Christ is supreme! He is over all, through all and in all. Delve into Colossians with Benjamin and Tarrah and discover some of why Paul wrote and addressed what he did in his letter. The parallels to our time are important in so many ways as well as the heart posture we must have. We must incline our hearts to Jesus. We must get back to the pure gospel and simple faith. Be encouraged to know that as you incline your heart to the Lord and draw near to Him, He immediately draws near to you!
What does it mean to live Holy in this generation? As a young person, how can you keep yourself unstained from the world? How can the older generations speak to and encourage young people to keep themselves pure? How can parents process with their children and teenagers in a time when what they read in the Bible is not lived out, taught or demonstrated in the culture they live in? Dive into these subjects and more in this episode of Igniting Hearts led by Tarrah Deitrick with Special Guest Lauren Darlington.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Pastor Terry Cuthbertson grew up in the school of hard knocks. After many devastating events in his life, he found himself homeless, sleeping on someone’s front porch. That’s where the person that supplied him some of his drugs told him that he “HAD” to come to church with him! That was beginning of the restoration journey for his life and 22 years later, he has never looked back! Listen in to hear this incredible testimony of how Jesus can change and transform lives!
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"I was never a church person... didn't want anything to do with God... until one day I was helping move some boxes into a church and a woman approached me and told me she was a professional alcoholic for many years... but now she was a Christian..."
Join us for Season 2 of Igniting Hearts with Benjamin and Tarrah Deitrick. We begin this season with a series of testimonies of salvation, healing, deliverance and more.
In this episode, we are joined by our dear friends Pastors Petar and Kristina who tell their story of salvation, deliverance of mind and soul as well as physical healing. You will be challenged and inspired to reach for God yourself as well as share him with others around you.
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to learn how you can partner with Ignite Ministries International to partner with and sow into Croatia and these amazing pastors.
Re-formed by the Master Potter //
Listen as Benjamin and Tarrah share with you from a powerful vision that Tarrah had from the glory. She saw a potter’s wheel and the hands of the Lord picking up vessels that were once used for one purpose and were now being reformed and stretched by the Lord. This stretching she saw was an expanding of the vessels capacity and a shifting from what used to be the purpose of the vessel to a new and expanded one. Be encouraged that God is not done with you no matter who you are, where you come from or the season you find yourself in. This is a season to be expanded and re-formed for greater purpose, lovingly molded in the hands of the master potter. Your life matters! Stay on the potter’s wheel!
The Bible specifically says that every believer is commissioned from the Lord to transform this world we live in. We have received power, authority and an anointing from the Lord that equips us with everything we need. But, sometimes we do not access the fullness of that power and anointing because we forget who we are in God and what we have been mandated to do. In this message Benjamin Deitrick reminds every believer of WHO they ARE and what they have been destined and ordained to do upon the earth. Be encouraged and strengthened as you listen and receive a FRESH anointing to GO into all the world and bring the light and love of Jesus! Matthew 28:16-20 "16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Tarrah shares a heartfelt message from Matthew 16 about who we are in Christ. Our confession of HIM becomes our identity in HIM.
Matthew 16:13-20 "13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” 14 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” 17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter,[a] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[b] will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[c] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[d] loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah."
Join Benjamin Deitrick and his guest Pastor Paul Johnson as they discuss the reality of Mark 2:21-22 in our time; new wine for new wineskins. How is God shifting us into the New? What does that look like? What will it cost us? How can we partner with God and have courage to take a leap of faith even when we have to risk upsetting the status quo?
Listen in as Robert Hotchkin joins Benjamin and Tarrah Deitrick for a very special episode of "Igniting Hearts". One word from the Lord changed Robert's life. That word was, "I refuse not to love you..." Be inspired and ignited in your heart as you listen to Robert's testimony which has become his heart cry. Receive and regain FRESH FIRE from the Holy Spirit.
Most of us have "God dreams"... those things which we believe God has spoken to our hearts. These dreams are part of the unique purpose and destiny that God has called us to walk in. How do we steward those things when they come? Does the word come and burn bright for a few moments and then die out? Listen in as Benjamin and Tarrah discuss stewarding the Word of God over our lives and to our hearts as a part of their ongoing "maintaining the fire" series. Let the FIRE of the Word of the Lord 🔥 on the altar of our hearts never go out!
