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ARTGHOST is a music podcast with a twist. Hosts Jupiter Morningstar and Joe Langlois challenge each other to find songs based on increasingly ridiculous themes to uncover the deepest cuts in music they can. After, they spin the WHEEL OF DISCORD and are forced to talk about a random song from their library! Website: Twitter: @artghostpod, @mushroompods Patreon:
Welcome to Put This On Your Playlist, a podcast where two friends, Sam and Taylor, discuss their favorite alternative/indie artists. Listen in each week to learn more about an artist we love including information on their background and meanings behind the music.
Connect with us on Instagram and Twitter at @PTOYPPodcast -
O mundo clama por pessoas honestas, sinceras e frontais! Pessoas capazes de o mudar para melhor! Neste podcast não irão ter nada disso. Aqui contem apenas com um indivíduo chamado Paulo Almeida que vive no Cacém a falar de forma franca e egocêntrica sobre a sua própria vida e o que aborrece em seu redor
Go into The Void with your host Christina Rowatt and featured musical and creative artist guests for a raw, uncut conversation with fearless rock and roll nuns about art, music, mental health and the non-civilian life. Not for the gleefully outraged. This podcast is the sister show to The Void with Christina YouTube channel.
A film podcast exploring the best and worst under-the-radar movies released in the past 18 months. We focus on those movies that might have fallen through the cracks. Not the major blockbusters or the billion dollar grossers, but the quality cinema swimming just beneath the surface. And when we aren’t reviewing those under-the-radar movies, we find fun topics in the film industry to discuss. Whether it’s comedy specials, short films, the Oscars, trailer reactions, movie news, or just things we’re into, we do it for a laugh and to help you learn a thing or two.
No Filler is a music podcast dedicated to sharing the often overlooked hidden gems that fill the space between the singles on our favorite records. In each episode we’ll dive into a little history of the artist and the album of choice, with snippets from interviews & concerts, as well as music from the album itself. Proud part of Pantheon - the podcast network for music lovers.
Podcasters | Musicians | Rockers | Historians | Vinyl Reviewers | Serious Rock Talk™️ With Humor!!!!
This award-winning podcast looks at classic rock - and the people who made/make it - with enough knowledge, irreverence, and low-level insanity to make it worthwhile. It's all about Rock Talk. -
Die besten aktuellen Platten, Features über alles zum Thema Musik, Interviews und eine Playlist mit den besten neuen Songs on top. Christopher Hunold spricht in den Reviews mit Melanie Loeper und in den Features mit Gäst*innen über das, was auf den Plattenteller gehört oder was die Musikwelt oder uns gerade bewegt. Denn: Wer ist in den Stunden der größten Niederlagen dabei? Wer hört zu, wenn sonst niemand da ist? Wer sorgt für die großen wie kleinen Momente? Eben. Nur Musik. Und genau darüber muss gesprochen werden. In Track17 treffen wir uns regelmäßig, um als helfende Hand im Release-Dschungel Empfehlungen zu geben, präsentieren Interviews oder sprechen mit Gäst*innen in Features über alles, was die Musikwelt hergibt. Auf der Playlist "Track17 - Playlist zum Podcast" gibt's die 17 Songs des Monats direkt zum Nachhören dazu. Ob Labelliebling, Outsider-Zeug, zufällige Plattenladen-Eroberung oder König des YouTube-Algorithmus. Track 17 – der Musik-Podcast
Regelmäßig ergänzte Spotify-Playlist mit Songs aus den Folgen: