
  • You owe the US Government $519,000 (and growing).

    That’s how much you (and every other American) needs to pay in order to bring down Uncle Sam’s debt. What’s even crazier is this:

    According to retirement expert Ed Slott, the Federal government can increase their percentage of your savings whenever they need more money — and that day is coming soon.

    So the question is, how much will the government take away from your retirement account?

    In today’s episode, I reveal how you can avoid the government legally taking more of your hard earned money.

    Listen now!

    Show Highlights Include:

    The US government owes over $173,000,000,000,000 in unfunded liabilities. Check out this website to see the exact breakdown U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ( (3:25) How to get to a 0% tax bracket (and transform your retirement) by clicking “add to cart” (4:47) The four letter word that explains why your tax rate could double (or else the country could go bankrupt) (6:05) Excited to get a tax break in 2023? Here’s why doing so could force you to pay taxes at a rate as high as 48% (like in Australia) (7:24) Are you a sitting duck for a revenue hungry Uncle Sam? (8:05)

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  • Walt Disney, JCPenney, and Ray Kroc.

    What do all these ultra-wealthy individuals have in common? They all possess, “The Secret of the Affluent”, as coined by the New York Times. In layman’s terms, they all got ahead in life, not by spending their own money, or taking out a loan, but

    By borrowing against their whole life insurance policy!

    So, why do the ultra-wealthy leverage whole life insurance policies?

    Deposit amounts are unlimited (and NO income limitations)
    No tax on the growth of your account
    No tax when accessed either (if structured correctly)
    Any money left over for your children and grandchildren can NOT be taxed by the money hungry federal government.

    Sounds pretty good, right?

    Well, in today’s episode, I reveal a few more tricks the ultra-wealthy do to amass true wealth, while paying as little in tax as possible.

    Listen now!

    Show Highlights Include:

    The counterintuitive way to earn an extra $2,000 by spending $3,000 (1:11) Bank won’t provide a loan to start your business? Use the “Walt Disney” source of finance to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey (2:12) How Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, used “The Rich Man’s Roth” to create the McDonald's empire (3:51) Access your life savings — tax free — with Tony Robbins’ “Private Placement Life Insurance” (6:03)

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  • Elon Musk can be polarizing, but like him or not he’s saying something about government spending you ignore at your own peril.

    That’s why in today’s episode we’re taking a closer look at the alarm bell he and others are ringing loud and clear. You’ll know why this matters so much, and why you should urgently protect your savings from the volatility lurking around the corner for the American economy.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    Do you suffer from the Ostrich Effect? Why so many Americans put their head in the sand and ignore the national debt. (2:10) Shocking “bottomless pit” the government shovels money into. Swallows even more tax dollars than the military and leaves you with nothing to show for it. (3:30) True source of inflation they don’t want you to know about. (3:47) Can it really be that bad? What would happen if the national debt remains unaddressed. (5:38) Why 53 trillion is the scariest number in economics. (6:05) Real reason Social Security is on the brink of collapse. (8:42) Why conventional retirement accounts have a giant bullseye irresistible to politicians hunting for funds. What to do to protect your savings instead. (11:40)

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  • We’re all human, so if you’re having a problem you can be virtually certain you’re not the only one. Especially when it comes to finances!

    But just because most people have financial struggles doesn’t mean you have to keep suffering right along with them. That’s why in today’s episode I’ll share some common problems that derail the ability to achieve financial goals, and help you see how to keep them from wrecking you too.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    How obeying Parkinson’s Law puts you in financial prison. (1:45) Why most people have a hard time saving, even if they get a big raise every year. Hint: It’s NOT inflation! (7:27) Are you getting mugged in broad daylight by the world’s biggest thief? A simple way to tell. (8:56) Sneaky reason heavily-promoted “tax oasis” is actually a mirage. Recognize this now or you could lose 50% or more of your retirement savings. (12:00)

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  • You’ve heard the best whole life insurance policies can give you return of premium (aka dividends). But you’ve wondered if this feature is too good to be true, or at least exaggerated to sound better than it really is.