Have you ever been so thirsty that you feel like you can't stand it? On a hot day, working or maybe your car broke down on the side of the road in the midst of terrible summer heat. Maybe you have a soda or some coffee in your car or near you... but it just won't do... it just won't satisfy your thirst. True revival is like that water. It is the only thing that satisfy's our hunger within for the "real thing". Listen in as Benjamin Deitrick is joined by Pastor Petar Fabijanic from Pula Croatia as they discuss their search for and experience of true revival. Be inspired by stories of miracles, healings and the power of the gospel on full display, not 2,000 years ago, but right now, today in our time. Be blessed in your hunger and pursuit of the Lord and be encouraged by these testimonies!
Za naše hrvatske prijatelje: ispričavamo se što je ovaj prijenos samo na engleskom jeziku.
Jeste li ikada bili toliko žedni da vam se čini da ne možete izdržati? Vrućeg dana, radite ili vam se možda auto pokvario pokraj ceste usred užasne ljetne vrućine. Možda imate gazirani sok ili kavu u svom autu ili u blizini... ali to jednostavno neće poslužiti... jednostavno neće zadovoljiti vašu žeđ. Pravo probuđenje je poput te vode. To je jedina stvar koja utažuje našu unutarnju glad za "pravom stvari". Poslušajte kako se Benjaminu Deitricku pridružuje pastor Petar Fabijanić iz Pule Hrvatska dok razgovaraju o svojoj potrazi i iskustvu istinskog probuđenja. Nadahnite se pričama o čudima, iscjeljenjima i snazi evanđelja koja je u potpunosti prikazana, ne prije 2000 godina, već upravo sada, danas u našem vremenu. Budite blagoslovljeni u svojoj gladi i potrazi za Gospodinom i ohrabreni ovim svjedočanstvima!
As we continue our series on "Maintaining the Fire", we delve into the subject of service: the path to Holy Fire. Who are you when no one is looking? Do we have a burning fire only when we are applauded and celebrated? Or... does the flame of the Lord burn best in the secret place to the applause of heaven alone... listen in as we share authentically from our hearts and personal experience how God called us into fellowship with his heart in the place of service.
God has called us to a LIFE of burning bright for HIM...a life of fiery, passionate service and pursuit. Sadly, many of us feel like we have lost this fire or the flame has burned down to almost nothing. Leviticus 6 describes how the fire on the altar of God was to be kept burning continually and never go out. These scriptures and the pattern and example of the temple in the days of Moses and David are to be lived out in our daily walk as believers in Jesus. The literal altar in the temple is now the altar of our hearts; the seat of our emotions, passion, will, etc. Is the fire burning on your heart? Are you living a life that is significant for the Kingdom of God and pleasing to him? How do we keep the fire burning continually in such a way that it NEVER goes out? Listen in as Benjamin and Tarrah share vulnerably in part 1 of this new series and be encouraged in your journey of passionate pursuit.
It takes FAITH to obey what God speaks to us! Listen in as Benjamin and Tarrah have a heart to heart discussion, continuing their series on faith specifically where it relates to our obedience to God. God desires obedience from the heart more than religious duty! He desires a people "sold out" to his purposes no matter what the cost! Let this encourage your heart and strengthen your resolve as you are inspired to obey the Lord... out of a place of intimacy rather than duty.
As they continue their series on faith, Benjamin and Tarrah discuss the issue of trust from a powerful message that Tarrah did called, "Trust in the Lord." Dive deep into this issue and learn from the scriptures that trust is not only a surrender of the soul to the Lord, but a positioning of our minds in confident assurance of his strength! Watch the full video from Tarrah at our youtube channel here:
Miraculous physical healing is an aspect of the goodness of God that every believer can experience. In this episode, Benjamin and Tarrah share scriptures, personal stories and testimonies as well as candidly talk about struggles in their journey with God in the area of Physical healing. Be encouraged as you hear true accounts of God healing cancer, eye problems, anemia and more. Be strengthened as Benjamin and Tarrah share about what to do when God doesn't heal and keep be inspired to live a life of greater faith in a GOOD GOD who loves to heal his children!
IGNITING HEARTS PODCAST: Episode #1: "Give Faith the Biggest Room." Listen in as Benjamin and Tarrah Deitrick begin their discussion on FAITH. Tarrah shares an important dream she had where the Lord spoke to her to "Give Faith the Biggest Room..." Benjamin and Tarrah unpack how living a life of faith is not about an outward show, but rather an inward perseverance. We pray as you listen in, your heart would be IGNITED in the love of God and that you would be inspired to live every day for him. Connect with us more at: