
  • Find Your Perfection Place in life - experimental affirmation audio designed to help you tap into you inner wisdom.

    For full effect, this is what I recommend (but TRUST your own guidance always):

    Clear a space and light a candle with the intention of connecting to the wisdom within. Put headphones on. Tune into your heart and thank it in advance for any and all guidance received during and after the practice. Hit play. Journal anything that comes to you and pay attention to whatever lights you up best over the course of the next 7 days or so (trust your timeline) as you continue to receive guidance.* (Optional): If you discovered your inner guidance feels you are meant to live with at least 1 other person, I recommend this subliminal:

    Welcome: 0:00

    Practice begins: 0:20

    This experimental affiramtion audio with subliminal light language and energy work is designed to open up your mind to creative possibilities for manifesting and aligning with your ideal life scenarios in every way. Not just for manifesting a house but also "where you're meant to be" in every aspect: romantically, physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, creatively, etc. Can't wait to hear how this is for you!

    *We all receive our inner guidance in our own unique ways. If you're new to being aware of how your Inner Being (or Consciousness, Source, Love, Light, whatever name you wish) speaks to you, I recommend a process of beginning to listen by tuning into what feels best to your in your life. Who do you most like to be with? Where do you most like to go? What do you most like to do? What does it feel like to be in those scenarios? Those feelings are like True North in your compass. Trust if something feels as light and good as the current best things you can think about in your life, then it is likely you are following and listening to your own inner wisdom. It takes testing phases you'll put yourself through to really listen and understand your own guidance, but that's a great place to start if you're new! xoxo

    Learn more at

    Disclaimer: I'm just a human sharing content I make for myself in hopes it serves you as well. I make no claims. Use your own guidance and discretion when listening.

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  • Welcome to Cancer Season! 10 Hour Overnight Affirmations Audio to make the Most of Cancer Season

    This is for all signs as we all enter Cancer season. See the affirmations on repeat in this audio below:

    I make the most of this Cancer season for my greatest good in accordance with the greatest good of all. I effortlessly and naturally embrace my desired Cancerian qualities in the best way. It’s as if that is all that there is. In fact, if a quality that appears to be a shadow of my cancerian aspects ever occurs, it is instantly learned from and transmuted into a desired quality so quickly is it is automatic and quite comfortable for me. I embrace my vulnerability and know I am safe to do so. I am a great friend and surrounded by those who love me and who I love back. My world is full of mutual support, love and trust. I am deeply imaginative and love playing with that ability for choosing and creating my preferred reality. I use my natural loyal instincts wisely. I feel loved both by myself and by the world around me. I feel nurtured, both by myself and by the world around me. I feel safe, secure and supported - both by myself and within the world around me. I am grateful for all life has to offer and I am trusting that this season’s blessings are released to me in beautiful timing and in beautiful ways.

    Additionally the background is an energy charged audio I spent over 12 hours creating for you with subliminal energy and messages around trusting in life and feeling/perceiving that all is well.

    Learn more about Incadnescent at

    Disclaimer: this is for entertainment. you take responsibility of your results and safety by listening. I make no claims on anything in life.

    (psst for those wondering "why don't these Cancer season affirmations mention housing/dwellings?" - my energy is too chaotic there myself to state any affirmations regarding housing. I've been in a trust fall of insecure housing for over 6 months and the energy would come off if I tried to affirm anything about it. BUT, this is why I kept the first 2 and last sentence vague and open to receiving ALL the blessings Cancer season has to offer. Trust the positive intention and energy is in there even if the statements aren't.)

  • Full Moon in Capricorn 10 Hour Overnight Affirmations for Success

    If you're looking for a full moon meditation or full moon ritual for the full moon in capricorn, this 10 hour affirmation meditation can be used either as a stand alone to meditate to for however long you wish, or in the background of your ritual for the full moon in capricorn, or simply (how I like to do it) as a sleep audio with not only 10 hours of affirmations but also 10 hours of subliminal messages for your highest, best, most loving good.

    I have looped "I AM and all is well" over 400k times in the background of this and created an energy charged musical audio with healing frequencies.

