
  • In this episode, we explored many exciting and surprising points. However, they all circled back to one crucial theme: the importance of defining your purpose.

    This is the key to feeling fulfilled in your personal relationships and financial goals, and it's a journey that can inspire and motivate you.

    Andrew uses science and experience to validate his teachings in a way that is impossible to argue against. If you were to track the historical data over time, it would be all there—if you care to look at it. Doing so would provide you with great insight in to why you have found yourself in the state you are in right now. However, most people would rather ignore their spending habits and, possibly, their partners by going after instant gratification.

    Tune in to discover how listening, being curious, and avoiding a me-centric mindset can lead to more happiness and security in finances and personal relationships.

    My Program for Entrepreneurs, Executives and others who are addicted to dopamine:

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  • In true ‘Luella’ style, which some might call somewhat disorganized, I did a mind dump for this episode on all the reasons why you might be feeling lost and apathetic about life.

    This episode is for the person trying to find a sense of meaning and happiness in everyday life.

    In this episode, I uncover:

    The importance of having a sense of community while also spending more time in solitude. The need to connect with Source, albeit God or another higher power. Why is it never a means to an end but rather a journey that will feed the soul. How self-awareness is the first behavior you must strive towards in order to change. Most of humankind’s lack of focus keeps them in a scarcity loop. How abundance is already yours and how gratitude will allow you to see it.

    My Program for Entrepreneurs, Executives and others who are addicted to dopamine:

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  • Today, I had an enlightening conversation with Dennis Wong, a functional and integrative registered pharmacist, about the various manifestations of stress on a physiological, emotional, and mental level. We combined his expertise in pharmacy (the science) with my observations of stress in my therapy room (psychology).

    In essence, stress presents itself in physical and emotional signs, and it is crucial for us to heed these signals from our bodies on a daily basis, empowering us to take control of our well-being.

    Dennis is a seasoned Metabolic, Nutritional, and Functional Medicine Consultant Pharmacist committed to guiding individuals on their journey to optimal health and wellness. He leverages an in-depth understanding of the underlying causes of health issues, combining nutritional guidance and lifestyle enhancements to devise personalized solutions. In 2007, Dennis was honored with a fellowship in Anti-Aging, Nutritional & Metabolic Medicine from the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). He earned the distinction of Diplomate with the American Board of Anti-Aging Health Practitioners. Further expanding his expertise, he became a Certified Clinical Nutritionist in 2008 and was recognized as an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner in 2015. Dennis offers comprehensive strategies to empower individuals to achieve sustained health improvements through these prestigious certifications and his innovative approach.

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  • If you have never worked with a functional integrative dietician before to combat your ills, perhaps consider doing so. In today’s episode, Michelle and I discussed just some of the misguided information playing on various media channels, so you don’t need to continue to guess. We spoke about how stress plays a massive role in combating disease and made the argument it is not only one lifestyle factor playing a role in chronic illness; it is diet, exercise, social circles, sleep, environmental toxins, and possibly most importantly, stress.

    Michelle Shapiro is an Integrative/ Functional Registered Dietitian in NYC who has helped over 1000+ clients reverse their anxiety, heal long-standing gut and immune issues, and lovingly approach their weight. Michelle has a virtual private practice of 5 nutritionists where she and her team work one-on-one. She hosts the Quiet the Diet Podcast, where she helps her audience bridge the gap between body positivity and functional nutrition.

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    New 1:1 Coaching Program for Entrepreneurs and Executives:

  • In today’s solo episode, I explained how maintaining a personal vision is imperative to ridding oneself of guilt, staying true to one's values, and likely circumventing a possible identity crisis down the road.

    I also spend a fair bit of time discussing John and Julie Gottman’s latest book Fight Right: How Successful Couples Turn Conflict Into Connection,and the excellent job they did reminding couples that attuning and attending to their partner’s needs or ask, rather than planning their next comeback response in their heads, is the key to lasting relationships.

