perception of the middle ages, from the questionable "signs" one is having a midlife crisis to the overwhelmingly negative bent given to this strange phenomenon.
Maker Minute: Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers AND the Mazda Miata
Part movie review, part paean to the original. Jason and Ben take on everyone's favorite 2022 summer blockbuster. Was it realistic, was it well-acted, does it matter? If you were (or weren't) a fan, you'll enjoy this hot take.
Maker Minute: Tom Cruise (oh yes we did).
Jason and Ben breakdown the grilling utensil Jason swears by, which can replace your tongs, spatula, and fork AND elevate your status all at once. It might be end of summer, but a true pit boss cooks over fire 12 months of the year.
Maker Minute: Jaccard Pigtail Food Flipper
Jason and Ben tackle the existential and touch on economics, morality, fairness, and Jeff Bezos' super yacht. We tried to get Bernie Sanders as a guest but the WiFi on his private jet was down.
Maker Minute: Warren Buffett
Jason is no stranger to having his products ripped off. But this latest incident is extra. The brazenness, the gall, the cheek of the people behind the Kappa counterfeiting operation is next level.
Maker Minute: All Makers (especially those who have had their sh*t ripped off).
Jason and Ben explore the burgeoning science of and exploration into immortality – how close are we and who are the figures/companies pursuing it? Also, should we? Also, favorite vampire movie?
Maker Minute: David Sinclair
You have super powers, and this episode will teach you how to access them.
Jason and Ben talk epigenetics, the placebo effect, the brain wave state you can access to unlock super powers, and more.
Maker Minute: Bruce Lipton
He might not be an expert, but Jason is clearly accruing experience in this field. We chat his history with 3D Printing, why he's excited about the increasing access to the process, and where it's headed.
Robbed trains? 90-week lead times? A White House Task Force? What is happening with the supply chain – and what can we expect in 2022 and beyond? Your resident non-experts weigh in.
Maker Minute: USPS Workers
It's that time of the year when Jason reviews his highly organized system of post it note ideas and picks which ones we can expect to see realized in the coming twelve months.
It's a doozy of a list: Foursevens MX3, a new LED, more tritium products and a bunch of rad 3D-printed goodies.
There was only one way to go after the NFT episode. Jason and Ben swallow the blue pill and enter the Matr– I mean Metaverse and examine the promises of its virtual glory. The good, the bad, the unknown. It's not coming. It's here. Are you ready?
Maker Minute: Ready Player One
In an I'm No Expert first Jason and Ben bring on a guest to bring the two hosts up to speed on the fast-moving world of NFTs. Alex may not be an expert, but his passion runs deep. We talk nuts and bolts, artists to keep an eye on, and we absolutely 100% do NOT give financial advice.
Maker Minute: Dmitri Cherniak
Quitters never win? Think again. Sometimes they live to fight another day...and win THAT fight. Or something like that. Turns out there's some science behind the art of quitting. So stop banging your head against the wall. Walk away and find another one.
Maker Minute: David Blaine
Did the M 16 lose the Vietnam War for the United States? That's a bold claim and obviously an inaccurate one. BUT, there is an interesting story about the M 16 as it pertains to its reliability (or notorious lack thereof) that we dive into. A little war history, a little product design, a lot of non-expert discussion of a topic brought to mind on the heels of our withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Maker Minute: Mikhail Kalashnikov
Honorable Mention: Kenmore Progressive Vacuum Cleaner
Inspired by a recent Jocko Willink video post, Jason and Ben discuss the qualities of a good leader, their own leadership experience, and how different leadership styles can impact results. Fun AND serious. Kind of.
Maker Minute: Jocko Willink
A follow up to the "Don't Knock it Til You Try It" episode in which Jason and Ben happily list and explore the things they would NOT do, from hard drugs and hard climbs to fermented teas and pig's anus.
Maker Minute: The Last Traverse by Ty Gagne
Oh no, they're coming for our burgers! What's with the attack on meat? Should we be eating crickets instead? Or that lab-grown stuff? Or should we stick to the diet that served us well for millions of years? So many questions. All the answers.
Maker Minute: Paul Saladino (CarnivoreMD)
In the spirit of Green Eggs & Ham, Jason & Ben extol the value of first hand experience, using that lens through which to view gun legislation (among other things). Come with an open mind.
Maker Minute: Mike Rowe (again)
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