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I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Tara O’Desky (again). She suffered from rosacea for 20 years. After numerous disappointing doctor visits that only addressed the surface issues, she was fed up. She started listening to her body and made it her mission to heal herself.
And now she helps people all over the world heal from rosacea and chronic flushing.
Find out more about Dr. Tara here:
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When you've done the work to heal yourself and you finally experience the changes you've been working towards!
Check out my E-Books: Beyond The Blush: A Real-Talk Guide for Eliminating Erythrophobia // Understanding Erythrophobia: Reframing How We View Blushing
You can join our newsletter here:
Check out my book Pressing Forward, Pushing Through Fear and Anxiety to Find My Truest Self - HERE:
Check out my book Lean In: I wrote this book in honor of my dad and his 11-month battle with colon cancer. May we all learn something valuable from the life — and death of William H. Dotson.
You can purchase Lean In here: the show
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
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New year but old baggage has followed you into the New Year? That deep search for inner peace is not about searching. You already have access to it. But it's gonna cost you your comfort.
The exchange is temporary discomfort for long-term peace.
The choice is - and has always been - and will always be - YOURS.Support the show
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Who cares if you might mess it up - JUST SHINE!
Do you feel lost in the shadows? Overlooked? Forgotten? Lost on your journey? Stuck in perfectionism and afraid to make a mess?
You know you’re supposed to express your gifts publicly - but you feel like you’ve been in the shadows for a long time. Maybe you’ve experienced great grief or other life-altering events in the past couple of years and have lost your way.
The woman you once were - is no longer there. But you’re unsure how to discover who you are now and what you should be doing.
You are not alone, my friend.
My life changed completely over the past 5 years.
-Global Pandemic
-Losing my dad to cancer and watching him pass away.
-Having a surprise baby at 36 years old
-Departing from my executive position after almost 4 years - which included leaving so many people who I deeply cared about and were part of my day-to-day life.
-Postpartum Depression
-Publishing my second book, Lean In.
-Losing friends because we no longer resonated with each other’s energy.
-Moving to a new state
-Getting an introduction to Perimenopause
My life looks totally different today than it did 5 years ago. Learning to move through discomfort and have the courage to explore who I want to be - has made all the difference.
In today’s episode, I’m sharing the lyrics to a song and why they’re significant for people like me and you.
Just shine!
Listen to the song here: Jaslyn Edgar: Shine
The video of me being on the news (the song plays in the background). the show
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Anxiety, Depression, Life Changes, Loss, Grief, Postpartum Depression - many factors can leave us in a pit of despair. It can rid you of the song you once sang in your spirit.
How do you get out once you find yourself in that dark, cold, and lonely place? How do you find your song again?
In today's message, I'm sharing about my own personal navigation through anxiety and depression. I share how I lost the beauty of the inner song and how it eventually returned to me.
If you've started the new year feeling unmotivated, a bit lost, and overwhelmed - this message will be for YOU!
Check out my book Pressing Forward, Pushing Through Fear and Anxiety to Find My Truest Self - HERE: the show
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Happy New Year!!!
I hope you had an amazing holiday season and are excited for the year ahead.
Speaking of the year ahead - I made this video for you to share some of the changes happening with Blushing Phoenix. If you've been around a while you've seen me try to make channel changes a few times but I always return to Blushing Phoenix and Erythrophobia content because engagement dips like crazy whenever I make a change. I built this channel to be this. So, the algorithm doesn't like when I change my content. Which has always made me return to erythrophobia and blushing talk.
So much so - that I stopped being excited to talk about it and therefore just stopped posting because the topic doesn't resonate as a topic I talk about consistently.
That's why I've decided to make these upcoming changes. I love to share insights and learn from others. Not recording and creating content has left a void within me.
It may take a while for the channel to gain traction with this evolution, but that's fine by me.
If / when you find the channel - content you've been seeking will be waiting for you.
And if you just want to be here for blushing talk - I've got FIVE YEARS worth of content and will definitely still talk about blushing from time to time because it's a huge part of my story.
I'm grateful for everyone who interacts with this channel.
Rise -
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In this Ignite interview, we dive into Human Design with Mindset Coach, Human Design Guide, and YouTuber, Veronica Mezzetti-Draia.
Veronica shares her expertise on how understanding our unique design can unlock a deeper self-awareness and empower us to live in alignment with our true nature. Together, we discuss the importance of investing in yourself - whether through personal development or coaching - as a pathway to authentic self-expression and confidence.
Veronica's insights into Human Design reveal how this system can help you connect to your natural strengths and navigate life with more clarity and purpose.
Whether you're new to Human Design or looking to deepen your journey, this conversation offers inspiration for anyone ready to learn, grow, and step fully into their potential.
Check out more of Veronica’s work and resources on her website. Be sure to get your free chart and let me know your outcome in the comments.
Watch the video on Blushing Phoenix here: the show
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From work meetings, to speaking in public, to singing karaoke, to warm rooms with lots of people surrounding me, to sit-down dinners and multiple coffee dates with people I don’t know well - I’m present. I belong. I’m not at odds within my body.