    Finally, I shared my viewof why most couples are holding on for dear life right now, which is incongruent with Gottman’s current perspective.

    New 1:1 Coaching Program for Entrepreneurs and Executives

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  • If you do not think you are interested in selling or have no need to ‘sell,’ think again. We all sell something daily. Selling is more than just closing deals; it's about understanding the psychological factors that drive consumer/partner/child behavior and mastering the art of fulfilling the interested party’s deeper needs. Once you understand that it is a skill like any other, it becomes easy.

    Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Benjamin Brown. Mr. Brown is a sales expert, author, and father of two young children. When it comes to sales, he’s done it all! From stock brokerage style cold calling to car salesman, to gym memberships, to medical devices-he can sell anything. Benjamin has 20 years’ worth of experience and created a 10-step process to help get more clients and MORE SALES.

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  • Tune in as Chad Hufford and I chat about the importance of laying a strong financial foundation if you want to achieve wealth in all aspects of your life.

    Financial wealth comes from sound financial practices starting from an early age. Listen to Chad’s story about what his childhood experiences taught him and why he is passionate about teaching others. Chad is a bestselling author who, for 17 years, owned and ran a financial planning firm based in Anchorage, Alaska, that manages roughly half a billion dollars. He has realized that managing our clients' mindsets, behaviors, and habits is really the most crucial part of my job.

    Also, as a Dave Ramsey Smart Vestor Pro and striving to have the heart of a teacher, Chad greatly emphasizes educating and empowering people with the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in pursuing their goals.

    Enjoy the show!

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • Join me today for an insightful and informative conversation with Ms. Diaz as she tells us the story of how she became a victim of multiple narcissistic relationships. At the end of our conversation, Dana becomes particularly vulnerable, confirming that her healing journey is actualized and authentic.

    Dana is a wife, mother, and author of the Best-Selling book "GASPING FOR AIR: THE STRANGLEHOLD OF NARCISSISTIC ABUSE". As a lifelong victim of narcissistic abuse, Dana has made it her mission to speak up for those who are afraid or ashamed to do so themselves and speak out against abuse altogether while also creating awareness. She strives to be an example of the ability to overcome and thrive regardless of one's circumstances.

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • Tune in for a comprehensive guide on navigating the complexities of relationships, drawing from extensive insights gained within the therapy room. This episode addresses the crucial steps individuals can take to conquer common relationship hurdles such as resentment, the pitfalls of victimization, and the detrimental cycle of Negative Sentiment Override.

    Learn about the transformative power of taking radical responsibility for your actions, including the pivotal role of apologizing and the challenging journey towards genuine self-awareness. Discover strategies to protect your ego while fostering a robust sense of self-esteem, ensuring you remain grounded, humble, and authentically human.

    Explore the concept of Negative Sentiment Override as defined by renowned relationship expert John Gottman, including practical advice on escaping the metaphorical 'roach motel' of persistent negative perceptions. This piece offers invaluable advice for anyone looking to improve their interpersonal connections and navigate the nuanced path to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

    PS: If you enjoy the podcast, please share this episode and leave a review on Apple and/or Spotify. It really helps me bring the show to new ears. I greatly appreciate your effort!

    Don't forget to follow me on social media for more content.

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • I discovered Kim’s Podcast, The Wall Street Coach, after doing some of my work around money and money mindset. I invited Kim as a guest to explain to my listeners that it doesn’t matter what industry we work in, the lifestyle we follow, or what relationship we are in…everyone suffers from self-sabotage. Until we realize how disabusing this narrative can become, we will never reach that point of behavior change that we so strongly seek.

    Kim Curtin, the Wall Street Coach, helps traders & others end the cycle of self-sabotage. Kim wrote a book called Transforming Wall Street: A Conscious Path for a New Future. In the book, she lists five practices to heal and transform your life and work.

