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Hvornår er man en god far? Og hvad er en god far overhovedet?
På jagt efter indsigt, inspiration og godt selskab har Mattias Hundebøll sat en række markante mænd i stævne. For nu skal det handle om den titel i livet, som vi mænd oftest er aller dårligst til tale med hinanden om - nemlig dét at være far.
Både når det er magisk og opløftende. Men også når det er svært, når det gør ondt, og når man ikke føler at man slår til.
Håber du vil lytte med!
Foto: Philip Ørneborg -
Gravid uke for uke er en podcastserie fra Babyverden som følger fosterets utvikling gjennom hele graviditeten.
Fødselslege Tilde Broch Østborg og jordmor Annett Hegèn Michelsen er våre eksperter, I 40 uker, fra unnfangelse til fødsel, forteller vi deg hvordan babyen utvikler seg, og hva som skjer med deg som er gravid.
Programleder er Karine Næss Frafjord.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vil du bli trygg på å lage barnematen selv?
Her i denne podcasten får du vite akkurat det du trenger for å bli trygg på at du lager næringsrik mat til barnet ditt, samtidig som vi hjelper deg å finne gode alternativer på butikken. For ingen lager alt selv alltid!
Her får du vite hvordan du lager de første smaksprøvene, til hvordan du enkelt kan tilpasse familiens mat til babyen.
Hvis du vil ha helt konkrete tips til hva du bør gi som den første babymaten kan du gå til og laste ned babymatguiden helt gratis -
Hvilke utfordringer kan man støte på som nybakt forelder? Hva er lurt å tenke på når livet er snudd på hodet, og du skal lære alt om hvordan man tar vare på et bittelitte menneske?
Cecilie Ramona Kåss Furuseth deler egne erfaringer som småbarnsmor og inviterer med kjente gjester og eksperter for å finne de beste rådene til alle nybakte foreldre - sånn at at de første 2 årene kan gå litt greiere for DEG. Har du noe på hjertet? Send det til eller på Instagram: @unntakstilstand_pod
Welcome To The Blossoming Mommy + Baby Show: The ONLY International Maternal-Lifestyle Brand, Helping Families Discover Healthy Solutions to Natural Living. Blossoming Mommy + Baby Show is hosted by Jennifer Blossom, who is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy and Founder of Blossoming Mommy + Baby. Jennifer created this show with one mission- to transform and reboot the health and happiness of families worldwide. Fresh, gorgeous episodes are released every Monday and Wednesday and focus on modern holistic living. Whether we chat healthy recipes, remedies, motherhood, encouragement, pregnancy, Christianity, marriage health, emotional health, parenting, and beyond.... we are here to provide you with the action steps to healthy and happy living! It is time to BLOSSOM, girl! Welcome to the Blossoming Community! XOXO
Ultralyd er en podcastserie om å være gravid, hvor Ingvild har fått med seg fagfolk og andre som kan mye om temaene hun lurer på som gravid. Hva kan du egentlig spise, og hvordan bør du trene som gravid? Og hvordan er det for pappaen oppi det hele?
UltraLyd er laget av Nettavisen.
Programleder er Ingvild Jenhaug Korneliussen.
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The Art of Allowance Podcast is hosted by John Lanza, the author of "The Art of Allowance: A Short, Practical Guide to Raising Money-Smart, Money-Empowered Kids." John is also the Chief Mammal and Creator of The Money Mammals, the award-winning DVD and picture book series that helps get kids excited about money smarts. In the Art of Allowance podcast, John interviews parents and other youth money experts to discuss tools, tactics and tricks that families can pick and choose from to help them raise financially literate, money-smart and money-empowered kids (from birth to teen).
At det skurrer på hjemmebane er vanligere enn du tror – men det finnes hjelp å få. Ingen kjenner norske familier og samlivsutfordringer like godt som oss i familievernet. I denne podkasten gir våre eksperter deg råd og tips om viktige tema de fleste foreldre kjenner seg igjen i.
Un programa dedicado a empoderarte como mamá para que sigas tu intuición y tomes decisiones desde la información. En Naturalmente Mamá Podcast encontrarás historias de parto reales, información que te ayudará a vivir tu embarazo a plenitud y a llegar con confianza a tu parto y preparada a tu postparto. Otros de los temas que tocamos se enfocan en la crianza con apego, pañales de tela e incluso lactancia materna para que seas tú quien decida con qué te quedas, porque si hay algo que tiene la maternidad, es que es un camino único para cada una, pero no necesitamos recorrerlo solas.