    This episode is for you! Because we’re talking more about creating your own banking system, and getting real about the actual potential for dividends.

    I’ll also share "need to know" information so you can set an appropriate death benefit, make loans to yourself the right way, and use infinite banking to save a fortune that you’d otherwise surrender to banks.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    Are dividends overhyped? Real-world examples show how good they can get with good timing and the right funding. (1:17) What to do when your need for finance is greater than your need for life insurance. (3:22) Can you actually have too much death benefit? What my professional experience has taught me. (4:25) “Think like an insurance company” secret to set up your policy to do what you want, without spooking the underwriters. (5:04) Shocking truth about the money you borrowed to buy your last car. You’ll never be able to look at auto loans the same way once you know this. (6:29) How to know when to open additional whole-life policies so you never stretch yourself too thin and don’t miss out on maximizing your banking system. (10:15)

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  • Imagine a savings tool that had:

    Guaranteed growth/return on investment (and we’re not talking under 1% like you get in savings accounts) Liquidity (access your savings income — tax and penalty-free — whenever you want) Borrow against the full amount of your savings (without risk of a margin call) — rather than withdrawing your money. Allowing your savings to continue to snowball and grow!

    And you know what?

    I only mentioned a fraction of the benefits here. In this episode, I reveal the additional 10 benefits this savings tool has. And if your investment vehicle doesn’t have these, you’re putting yourself at risk of inflation, banking greed, and the ever money-hungry Federal government.

    Listen now!

    Show Highlights Include:

    How to get a guaranteed return on your investment until you’re 121 years old (and leave a legacy for your children and their children) (1:35) Why having a “SFC” mechanism could prevent you from depleting all your life savings (1:57) How to unlock your retirement savings without retiring (without incurring a 10% early penalty) (2:53) Scared of your nest egg going down the drain during a recession? Here’s the “WLI” policy that eliminates market volatility from your savings portfolio (3:20) How to borrow against the full amount of your savings (without the risk of a margin call) (3:35) Struggling to keep up with principal + interest repayments on your loan? Here’s how to pay interest only for as long as you want (4:07) How to save as much as you want with no ceiling or cap (even if you earn a million dollars a year) (4:58) The simple way a “WLI” policy allows you to leave a legacy, and hand down your wealth to your children and grandchildren (all inflation proof) (5:45)

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  • You’ve read Nelson Nash’s Becoming Your Own Banker or listened to previous episodes of this podcast where I’ve shared some of the most important ideas and information from his timeless book.

    And now you’re thinking becoming your own banker might be something you should do. So now what?

    How do you do it? Why would you want to? What’s involved to get it going?

    Don’t worry! In today’s podcast I’ll help you with all of those questions. I’ll also share how the whole life insurance companies make their money so you can have confidence your new banking system won’t be built on shaky ground.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    Why failing to understand opportunity cost is keeping you broke. (1:34) A little-known magazine article, from 1993, that reveals the key big business used to turbocharge their profits. And it can unlock wealth for you too. (2:18) The first places you should look if you can’t find the money to start a whole life policy. (3:58) Actuaries, rate makers, and lawyers are all involved in putting together an insurance policy. Here’s what they do and why they’re actually necessary. (6:15) Does smoking “wacky weed” result in wacky rates? Why occasional marijuana use doesn’t always affect your insurance premium. (6:22) How whole life companies make enough money to consistently honor their contracts. (8:50)

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  • Tired of the stranglehold commercial banks have on you? Wouldn’t it be nice to just own your own bank!

    But owning a brick and mortar bank would take years to do and more money than most of us have lying around.