    Here is the statement that is on repeat for this full moon in capricorn affirmation meditation:

    I take responsibility for the actions, choices and decisions I make. I take action in an aligned and inspired way. My interactions with the outside physical world are infused with magic and miracles. The world around me loves and shows me how good it is to get to show up as myself in this world. I love being seen as I am. I love being free to be ambitious knowing my ambitions lead me to my desired success - whatever that looks like to me. I literally cannot stop the success that is coming to me. The full moon in capricorn highlights my successes and brings me the appearance of great luck and prosperity. However, in truth, I know this is just a reflection of how successful and wealthy I naturally am and I appreciate the full moon in capricorn for reflecting that to me. It’s easy for me to be focused on my goals and visions. I take inspired action effortlessly and engage in the world around me with total ease. My goals all come together naturally and joyfully at this time. I am determined to succeed simply because I know it is what’s natural and right for me. I show up in this physical world as my authentic self and the physical world shows me how safe and nurturing it is towards me. I keep receiving evidence of how successful and abundant I truly am. My hard work from the past pays off heavily at this time. I love taking inspired action during the full moon in Capricorn. I can trust the decisions I make and the way I show up in the world. I make the most of the energy of full moon in Capricorn effortlessly and naturally. All desired tasks and accomplishments are possible for me. There is no other way.


    Let yourself align with the powerful positive qualities brought to you during the time of this Capricorn Full Moon.

    If you want to also make the most of the other celestial activites occuring now too, find them in this playlist:

    Learn more:

    Disclaimer: I'm just a human sharing things I make for myself with you. You take responsibility for your wellbeing, safety and results by listening to this. I make no claims besides this one: you're amazing.

  • Summer Solstice Experimental Affirmation Loop | 10 Hour Overnight Sleep Messages

    These are experimental for a few reasons, but for me particularly because I alternate between I and we statements. If you are not a fan of oneness practices or interconnectivity work, you will not want to listen to this.

    Here are the affirmations:

    I align more deeply now and forever more with the Light that lives within. I expand my consciousness as I sleep and allow divine light of love and tranquility to comfort, ease and soothe me into my most powerful truth: that I, an expression of Earth, am naturally abundant. I am inherently Loved and I let in the Light of understanding now. I utilize this time of increased Light to experience the extreme and massive growth and positive change I know is available to us all right now. I choose it for me first, and in doing so, I entrust all others to do the same. I know all is well, on behalf of all of us. I KNOW we are okay. We are safe. This season of increased Light benefits all life at this time. I welcome in a return of even greater level of the light within each and every one of us, shedding truth upon us all, for our common greatest good. We are a part of something greater. For I know I am a part, of all of those listening, who care so deeply about each other even though we may never meet, and I know this means a powerful and positive change in a desired reaction and a return to go within. We believe in ourselves first and foremost, and therefore each other again. We know that collectively, we are witnessing the unfolding of our dreams, together. In a time of great chaos we expose Light upon all shadows within and choose to experience the abundance of peace again. Let peace reign supreme as we enter this summer solstice and experience its powerful energetic assistance in harmony with our evolution at this time. I am grateful to co-collectively manifest the powerful positive summer solstice experiences at this time. This is a time of great miracles and powerful inner and higher self growth. I effortlessly align fully with the version of me I MOST came here to be that is accessible to me at this time. I welcome powerful leaps in my experience of myself and my life. I expect powerful positive change to appear as if overnight. Why wouldn’t it? Why wouldn’t our realities wish to love us and nurture us at this time? There is no logical reason to not experience the greatest, most powerful positive shifts imaginable for the greatest good of all at this time. We deserve to shine. We deserve to prosper. And this is why

    Learn more at

    (ps if you like the background voice, check out @iammarisalynn)

    disclaimer: no claims made, I'm just a human sharing the stuff I make for myself.

  • Venus in Cancer 10 Hour Affirmations (with echos and sound fx) - HEALTHY LOVE LIFE AND HEALTHY ATTACHMENT STYLE (get the non-echoy sound fx one here:

    Venus moves into Cancer 6/16/24 but this is also good for anyone who resonates with venus in cancer with strong venus and/or cancer placements, as well as for anyone who is feeling ready to align with healthier relationship attachments and boundaries.


    My love life is dependable. I can count on those I am in love with. Those I love, also love me. My love is solid, reliable and expressed and felt in ways that signify a healthy attachment style. I have a healthy, stable attachment style. I can depend on myself, but I don’t need to because others love me so much. It’s safe for me to open up and be vulnerable. I am met with kindness, compassion and genuine heartfelt connection. My world is safe and secure in all manners related to love and relationships. I feel like I live in a cocoon of pink fluffy clouds full of the energy of unconditional kindness, compassion and love.

