
  • Listen in as Nyasha Williams, creator of the Black Tarot & Elemental Alchemist shares her inspiration and journey as a deck creator.

    Discover the magick that goes into manifesting a dream and more in this empowering conversation.

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  • Do you have judgments about Tarot?

    Perhaps you feel that itā€™s more of a game, or maybe even that thereā€™s something ā€œbadā€ about it. The associations we might have with Tarot often come from culture, a culture which has both appropriated and suppressed indigenous ways of knowing and accessing our inner wisdom. 

    In episode 5 of Iā€™m Not Crazy, Iā€™m Clairvoyant we dive into why Tarot is such an important practice, why we need to decolonize Tarot, and how it can be used as a powerful spiritual practice that builds our intuition, highlighting in particular:

    How Tarot is a symbolic map of consciousness that reveals information to us through symbolism, which is our first language Tarot is an ancient divination system that we have inherited from our ancestors How until very recently American Tarot decks were exclusively white-centric, and which ones to get to decolonize your Tarot Tarot gives us access to our inner knowing and can be seen as a daily initiation practice How to use Tarot to foster the development of our intuitive abilities

    ā€œBefore there were words before we could understand putting-this-letter-with-this-one, we understood symbols. It activates our most primitive language, which is the language of symbols; the language of our soul. Sure, we can talk about Tarot for fortune-telling, but Tarot also contains and expresses so much of what is in our consciousness.ā€ 

    Tony Melendez,

    S1 E5, Iā€™m Not Crazy, Iā€™m Clairvoyant Podcast 

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  • Do you sometimes feel like youā€™re not as aligned with your spiritual practice as youā€™d like to be?

    Through the centuries of colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy, spirituality has been impacted in myriad ways, and today many ancient practices have been reduced from what they once were, labeled as wrong or bad, or tainted by the booming wellness industry.

    The path to reclaiming and rediscovering a spirituality that feels truly authentic to us is a profound inner process of inquiry and decolonization.

    In episode 4 of Iā€™m Not Crazy, Iā€™m Clairvoyant we dive into the layers we have to explore around Black spirituality and the colonization of modern Western spiritual practice, the inner work of liberation, the role of community 

    How spirituality was shaped historically to serve systems of oppression and the process of exploring what we actually believe versus what culture has taught us to believe is the norm Why decolonizing our spirituality is decolonizing ourselves and the colonization of Black spirituality  The inner work we need to do in order to liberate ourselves from the legacy of fear and shame and judgment around Black spirituality  Coming into the right relationship within ourselves and with our community of Black and Brown sisters on the spiritual path The role of rest and relaxation in emotional and spiritual growth and healing

    ā€œWe have to think about what was meant by this spirituality in its inception versus what was it shaped to become in order to serve various different systems of oppression, and in the spirituality, I am practicing today, to what extent is this spiritual belief or this practice or this behavior really the roots of what I actually believe versus what comes to be known as the dogma or the reality of the spirituality.ā€  

    Layla Saad,

    S1 E4, Iā€™m Not Crazy, Iā€™m Clairvoyant Podcast 

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  • Do you second-guess information that comes to you that isnā€™t ā€œrationalā€? Are you scared of acknowledging and honoring your intuition?

    There are strong historical reasons that you might feel safer hiding your intuitive gifts, but hereā€™s the thing: they matter. The time has come to liberate ourselves from the stigma and to normalize our intuitive gifts, to heal and guide and be able to support others.

    In this episode of Iā€™m Not Crazy, Iā€™m Clairvoyant we dive into what this age is asking of us, where weā€™re coming from and what we need as intuitive Black folks and why authenticity is the new currency, highlighting: 

    Living in the time of the cosmic healer (Chiron) and what that means for us The age of Aquarius and the implications for our culture The authentic self and the higher self; the wisdom of guidance from beyond the rational mind Some examples of famous Black people who accomplished amazing things and who were in fact highly intuitive  The journey your intuitive intelligence needs to go through of unlearning and decolonizing the mind in order to truly tap into your intuitive gifts

    ā€œThe invisible world is extremely active and is always trying to connect to us. The question is, are we connecting to it? Our authentic self is our most intuitive self. This is a wake-up call for us to not fear ourselves any longer, but to acknowledge and accept ourselves. Authenticity is the new currency.ā€ 

    Tonya Melendez,

    S1 E3, Iā€™m Not Crazy Iā€™m Clairvoyant Podcast

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  • Have you ever had the feeling of knowing something without knowing how you know it? Do you sometimes wonder where youā€™re getting information from? 

    Intuition can show up in many different ways and because itā€™s not normalized in our culture we can feel like we might be going a little crazy when it manifests in us.

    In this episode of Iā€™m not crazy, Iā€™m clairvoyant with special guest Ellen Edmundson, we talk about the experience of awakening to psychic gifts and the importance of honoring intuition and facing our own and other peopleā€™s fears and judgements about intuition, highlighting:   

    Ellenā€™s journey of experiencing the world as a psychic who was raised Catholic  How psychic gifts can feel conflicting to our belief systems when they start coming online and the process of softening resistance and opening to them Intuition, mental health and recognising the distinctions in our experience  How to deal with our fears about other peopleā€™s ideas about our gifts Learning to trust our intuition and standing in our truth

    ā€œWe go through this experience where we think thereā€™s a break in our mental health when really itā€™s an awakening to our spirit. Itā€™s that soul language that is saying, ā€œFollow meā€!ā€

    Tonya Melendez,

    S1 E2, Iā€™m not crazy Iā€™m clairvoyant Podcast 

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  • Do you feel uncertain about the spiritual validity of some of the practices that are becoming trendy?

    The truth is that many of the practices that are now referred to as ā€œwitchcraftā€ have African origins; they are rooted in indigenous Black and Brown cultures. Many of them hold ancient wisdom that is our birthright.

    In episode 2 of Iā€™m not crazy Iā€™m clairvoyant, we talk about the historical roots of modern Western spirituality in America, the ethical questions raised by the wellness industry, and why we need to decolonize our spirituality, highlighting in particular:

    The spiritual/wellness industry has boomed in the last few decades and some people have got fame and wealth, but the origin of these methods and tools is our heritage The historical legacy of Black and Brown spiritual practice, and why we need to decolonize our spirituality Intuitive Black women who played a pivotal role in history How to start decolonizing our spirituality and reclaiming our ancestral wisdom

    ā€œWe must learn to decolonize our minds and decolonize our bodies and decolonize our spirits in order to decolonize our spirituality. Because Blackness has been demonized in every single way, yet it has been Spirit, it has been faith that has kept Black people and Brown people going.ā€

    Tonya Melendez,

    S1 E1, Iā€™m not crazy Iā€™m clairvoyant Podcast

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  • Are you ready to embrace your intuition as a superpower?  To start making sense of patterns you recognize, but canā€™t put words to, to harness your spiritual gifts in the world. And to help us form a new collective of Spiritual Black women who are stepping out into a more positive light

    Hi my beloved, Iā€™m Tonya Melendez and Iā€™m an award-winning psychic medium & licensed Spiritual Counselor

    You are listening to my new podcast, Iā€™m Not Crazy, Iā€™m Clairvoyant.

    I want you to stop feeling like something is wrong with you because you sense an untapped gift inside of you and we are going to embrace your superpower positively, together.  I will teach you to harness intuition as a superpower

    Maybe you are experiencing something that you don't understand, you don't know what or how to put a name to it, you don't know how to use it, and you need help making sense of it.

    Join me, beloved as we talk about intuition, stories of people who've had intuitive insights of flashes, books, stories you can relate to, and intriguing guests come on and share their clairvoyant stories

    New Episodes will be released Bi-Weekly, donā€™t forget to subscribe so that you can keep getting these beautiful gems as part spiritual practice & part to cultivating trust in your own gifts and intuition.

    And remember my beloved, you are not crazy, you are Clairvoyant!

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