I’m finally home within myself.
My beautiful, sensitive friends. Hear me when I say -
You can overcome erythrophobia.
Eliminating the #chronicblushing is possible.
In 2019 I started Blushing Phoenix to heal myself. I figured if I could heal myself and you could watch my journey, you would believe that healing was possible for you too.
Healing is possible for you.
I know this 100% now!
This is part 1 of me unpacking and sharing what has happened in my life since May that has ultimately led to very minimal blushing and flushing within my body.Support the show
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In this episode, Collin Clem shares his personal journey with blushing and how he decided to take back his life from blushing.
Now he is empowering others through his content and coaching program.
Don't miss this conversation filled with practical tips and our own personal stories about overcoming erythrophobia.
You can break through blushing by changing the story you're telling yourself!
Connect with Collin:
Check out my E-Books: Beyond The Blush: A Real-Talk Guide for Eliminating Erythrophobia // Understanding Erythrophobia: Reframing How We View Blushing
You can join our newsletter here: the show
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You are in for a treat with this video! Alondra Sánchez shares her story about overcoming erythrophobia and navigating blushing as a THERAPIST!
Our conversation is packed with BLUSHING topics like:
- Alondra's experience with hypnosis
- Projecting our thoughts onto others
-Nervous System Regulation
-Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
- Hormones: Perimenopause, Postpartum Depression, Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
- Navigating the fear of blushing as a THERAPIST + tools to help you navigate for yourself!
- Blushing can negatively impact any skin tone, not ONLY fair skin.
+ More
If you're interested in learning more about Alondra and her business, Cultura Counseling, LLC., be sure to check out her website!
watch om YouTube here: the show
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Let's deep dive into these shenanigans. Wait until you hear about my most recent experience.
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In today's episode, I'm sharing how a simple change in perspective (and outside thinking) can change things for the better!
Plus, a little pep talk. Because would this be Ignite if I didn't pep talk you?Support the show
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It's been a bazillion years since I've posted a podcast! I was inspired by my friend Amanda. She just launched her new podcast - (go listen to it here)!
I wanted to share some updates and thoughts that I've had lately. If you're a person who is evolving and growing in your consciousness - this episode may be helpful for you!
Sometimes we think we're helping and we're not. Sometimes others think they are helping us, but they're not. If you find yourself in a season where you feel you're talking but no one hears you - you're not alone!
Let me know if you can relate to this episode!Support the show
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Blushing & Spirituality:
In today’s episode, I’m going to share with you how spirituality impacts blushing and sharing 5 Spiritual Practices To Overcome Erythrophobia OR any other insecurity you're dealing with.
Feel free to jump to 13:55 to get straight to the tips. I had to give quite a bit of backdrop so you can understand the context of my spiritual journey.
Get Your Copy of the E-Book: Understanding Erythrophobia: Reframing How We View Blushing
Here: the show
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I had the honor of talking with Joel Pimentel about his 50-pound weight-loss journey and his struggle with perfectionism. Many blushers suffer from perfectionism (I know I sure did). Although he's not a blusher, his struggles and mental battles are very similar to those who struggle with erythrophobia.
Joel was able to move through his insecurities and create amazing content, which later led to a video that now has over 300k views and over 5k subscribers to his Youtube channel in just a few short months.
Joel didn't wait until he felt ready, he just moved into action. I hope you find some encouragement from his incredible story and how he was able to lift himself from the pit of perfectionism and into living the life he desired.
Be sure to check out his youtube channel here:
And IG here:
MY NEW BOOK, LEAN IN HAS BEEN RELEASED!! I wrote this book in honor of my dad and his 11-month battle with colon cancer. May we all learn something valuable from the life — and death of William H. Dotson.
You can purchase Lean In here:
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Blushing Phoenix:
Mindfulness Coloring Book created by Tony Poynter: the show
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I'm disappearing for 90 days.
Have you ever just wanted to shut out the noise, detach from your phone, and hear your own thoughts again?
Yeah, me too.
That's why I'm going on this 90-day journey.
You'll still find me here and at - but I just want to get back to the basics for a little while.Support the show
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Watch the conversation between me and Hank here
I'm so excited to share this podcast with you! Today's episode is featuring Hank Thurmond. He's the creator of The Viking Mindset Transformational Therapy Podcast.
Hank holds a master's degree in applied psychology from Walden University, as well as certifications in Life Coaching, Clinical Hypnotherapy, & The Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping). Hank wants to help people develop the Viking Mindset and the psychological tools necessary to set and achieve ambitious goals, to face life head on and to live life to the fullest, on your own terms.
All information presented on the Viking Mindset Transformational Therapy podcast or April Poynter Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episodeSupport the show
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Our thoughts can overwhelm us when it comes to creating. Fulfillment comes from creating, not the thinking or the researching. Activity doesn't always equal productivity if you're not doing the things that get you to an outcome.
If analysis paralysis is holding you back this episode is definitely for YOU! if you're interested in checking out any of the things I mentioned in this episode.Support the show
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