    Kim’s book - Transforming Wall Street: A Conscious Path for a New Future

    Other books mentioned:

    No Worries: How to Live a Stress Free Financial Life

    Lost and Found: Unexpected Revelations About Food and Money

    The Hero’s Journey

    Money Harmony

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • What a great conversation we had today! Michelle is my kind of gal. She is all about taking responsibility, becoming empowered, and an advocate of both nutrition and talk therapy to heal our trauma – a true inspiration to all who listen to this episode.

    Michelle Reittinger is a mother, wife, daughter and also a woman who has healed what many would call an unhealable mental illness, that is unless psychotropic drugs are used. Michelle advocates a radical shift in the treatment of bipolar using a research-based, integrated treatment plan to facilitate healing. I do this through public speaking, a podcast called The Upside of Bipolar, a blog, and a program called The Upsiders' Tribe, where I teach the steps to heal bipolar. She also has a book coming out in early summer 2024, so stay tuned for that!

    Book: The Better Brain -

    True Hope Website:

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • Is it true that the formula to lose weight is less calories and more exercise? Do women have a more difficult time to lose weight than men? Does stress play a large role in weight loss?
    In general, do you feel our health is more compromised in North America than in Europe? Is prioritizing protein over any other macronutrient as crucial as we often hear? Does exercise directly improve our microbiome?

    In today’s episode, I asked Dr. Berry these questions to provide my listeners with guidance and insight into making proper food choices and how this relates to our metabolic health and mood. The episode confirms what you may already know, and that is, what happens after food passes our lips is not as simple a process as we might like to believe. Many factors contribute to our physical and mental health.

    Sarah Berry is a Reader in Nutritional Sciences at King’s College London and Chief Scientist at ZOE Ltd. Her research is at the forefront of developments in personalized nutrition. It is forging a new way forward in the design and implementation of large-scale remote nutrition research studies integrating novel technologies, citizen science and AI.

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • The ugly concoction of guilt, shame and self-loathing is most often the underlying reason why you are struggling and in need of therapy. Ridding shame is not easy, but when you begin to love yourself more by honouring your core needs, it becomes easier.

    In this episode, I present three clients I have seen in therapy:

    Client one lost her job because she did not care enough for herself. Client two is slipping into burnout and depression because of taking on too much. Client three is a man committing multiple marital affairs because of low self-worth.

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • I love interviewing women who can be described as ‘ a piece of work’, and Lynne Bowman is that woman. She is really a masterpiece. Now in her late 70s, I can tell that she has truly embraced life. When she was pregnant with her first child and told she was prediabetic, she made some lifestyle changes that proved to be highly transformative for her physical and mental health. Lynne has always valued self-care so as to care for others.

    Lynne, author of Amazon best-seller "Brownies for Breakfast," has been featured at women's expos throughout the country, teaming with actress Deidre Hall to write and publish "Deidre Hall's Kitchen Closeup" (2010) and Deidre Hall's "How Does She Do It?" (2012). She's received national awards as a creative director for advertising agencies on both coasts and has worked as an actress, makeup artist, screenwriter, illustrator, legal journalist, wedding planner and television Weather Person.

    Enjoy the show!

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • If you are like me, even the phrase Excel sheet is enough to make you run in the other direction. Well, fear no more! Money and financial literacy are our friends!

    Today I had a very educational and insightful interview with Patti Handy, a financial advisor and coach whose goal is to ensure that women stay informed as to how to access, manage, and grow their money.

    After spending a combined 20 years as a Financial Advisor and Mortgage Advisor and having countless conversations with women, Patti decided to pursue her dream of Financial Coaching for Women. She is a teacher at heart, and I love to educate and empower women with money smarts! Patti Handy is a Certified Executive Coach and certified Life Coach, holds a Real Estate Brokers license and is a published author of four books.

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • Kelli Miller just launched her new book, Love Hacks (CDN listeners, you can pre-order it today; its release date is February 23, 2024). Love Hacks identifies fifteen common relationship challenges and provides three innovative “hacks” for each. Designed to address the most common problems in couples, Kelli’s solutions are simple, effective, and usable anywhere and anytime. Best of all, her clients have field-tested these techniques with excellent results.

    From the chair of one psychotherapist to another, Kelli and I had an engaging discussion of the common pitfalls couples fall into. Listen in because this episode provides relationship advice and tips so that you can walk away with tools, tips, and ‘love hacks to begin to use and start incorporating in your own relationship today.

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • In this episode, I discuss how living ‘The European Lifestyle’, or TEL, is the easiest approach to regain physical and emotional health. Why? Because, in general, Europeans are not so ‘rushed’ and, in doing so, become mindless. When mindlessness meets stress, the brain secretes stress hormone messages to the body, which spikes insulin. When insulin is secreted, glucose gets shuttled into the cell, and when there is an overabundance of glucose, it is stored as fat.

    When we lack connection, peace and happiness, we naturally are more prone to stress. Chronic stress and, consequently, chronic insulin spikes make us dumber and fatter. Chronic insulin also occurs by other means. Constant snacking and excessive carbohydrates in the form of simple sugars and processed foods, which lack fibre, also encourage high insulin spikes. Toxins in the form of pesticides and herbicides and the absence of nutrient-dense foods are other ways our metabolism gets hijacked.

    In summary, there is not just one factor that causes us to lose the battle of the bulge; there are many.

    Enjoy the show.

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • Last spring, I hired a photographer for a photo shoot while vacationing in Europe. We became friends because of her welcoming and friendly nature. So, when I decided to do an episode on the connection to a Mediterranean lifestyle with better mental and physical health, I asked Anastasiia to describe the lifestyle. My hope in doing so is that you can put the puzzle pieces together to find peace and happiness as well.

    In summary, drop your need to compare and be ‘better’ than anyone else. Just BE yourself. Do what brings you joy each day and stick to it.

    Whether it is being more mindful about everything you do – including noticing the importance of being kind, or part of a community, or the quality of food you decide to ingest, or resting more and working less… bigger, better, stronger, faster doesn’t seem to be the answer to our well-being.

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • Today, I had the privilege of again hosting a previous popular guest, Shirley Hiiman, who first aired on Episode #53, where we unpacked ‘essential’ information when it comes to taking care of your health through the use of essential oils.

    Shirley Hiiman, a licensed esthetician and wellness coach who lives in New York with her three daughters and her husband, explained the many holistic uses of essential oils and why, once she tried them, she could not live without them. Everything from boosting your immune system to boosting your self-esteem, essential oils have benefits dating back thousands of years.

    Top 10 Oils:

    Lavender Lemon Peppermint Tea Tree Oregano Frankincense Deep blue Breath On guard Digest zen

    If you are looking for an affordable and meaningful way of achieving more satisfaction in your life by connecting to what is truly important to you – join my newest 8-module course called Oh Please…do TEL.

    It starts January 20th!!

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.

  • I loved hearing my client reiterate her past five years of working with me and working on herself. Anne (not her real name) noticed how she often made excuses about why she felt stuck and what she was doing was lying to herself.

    Change is never easy and always exciting. I have a few clients whom I joke with and tell them, ‘It’s never a boring session with you.’

    That is a true compliment because you know what? Change means new…and if your life is mediocre, you are not evolving, which entails making many mistakes. My job is simply to guide you towards embracing your individuality and reminding you that you are doing this for a reason. Self-reflection is worth it, and incredible freedom is on the other side of that facade.

    If you are looking for an affordable and meaningful way of achieving more satisfaction in your life by connecting to what is truly important to you – join my newest 8-module course called Oh Please…do TEL.

    It starts January 20th!!

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    This podcast provides general health information and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. The views expressed here are not a replacement for expert medical opinions.