    As a human with an overly active imagination, unpredictable attention span, and intense emotionality, I like to have positive messages on in the background of my day and night as much as possible as it helps keep 1 tab open in my brain of JUST that. I believe it can help us reprogram ourselves so that our outer world reflects more of what we focus on by listening to audios like this. And the best part: I also believe you don’t have to pay attention. Just having it on the in the background, in my opinion (I’m not making any claims), creates a positive difference for me personally.

    I have recorded two different kinds: 1 calm, without effects (this one). The other with echo effects (I prefer, but I've had feedback some don't, hence both).

    Both have subliminal messages in the background that repeat this 411,786 times: “I AM and All is Well.”

    The background audio may sound a little “Strange” but it has been programmed in accordance with that which I refer to as my guides/intuition with intention of being the most powerful background audio to serve you for any and all supraliminal (the affirmations you hear) messages. It has been charged and activated and took over 12 hours to create for you. Listen with or without headphones, any speed you like.

    Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only. You take responsibility for your well being by listening. Love you.

    Learn more:

  • Venus in Cancer 10 Hour Affirmations (calm - no fx) - HEALTHY LOVE LIFE AND HEALTHY ATTACHMENT STYLE

    Venus moves into Cancter 6/16/24 but this is also good for anyone who resonates with venus in cancer with strong venus and/or cancer placements, as well as for anyone who is feeling ready to align with healthier relationship attachments and boundaries.


    My love life is dependable. I can count on those I am in love with. Those I love, also love me. My love is solid, reliable and expressed and felt in ways that signify a healthy attachment style. I have a healthy, stable attachment style. I can depend on myself, but I don’t need to because others love me so much. It’s safe for me to open up and be vulnerable. I am met with kindness, compassion and genuine heartfelt connection. My world is safe and secure in all manners related to love and relationships. I feel like I live in a cocoon of pink fluffy clouds full of the energy of unconditional kindness, compassion and love.

    As a human with an overly active imagination, unpredictable attention span, and intense emotionality, I like to have positive messages on in the background of my day and night as much as possible as it helps keep 1 tab open in my brain of JUST that. I believe it can help us reprogram ourselves so that our outer world reflects more of what we focus on by listening to audios like this. And the best part: I also believe you don’t have to pay attention. Just having it on the in the background, in my opinion (I’m not making any claims), creates a positive difference for me personally.

    I have recorded two different kinds: 1 calm, without effects (this one). The other with echo effects (I prefer, but I've had feedback some don't, hence both).

    Both have subliminal messages in the background that repeat this 411,786 times: “I AM and All is Well.”

    The background audio may sound a little “Strange” but it has been programmed in accordance with that which I refer to as my guides/intuition with intention of being the most powerful background audio to serve you for any and all supraliminal (the affirmations you hear) messages. It has been charged and activated and took over 12 hours to create for you. Listen with or without headphones, any speed you like.

    Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only. You take responsibility for your well being by listening. Love you.

    Learn more:

  • 15 minutes of self-hypnosis with over 250k affirmations in the background designed to help you saturate your Mind with this truth: YOU HAVE ALL THE RESOURCES YOU COULD EVER POSSIBLY NEED TO DO ALL THE CREATIVE PROJECTS THAT MOST LIGHT YOU UP AND MAKE YOU MOST HAPPY.

    Starts at 1:06

    Only one of the many positive subliminal statements can be heard in this: I have all the resources and equipment that I need to do all the creative things I would like to do.

    Get short (1-3 minute) "power subs" as I call them, short little subliminal BURSTS with anywhere from a few hundred to a few MILLION affirmations in under 3 minutes.

    Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only and you take responsibility for yourself by listening.

  • This loops a much shorter statement than I had planned, but the Universe created a scenario in which the energy just HAD to end there and I couldn't return to it after. Not that you NEED to know this, I just find it interesting how interference created this as it's almost as if my human-logicing was suggesting I needed to "do more" before i post this but circamstances literally made it so I could not - helping force me to look at that old belief to let it go. If you too have been "overpouring" yourself into projects (especially if it appears to be in settings where you are being undervalued, something I also manfested heaps of illusory evidence of, despite it absolutely not being true for either of us) and just can't do it any more, may this be the message you requested that reminds you it's okay. You're still infinitely valuable no matter what you do, further, you gave and gave all your life. It is time to receive!