    Thankfully there’s an ethical way to take control of your finances, much like a banker, without all the hurdles to clear and capital to come up with. In this episode I’ll explain what it is, why it’s so much easier than owning a bank, and why more people aren’t using it already.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    What it really takes to open a commercial bank. (1:17) Disturbing truth about the money the bank loans you. (6:36) Wall Street Houdinis–Perilous way banks “create” money out of thin air. It’s legal, and you’re probably enabling it! (7:00) How a proven 200-year old financial product remains underutilized by the people who can benefit from it the most. (9:36)

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  • You already know it’s hard to pay your bills and provide for your future because of inflation.

    But there’s something else chewing up your income. And you probably don’t realize how big a bite this monster is taking. That’s because there’s a clever distraction the banks happily use against you.

    In this episode I’m going to explain to you just what’s going on. And I’ll use examples from Nelson Nash’s classic book to do it. You’ll see how this problem has grabbed Americans’ spending power by the throat, and how you can escape the stranglehold.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    “All-American” secret, ignored by most, that can liberate you from financial struggles. And it’s way more secure than stuffing money under your mattress. (1:31) The three things Americans spend nearly all their money on: The actual percentages will shock you. (3:10) Why financing is involved in any purchase you make, even if you pay cash. (4:24) How moving at least once every 10 years makes your bank love you. (5:37) What to look for instead of interest rates. Ignore it and you’ll get buried by interest even if rates are historically low. (9:08)

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  • There’s a big money problem that is slowly crippling the entire country.

    It’s been two years since I talked about this on my podcast, but I’m doing it again in this episode because the problem is only getting worse.

    I’ll also share a solution to this problem, and why the best thing you can do for yourself is also good for your nation: whether you consider yourself patriotic or not.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    The question Jesus asked a lame man that can help you get back on your financial feet. (2:32) Behind-the-curtain look at how the Federal Reserve conspires with banks (3:21) “Messed up” legislation, passed in 2010, that forces you to spend your money to rescue your bank, no matter how irresponsible they were. (3:36) Common sense way to fight inflation without aiding and abetting the bank. And it’s way more secure than stuffing money under your mattress. (4:51) Buying real estate? Why banks and mortgage companies don’t mind (and won’t penalize you) if you’ve already taken out loans against your whole life insurance. (7:11)

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  • Albert Einstein is credited with saying “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.” And one of the perks of IBC is that compound interest can work in your favor, even when you borrow against your whole life policy.

    But does that mean you should park all your money in savings accounts, or do you need to keep your money moving?

    It’s a popular debate with a definitive answer. And in this episode I’ll explain a slide used by Nelson Nash to compare compound interest to keeping your money in motion.

    What he discovered might surprise you.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    How to get the biggest impact from the money you borrow from your banking system. (2:58) Why IBC can help you become a profitable landlord without the anxiety and headaches of conventional real estate investing. (3:06) The “Sherwin-Williams secret” that will change how you look at savings accounts forever. (4:32) Real reason banks want you to keep your money in savings accounts. (7:59) Ever wonder why bank vaults aren’t bigger? Here’s why. (8:14)

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    Infinite Banking Mastery (

  • If you’ve owned your own business you know how hard it is just to get the doors open, let alone to keep things running long enough to turn a profit. But did you know that hard-earned wisdom is a great advantage when you apply it to Infinite Banking!

    And if you’re not a business owner, that’s OK. Because in this episode I’ll share and explain one of Nelson Nash’s favorite illustrations so you can learn these important lessons, even if you don’t have an entrepreneurial bone in your body.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    How a grocery store provides a great framework to think about Infinite Banking. (0:48) Secret motivation that propels business owners to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and how you can harness it to stay on track with your financial goals. (5:28) Why a trip down the produce aisle will make you better with money. (6:55) Crippling “owner’s mentality” that destroys small businesses and could also wreck your retirement planning. (8:44) Surprising reason paying more interest saves you money. (11:31)

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  • You’ve heard of Nelson Nash and Infinite Banking, but you might be wondering: how did he come up with this idea in the first place?

