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Come è stato possibile che i protagonisti della lotta armata, a cavallo tra gli anni ’70 e ’80, fossero giovani, promettenti e di buona famiglia?
Il podcast Borghesia violenta, tratto dall’omonimo libro di Nicola Ventura e David Barra, cerca di rispondere a questa domanda attraverso le vite di alcuni protagonisti di quegli anni: Valerio Fioravanti, Marco Donat-Cattin, Alessandro Alibrandi e i responsabili della morte di Sergio Ramelli.
Attorno a loro gravita l’infinita galassia di protagonisti e comprimari della lunga stagione all’inferno italiana: 12.770 atti di violenza, 5.390 feriti, 342 morti – solo il 1979 fa registrare 2.200 attentati; numeri che si avvicinano al computo definitivo del decennio terroristico-stragistico italiano di destra e di sinistra. A ciascun personaggio è dedicato un ciclo di episodi.
Una coproduzione Emons Record e Gog Edizioni, in media partnership con Open
Disponibile dal 14 giugno 2024 il primo ciclo su Valerio "Giusva" Fioravanti.
Disponibile dal 25 settembre 2024 il secondo ciclo su Marco Donat-Cattin.
Disponibile dal 12 novembre 2024 il terzo ciclo su Alessandro Alibrandi.
Disponibile dal 20 gennaio 2025 il quarto ciclo sul caso Ramelli. -
Dans ce podcast, écoute la bande-son de AR, UN MAGAZINE DE VOYAGE qui inspire et donne envie de voyager autrement. Découvre les aventures de nos reporters à l'autre bout du monde ou dans un coin de France, des entretiens avec des personnalités qui racontent leur rapport à l'ailleurs, des récits de voyageurs étonnants, des commentaires de photographes en pleine action. Bref, entre dans les coulisses d'un magazine qui porte un regard libre sur le voyage!
Production : Studio Aller-Retour avec Sandrine Mercier et Michel Fonovich.
Retrouve AR Magazine voyageur dans les kiosques et sur Instagram, Facebook et Linkedin.
Merci de ton soutien sur ta plateforme d’écoute préférée: n'hésite pas à partager, liker et commenter.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Une série de podcasts inédite de la SNSM dans laquelle sauveteurs et rescapés vous racontent certains des sauvetages les plus emblématiques effectués le long des côtes françaises.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
The late 60’s and early 70’s was a time for free love, peace and change. People sought out religious communities and like minded individuals to share in these experiences. The Children of God became a worldwide phenomenon. With a foundation based on Christianity, the sermons quickly shifted to an extreme. One of their biggest “selling features” of the group was that they cherished and loved the children as God would. But David Berg’s definition of love was much different. As abuse intensified, leadership demands were harder and harder to meet. Self preservation was the only thing that mattered.
And now they are Surviving Love. -
REvaluation Podcast über die Zukunft der Forschungspolitik - und ihrer Evaluierung. Präsentiert von Tobias Dudenbostel und Isabella Wagner für die Österreichische Plattform für Forschungs- und Technologiepolitikevaluierung (fteval).REvaluation Podcast about the future of research policy - and its evaluation. Presented by Tobias Dudenbostel and Isabella Wagner for the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (fteval).
The Chronicles of Curious Characters is a podcast in which we feature a new character in each episode and their unique story - we explore their backgrounds and their passions. We focus on the melting pot of Luxembourg but every now and then we will have guests from other countries. We'll be talking to locals and expats about what they love to do, what they're enthusiastic about in life, and what makes Luxembourg such a special place for them.
Viele paranormale Themen geistern durch die Gesellschaft. Das Geister Café versucht zu all diesen Themen Stellung zu beziehen. Themen wie Ghosthunting, Geisterjagt, EVP, Transkommunikation und noch vieles mehr wird nach und nach vorgestellt und besprochen. Dazu kommt noch Content von den Füfftys - Auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit, sowie paranormal Creepypasta von Jack.... dem guten Geist des Cafés.
Oltre ogni aspettativa
di Marco Rip
Arrivato ad un angolo cieco della sua vita professionale, Marco decide di prendersi una pausa e intraprendere un cammino da solo. Un viaggio iniziato come un’evasione da una città e un lavoro soffocanti, diventa un’immersione in ascolto di se stesso alla ricerca di un senso di appartenenza, del proprio spazio e del proprio suono.
In un anno denso di difficoltà e nell’anniversario della scomparsa di uno dei suoi migliori amici, Marco cerca il coraggio di mettersi in discussione mettendosi in cammino lungo uno dei più storici e affascinanti pellegrinaggi, la Via Francigena, procedendo “per agri” (dal lat. “attraverso i campi”) fra soluzioni inusuali e senza paura dell’imprevedibile, verso una scelta che gli cambierà la vita.
Il radio-documentario è prodotto per Tre Soldi (Rai Radio3)
Registrazioni, musiche, mix e montaggio a cura di Marco Rip
Foto di Elia Mattè -
La crise de la quarantaine est-elle un mythe ? 👁
Tout au long de son existence, on vit plusieurs tournants. Des événements, des rencontres, des échecs, des réussites nous impactent, nous font nous remettre en question, nous font aller vers un autre nous-même. Dans le podcast Quarante, d’anciens, de nouveaux et de futurs quarantenaires nous racontent ces moments de bascule qui interviennent souvent autour de 40 ans, en milieu de vie. La crise de la quarantaine/cinquantaine est-elle un mythe? Pourquoi est-elle souvent vue comme un malaise plutôt qu’une renaissance? Certains balancent tout, changent de vie, d’autres ont la féroce volonté de devenir l’individu qu’ils pensent vraiment être, tous traversent des instants intenses, heureux, malheureux, libérateurs, fous, drôles, inquiétants, inspirants.
Dans ce podcast, Marjorie Murphy laisse la parole à toutes celles et ceux qui ont vécu un reboot de leur disque dur intérieur pour, peut-être, enfin, devenir eux-mêmes...
Des suggestions de thèmes à aborder ? Des témoignages à nous partager ? Contactez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux :
💌 Quarante : @quarantepodcast
💌 Agence Double Monde : @doublemonde_podcast
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Ce podcast est produit par Double Monde Création
Réalisation et narration : Marjorie Murphy
Montage : Adrien Stiefel
Musique : Sébastien Ossona
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
This life affirming docu-series follows a year in the life of Glasgow’s ground breaking Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice. With unique behind the scenes access to staff, patients and the team who designed and built this incredible end of life facility, producer Pauline Moore tells the inspirational story of quite an extraordinary place.
For more information about Dear Green Place, go to:
On March 30, 1952 four men were executed in Athens, Greece. They were accused of being communists and committing acts of espionage and treason. Three years later, the daughters of one of these men were put on a plane and sent to America. They were adopted by a wealthy Greek American couple in Massachusetts. Their adoption was the first of a long line of adoptions between Greece and the US that has been kept a secret for years. It is a story that takes us back to the Cold War years and to a relationship of dominance and submission between the US and Greece. But it’s also a personal story, about facing one’s past — decades after being forced to forget. Can a broken family come together again?
Kawasaki Kids Foundation Huddle Podcast creates community, awareness and shares the stories of those who have walked the journey! Kawasaki Disease is the #1 acquired heart disease in children, impacting over four thousand families each year. The need to connect, support and share the experiences of those impacted is a vital piece in moving forward from this life changing diagnosis. The KKF- Huddle, is here to provide just that!