Create Your Now brings moms, mompreneurs, and entrepreneurs tools and strategies to become their best selfie in areas of lifestyle, business, spirituality, nutrition, fitness, parenting, relationships, motherhood, mindset and balanced daily living. We promise according to our hopes; And perform according to our fears! This DAILY podcast will empower and encourage you to rediscover, rejuvenate and renew who you are in mind, body, and spirit. Topics include healthy living, work life balance, weight loss, exercise videos, overcoming adversity, burnout, inspiration, motivation, cooking and recipes, mind mapping, goal setting, marriage and relationships, and Christian values. Kristianne, your host, is a contributor to the Huffington Post. Let's train for life and love your journey. Be Present. Be Incredible. Be YOU!!!
Enjoy Create Your Now ARCHIVE 1 through ARCHIVE 5 Podcast on iTunes for the earlier episodes. Send your questions/comments to -
Andrea Olson of Go Diaper Free explains elimination communication - the concept of pottying your baby, as early as birth - which is what people have done for all of human history and in today’s world where there are no diapers. She makes it easy to integrate EC into your modern lifestyle as a new parent, demystifies how to know your baby needs to go, how to take them to the toilet instead of primarily relying on the diaper, and makes EC approachable, accessible, and fun, for all parents...whether part-time, with or without diapers, and in any region of the world. Contrary to popular marketing messages, diapers are tools, not toilets, and babies are ALL born “ready” to use the toilet. Learn how to connect with your baby on this very natural level with Andrea’s expert guidance, and experience the freedom of a life without dependence upon diapers, a life without traumatic toilet training, a life where your baby gets a head start on developing motor skills, communication, and learning by prioritizing this age-appropriate skill (0-18 months). EC honors your baby’s dignity and makes parenting THAT much easier! Stop changing blowouts...and learn how to listen to your baby’s requests for good hygiene. Learn more at (PS - Andrea also occasionally covers potty training, for those of you who find us after 18 months.)
Boomer and Senior Life Styles addresses the questions that all boomers ask. Will our Healthcare System Survive, How to age gracefully, Senior actives, diet and wellness. Ron host just authored, Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer's Disease. Each 5 minutes are packed with information.
Every person diagnosed with narcolepsy embarks on a unique journey. There is no standard path, and for many, this proves to be among the most challenging aspects of the disorder.
The Narcolepsy 360 podcast is a series of interviews that take a panoramic view of narcolepsy from the patient, caregiver, research and clinical perspective. Each conversation draws on experiences, best practices and expert advice from patients, parents and doctors. From the latest research to lifestyle tips, our podcasts shed light on the less discussed issues around narcolepsy.
Join Claire Crisp, our Executive Director, as she chats every week with people within our community. -
Veteran Divorce, Child Custody, & Family Law Attorney, Leigh Sellers, serves as your guide through the foreign world of Splitsville – an alien place with its own rules, its own expectations, and even its own language. You won't find it on Google Maps, and your GPS won't work here. So if you’re feeling lost, you’re in the right place. With decades of experience serving clients in North Carolina (Charlotte, Monroe, Waxhaw, Concord, Gastonia, Weddington, NC) and South Carolina (Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Indian Land, Lancaster, SC), Leigh Sellers is the attorney with the answers you seek. This podcast tackles some of the trickiest topics in the family law field, including separation, how to get a divorce, alimony, child custody, child support, adultery, division of property, and more. To find out more or to schedule a consultation, call (704) 412-9101 or e-mail
Welcome to Splitsville -- your off-ramp to getting on with your life. -
This is a Podcast devoted to helping Foster Parents deal with the frustrations and struggles involved with Foster Parenting. The podcast focuses on parenting techniques that work, along with frequent interviews with people who have a great deal of experience with foster care. Join us on our journey and Subscribe Today!
Gina Marie DePrima, Esq., is a natural born empath, energy worker and family/divorce law attorney. Gain a legal and healing perspective to all matters of the heart. Emotional unrest can be a catalyst to a brighter future with the proper foundation. Build a foundation for a more peaceful future. Gain clarity and solutions during your relationship family struggles.