    In this episode I’m going to share that interesting story as he explained it in his book. But more importantly, you’ll be able to see how your willingness to learn from everything you do, and apply your unique perspective to your problems, can help you overcome your biggest challenges
even if it feels like you’re at rock bottom.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    - What insurance agents secretly hope you won’t ask them about the products they offer. Could be costing you thousands of dollars! (2:34)
    - Fundamental real estate principle to change how you look at money for good. (4:50)
    - What one of Nelson Nash’s most powerful quotes really means, and how to use it so you don’t stay dependent on commercial banks. (5:47)
    - “Like a baseball bat across the eyes.” Perspective shift that lets you boldly rally from rock bottom, even when things look their worst. (7:38)
    - How to “BYOB” your way to the right funding level for your policy. (10:42)

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  • You’ve heard of Nelson Nash, but you haven’t read his classic book yet. Or you’ve read it, but it’s been awhile. Either way, I’ve got you covered as we look at some of the biggest ideas from Becoming Your Own Banker.

    In this episode we’ll start with his very first page of writing. You’ll see what the banks have figured out, and why learning it for yourself can change your life and your net worth.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    Why Nelson Nash’s book should still be first on your list instead of newer works on IBC. (1:25) “97-3-10 Rule” of wealth accumulation that should shock you out of complacency with your personal finances. (3:17) Two businesses every businessman should be in if they really want financial freedom. (4:15) Surprising similarity between money and water. Understand this and you can win big with your finances. (4:33) Legal way banks use your own money to keep you broke while they thrive. (6:23) The two questions you must answer when wondering if IBC is right for you. (8:17)

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    Infinite Banking Mastery (

  • You know enough about Infinite Banking to know you can use a Whole Life policy to effectively make loans to yourself. But you’ve also heard critics say it takes a long time before you can get access to the funds.

    In this episode, I’ll cut through the confusion to give you a realistic picture of just how soon you’ll have access to funds you can borrow against. I’ll also share why, with some companies, you can now access funds sooner than ever before.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    Critics say it takes forever to access funds in your whole life account. Here’s how to do it in weeks, not years. (1:06) Paying monthly premiums? Here’s how long you should wait to borrow against that account. (3:38) Powerful tool helps you knock out debts while only tapping your account once per year. (3:58) The friendly employee your bank has, but the insurance company doesn’t. And the surprising reason the financially savvy want to keep it that way. (4:55) Really want to borrow against your plan right away? Here’s how to do it with enough cash value to avoid long waits. (6:36) Using your checking or savings account to hold a big down payment on a house? Where you could put that money instead so it works harder and more efficiently for you. (7:18) How the Paid Up Additions rider works so efficiently, and what to look for so you don’t get surprised when it’s time to move your money. (8:30)

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  • There are different reasons people think Infinite Banking couldn’t work for them. But the most common concerns are age, health, and income.

    If you’ve ever wondered “Am I too old?” or “Do I have enough money?” or “Will my high blood pressure get in the way?” this is your episode!

    I’ll explain what factors are most important to qualify for the whole life coverage you need for efficient Infinite Banking. And I’ll share strategies you can use to get this coverage even if your health isn’t as good as it used to be.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    Your biggest concerns about your ability to get coverage aren’t really the biggest concerns. The single factor that trumps both your age and your income. (0:45) Want to insure a relative? It’s possible, but not always as easy as you think. (0:56) “No risk” way to consider underwriting even if you have common health issues like high blood pressure or high cholesterol. (2:05) The practical reason to be completely honest filling out paperwork about medical conditions. (2:37) “Big picture” view of insurance ratings and how the different rate classes affect Infinite Banking. (4:16) Rating class too low for a whole life policy that works great with IBC? Do this immediately. (5:02) Waiting until your health improves before you get coverage could be the biggest mistake of your life. Here’s what to do instead. (5:48) Why a lower health rating doesn’t drive up IBC costs as high as you think. (9:32) Definitive answer to the age-old question: “Can IBC really work for me?” (10:58)

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  • When a couple comes to me with one income earner and a “stay at home” spouse, they usually think they should only insure the one earning the income.