    In the background is this:

    8 Hour Subliminal For Living Your Most Miraculous Life set to rain I recorded in Vermont. This is a blend of the following subliminals:

    Wealthy right now: Ultimate self concept (my fave video): Perfect timing: Every decision you make is correct: Too psychic to be bothered: (basically just means you KNOW like you KNOW like you KNOW that everything is working out for you) "I am the center of my Universe" Judgement Release:

    Plus an unreleased repition of: "my life is miraculous"

    Here you can kind of see using the 5 min marker, if you add up each one, it averages over 1 million affirmations per minute! (If reading this somewhere within images go here to see what I'm talking about:

    Only positive benefits are possible with this. Trust yourself and if you feel called to listen, perhaps there's a reason. keep track of the positive changes that appear to happen in your life the day after going to sleep listening to this or use this on another tab while you have the 8 hour timeline jumping meditation on (the episode released right before this).


    disclaimer: you take full responsibility for your results and safety by listening to this.

  • 8 Hour Subliminal For Living Your Most Miraculous Life set to rain I recorded in Vermont. This is a blend of the following subliminals:

    Wealthy right now: Ultimate self concept (my fave video): Perfect timing: Every decision you make is correct: Too psychic to be bothered: (basically just means you KNOW like you KNOW like you KNOW that everything is working out for you) "I am the center of my Universe" Judgement Release:

    Plus an unreleased repition of: "my life is miraculous"

    Here you can kind of see using the 5 min marker, if you add up each one, it averages over 1 million affirmations per minute!

    Only positive benefits are possible with this. Trust yourself and if you feel called to listen, perhaps there's a reason. keep track of the positive changes that appear to happen in your life the day after going to sleep listening to this or use this on another tab while you have the 8 hour timeline jumping meditation on (the episode released right before this).

    disclaimer: you take full responsibility for your results and safety by listening to this.

  • This is part of a 21-day challenge you manifested to change your reality in a big/grand way over the next few weeks of listening to this while you sleep. Trust and know you attracted this into your reality to make things easier on yourself. You're ready for a quantum shift and it only takes the SLIGHTEST WILLINGNESS to be open and ready to shift to see big results, because all that you are (beyond just the physical) is lining up with you to assist you at this time.

    The 11 min of channelled positive messages are 800x sped up in the background with reverb effects that has the message repeating 8x on top of that for this whole 8 hour experience, DEEEPLY saturating your subconscious while you sleep with the subliminals.

    I recommend listening to this (or other similar audio that calls you, if applicable, always listen to YOU) for 21 days (that's what I'm doing!) to see how it goes.

    I also just started making "short burst" subliminals too because I've come to LOVE these as "quick fixes" during a packed day. Check them out here and let me know in the comments of those videos if you think it's something you'd like on the podcast too.

    Remember, you co-created this experience for yourself when the time would be right. Listen, allow, and enjoy.

    Get more at

    Disclaimer: You take full responsibility for your safety (no heavy machine operating, obv), results and experience by listening to this, how cool are you?

  • This is a 10-hour energy transmission for the collective that is currently waking up. To everyone remembering who they are, or ready to, this is for you. I'm proud of us. What do you think the future brings?

    I don't like the advisory video I made, I'll upload and link here in the future if I make a new one, but in the meantime here's what I wanted to say and what the advisory is: If you are dealing with mental health in a way that has you scared of depersonalization, I GET IT. Do not listen to this please, unless you're ready for letting go of attachment to an old identity and to enter into something new for you.

    Disclaimer in general: I make no claims about anything I offer. You take full responsibility by listening and you take responsibility to listen safely (no operating heavy machinery and things like that). I'm just a human sharing my journey and the things I channel. I hope they serve.

  • In accordance with Divine Will.

    Learn more about me at

    Get more from mypodcast Incandescent: Https://

    I channeled the background music for this energy transmission. For more musical energy transmissions from me (aka songs, lol) head to my artist channel: Https://



    Disclaimer: This is for entertainmeny purposes only. You are responsible for yourself by listening. And you are truly amazing.