    But this is a perilous decision that leaves you exposed to financial vulnerabilities that are hiding in your blind spot.

    In this episode, I’ll shine a light on those dangers, and show you how you can get the coverage you need even if you think it’s currently beyond your ability.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    “Hiding in plain sight” reason breadwinners miscalculate how much coverage their spouse needs. (1:29) Dark way your emotions betray you in IBC planning. (6:30) Why all the benefits of IBC can’t save you if you refuse to be honest about your insurance needs. (7:55) Strategic way to use term life to cover your spouse if whole life isn’t an option. (9:00) Secret reason the ultra-rich put whole life coverage on their stay-at-home spouse, even though they don’t need the death benefit. (11:52)

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  • You know IBC is flexible enough to utilize for all sorts of financial plans. And if you plan to use your banking system to help you finance things like cars or college you might be wondering: “Should I have different policies for different uses, or is it fine to do everything I want from one policy?”

    It’s a great question, and in this episode, you’ll hear why the answer largely depends on where you are in your IBC journey, and what you want to accomplish.

    I’ll also explain when one Whole Life policy is enough, and when you should have several.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    Why it’s better to start IBC as high as your budget will allow instead of starting lower and increasing later. (1:18) Dangerous thing some Whole Life companies allow that could destroy your IBC system. Especially if you don’t read your mail every day. (2:20) “Irreplaceable” asset you lose forever by starting small to test out IBC. (4:50) Surprising ways to make arrangements for yourself and your family, even if you can’t afford a plan for every family member right now. (6:50) What Infinite Banking can do for your young scholar that a college savings plan can’t. (9:12) How multiple policies can save you from accounting nightmares, especially if you don’t like keeping close track of everything yourself. (10:35)

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  • You’ve heard about the flexibility Infinite Banking provides, but you might be wondering: Can I pull income from my IBC plan in my retirement?

    The short answer is a resounding “Yes!”

    But there are a few things you’ve got to keep in mind before you rush to take out funds.

    That’s why in this episode I’ll explain how it works, and what to watch out for so you don’t make a very expensive mistake.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    What’s the difference between building a policy in a more traditional way vs. building for IBC. (2:00) Will Dave Ramsey ever like Whole Life insurance? Why Valerie thinks he’d never admit it, even if he secretly changed his mind. (6:00) “Should I go for a low base premium?” Why this trend is a choice you’ll regret. (8:06) How to balance your policy so you aren’t low on cash when you need it the most. (9:51) A whole life contract you don’t have to pay premiums on for your whole life? It’s possible! Details here. (10:32) Why the strategy for repaying loans to yourself changes once you hit retirement. (11:32) Two lurking dangers waiting to ruin you if you don’t structure how you borrow against your policy. (12:20) What a policy lapse is, and why it’s especially bad if you’re in retirement age. (15:04) 10 years away from retirement. Is it too late to prepare? Valerie’s answer. (15:42)

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    Infinite Banking Mastery (

  • With traditional methods, you can do one of two things with your money: Spend it, or save it.

    If you spend it, that money’s gone and can’t be used for anything else. And since you’ve spent it, it can’t appreciate for you: meaning you miss out on more than just the face value you spent.

    That’s why it’s important to think about opportunity cost: the dollars you really miss out on when you have to spend your resources instead of saving or investing them.

    In this episode I’ll explain exactly what I mean by this. I’ll also share how IBC can safeguard you from squandering a fortune in opportunity costs.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    How IBC lets you “have your cake and eat it too” with your money. (2:57) What is “opportunity cost” anyway? Crystal clear definition to eliminate confusion. (3:03) Sneaky way car payments keep you broke, even if they’re well within your budget. (3:52) How to spend today without compromising your savings for tomorrow. (8:17)

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    Infinite Banking Mastery (