  • 3 Minute Devotional Song with Spoken Guidance for Praising Source/God for making a way where it appears there is none

    If you feel the physical evidence in your world makes it so it's unlikely things will work out for you: this is just an illusion. And it's temporary. Take care of yourself and do everything you can to take care of YOU. If you feel called to make this part of your self care, it's my deepest desrie this helps you feels celebratory in advance of that which we call "Evidence" for celebration (trust me, I get it, we WANT the physical evidence, but darling we ARE the evidence).

    Get more of my original praise music, cover songs, and musical energy activations here:

    I LOVE YOU and I so hope this served.

    Oh, hey! I'm working on the release of The Weekend Retreat Album. It helped me immensely and I can't wait for it to better serve YOU! So, I'm releasing a song a day as I "finalize" them:

    Honestly, I know my tech is a bit lo-fi and I should probably hire someone to do the real producing, but I'm modeling what I preach and I truly believe if the ability to hire people who specialize in audio engineering (which, for the record, if you're looking for someone I highly recommend Tom Kelly from Clean Cut Audio: is meant to come I won't have to look for it; I'll either be inspired to some idea that leads to the funding, or it will just fall on my lap. And that in the meantime I MAKE THE BEST of everything I'm given and CREATE, CREATE, CREATE as it's all my bones wanna do while I'm in a season of unintended isolation.

    That which we are has been SCHOOLING me hard. I'm done denying the truly incredible nature of that which we are (who I'm still MEETING btw), for we came here in THIS LIFETIME to remember. And dude, I'm taking it easy; there is SO MUCH to learn. I'm still taking SO MUCH for granted just because we gave ourselves SO MUCH amazingness everywhere we look, it's a lot to take in. But remember, dear One, it's all You. You are this magnificent being we call reality. We can trust in Ourself again. What happens when we do? Do those aspects of us who always wanted the trust romantic story of a lifetime get it? Do those of us who always wanted to see the world get to? Do those of us who've been keeping our gifts and identities bottled up inside because they weren't acceptable to the initial timeline we entered into get to come out and play in the grandest of ways?

    I don't "know" what happens next but I have beautiful feelings about it and I know this: Love wings. Haha I meant to write "wins" but I love that it came out as wings. (twice actually, I had to edit a second typo XD). I mean, who doesn't love wings?

    Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment and you take full responsibility by listening. YOU ROCK

  • Sleep Talk Down for Those Going Through Ascension and Having a Hard Time Sleeping

    THIS IS VERY SPECIFIC and not for everyone, click away if you don't feel called.

    Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only and you take full responsibility of your wellbeing by listening.

  • 5 Minute Meditation - Be A Star Today (starlight healing | star embodiment meditation)

    Hello dear star, may today be filled with Your Divine Light. May you feel So Loved as you enjoy this simple 5 minute meditation for aligning with your greatest good in accordance with the greatest good of all.

    I know the accompanying video may be confusing as it's apparently of the ocean and birds and fish and stars and the guidance is only about stars, but what isn't a star? And further, the video of the ocean, fish and birds was taken UNDER starlight and it was during that walk that this message came in. Enjoy the energy of the video or close or your eyes, you're your own best guide dear perfect one.

    If you want more of my meditations, make sure to follow both my meditation channel: and my podcast Incandescent

    If you like the music it's from my EP by my artsit name Holographic Universe, the song is titled Nature's Conversations and I am pretty sure it's easily my favorite off that first album. Follow that artist account wherever you listen to music for more relaxing meditation music like that by Marisa Imon.

    If you'd like music with lyrics, I started a new artist account to house everything here:

  • 12 Minute Meditation for Receiving Unexpected Miracles, Solutions and Blessings Today - be your own blessing. Be your own miracles. All is well.

    If you liked this be sure to follow my meditation channel on YouTube: and my podcast Incandescent:

    Get the song I mention here:

    And if you're interested you can follow my music artist channel here: Https:// and my vlog/comedy channel here:

    Thanks for being here! Learn more at

  • The Weekend Retreat (Experience the Power of 3,6,9) Entire Album DEMO


    It's just a demo but my guides suggested I release it for you today, 1/4/24. The timestamps below will only work on YouTubem, here's the link (don't forget to subscribe to my channel I do all sorts of weird things over there!):

    0:00 - Welcome/introduction to the album demo and how to work with the audios for your own growth and ascension (truly I don't give you much guidance as you're meant to guide yourself and work with the songs to help you)

    2:40 - 1. Remember (morning transmission #1)

    5:05 - 2. Turn Yourself On (morning transmission #2)

    7:48 - 3. Get Ready (morning transmission #3)

    9:21 - 4. Dive In (afternoon transmission #1)

    11:04 - 5. The Weekend Is Forever (afternoon transmission #2)

    12:34 - 6. You've Been Given A Boost Now (afternoon transmission #3)

    13:44 - 7. The Perfect Even Meditation (a song) (evening transmission #1)

    17:54 - 8. Take the Seat of Your Throne Now (evening transmission #2)

    24:52 - 9. Close Your Eyes and Go to Bed (evening transmission #3)

    If you'd like to support me, please share my podcast and youtube channel with someone you have the intuitive hit that they would resonate. Otherwise, you just being YOU is support enough. I love you, you are brilliant. You are AMAZING.

    If you feel called to reach out, my email is [email protected], I'd love to hear from you! The only other social media besides youtube I'm sometimes on these days is Instagram:

    My podcast can be found at

    Find my current artist names (more coming soon, sheesh) on any music platform:


    Marisa ImĂŽn

    Holographic Universe

    Get a year of free weekly meditations and super-hero challenges delivered to your inbox:

    Learn more a little more about me on my website:

    I'm "not at liberty to discuss my work in any manner" until June 1st (unless a miracle frees me sooner!) so my about page is pretty empty for now.

    Get the very-different-than-any-kind-I've-seen, free manifesting course:

  • End Generational Curses in a New Way (more aligned with Unity Consciousness)

    Has your family gone through a lot of hardships and stayed strong and loving through it all? Perhaps you're here to end the cycle. I don't necessarily believe in "curses" so much as "energy stories" but "generational curses" seems to be the nomenclature for the energy story I'm describing here.

    I am hearing that someone else will have an even more powerful way of handling this/viewing this several years from now, but as of now this is as close to Unity Consciousness's view of this that I can currently access. It was hard to find anything about breaking generational curses in a loving/oneness way. If you found a better resource please share it in the comments, let's help each other out! That said, I already feel so much FREER since channeling this, and I SO hope you do too!!!

    Proud of you. Love you. YOU ARE AMAZING.

    Get my mom's book here (my dad was more than split in half, I kept it as PG as I could for you):

    Split Apart by Marine Imon

    (that's an affiliate link, but somehow I don't think my mom gets paid for her book, there's a lot of "being taken advantage of" energy in my bloodline I am determined to clear out/release)

    Get more from the show at

    You may also like this video where I channel a message on the topic of what to do when you've been mistreated and the other party won't admit it or change:

    Disclaimer: I'm just a human sharing my experiences in hopes they serve. You take responsibility for you by listening. Love you, proud of you.

  • In accordance with your greatest good in alignment with the greatest good of all. This guided meditations does not have music in the background, though I'm being asked/guided to create an 8-hour sleep version with music too so stay tuned. But I was guided to leave this with a plain background so you can pair it up with different music/subliminals/energetics audios that you love played quietly in the background if you should choose.

    Honestly, if you TRULY believe this is your time to shift: IT IS. You don't have to tell anyone about it. I happened to sign up to be a gineau pig in many ways, sharing my experiences first, but even that is shifting for me. I was guided to tell you, shifting is very real. I have experienced it many times, literally waking up with a different "reality" than I went to sleep. Trust yourself, you are perfect. You got this. I love you. I'm proud of you, you're amazing.

    I recommend these practices too to deepen the work you're doing at this time:

    Law of Allowing Channeled Energy Transmission:

    Step Into Your Power Channeled Energy Transmission:

    Improve your Channeling Abilities (no matter your current level):

    New Year's Ascension Meditation (timeless but channeled at end of 2023):

    If you've been following for awhile and are confused why I introduced myself with yet again another new name, I wrote a blog post for you hoping to answer any questions. I've never known my name to just be one specific thing yet in this life, maybe someday I will! For now, it's always seemingly changing. And I love it cuz it's authentically me.

    Further, the people who know me best know my name that isn't listed in the blog post, and I love that.